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Everything posted by TheGreenKnight

  1. This is the only one that when I watched the episode of Mama's Family, I thought it was just like TGG episode. That said, the girls singing "Mr. Sandman" was much funnier.
  2. I don't think the writers were ever interested in Robin in the first place. The most effort they put into him was in 3B where they had to establish the romance, but besides that, they never treated the relationship with the same interest as any other couple on the show. I'm guessing they never intended Robin to stay forever. I think they made a mess of Neal out the gate (one of the many flaws with season 2) and you can't really rewind when the foundation is faulty. Plus, both Robin and Neal were badly cast, imo, which probably added to the writers' disinterest.
  3. I don't know, going by this forum, Regina's tirades against Snow must be very irritating. LOL Although I think this is where the Internet often doesn't represent reality, because the showrunners and likely the executives (I'm betting they pushed for more focus on the character in season 2) considered Regina the breakout character of this show. I'm guessing the same people who enjoyed Regina enjoy Zelena. I personally think both their actresses are wonderful at portraying the characters, hitting the campiness, comedy, and then the more realistic notes (Regina's irrational hatred of Snow and her struggle to do good, Zelena's love affair with Hades and struggle to be good for her child). I personally prefer them to Robert Carlyle, but I don't consider him a bad actor.
  4. I think that's a superficial distinction, to be honest. I can think of dozens of scenes where Rumpel is just as over-the-top as either Regina or Zelena, like how he goes psychotic when Snow won't give him the baby's name in the first episode, or the fight with Charming, taking his coat as payment in one episode for the hair, blowing up the Fairy Godmother, his reaction to Snow thinking he gave her Excalibur, etc. And Pan and Zelena are acted very similarly, to the point that they looked related to me in 5B. The only difference was Robbie Kay's eyebrows nearly shooting off his face in most of his scenes. But I do agree that the show would be better-served with more comedic moments. Although I think Zelena/Regina generally provide the majority of the comedy on the show at this point...
  5. Well, if you don’t like the premise of the storylines, it’s natural you won’t enjoy a character like Zelena… That said, I’d rank her hospital speech as one of the character’s best scenes (and one of the only moments in 4B that was any good outside of “Sympathy for the DeVil” and some of "PUS") and “Our Decay” one of the top 3 episodes of season 5. I know I've often seen complaints here about scene-chewing, but…forgive me for saying it, that’s been an aspect of this show since the very beginning? Regina and Rumpel did it in season 1, Cora in 2, etc. etc. If you can’t really get into scene-chewing villains, you probably picked up the wrong show? Thankfully the showrunners have characters to please every part of the audience, because I’d tune out without characters like Zelena, to be honest. That's the main reason I even stuck around through the first few episodes of the series with Snow/Charming's dull romance flashbacks because of the villains' scenes.
  6. Murder sprees? The only person I can remember her murdering was Marian, although she attempted to kill baby Neal. But I find Zelena the least exhausting character on the show at this point. They could relegate Emma and Hook tragically dragging on ever committing to anything beyond "I love you," the Charmings standing in the background with their eyes glazed over, Henry's actor trying and failing to act, and Rumpel praying over Belle's unconscious body all down to just 10 minutes, and I'm guessing that 10 minutes would still be a chore to watch.
  7. I don't think that was a mistake at all. It would've been perfect for her if not for the rewind because there's no way any of them would beat Paul at the end (unfortunately).
  8. I agree. Maybe I'll watch next year. Although I did skip last season, so who knows.
  9. I think her role on the show in the long-term will revolve around Regina since they are sisters and she brings more color to the show than the Charmings or Rumpel at this point.. I can see them having a similar relationship to Bree and Katherine from Desperate Housewives, as far as leaning on each other so they don't regress backwards. In fact, I would be satisfied if the show didn't give either her or Regina new love interests and have them learn to be happy with one another and their children.
  10. I'm surprised OUAT Cruella would work as a pop since they copied the Disney design so heavily, but it looks nice. I remember seeing a custom Ingrid once that looked really cute and I would get her to go with the Frozen characters if nothing else. The more I've had time to sit on the pictures, I think I might actually get the new Hook and Regina, too. This Regina looks much better than the first one (mostly because the hair looks a little less ridiculous) and I like the design/color of the dress much more than the ugly purple on the old one. Plus, I'm hoping they eventually make Queen of Hearts Cora, and I think I'd like the Evil Queen sitting besides her and Zelena as the WWotW. As for Hook, I'm guessing there will be a Dark Swan eventually (which is a definite buy for me) and it would feel weird to have Emma without Hook--and Excalibur does look very nice. I still wish the facial hair looked better somehow. And am I wrong or does Hook's jacket hang down and outwards a little more on the show? Re-watching season 5 made me wish they'd made Zelena with the puffy sleeves like she appears in the latter half of Camelot. And if they make a green variant, I might buy that instead of the main one.
  11. I wasn't really sure to post this because it's sort of a What If scenario, but I was just thinking about how weak (power-wise) Zelena is at this point on the show. She's no threat at all to any of Emma, Regina, or Rumpel. I mean, even Henry could probably take her now he's The Author. Then I started thinking about the twist at the end of 5A with Rumpel re-assuming the role of the Dark One. Don't get me wrong, I thought the twist worked because I was really shocked when it happened and more enraged at Rumpel than I'd ever been. Unfortunately, after that first moment, it actually loses its effect because it ruined the direction for Rumbelle and re-set the board back to basic, boring 0. And thinking about it, the twist would have worked more if it had been Zelena who had done all of this instead. For one, it would make her a legitimate threat again, while 1. Making her redemption arc in 5B even stronger considering she would be powerful enough that not becoming good would be a legitimate option (since Regina and the others wouldn't be able to stop her if she didn't make the choice herself), and 2. Giving the character a little more weight on the show, especially now that it seems she's becoming a part of the heroes' group. Plus, it would follow up on her rage at Dark Swan's attempt to kill her and her promise for revenge by making everything that happened (particularly Hook's death) absolutely pointless. Now I'm wishing it had happened because it would have continued the character's streak of taking a level in badass (controlling Rumpel, killing Neal, faking everything as Marian, bending Rumpel to her will in the hospital) and, personally, I feel it would benefitted the Rumbelle storyline, too, since I could see a happy ending being possible/believable for them for the first time on top of fulfilling their development throughout 4 and 5A before the twist ruined it all.
  12. I know upthread you were talking about how it would be a regression for the character, but I think it would actually show her growth if it was clear she was doing it to protect everyone (particularly Regina) and that she wasn't getting off on it whereas her motivation to do it before was only jealousy and personal satisfaction. Plus, we never really got a legitimate Wicked vs. Evil, imo. Zelena vs. S1 Regina would have been amazing. Although thinking on it, it would lack some of the punch now, too, with Zelena not being at her most evil/powerful self anymore either.
  13. I'm hoping Zelena is the one who gets to destroy The Evil Queen. She fulfills her sisterly duty (LOL) by helping out Regina that way, gets to do what she always wanted, and it benefits the other heroes all at the same time.
  14. No, I don't find her unlikable. Her being evicted isn't a great loss since her weakness is that she can't win any competitions, but she was interesting because she can see through most of the other players and played the middle ground as far as who she would vote to evict. The only other two likable people to me are Natalie and Victor. Unfortunately, with Michelle gone, Natalie is much more vulnerable since Nicole will definitely take her out before James (since she hates women) and Paul/Victor most likely would, too, considering James could be easily manipulated after she's gone. As for Victor, he's always been a meat-shield for Paul and he's hooked his entire game to blindly servicing Paul's game, very likely guaranteeing Paul will make it to the Final 2 and his own third eviction. Without the rewind, Paul's shield would be gone and he most likely wouldn't have made it to the end.
  15. I think Maks has an ego, but I do think he's telling the truth about a heavy bias in Derek's favor on this show. And I hate when they have Julianne at the judges' table because it's obvious she will say anything to give him the highest score she can. I like Derek's dancing ability, but I'd like him more if it wasn't so obvious how everything is manipulated in his favor.
  16. I feel this week has just been an example of how some twists can make the show go in a worse direction. Most of the people left are unlikable, and one of the few who aren't is about to go. Another week of Nicorey and loudmouth, know-it-all Paul--wonderful.
  17. I don't think I'm projecting that much into it. I mean, it's hard to really tell any thread on the forum apart from all the whining about Regina, so it's not really surprising that this thread is full of whining about Lana. And it isn't too different from those evil, unnamed SQers who imply Jennifer Morrison is homophobic because she won't acknowledge them.
  18. I'll be honest that I haven't entrenched myself in this fandom to a great extent for all the obvious reasons, but, yes, the generalizations are what I find bizarre. All SQ fans think the relationship is actually possible within the show, all SQ fans bullied and harassed various cast members, all SQ fans play the victim, all SQ shippers are entitled, etc. I think it's all quite a reach, personally. And then it transitions into OTT statements like Lana is supportive of bullies/queerbaiting. Why not just throw in adultery, rape, and murder while we're at it? There are vocal and crazy members of every section of the fandom--apparently.
  19. Uh...I think you missed the point--or rather flew off into space from there to something about fan entitlement--which was that Lana should not be crucified because she does acknowledge SQ fans. I really don't care if Morrison does or doesn't respond to SQers, it's her prerogative, but to act like it's a sin on Lana Parrilla's part because she sometimes caters to sections of the viewer base and her fanbase because Morrison chooses not to is absolutely ridiculous.
  20. Why does Regina--oh, I forget, it's Lana we're talking about--assume responsibility for some crazy fans' actions anyway? Is it her job to issue defenses of her co-workers over minute BS? Is she obligated not to encourage some of her fans who may be a part of the SQ shipping community because blessed Jennifer Morrison decided they should not do so? I'm sure there are many SQ fans who do not police Twitter and issue death threats to the show's writers/cast because their ship won't come true, and who get acknowledged by Lana because they are a dedicated part of the OUAT viewer base just as much as CS fans and Rumbelle fans.
  21. Well, the implied statement was that Morrison is a better human being than Parrilla and she will surely defend Colin. I find many things said about Lana here honestly very disturbing.
  22. Are there legitimate reasons we should see Lana Parilla as a morally inferior person to Jennifer Morrison?
  23. I wish they weren't going to have Julianne Hough as judge again, she's absolutely awful. If they couldn't get Lens, I'd have preferred Maks.
  24. I thought this was a pretty fun episode besides Sherri. I wish Sheryl had matched the older lady there at the end though. Have they had a tie on the reboot so far? I'm guessing ties will be incredibly rare since the contestants are lucky to get any matches at all with how random the panelists are...
  25. I would love if this show returned, even if it was for just another season. I'm not sure how they'd get all the characters together again though with Betty leaving at the end of the series.
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