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Everything posted by TheGreenKnight

  1. So it has nothing to do with Lana Parrilla and Jennifer Morrison's working relationship at all. Fans should learn not to project something they want from the show they're not getting onto the actors.
  2. Well, to be fair, there are a lot of people here even that can't differentiate between Lana and Regina, so while the criticism is true, it feels a bit hollow when it's only directed at one side of the fandom.
  3. Paulie is repulsive and I'm glad the girls didn't go along with BB's victim/good guy edit. Every bit of that raking over the coals was earned, the best moment of the season. I guess the only good thing that could come out of the rewind is for Paulie to have to suffer through another week in the jury house without a guy there to bromance.
  4. I don't really buy that as a reason for Michelle being gone. For one, the show has had worse controversies and kept chugging. But moreover, the ratings were unaffected by either one of those. (Btw, I find both controversies stupid. A Miss Universe contestant talking about her job as her talent is laughable and Carly Fiorina does look demented when she smiles.) And if they were really that bad, why would ABC then want to keep Michelle employed on another show? And there’s also the fact that Paula, Candace, and Raven have all said disgusting things regularly that didn’t get picked up by the news.
  5. Paula and Michelle were the reverse situation with me. I liked Paula at first, and found her very unlikable over time (although I think she's still the best conservative they'll find, going by the other examples these past two years); Michelle annoyed me at first, but I eventually to a point that I looked forward to seeing her. Unfortunately, just when I started to feel that way, she all but disappeared except twice a month. And I can't think of why she was fired, but Paula/Raven/Candace are being "phased out." I'd say it was because she was unknown, but so is Paula. And she will remain an ABC employee after The View just like Paula. I wish she were on some show I could watch because I hate The Bachelor. So I think this season and last season were about even since I only liked 2 co-hosts both times, with several other co-hosts making it a chore to sit through to see the ones I do like. I'd almost say next season will be a little better with Sunny/Sara, but I think Jedi will tip the scale over into rotten all by herself.
  6. The only finales I thought were any good was season 1's and season 5's. Season 3's was pretty dull outside the Rumpel scenes because it had nothing to do with the rest of the season (not to mention the Charmings/EQ era being exhausted by that point) and 2/4's finales were complete trainwrecks--which I blame more on 2B and 4B being trainwrecks. The awfulness of 4's finale was compounded by how apparent it was that most of the actors are pretty limited. I also didn't find 3B's or 5B's penultimate episodes to be bad at all, personally.
  7. That was her. I don't watch The Bachelor, just caught her as it was going off. The special was better than I expected. They didn't gloss over Whoopi defending Cosby or her and Rosie's fights. Loved how they included Kelly Osbourne's screwup and Perez's reaction. There was way too much Candace compared to how little she's been on or added to the show. Only thing they left out was Whoopi being an asshole to Paula, but they could fill up 30 minutes with those clips.
  8. I'll have to get Zelena. I haven't liked the way the rest they've made have turned out, so she might be the first and only one I buy.
  9. For me, Niecy is only a shade less annoying than Sherri Shepherd, to be honest. I really loved Hughley on this past episode, but none of the other new additions were any good, imo.
  10. This is one of those shows where I always forget how funny it is. Niles and Yetta are the best part about this series. Love both those characters.
  11. I knew Joy would have a problem with speed coming into this. The celebrity she was competing against was so much worse though. Yvette Nicole Brown was wonderful. She should be a recurring guest.
  12. I plan to see both Little Mermaid's. I love the original tale, but I also love the Disney film.
  13. I liked Rumpel's plot in 4A and it seemed like a logical progression for him with Neal dead since Belle has never been enough motivation for him to stop being evil. I think the only weak link was Regina's story with Robin-Marian. I was never really a Robin fan anyway which probably made the triangle even more exhausting, but I did like that the development ended up bringing up the storybook again finally (since it seemed to be ignored by the plot since season 1) and returned Zelena/Mader to the show. Actually, the triangle in 4A was just as awful as the one in S2-3 between Emma, Neal, and Hook although I liked Neal even less than Robin. I just hate love triangles in general. It's one of the worst kind of storylines that seem to always crop up on every TV show at some point or another these days.
  14. I agree, Rosie O'Donnell wasn't really funny, but you need to have at least one celebrity taking the game seriously for the contestants to rely on. Niecy tried to fill the same role the past few episodes, too, but I thought Rosie was more reliable with the answers. Leslie Jones, Pete Wentz, and Tituss Burgess would be my other picks to return. Jack was okay, but as far as being off-the-wall goes, I laughed more at Tituss.
  15. That didn't seem to be the point of the episode to me...? I think Regina had raised the family to the highest level by marrying the King, but she was on her way to ruining it all by making the entire kingdom hate her and oust her for Snow eventually. To me, it seemed like Cora thought she could better control things with Regina out of the way now that she'd fulfilled her purpose, since Cora would be running things until a possible grandchild could come of age. Nothing about Cora trying to make Regina queen throughout the series seemed to have anything to do with Regina specifically so much as Cora's own ambition. The only time Cora even seemed to see Regina as anything more than an object was just before she died when her heart was returned to her chest and in the Underworld.
  16. I thought it was implied she wanted to move on from Regina and use the grandchild instead since Regina wouldn't cooperate.
  17. I think this is just a nice way for them to avoid saying, "The executives made us do it."
  18. I got the impression they were just phasing Paula/Raven/CCB out from all the other articles, too, instead of giving more fodder for headlines. Which doesn't really make sense, because even if they say they're not fired, if they're never there the headlines will come anyway... And they sure didn't mind firing Michelle, who deserved it much less than Raven and CCB. But maybe they thought it wouldn't get as much attention because she's pretty much unknown. As long as Sunny/Sara/Joy are at the table the majority of the time, I don't care how long they wait to bring down the ax.
  19. I hate how some of these celebrities treat the contestants like they're stupid. Don’t get me wrong, most of the contestants have been pretty dumb, but this group of panelists definitely has no room to talk on that subject. They couldn't even match one another, much less the contestants. “You are what you eat: crabs.” The line of the night.
  20. Yeah, when I think of queerbaiting, I think of Supernatural and Teen Wolf. I just never got it with this show, but I'm sure many would disagree with that.
  21. HBP is the only book in the series that is close to "bad," imo. I enjoyed what she did with the memories, the HBP book, Draco, and the Unbreakable Vow, but the romance was just awful. Even the one I could get behind (Ron and Hermione) was horribly written in this book as compared to the rest of the series. What's worse is that Rowling had made me love Tonks and Ginny in Phoenix, only for this book to reveal their only role in the overall story seemed to begin and end with being romantic partners for Lupin and Harry. I'm not sure if I would've paired Harry with anyone we knew in the end. Maybe Luna, if anyone. But, then, we couldn't have had the Epilogue...which would've been for the better, imo. I really wish we'd got what Rowling said she originally wrote to be the final chapter when she started the series: a long description of what happened to all the various characters like the end of an Austen novel.
  22. Constantine. I actually laughed at those, and I wouldn't have known Justin was in the other commercials without this board.
  23. I can only guess it’s one of two things. Either the people behind the scenes thought maybe she’d be less domineering and more respectful of her co-hosts if she was in the middle, or she threw a diva fit because Joy had been in the center and in nearly every shot—because this is the Whoopi show, dammit!!! The sad part is the latter doesn't sound that unbelievable.
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