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Everything posted by BK1978

  1. I watched it on Dailymotion. Specifically TvTubes' channel.
  2. Before the thread got locked (I can never recall when that usually happens) I just wanted to thank all of the Live Feed posters, the mods, and everyone else who has posted in this thread. You folks made a shitty season worth watching and I always enjoy reading what everyone has to say. I would thank people individually but that list would be far too long and I might come across as being a little too much like Tommy. "I love you all. I am so obsessed with you." But I would like to especially thank the mods in this thread. I often have this feeling that I should not post in this thread because I am not a Live Feed viewer and therefore cannot really comment on what is going on. That is why I often go off-topic so much. The mods have always been cool with the fact that most of my posts do not have anything to directly do with what is going on (Or maybe I just feel that way and my posts are not as off-topic as I think they are). For that I am, and I hate to use this word, grateful to the mods for not yelling at me to keep it on topic. If this was TWOP, I probably would have been banned from posting by now.😄 Once again thank you all for making this enjoyable to watch and I am sure I will see some of you in the Survivor and Challenge threads (Though I tend to not post much in either thread or not compared to what I post here). If not then I hope everyone has a happy and safe year and I will hopefully see you all next summer.
  3. I forgot to add, this is not a spoiler just a feeling. But I do agree with someone else who posted this, I think the winner of this season will be a woman. I am not sure who or why I have that feeling but just going by this episode that is the feeling I got.
  4. I can't stand her either. I thought I was the only one, glad to see others feel the same way. I have been singing the praises of Australian Survivor all over the Big Brother threads, might as well do so here. Seriously though, if you need a summer Survivor fix I would suggest checking it out. There are far too many castaways and they do corny shit like have the family members at the final Immunity Challenge and FTC. But all and all it is really good and they usually do a good job on focusing on every castaway so you really get to know them. I say usually, because they did not do a great job during the last season. Yeah I saw that. That was bullshit. I am very familiar with Brockton, I once had my car die in the middle of an intersection there. Not a fond memory of the hometown of Rocky Marciano. I will say this, I had high hopes for this season because there are three people from Rhode Island (my home State) and a couple of other New Englanders (Or at least in Tom's case someone who currently lives in New England. He is from Canada.) on the show. Usually they go overboard in casting folks from California or New York, so it is good to see my home state being overrepresented. Got to go with Jamal as my early favorite thus far because he was great at the challenge and he's from RI. See now you reminded me of Mike Boogie and that is not someone I needed to be reminded of. Yeah I feel the exact same way. I do not like either of them and I think they are both overrated but both do occasionally make me laugh. Yes I said overrated. I took Rob four tries to win (Though he did play the best game in All-Stars) and when he eventually won it was because the cast basically bowed down to him and let him win. Sandra beat Lil. Lil...I could have beaten Lil. When Sandra thought she was going to be voted out on PI she dumped all their food. When she played again she beat Parvati and Russell. She was willing to go with the Heroes at the merge and probably get eliminated. The Heroes were too stupid to work with her. Sure winning Survivor takes some luck, but Sandra has had a horseshoe up her ass the two times she's won. I had another post quoted here but I deleted it... I'm just going to say that EoE didn't happen. Shoot I can't even remember the name of the winner off the top of my head. He's just the dude that was voted out third in my memory. That's nothing, Australian Survivor has 24 people at the start and the game last 50 days. They also have multiple non-elimination episodes.
  5. Nicole looks really pretty here. I love the look on her face when she realizes that she won. Also, I noticed during the live show Ovi crying when he heard Nicole won. Not washing his hands aside, that was cool to see (Yes I am a bit of a sap) and it shows me that Ovi is a real person. Not one of the fake people we often see on shows like this. He seemed to be actually happy that his friend won.
  6. Whoa now, how dear you! You are a traitor to America. Everyone knows that this is the land of Dunkin' Donuts. That Canadian menace tried to befoul my state and we kicked them out. I then said, in my most brainwashed voice, "I want to go shopping at the Brick because Arisa has told me to do so." Obviously I am joking, but I do feel the need to post this disclaimer because I have posted stuff like this in the past on other boards and people have gotten offended. Seriously though, there was a TH opened in my state and I sadly did not last. I think I went there once and it was good. I think he had that look in the house as well, because I remember thinking, "Is he on Rumspringa?" Come on I just got that image out of my head and then you have to bring it back. Thanks... Not thrilled that Jackson won, but to quote the late great Macho Man Randy Savage, naturally it was a coke fueled promo, "It is, what it is. Oh yeah dig it. Snap into a Slim Jim." I would have rather Holly win but in the end the person who dominated the game won. I did find it funny that he was miserable.
  7. You did not miss much. From what I saw of the last BBCAN season it was pretty terrible. The cast was not very likable. I stopped watching about four weeks in after YouTube kept pulling episodes so quickly and I never made the effort to go searching for the rest of the season.
  8. It is funny I enjoyed Roanoke as well, but nobody seemed to like it. I also hated Hotel with a passion (it was the only season I did not watch until the end) and nearly everyone who watches the show loves that season. In fact, I get a ton of hate for saying I hate Hotel on another forum I post on. I have watched Supernatural from the very first episode and for some reason I completely forgot that Mitch was on there and played Sam and Dean's grandfather. To me Mitch will always be Skinner. In fact, the moment he showed up on screen during this episode I said to myself, "Oh cool Skinner is on here!" I love 80's Slasher movies so I do have sort of high hopes for this season. I did not find anything egregiously bad about the first episode. Then again I did not think it was great either. As someone said before, I am getting a Slasher (Canadian show) vibe from this and those shows were always entertaining to me.
  9. The Brick...all they ever talk about is the fucking Brick on that show. It got to the point that I had to go on The Brick's website to see what was sold there because the show had brainwashed me so much. The only thing I ever saw from the UK version was Leo Sayer's fantastic meltdown and exit from the show because Big Brother would not give him clean underwear...
  10. Derrick was on Dr. Phil two days ago. He was part of a panel of experts talking about a murder case.
  11. Crazy Kristie FTW! The last season of Aussie Survivor just wrapped up and it was really good. I have been trying to promote where I can. Because it was so much better than the last American season. As a Yankees fan I am happy for this. But as a Yankees fan I am realistic to understand that they do not have the pitching to beat Houston. Maybe the Twins but not Houston. I love that Cliff's remark about not voting for Jackson, has really gotten to Jackson so much.
  12. For me it will always be Diane Keaton. My buddy used to always crack on me for that. I would get, "You really think that old chick is hot?" Yes I do and I still do. That is an interesting theory. I mean socially I would probably be more like Steve and Ian and I was not fond of either of them. But then again, intelligence wise I am not like either of them. I am not sure I was just trying to do a mental rundown of all of my favorites from previous seasons and I would say that there are some I am like and others that I am not like. For instance, Marcellas was my one of my favorite players and the reason why I started to watch the show in the first place. But I am not black, gay, or have an over the top extroverted personality like him. That being said there was something I just liked about him and I enjoyed his friendship with Amy. But the weird thing is I remember being a fan of Anthony (the guy who was bullied by Rocky) from Survivor: Fiji. Once again on the surface he and I were not the same. However, personality wise we were very similar and I think that is why I wanted to see him win. So I can see your theory being both true and false in regards to me. I started to believe the challenges were "fixed" during season 6. It just seemed weird how one side would win the HOH one week then the other would win it the next. Maybe I was just over thinking, but ever since then I do think they "fix" certain challenges for one person or alliance. Maybe he was trying to recrate the Han Solo line for Empire Strikes Back. No I was in the same boat as you. But then again I often feel like Rudy on the original season of Survivor when Jeff Probst did the whole story telling challenge (I wish they would bring that challenge back) and Rudy did not pay attention. Then when it came to the actual challenge he kept on saying, "I don't know", to every question. There is a girl on The Challenge named Georgia that might give Kat a run for her money. I do not get it. If I were in the house I would be lying my ass off every chance I get. If someone was dumb enough to think a man-to-man handshake was a binding contract, I would let them. Then I would just turn around and do whatever I wanted to. She has worn it before, I think on the final night of her first HOH. Because I remember posting that I did not normally find her attractive but she looked really good in that dress (Which I guess is a romper. I did not notice the shorts and just thought it was a dress). I honestly do not see Holly as an undeserving woman. Do I think the jury will vote for her over Jackson? Probably not, but she did win two HOH's and that has to count for something.
  13. That might be the case for some people. I would not call what she did as being a bully, I will say savage in that she did destroy his game utterly and any argument he tried to mount in his favor. But that was what she was supposed to do and I liked it. I loved that the two people who were seemingly going to be first boots on their respective tribes ended up in the final two. That is something you hardly ever see (I am not sure if it has ever happened). Thank you for this. Interesting that is no... @TallulahBelle: You know I completely forgot they had their family members at the final IC last year. I am not sure if I blocked out that season or what but I really do not remember it all that well. Which is odd because that season had my favorite winner of Survivor Australia so you would think I would recall it better.
  14. Exactly. I was getting used to Cara being disliked by me after being a fan of her for years (She does look really cute with the short hair though.). Then this psycho had to make me like Cara all over again. But damn did Georgia look amazing in that yellow dress. I think Laurel might have mental problems. That reaction was just psychotic, the look in her eyes when she made the DX crotch chop was just beyond insane. I am not a fan of Ashley at all, but when she to Johnny (I am paraphrasing here)…"I've one twice and have a million dollars. Some people on here have won a ton of times and don't have anywhere that much." The look on Johnny's face was hilarious. You know he was not happy with that remark. What the hell happened to Team Young Bucks? I thought Corey would be a lifer, I wonder why he has not been back. Laurel is one of those sore losers/sore winners. She is just an over the top, psychotic, bad sport. The funny thing is I used to hate Laurel, then she stopped appearing and when she came back a few seasons ago I actually did not mid her so much. She did not seem like an asshole and I was honestly happy she and Nicole were able to find love. Then tonight reminded me why I disliked her so much.
  15. It is odd but for Aussie Survivor I really do not want to be spoiled. For the American version I get annoyed when there are no spoilers. Not sure why that is the case. Man Pia was absolutely savage when talking about Baden. I felt for the poor guy. Call me naïve, but I thought possibly John, Luke or Daisy would throw him a bone. Therefore, when I found out it was a 9-0 vote I was a little shocked. Harry's mustache looked beyond ridiculous. What was the look he trying to go for 70's pornstar? The whole family at the final Immunity Challenge and at the FTC was a little corny in my opinion. Do they have a Reunion Show? Because there was none posted on the site I watched it on.
  16. Maybe in the Big Brother section but there are other sections of this site where that is not the case. Same here, I was seriously thinking about not watching this season. The Cliff won Camp Comeback and I wanted to see what happened. I am glad I stuck around because while I am not crazy about Jackson winning, I do think he played the best game. Plus I always have a very small glimmer of hope that Nicole might somehow pick up the win. It more than likely will not happen but I have to see it to the end. Same thing happens to me. Every single time I try to bold something on here it bolds everything I write after the bolded word. I try clicking on the B and it never matters, once the bold is locked on it is locked on. So Paul is the Parvati of Big Brother. Nearly every woman who has played on Survivor always list Parvati as their favorite/player they most want to be like. I just do not get it, hell Sandra won twice and nobody says she is their favorite/player they want to be like. Nothing really to add besides the fact that I could not stand Ragen, the dude was such an asshole. I am not sure why this post cracked me up so much, but it did.
  17. I don't like to use this term a lot but that music made me cringe. It was beyond ridiculous. Some of the Juror's reactions were over the top as well. As TVbitch said you would think that someone had died. I have said it before but I honestly do not care who wins. I found this season to be very enjoyable. Especially after the crapfest that was the last season of American Survivor.
  18. Wow that is fucked up. No Canada is in our club as well.
  19. You know I was thinking the other day, why is it we only see fights like these on Big Brother? I do not recall any big back-and-forth arguments like this ever happening on Survivor (granted my memory is not that great). I wonder if it is because BB is such a small environment and therefore you cannot really escape the people that you are arguing with. While on Survivor you can just walk off to the jungle to get some distance. I found it funny when Jackson said he was originally going to stick with Cliff and Nicole, until they started second guessing the vote to keep Holly. Yeah Jackson I am sure you were doing that... He was just looking for a reason to be offended and they served him up that reason.
  20. I have watched almost every show since season three. The only episode I skipped was when Dick and Danielle were in the finals and they were doing a recap episode or something (I am not sure if it was the recap because I remember it just being the two of them as Zach was gone). I was just like, "Fuck this shit, I'm out." I dipped out of Celebrity Big Brother season two as well because honestly Tom Green was the only one I really liked. The rest of them were just there, I did not really dislike any of them but I was not a fan of any of them either. Same here, I cannot stand Josh but I was happy to see Paul fail once again. It does suck that his stupidity has infected the Challenge as well, but if I can watch Paulie on there I can manage to watch Josh on there.
  21. You are right. It is funny that you brought that point up, because I myself have a bad Rhode Island accent and most people cringe when they hear me talk. I mean I am not like Big Tom from Survivor, you would not need subtitles to understand me. I just speak funny, I guess it is because I am a product of my environment. So I should be the last person to be critical of how people sound (But some of their accents are so terrible.).
  22. Yeah I am usually a fan of the British accent. But some of these folks sound terrible. I think Georgia is beautiful but that Cockney (Is that the type she has?) accent has to go. Because in your heart of heats, you are just waiting for Tyler to make his Challenge debut... Ducks quickly as PEACH throws something at me.
  23. Yes he probably will win. But there is always a glimmer of hope. After all everyone said that Tyler was a lock to win and look how that turned out, everyone said Paul was a lock to win both times and look how that turned out, and everyone said that Vanessa was a lock to win and look how that turned out. Granted I fully believe that he will win and it is very much his game to lose. But I have to keep on saying the above because maybe it will be another season where the lock to win, does not win. One more, nobody in their right mind said Cowboy would win and well that is exactly what happened. What is the point of me mentioning this? Nothing really, I just felt the need to make my annual Cowboy was a terrible player joke. One of my all time favorite jury questions was when Marvin asked him. "Cowboy are you a lying racist or a racist liar?"
  24. I have always wondered what that meant. I assume SKD are the initials of his wife and kids. But what does the 143 stand for? Did he say it in the past and I missed it?
  25. For anyone who wants to see this (If posting this here in not okay then please remove this post) and have a laugh. Personally I was glad to see Gary get screwed, I found him to be highly annoying. He is like the one who should not be named...only the Canadian version.
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