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Everything posted by TheGreenKnight

  1. Yes, Regina was lying to him about fairytales, but how would Emma even know that? As for safety, we'll have to agree to disagree there. I don't think his safety was ever in danger with Regina. I'm going to say Emma's lie detector ability (faulty as it's come to be) was just an excuse to invite herself back into Henry's life because she was lonely. From Emma's perspective, all she had to go on was that Henry was unhappy (not unusual for a child) and Regina was rude to her when she tried to insert herself into the situation (not unreasonable).
  2. People aren't good by comparison, they are either good or not (or somewhere inbetween, which is where I'd put Emma). And one good act can't wipe away bad behavior either? At least that's the takeaway I get from the discussion about other characters here, why not Emma. Even in the first season, her intrusion in Regina and Henry's relationship invites a pretty crappy character interpretation, considering she had no idea Regina was a monster from a fairytale land. In real life, she'd be taken to court for stalking. I know I often hear complaints about various things Regina/Rumpel have done that have been swept under a rug by the writers, but they never really addressed how inappropriate Emma interfering in the life of her adopted child after she gave him up is either.
  3. I agree. The buzzer going off on Leah Remini repeatedly the round after she complained about it was probably the funniest part of the whole show.
  4. Well, the argument here was about how Emma isn't any better than Snow or Charming (who were ineffectual rulers), and I was agreeing. As for being influenced by the Darkness: if Rumpel gets no pass for the awful things he's done while the Dark One, why should Emma? All I see is one standard for certain characters over others.
  5. There was one topic I’d hoped they would cover on the show, but nope. Hopefully, it’ll show up in the next day or two. I’m glad Sunny refused to let the Jedi deflect/misdirect when they were discussing gun control. I know it’s unfair because a person can’t control what they look or sound like, but Jedi really just creeps me out in every way possible. God, I wish they would keep her out of the interviews. The last thing the guests need is her foisting her homophobic misogyny onto them like she did with the Star Trek guests. She can’t even talk about Taylor Swift without reveling in the fact that she gets to take the piss out of a woman and roundabout insult feminism at the same time. She is repulsive. Candace and Raven have to be at the table for her to even have a chance at not being the worst co-host on this show, and she poisons a good panel like this one. I’ll take Whoopi any day over this wretch.
  6. Both 5A and 5B's plots are predicated on Emma making decisions to save her relationship with Hook at the consequence of everyone else (enacting another Curse, then going to the Underworld). Not saying she's a villain by any means, but she's never been a pure white character.
  7. I really loved Justin Long here, hopefully he’ll return.
  8. Glad I wasn't the only one who thought Leslie Jones was hilarious. She was the only reason to watch tonight's episode, imo, since I don't really like Leah Remini and don't know most of the others that well. She did kind of take over the show, but maybe she'd calm down in her next episode. And I liked that she shamed the others for screwing over the contestants. After that, they started to give better answers.
  9. I'm looking forwards to Tuesday's and Wednesday's guests. I don't know the rest of them.
  10. I like Sara, but I don't get how it’s offensive for someone to call her an airhead if that’s what they think? Personal insults are thrown at every co-host on this show, past and present.
  11. Paula is not moderate by any means. I wouldn't be surprised if we got the conservative lovefest this week because Paula couldn't stand the Sara/Sunny panel a few weeks ago. Or maybe they put the three together to decide which one they'll keep going into next season, since the two weeks before break felt like they were testing for next year (one week with Raven, one week all Sara/Sunny). Hopefully Paula is the only one of the three we'll have to deal with next year and Jedi can go back to her father figure, Roger Ailes.
  12. I wouldn't say it was my first time (I had the show off off pretty regularly when Jenny McCarthy was there and when Raven first joined the show last April), but, yeah, I didn't watch today either. Even the comments here weren't enough incentive to put up with all four of those idiots together.
  13. That happened while Joy was out. If I'm remember correctly, Sherri was guest co-hosting in her spot. Joy has always been next in line after Whoopi, thankfully. I had the same reaction. She also made sure to insert the whole "The baby's both of yours" when Whoopi was saying it's her body/her experience, her decision to decide what works best for her body. You know, subtle shades of the eternal abortion fight that's at the back of Paula's mind (remember her dream to open a crisis birth center). I don't know about the whole interview, but in the clip she showed, she said (paraphrasing), "Come on. You just insulted millions of people watching this channel." Then he responded that (can't remember exact wording) he couldn't care less if he insulted them considering Fox News insults him/all black people regularly.
  14. I thought for sure today would be much, much worse than it was. When I saw Joy wasn’t there, I was going to turn the channel, but then thought I wouldn’t be able to enjoy the comments here if I did. lol I’m more impressed with Sara Haines now. Amazingly, I think she was the lynchpin that held the show together today, jmo. Her presence kept the Foxbots from tag-teaming on every topic and all of them (including Whoopi) from shouting/screaming. I loved what she said about BlackLivesMatter, how Fox News just dismisses those problems as if they don’t exist—that’s why I cheered at the clip they showed of Hughley. (I’m glad Whoopi didn’t let Jedi have her f-ed up final words on that topic either—but when does Whoopi allow anyone to have the last word on any topic.) There are still others I’d prefer, but I don’t mind Sara at the table. Sara, Joy, and Sunny (on her good days) would be a nice trio. Paula has used the embellishment excuse for Trump several times before. I’m glad Whoopi wasn’t having it. I liked Sara’s nursing story. Especially when she described her husband saying, “Whatever you want to do, I’ll support you,” I understood from the way she said it how it could be condescending. Hopefully they won’t argue later. lol Leslie Jones was great. I’m not a Ghostbusters fan, but I plan to see that at some point on Netflix just for her and Melissa McCarthy. I’ve never watched After the View, but I’m not surprised Paula can moderate well. I still would never want her to be in the mod seat though. She's enough to deal with as a regular co-host.
  15. Seems that's always the case with her and Paula. I'd say the same for Candace, but I don't think she has that much depth.
  16. So true. Just like another woman on The View today. He doesn't have to harass every woman he comes into contact with to prove Gretchen Carlson's case.
  17. The show has been awful every day this week, and a combo of Paula/Candace/Jedi tomorrow will probably make this the worst week of The View this season right here at the end of it. They do love to go out with a bang, don't they? ("Bang" in View terms meaning as much trash as possible, for clarification.) On top of those three and Raven all speaking complete nonsense with overblown self-importance as if they were delivering pearls to swine, you have Whoopi trying her best to combat it all, but only giving vague, meandering, empty tirades that rarely make sense in response to what's been said. She has no wits left in her, at least not without a while to prepare and we know she never does. Joy isn't able to elevate these co-hosts out of the sewer. The divide between these co-hosts and Sara/Sunny is pretty steep. I'm glad Joy refused to back down regarding how voting for a third option only helps someone like Trump end up in office, no matter how much Raven whined like a stupid 5-year-old about Joy saying it to her. Maybe if we had preference voting, it wouldn't be a big deal, but the way our system works, you are wasting your vote on a third party. Maybe to someone rich and out-of-touch like Raven, Hillary and Trump are indistinguishable, but to anyone who will actually be affected by the presidency they are clearly very different candidates. As for Candace and Jedi on Bernie supporters, why would they expect the majority of them to really support Trump instead of whining temporarily? Anyone who veers from Bernie to Trump never really cared about Bernie's policies. I mean, where is the logic? Instead of going for another candidate who is 70% like your candidate, you instead pick the one who has 3% in common with them? Joy's comment to Jedi during the Ailes discussion was gold.
  18. They re-aired the first episode that I missed. Rosie O’Donnell and Kathy Najimy were both fantastic. Anthony Anderson only bothered me when he made fun of the female contestant for wanting to give the clues when he was the problem. I thought it was funny how the male contestant basically did the same thing to him at the end, when he jerked the clue-giver back around.
  19. I thought Tituss was putting on a bit for the show, like his over-the-top reactions to Alec’s questions or whipping out the phone at the end when he probably wasn’t talking to anyone.
  20. What? Joy's leaving?! I thought she signed a three-year contract! I was so happy when she came back to TV in general, even if I'd have preferred to have something like her HLN show over The View. I guess that's it for The View for me.
  21. I thought it was already confirmed a while back?
  22. I missed the first twenty minutes, but once I saw who was there, I wasn’t bothered. I think Whoopi is happy when Candace and Raven are at the table because with those two idiots, her lectures somehow sound relevant and profound rather than stupid and condescending. Joy looked bored out of her mind. I miss the Sara/Sunny panel we had before break, but I’m guessing they’re letting Raven and Candace have one last hurrah before they're fired at the end of the season. Fingers crossed!
  23. I was hoping they wouldn't talk about anything political with both Candace and Jedi there and just focus on the tragedies, but no such luck. Jedi tried her best during the Hillary discussion (as usual). I'm glad Sunny and Whoopi didn't allow her to keep control of the script--even if Whoopi is too uninformed to do it properly... I'm only disappointed somebody (Joy) didn't bring up the millions wasted on every one of the 6+ investigations with zero results every time.
  24. Martha Stewart and Snoop Dog were so bad. At least they were equally bad so one contestant didn’t have an unfair advantage over the other. Strahan looked like he was watching a trainwreck. Jeong got on my nerves because he didn’t seem to care about the contestants—especially when he lost that one woman the 7-11 by going ridiculously slow. The actress from My Wife and Kids/Martin wasn’t great, but she seemed to be invested in the contestants so I’m glad she was able to help one of them win in WC at the end.
  25. I thought Pete Wentz would be boring, but he was the most entertaining (unintentionally). I wish Tituss and Rosie could be regulars. The woman from SNL would probably be good as a regular, too. Regardless, it’d be nice if they had one or two regular panelists to anchor the show. Alec is a fantastic host. I really hope he stays with this reboot as long as it’s on the air.
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