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Everything posted by TheGreenKnight

  1. Well, I don't really see what she did as that wrong, I just disagree that the show tries to keep the audience from interpreting it that way when Snow and Hook criticize her for it. It's the same in another episode in the present, I think, when Snow and Hook criticize her for jumping straight to the Dagger as a way to deal with Dark Swann.
  2. She hasn't been nearly as bad this season as she was the past two, as far as being domineering goes. *shrug*
  3. I had a feeling that they might've given her a one-season contract so she could use this as The Year of Whoopi before leaving gracefully. That might be why she's doing a better job as moderator lately, to repair her reputation before she departs.
  4. I'm glad she won one last time. She was one of the main reasons I kept up with this show during the middle years when it lagged and I thought she was fantastic this last series, although I do wish she'd been in it more. Hopefully she's off somewhere enjoying life.
  5. I definitely think Belle or Zelena dying would be most likely. The potential for the Rumbelle relationship pretty much ended with 5A's last episode and now it just seems pointless. Better to kill off Belle, and allow Rumpel to become the official, no-holds-barred Big Bad for the 7th and possibly final season (if the 6th isn't the last) than force them to circle the drain. Especially if the Evil Queen is responsible for Belle's death, Rumpel wouldn't just stop at killing TEQ, he'd want to kill Regina, too, I'd imagine. As for Zelena, I could imagine her dying at the end of the season (with some kind of ethereal vision of her joining Hades in the afterlife), and her death affecting Regina in some way or another. Especially if Hyde is planned to be Regina's love interest, by the end of the season they will have dealt with his storyline complications that keep them apart and the two characters would be coming together romantically. Zelena's death could cement the relationship if she can turn to Hyde while she's grieving. Rumpel would only die if the actor decided to leave the show. I think Charming dying would be odd, but it would kind of fit considering the Evil Queen hates Snow because of Daniel's death. Wouldn't she want to kill Snow's love to make her feel the same? The thing is, where do you take Snow if Charming were to die? I doubt they'd have her angry at Regina for long and there would be no real way to give her a HEA in the series finale (outside of being with her family).
  6. I used spoilers because TGP isn't really played like TGG is and it's not on DVD either.
  7. I think it’s more a case that the Regina character is often heavily criticized by CS shippers and it’s a way to call them hypocrites. I don’t mind Hook, but I can see why Regina fans or SQ fans would do that considering how obnoxious most CS fans are.
  8. I'm excited for the new season to see Zelena and Regina's relationship get hashed out some more. Aladdin and Jasmine look awesome so far. I'm looking forward to seeing Lana give two performances this season, mainly because she's one of the best actors of the regulars.
  9. Her competitive quality was really funny in the episode where she thinks she's finally going to get a charity award because her long-time adversary is dead. "Dead, dead, dead. Muffin?" "She doesn't need this on her mantle... SHE'S ON HER MANTLE!" Rose was always my least favorite because I hate the stock dumb characters, but strangely enough many of my favorite moments are Rose-related. "Hypersexual bitch," the episode where she tells the story about how a cow got control of the house through her husband's will, when Dorothy has her go back to the beginning and she re-lives some weird farm animal race, and so on. And some of the other characters' best moments were reactions to her.
  10. There's a lot of things about Miles that makes the character hard to enjoy when I watch the show. First, the actor already appearing as a man Rose dated previously, the daughter-Witness Protection thing, and plus finding out on The Golden Palace
  11. I think we are allowed to view Regina using the dagger on Emma at the well as a bad thing? Right after that moment, Regina is castigated by both Hook and Snow. I really don't get this argument that the show is trying to disguise all of Regina's dark side when there are moments like that. I didn't see most of Regina's use of the Dagger as evil anyway, personally. The scene at the well she is trying to force Emma to look past her insecurities because it's necessary and the Dagger was probably the only way for Emma to be honest.
  12. The fact that he's gay is the same reason I knew he would not choose Blake. I thought he might lean toward Miley because she seems accepting, but maybe her father played a role in the decision to choose Adam.
  13. Raven is a case study in why workers shouldn’t be kept on long after they’ve pretty much been given the pink slip, because they only stank up the place at that point. She is toxic and clearly blames Joy for her problems. If Joy did get her reduced/fired, that makes me like Joy more. I like Sunny when it comes to the political discussions, but that same attitude is infuriating when they’re talking about sex and relationships. The difference is she comes with receipts when she’s talking politics, but she just assumes her opinion is fact in the trivial discussions. Like yesterday, when she was arguing how monogamy is what sex is for and today saying that people can’t be happy in a relationship that’s treated like a business transaction. How would you know that, Sunny? Please don’t transform into Whoopi the All-Knowing. Joy had the same opinion about the Brad-Angelina-Aniston business as I do. WTF cares about Jennifer Aniston at this point? Brad and Angelina have been together for over a decade. I won’t lie, I sort of miss Paula. I’d much rather have her there every day than Candace or the Jedi, that’s for sure.
  14. The worst Sara moment today was when she said she finally understood it's "Black Lives Matter, too" and not "Only Black Lives Matter." I mean, who in their right mind would have a problem understanding that...
  15. Looks like Conway chickened out. I was so happy to finally have a break from the conservative stronghold on the show the past 3 weeks with Jedi being the only one there today. I loved Joy’s camaraderie with Lisa. I wish she’d come back, to be honest. Her and Meredith. Hell, Star, too. All of them are leagues ahead of the new crop. You could tell Joy thought it was stupid, too. At the end they told her she should do another one and she didn't want to, somebody else should do it. There wasn’t much besides the protester smackdown, unfortunately. Hopefully she’s there tomorrow, and next week, and the rest of the season. She’s such a breath of fresh air after listening to Candace and Jedi’s hate-filled nonsense for weeks.
  16. Is she going to be out filming a Hallmark film? If so... HALLELUJAH!!!!!!! If Joy and Sunny are alternated, I will rage. They should not be alternating when two Foxbots get to sit at the table simultaneously. You'd think Jedi is an official co-host the way she's been there every single day since this season started.
  17. I think Adam definitely has a hypnotic effect on the contestants. They come out looking to pick another coach, but end up falling for his charisma. I just hope the same thing that happened to Damien and Amber Carrington doesn't happen to Billy. I hadn't heard his voice since he hit puberty, so I was expecting him to sound different. But his voice was still so pure and clear. "When We Were Young" was such a great song choice.
  18. I think Vinyasa might have been right all along and Sara just has empty air between her ears. She gives the kind of non-responses Nicolle used to give, in a way to keep any and all blood completely off her hands. Why are you even on a talkshow or talking period if you are so much of a coward you can’t say what you mean? I loved when Joy told her to just say it. You can tell it pissed off Whoopi that Joy would target her personally-approved co-host, just like when Joy calls out Raven’s stupid ass. Candace’s and Jedi’s heartfelt pleas for understanding when it comes to race might have meant something if they hadn’t just spent yesterday’s show going all-out in defense of racial profiling.
  19. I hate when my favorite contestants are tied to Adam. I'm still rooting for Billy, but I wish he'd went with Miley.
  20. That wasn't all the shade she threw. She also had that joke about Cosby sandwiched in there. I loved how Joy practically howled at that joke. I kept waiting for the camera to pan to Whoopi's sourface, but it only turned back to her at the end of the interview.
  21. I just thought of something--was Sara there today? I have no memory of her at all. Did she even speak once?
  22. Sometimes I come on here to write about hot topics and just can't even think of what to say anymore... And days like today when you have two co-hosts actually defending racial profiling is one of those days. Jedi and Candace are repulsive. End point. Jamie Lee Curtis was all over the place, unfortunately. She clearly wanted to put most of the focus on the book, but she could've given a quick answer to Joy and then transitioned to it pretty easily. She seems really nice though. (And I'll be watching Scream Queens again this year. The show's pretty bad, but occasionally funny....) I looked forward, and Conway looks to be a guest on Thursday's show now. I wonder if she won't show up then either... And Sunny said she'd be on that day. It would be magnificent to watch Sunny interview Conway.
  23. Well, after how disgusting and hateful she was during her interview with the actor from Who's the Boss? last year, or her bullshit about the bathroom law in NC, I hope she stays out of interviews with all LGBT individuals for their own sake (and that she GTFO this show, period). I'm just shocked how people like her get a pass still on daytime television.
  24. I don't think they get back information on the co-hosts until near the end of the season. I'm just going by the fact that if this is the reason that Paula has been reduced, it took all last season before they found it out apparently. There's no way Jed's Q rating will be better than Paula or Candace.
  25. I was going to turn the channel when Joy wasn’t there, but I was so happy to see Sunny again and she did not disappoint. Still—they couldn’t have booted Candace or Sara for Joy? What fool is running this show? I only saw the first round of topics and Raven’s emmy clip before Obama interrupted. Sunny calling out both Candace and especially Jedi was wonderful to see. “Terrorism requires a political goal. You know that…” Sunny is on to Jedi’s deliberate fearmongering / Trump spin and I love it. Screw Sara, too. She was useless and doesn’t know what she’s even talking about, just following the buzzwords. I hope Sunny is there tomorrow and doesn’t let up on Conway. If this is how it’s going to be this year—interchanging Joy and Sunny, with Jedidiah and Candace as constants, this is going to be a very long year, and I’m not sure I’ll put myself through most of the Joyless days.
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