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Everything posted by BK1978

  1. For some reason YouTube seems to think that I am Challenge obsessed because my recommended feed is littered with Challenge related videos. This is odd to me because never once did I look up anything Challenge related, the videos just started popping up a week ago. Now let me get to my point. I checked out some of these videos and it was weird seeing even some of the recent regulars who have not been on recently. It made me wonder what happened to them. Like Frank from RW San Diego 2, I thought he was be the next Johnny but he only did a couple of seasons and then he was gone. Vince (Johnny's cousin) Being Johnny's cousin I thought he would become a regular. Dunbar Jonna Mannion Jasmine Reynaud Theresa Gonzalez Tony Raines I can't believe he has been gone for so long. Did he get arrested or something? Get yet another woman pregnant? Preston Roberson-Charles Dario These were just a few that came to my mind when I was thinking about this topic. If anyone else wants to list so past regulars who shockingly no longer play please do so.
  2. The messed up thing about the whole situation is, I was watching an interview with him on some morning show in the U.K. and if I heard him correctly the bottle was intentionally aimed at his eye. Obviously the woman that did it to him probably did not intend for him to have such a terrible injury. But it is still fucked up that she intentionally aimed for him.
  3. Exactly, The Challenge is far more trashier. Big Brother can be trash TV sure but there are also far more dorkier elements to the show. Like people being punished and having to wear a chicken suit. The Challenge has more in common with the Bad Girls Club (Which, I loved.) now.
  4. There was another one of these videos that was talking about the proposal. It was post-show and it had Cara, Paulie, Jordan, Tori, and Kam on it. Jordan, Paulie, Kam, and Tori all seemed to be getting along while Cara just sat there looking miserable.
  5. Why did you have to put that out in the world? Though I would be all about Noura winning. I would be just as WTF as when crazy Christie (not sure if she spells her name that way) won Australian Survivor. When I saw Jamal's pictures I was like, "Wait Kenneth is going to be on Survivor? That's awesome!" Wait a second this isn't the Big Brother thread... For you non-Big Brother posters, Peach says this every year in the Big Brother threads. I heard that as well but I did not understand the context of why he said that. I wonder if Feely Dan is a swinger. If so maybe his wife does not mind. Well last weeks conversation would have never happened if he were white. But I think people would still talk about how he comes across as being condescending. I think Greg also orchestrated an eight person tie vote, or maybe not but I thought I remember reading that somewhere.
  6. Denise Stapley I think. Yes it was Denise. She was 41 when she won (I thought she was older than that).
  7. I hate it when the jury starts before the merge. At least allow everyone the opportunity to know each other before you create the jury. I said the same thing Sandra said, but I said it during the first episode. I am not sure why but I just got this vibe that a woman was going to win. My like when I am watching baseball and I get this strong feeling that the batter is going to hit a homerun (I am right more often than not when I get those feelings. Not I am not claiming to be Miss Cleo or anything.). My pick to win was Lauren but I highly doubt that is going to happen now. But I would be cool with Kellee or Janet winning. Kellee mainly because of the move she made tonight and Janet because I always like to see the older contestants do well, especially the older women contestants because they are typically viewed as early boots. He was hands down the worst winner ever. I was so disappointed in that outcome. Shit they said his name in the episode tonight and I still can't remember it. Now that she's made the merge, I have a feeling she is going to be around for the long haul. I mean why get rid of her? She's the perfect goat. What happened with Feely Dan during the episode? I was out in the kitchen and I did not see what went down.
  8. The line of the night that had my eyes rolling the most was when Josh said (paraphrasing here), "I'm nobody's minion." Anyone that watches Big Brother know why my eyes were rolling, because that is exactly what Josh was during his season of Big Brother a minion for a player named Paul. I still dislike the vast majority of the house and by the way the season is going it looks like that will not change. People say they find Ninja obnoxious, well that is how I feel about Tori. She's so loud and obnoxious. Cara's reaction to the engagement was a tad bit over the top. I miss the nice and bubbly Cara from years ago. What the hell happened to her?
  9. I am not sure I missed it, but did she have to reveal her advantage at TC? Or did she do so as a shock tactic? I cannot remember if it said she had to announce it in her clue. I don't think what your boss did was anything that could be thought of as a microaggression. He was just being an outright asshole. I once had a black co-worker who I was friendly with at work, I say at work because we never hung out outside of work. That is more a me thing as I never hang out with any co-workers outside of work because I am anti-social. Anyway the dude was a dead ringer for Dave Chappelle and one time another co-worker brought it up by saying, "Hey Rick you look like Dave Chappelle!" Then the co-worker asked me if I thought Rick (not his actual name) looked like Dave Chappelle and I said yes. Well Rick was pissed off and said that not all black people look alike and that we were racists. I thought Rick was just joking as that is a joke I have heard people from every race make. But then I realized he was not. He would not talk to me for the rest of the shift. The next day I saw him and I wanted to see where he was coming from. He said he was sick of people saying all black people look alike. I then said no, you and Dave happen to look alike. If you and James Earl Jones looked alike people would probably bring that up as well. I then told him how I would always get, "You know you kind of look like Marlon Brando." Mind you not the young and fit Marlon, no people thought I looked like the old and fat version. Never once did it cross my mind that they were thinking all white people look the same. No I was thinking I do look something like him and unfortunately I am fat so I look like the fat version of him. After that interaction I never felt right even having any sort of lengthy conversation with Rick because I did not know what would piss him off. I never made any racist jokes or anything like that, all I did was say he looked like a famous comedian which is not insulting in the least bit. For me I truly do not care about the color of your skin (or your gender, religion, sexual preferences, etc.), if you are cool with me I will always be cool with you. I just do not deal with eggshell people (of any skin color) very well. I do not have time to deal with people who are going to get offended by stuff. Even if it is something that I am not willingly doing to offend. Hell my own uncle is an eggshell person and I stay away from him because I never know what will set him off. My uncle once called me every cuss word in the book because I walked by his crazy cat and it hissed at me. I did not step on it or do anything to taunt it or make it think I was going to attack it (Maybe cats believe in microaggressions). The cat was just nuts and hissed at me for no reason. Well my uncle went off on me saying I was disrespectful to his cat and all that jazz. Yeah me and eggshell people do not do well.
  10. I am not sure if I could sit through another Johnny run season. I think that is why the new seasons have been a little more tolerable because Johnny has mainly been a non factor. You know I must have wiped that from memory because I had completely forgotten about that until you brought it up. I am no fan of Jemmye but yeah that was a major league asshole thing to say about her. Pussy chicken will never not be funny to me.
  11. The majority of my friends are of Italian ancestry and when I told them about the Cuomo thing (when it happened) they all laughed about it. Much like Bill when I heard people calling him Fredo I immediately thought that meant they were calling him an idiot. My friends thought the same thing. I just thought they were saying he was the dumb brother of a more successful brother.
  12. @Scout Finch: I am so sorry for your loss.
  13. As Lantern said, I really do not like anyone left. Well that is not true I did make a list last week of who I like that is left but for the most part they all suck. I laughed when Leroy called out Zach for gassing out during a final. Leroy is still on the list of people I like and it is for comments like that. Georgia annoyed me when she was bitching about being voted for. When the game started and she thought she had the numbers she said nobody could touch her bestfriend but the other rookie women were fair game. Now that she is on the wrong side of the numbers, it is not fair that she is getting voted in. Were is the logic there? When you thought you had the numbers you were all about protecting who you wanted protected and getting rid of who you wanted to get rid of.
  14. Do they though? If you cannot prove one's intent, how do you know what they intended? I was in the same boat. She was just so cocky about the advantage. I would have loved it if Aaron flipped on her. Same here. I thought it would be Dan a well. Mainly because of the bags thing and he's the "old guy". I wonder if any of his new tribe members know about him being Mr. Handsy. See it made me like Jamal a little less, which stinks because he has been my one of my favorites thus far. Jamal came across as being condescending to me. Like he was the wiser older guy who had to teach the young guy something. I also think he might have played on some assumptions about Jack as well. Jack is a graduate student and if I was a betting man I would say he is probably liberal (Note, I am liberal leaning myself. I just despise identity politics and the progressive stack.). I would also guess that he (Jack) might have white guilt, which I think Jamal might have picked up on as well. Now I will say, I might be completely wrong about that. Obviously I cannot read minds and do not know what his (Jamal's) intentions were. That was just my reading of the situation.
  15. I just edited your post down to what I wanted to respond to. I completely agree with wanting the title sequence back. They have that on Australian Survivor and I really does help me learn who the players are pretty quickly (They have 24 players every season so it truly does help). I am not sure if I remember this correctly or not, but when the US version used to have opening credits I could have sworn they would remove the person from the credits who was voted out the previous week. I am not sure if I have said it on this board or not, but I am in favor of having a twist were the show plays out like the original season. Two tribes of eight, final two, jurors ask each of the final two a question (I hate the new jury discussion thing.). No idols, no tribe swap, may the best contestant win. I have a love hate relationship with idols. They sometimes keep people in the game that I do not want kept in the game. Then again, one of my favorite winners was Yul and he would probably not have won the game had he not had the Idol.
  16. I hate it when Peachy does commentary. It adds nothing to the challenges and just serves as background noise. Jamal seems to have some sort of magical powers when it comes to puzzles that guy is a wizard with them. I did the same with Red Robin. About fifteen years ago there were none locally and the closest one was about a 45 minute drive. So every so often I would hop in the car and drive up there just for that. Now there are two within about a 15 minute drive and I never go to either one. I am not sure why, but the term roommate/husband had me cracking up. Maybe Dean is a synth from Fallout 4... Not just on women. My mother gets on me about it from time to time. She'll say, "I would love to have a grandkid to spoil but you and your sister are getting older and that's probably not going to happen now." Hell I often think the only way I will ever find a wife would be through a mail order bride or and arranged marriage. That is why I do not like her. I have liked plenty of players who were not great at challenges (Chet, Suzie are two that come to me right now). For me her constant complaining and excuses is what bothers me about her.
  17. I remember not liking Jay on Survivor but I do not remember why now. I pretty sure he was an asshole. Not going to like I like seeing Jenna, Aneesa, Kailah, Cory, and Nelson back. All have missed at least one if not more seasons and that is the right enough amount of time for them to have been gone. Now that they are back, I will probably remember why I do not like them, well not Jenna and Aneesa I have always like both of them no matter what they do. Also, Cory and Nelson will hopefully be roadblocks in Johnny's game. Fessy is not going to understand the voting process. Who flipped? As others have said, Kacyee is way to chill to be on here. Swaggy cheated a guy with cancer out of charity money, I think that says enough about his character. Bayleigh's the right amount of crazy to get into an epic fight so that is something to look out for.
  18. What makes it even more funny, is I honestly think that Trubo felt like that was the biggest insult of them all. I mean saying he sucked at challenges did not even come close to the walk copying. I think both Jordan and Paulie are all bark and no bite (Well I know Paulie is after watching him on Big Brother). I think a lot of it has to do with deep insecurities. Jordan's hand and Paulie being short. Because of these insecurities they both feel the need to prove they are alpha males (I really hate that term, it might be one of the most overused terms in the English language.) and they both have to feel like they are in charge. CT's comment on Turbo had me wondering who would win in a fight the Paris version of CT (Or even the version that beat up Adam all of those years ago) or Turbo. That would be a very interesting thing to see. This show is really starting to remind me more and more of a typical Big Brother season. Insomuch that there is nobody to get behind because they are all highly unlikable. Leroy, Kam, Georgia, Rogan, CT, and Dee are about the only ones I like. There are some I have no real opinion of like Joss and the rest of them are just shit. Why couldn't they have Jenna on this season? Yeah it sucks that she's dating Zach, but she seems to be very nice and at least she's not annoying. Forgot to add Turbo seems like a fictional character. He is so over the top with his anger. The funny thing is I am not sure any author could even dream up someone like him.
  19. Oh man I am so sick of Karishma. I was afraid to post it on here because people tend to love the people I do not. I am kind of glad that I am not in the minority in finding her to be annoying. What shocked me is that she's a lawyer. I did not see that until tonight and I just cannot picture her being a lawyer. She can get voted out anytime now. When they announced it was Applebees I started thinking, if I was not eating much for eleven days straight would I be excited for Applebees? I decided no I would not and I probably would throw the challenge just so I would not have to eat any food from there. When she did that I thought she might have that medical problem where you laugh for no reason. That laugh was just so out of the blue. I have to say though I like crazy Noura but I usually like the weird players like Tarzan and Coach.
  20. I know the feeling, I felt the exact same way when I found myself agreeing with King Baby Josh. I felt icky. Then I remember seeing him win Big Brother and Paul saying, "Not again...", and well I felt a bit less icky.
  21. I forgot to add... I normally do not comment on women's hair but, Cara stop putting those ratty ass extensions in your hair. You look really cute with the short haircut.
  22. The line "pussy chicken bitch" is never not going to be funny to me. Man Jordan is dumb, you don't screw with Turbo. Because unlike everyone else on the show I honestly believe that he just does not care about the money. Sure he would love to win, but he is one of those guys that if he thinks you have insulted his manhood in any way. Well then you are screwed. Zach reminds me once again what a piece of garbage he is. I wanted to like the guy when he gave his hair up for Locks of Love but nah, I just cannot bring myself to do it.
  23. I am not sure if anyone on here watches wrestling or not. But there is a new upstart promotion called AEW that is looking to challenge the WWE. I just read something that sort of blew my mind about one of the members of the AEW roster. They have this masked wrestler named Luchasaurus and the guy wrestling as Luchasaurus is none other than tuna beard himself Austin. Yes he is wearing a mask but I honestly did not make the connection. He is in a tag team with Luke Perry's son who wrestler's under the name of Jungle Boy. Here is a picture of Austin as Luchasaurus (I tried to find one with him and Luke Perry's son, in case people were interested in seeing what his son looks like, but most of those pictures were of poor quality)...
  24. See I was thinking Michele from Big Brother 11. Didn't she go all girls gone wild after her season and start doing porn? That was so what the fuck to me. So yeah I would hope Nicole does not somehow end up making porn.
  25. I forgot to post a reaction. After reading your post I went back to see when the first season that I watched aired. It was the first Battle of the Sexes back in 2002-03. I cannot believe I have been watching this for that long.
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