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Everything posted by BK1978

  1. Do these episodes really need to be an hour and a half long. It makes me miss the first half hour of Snowfall which is not cool MTV (I don't have a DVR). Jordan is not coming across all that well thus far. I thought he disliked Johnny, yet they seem to be working together. I was not a fan of Georgia saying her friend was protected until the end. I would not have been sad to see Georgia go, but I knew she wasn't because MTV spoiled it last week when they showed stuff that would be happening throughout the season.
  2. I am ashamed to admit it but I had forgotten all about Amanda vs. GM until you just brought it up. Shoot I guess Gerry's poop hands has to be removed from the board because that fight was fantastic.
  3. There are three Big Brother fights that I really love. There was the Big Brother 10 birthday fight, the argument about Gerry not washing his hands during Big Brother 3, and Rockstar's daughter's birthday fight. I honestly do not know which I enjoy the most. All three crack me up every time I think about them. The way Brett was looking at Rockstar when she was up in his face yelling was what made the fight for me. You could tell he wanted to laugh his ass off but he had to hold it in. If it were me I would not be able to restrain myself, I would have been laughing right in her face.
  4. That is hilarious, I wish they had shown us that. One thing interesting about Simon's first vote out was that he seemed to blame/was mad at Luke and Harry for his elimination (It seemed he was more mad at Luke). Whereas Pia and Janine seemed to be more angry/placed more blame on Abbey. I wonder if it was a case of Pia and Janine underestimating Abbey and thinking Abbey would be a good soldier and willingly finish in third place. Maybe it was because they were expecting something like that from Luke but not Abbey. I just find the whole situation very interesting. One thing I will say is I really do not dislike anyone in the final six and I would be cool with any of them winning. Usually there is always, at the very least, one person who I would hate to see win. But once Daisy left the game she was the last "one person" who I would not want to see win the game. I honestly think Baden winning would be the best story. The self-admitted socially inept guy who everyone thought would suck at challenges, going on to not only be a threat to win Immunity but also a very sociable guy. It would be a fantastic story.
  5. I was thinking about this before and I wonder if it is because she is a woman. Now normally I see people post what I just posted and I think they are in conspiracy mode. But what else could it possibly be? She has played a near identical game to him. In my book she is not riding any coattails. So for anyone to think that I would have to come to the assumption that because she's a woman some people would negate what she's done thus far. I will say this, if I was in the house and on the jury I would award the win to her over him. She is leaps and bounds more likable and they have won pretty much the same. Likability would be the deciding factor. How creepy would that storage facility be? Because there are more than one of those creepy clowns and you know their asses come to life at night.
  6. Watching Simon hunt for an Idol honestly made me wonder if he had ever watched the show before. I mean the guy was digging holes in the ground...the hell? If it were mean I would be searching near the well, near or in the shelter, or any nature object that looked weird. I would not be digging holes on the beach. There is no episode Sunday and the last two episodes of the season are on Monday and Tuesday. Is that correct?
  7. I am not sure why I noticed this, and it is not like I was actively looking but I have noticed that none of the women had armpit hair or at least noticeable armpit hair. You would think after forty days they would have some, but I guess they must have access to razors or something. This is not a fetish thing, it was just something I noticed and found interesting.😁 Interesting that they decided to take Simon out when they did. Mainly because what if Daisy wins the challenge and comes back to the game? That would mean Luke and Abbey would be the minority of this new alliance. It was funny to see Pia and Janine's reactions though. Also, I loved when Janine made the cocky comment to Harry (I am paraphrasing here), "Well you contenders put yourselves in this mess." After she made that comment I was so happy that the blindside went through. I hate when people get cocky. That was why I did not like Matt and to a lesser extent Daisy. I will say I did like Dave's cockiness because I always felt it was more tongue in cheek. Whereas Janine came across as more arrogance.
  8. When I read that article the other day (when it was posted in the Live Feeds thread) I remember thinking, "I think Jenn City said more in that article than she did the entire season." I honestly had forgotten a lot about the whole situation so that article was a very interesting read. For instance I did not even remember that Jenn City had won the veto and I did not remember Chef Joe being in the house at the time.
  9. A shower and a shave for me. I hate having just two days worth of beard growth on my face, I would be going nuts with thirty plus days of beard growth. It does seem that Janine might have blinders when it comes to Luke. She's pretty much saved him twice, when it probably was not in her best interest to do so. I do think it is admirable of her that she seems to have such strong loyalty to him, but it might end up biting her in the ass. I am not buying her saving him because she wanted Daisy gone instead as her reasoning. From what we have been shown, she and Luke seem to have a real friendship or as real as one could have on a show like this.
  10. Wow I never heard that either. Is she still married? Not making any judgments here, just wanted to know if she willingly cheated on her husband with that walking turd. I guess I am learning all sorts of new things about previous seasons. I also did not know that Meg had knee surgery before her season and that was probably why she was so terrible at challenges.
  11. I think you are right or that was the impression that I got from it. I was just watching season two (I had forgotten that I had watched it when it first came out and so I spent the entire time saying to myself, "This looks familiar, did I see this?") and the one thing that really bugged me was the damn gun. How many bullets did that gun have? You never see it being reloaded but it must have been fired like thirty times throughout the show.
  12. Now wait a second, Jerry from season 10 of Big Brother was in his 70's, had grandkids and he was fighting with people. You are never too old to make a jackass out of yourself on reality television.
  13. Even Hayden's bro alliance would not have worked without their side alliances (Brittney). That was actually a brilliant idea, have a four core person alliance and have each of the four have someone outside of the alliance who they are really close with. Granted I was not a fan of them (sort of a fan of Enzo) but still I have to give credit where credit is due.
  14. I gave your post a laugh emoji for this line in particular (though I enjoyed the rest of it). I am not sure why it made me laugh so much but it did.
  15. I have said it before, but I never understand when someone wants to vote out people of the same gender or be in an alliance with only people of their same gender. It just does not seem like good gameplay to me. You have to go for threats regardless of gender. Also, I think in theory having a mixed gender alliance is good because some people might not be open to talking about certain things with members of the other gender. Therefore, if you have both women and men in your alliance you have all of your bases covered. So she is basically going to be Lisa from season three.
  16. I think that both Jackson and Holly would, if they knew for a fact their necks were on the line. The others...not so much.
  17. I have an uncle like that. You have to walk on egg shells any time you are around him and you never know what will set him off. I remember one time when I was a teenager he sneezed and I sneezed directly after him. He gave me the stare of death and then asked if I was making fun of him. I had no clue what was going on and I thought he was joking, but no he was pissed that I sneezed directly after he sneezed. He was not that great. Basically Josh tried to spout some words of wisdom at CT. CT being the juice head that he is, got pissed and they started jawing back and forth. CT then got right up in Josh's face and security had to separate the two of them. You are totally right and I never got that. I mean if an good looking older woman was interested in me I would be all for it. Off the top of my head I think there have only been two times when I was honestly pissed over an outcome of a reality show. One was when Parvati beat Amanda on Survivor (Not so much that Amanda lost but that Cirie lost. That should have been a final three and Cirie should have mopped the floor with both of them. Instead Parvati won and now we have to live with the myth that Parvati is the best female winner. Which I disagree with, I would say both Kim and Denise had more impressive wins. But I guess we also have to live with the myth that Boston Rob is the best male winner, which I once again disagree with.) and the other time was when Ian beat Dan. Maybe Evil Dead or Friday the 13th were their inspirations for the theme. Why waste an HOH on getting Jess out? That just boggles my mind.
  18. Yeah what was up with CT's eyes they did look odd. I guess years of hard living are starting to catch up to him. I thought Laurel was always openly Bisexual (Or Pansexual, I am not sure which she classifies herself as). I always want Leroy to do good because he seems like someone who I would be friends with in real life. But man does he suck at this show.
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