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Everything posted by BK1978

  1. Well I guess I was wrong about Flick being the winner. Oh well I am fully behind Shonee winning now. I do have to say one thing I really enjoy about an All-Star season, is when there are players (Like Michelle for instance) who were major players in their first season and then they come back and they do not do much. Or players like Mo who was not much of a factor in her original season and is now seemingly running her tribe.
  2. Yes I remember reading that because everyone was commenting on how it was such an odd number to do a tribe swap.
  3. After looking at the picture, I think you could be right. But by the same token I am not sure because neither of them are reflected anywhere else. I feel like a fool for not being able to figure it out.
  4. I wanted to see Mat go further but there was not really much he could do. I think David might be becoming my all-time favorite Survivor (Counting both US and Aussie versions). It is clear he does not take himself seriously and is have fun playing the game. I feel like he is what Tyson would like to be on the American version but he does not have the certain X-factor to pull it off. Jacqui can go at anytime now. She really annoyed me off when she said out loud something along the lines of, "See you Phoebe.", when Jonathan was reading the votes. This was before when the first vote was happening. It just seemed so tacky and unnecessary.
  5. I watch it on Dailymotion. From there just search Australian Survivor and the current season, which is season seven, should pop up. Yeah he was pissed I was laughing about that. He did that during the season he won to I want to say Mat (the guy that was always hanging around Andrea). I would love to see it happen to Rob. It reminded me of when he convinced all of the teams behind him on TAR to take a penalty.
  6. Me as well, I am just not a fan of Nick. I cannot pinpoint why he bugs me, maybe because I would probably be a lot like him if I played the game, but he just annoys me. I know I said my pick was Flick to win, but I am starting to think Shonee might be the winner. The editing seems to really focus on her a lot. What I mean is even when she is not important to what is going on in a scene the camera will focus in on her. I notice there were a couple of challenges where that happened and there were a couple of camp conversations where that has happened. Which, you know she is a beautiful woman but it really seems like they are focusing on her too much for it not be be important later on.
  7. I put a laugh emoji on your post not because I find substance abuse funny. But I do find the thought of Fabio spending $600,000 on pot to be hilarious and the most Fabio thing he could do. I also heard that he was arrested for either being high or drunk on a skateboard, which what the fuck.
  8. Out of the group Nick and Jeremy are on par, both seem like nice enough guys. Therefore, I would not mind either winning. But I will not be happy with a Tyson win at all. I only dislike Parvati more than him. Now watch him win.
  9. Well I will happily join you in that minority. What annoyed me with Sandra the most during her first season was when she thought she was the next to go she began sabotaging the camp. That is how I am with the EOE winner. I simply cannot remember him. According to Russell H. on his YouTube channel, Natalie has fallen off the face of the earth and nobody seems to know how to contact her. Which I would think in this day and age would be pretty hard to do but hey maybe she joined an anti-technology cult or something. Or maybe she does not want Russell ever contacting her.
  10. I really do not get Nick's game plan. What was the point of turning on Zach? Zach being part of his alliance would have given him the majority. But he's all like, "Nah I would much rather throw him under the bus and still be in the minority." He wanted to get rid of Henry because of Henry's erratic game play, yet I would argue his is just as bad if not worst.
  11. Someone said in an interview (I cannot remember who said it, I think it was Sandra but I am not one hundred percent sure) that it bothers Rob a lot that most people feel his win was handed to him and he feels like he has something to prove. Which makes sense. He's played four times twice he dominated and twice he was out early. That is why I never got the hype for him. This will probably get me backlash, but I feel that Cirie, even though she never won, is just as good as Rob at controlling the game.
  12. Yes I never got why people love Parvati and hate Russell Hantz. To me they are two sides of the same cocky coin. Same here. If they had a statue of Reem or if she was there that would have made the season ten times better. Reem, FTW! I am still bitter over the Aubrey loss as well. I go back and forth between who my favorite winner is between Yul and Earl. Tonight Yul just reminded me why he was one of my favorite two. He is just so damn logical, cool, and calm. I was shocked when I read how young Tina was when she won. I thought for sure she was in her mid-50's same with Denise. I mean I am terrible at guessing ages (I thought Ben was in his 40's and then I found out he is like five years younger than me) but both of them looked a lot older than they actually were. I understand why he was not asked back and I am not a fan of him at all. But to me if you are going to do this season you need Richard Hatch on it. I would also say Tina and Vecepia as well. Tina for being the first woman to win, Vecepia for being the first African American to win. Yes Tina is now the older and V was not very interesting. But I would rather see them over say Michelle.
  13. I was so happy to see her gone. I mean I read the spoilers that she was the first boot but I always take that as speculation until it actually happens. I have not been a fan or her or her sister since their time on TAR.
  14. I swear that Cirie might very well be the most screwed over player in the history of the show. First during season sixteen they had a final two instead of a final three. I truly think that Cirie would have beaten both Parvati and Amanda had their been a final three because she played the better game (Granted I am going by memory here and I am biased because I dislike Parvati and Cirie is one of my favorite players). Then there was that whole Idol debacle, I mean yeah it was interesting to see but it still sucked to see her go out when she did not get a vote and nobody would have voted for her.
  15. If you have not already done so I would highly recommend checking out Australian Survivor. They are currently doing their All-Star season as well and it has been fun thus far. Each episode is an hour and a half (Or at least that is what they are on the site I watch it on) and they air three episodes a week but it really is very good.
  16. You know each summer I become obsessed, not in the Tommy way, about this show and yet by this time of the year I completely forget nearly everyone in the cast. I had either forgotten or intentionally blocked Jackson from my memory. I was struggling to think who won the last season the other day.
  17. They have been playing those commercials to hype the show which features the annoying singing of I assume Sia. At the end of the commercial they will say so and so (whomever is the featured contestant of the commercial) is ready for war. Has each contestant gotten their own commercial or is it just the big ones? So far I saw Rob, Amber, Yul, Sandra, Ethan, and Parvati. Are they the only ones to be featured in those commercials or are the other contestants featured as well?
  18. I liked his whole line about being part of the younger group even though he is 39. David might be the most likable villain in Survivor history. In regards to the whole mole thing, if people start to suspect him he should blame AK for being the mole. Nobody would believe AK was not the mole. I did not get the vote during the last episode. Why did John vote for Henry? I still seems like John does not understand that aspect of the game. When the votes were read I initially thought Shonee (Who always seems to have a smile on her face), Harry, and Nick voted for Henry. Well out of the three only Shonee did end up voting for him. It was so strange. Also, now that three votes have been dropped on him Henry is going to go nuts and tear the island apart looking for an Idol. You would think that they would not want to clue him in that he is the next potential target. Especially with the way he plays. I am going to pick Flick as the winner for this season. Not sure why but I just got that feeling. Granted I got that feeling about Lauren during last season of American Survivor and I was wrong but she did make it to the final four. So I guess that was something. Also, Phoebe looked cute when she did the confessional with her glasses on. Yes I have a weird thing for cute women who wear glasses.😏
  19. Yeah when they showed the what they were know for segment I remembered why I disliked Zach. So glad Daisy got voted out, I loved seeing her talking shit to Matt about the long game. Only to see her get voted out. As you can tell I am no fan of Daisy.
  20. Is Shonee divorced now? I thought her whole thing was she was a homemaker and her husband was some high profile skateboarder. I was thinking the same thing about Moana. She was/is an athlete right or am I thinking of someone else? I thought it was poor editing when she was a name tossed around for elimination and yet she did not give one confessional about being on the hot seat. I so wanted Daisy to go. I have never been a fan of hers, but I knew she was not going anywhere. It is funny but there are so many people in this cast that I kind of sort of remember. I remember not liking Zach but for the life of me I do not recall why. I sort of remember Jacqui but I do not remember anything about her other than her distinctive voice. I get Flick and Phoebe confused and often times think they are the same person. I remember liking Sharn but for the life of me I do not remember why. I remember thinking Brook and Michelle were very pretty and that is still the case.
  21. You know I knew I was not a fan of Lydia but I could not remember why. Now I remember why, I find her to be a poor sport. When they won the first challenge I felt like she was overreacting, almost rubbing it in the other Tribes faces. Maybe I am incorrect in thinking that way, but that is how I felt.
  22. I really loved GTA: San Andreas and GTA: Vice City's soundtracks. The both brought me back to when I was a kid.
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