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Everything posted by TheGreenKnight

  1. Sunny is fantastic for this show. She and Joy need to be on every show, and I hope she gets a multi-year contract whenever they re-negotiate at the end of next season. I’m glad she read the guest’s book and then called him on some kernels of BS he had to have written. I feel sorry for the audience if that rag is all they got. I’d probably just throw it away on the way out. Jedi is…yes, repulsive. I can’t stand her. That whole argument about the media being biased was idiotic. Whatever a reporter's personal leanings may be, that does not affect the news that is reported. If anything, there’s conservative bias because the media is made up of corporations. And what ground does she have to stand on anyway when she works for Fox News FFS, easily the most biased channel on TV? Thankfully Sunny did not let it go--Sunny's best quality. I’m glad Jedi kept her trap shut during the interview. One nutjob speaking at a time is enough, thanks.
  2. I hope Hades does return somehow, at the end of the series, just so Wicked Devil can be together again. As for Robin, I would like it more if he went to the Light.
  3. My point was only ever about Emma’s thoughts about her own childhood, and how she did the same thing to Henry. If you believe Regina was emotionally abusive (and I’m guessing many of you do), then how can you then say Emma didn’t hypocritically condemn him to the same experience she had and still resents Snow/Charming for?
  4. I agree, people see what they want to see, because I don't think Jed is articulate in any sense. She's just more inflammatory and loud. As for being friends, I doubt any of them are really friends on this show, but Jedi is much further off than Paula. Both Joy and Sunny go off whenever she speaks.
  5. How far Sunny’s come. I was almost wishing Whoopi was there so she could steamroll Jedi, however nonsensically, and then Sunny went and stole the best moment of the week from Joy when she practically scalped Jedibabba on live TV. I was glad both she and Joy finally called her on her bullshit about Hillary’s foreign policy. The only reasoning I can come up with to explain Jedi being hired is they want to recreate the last panel that went for more than one season, and the Republican was the resident punching bag then. I can get on board with that, because Jedi is repulsive and her only value is being steamrolled. Btw, the best part about Sunny is her facial expressions. When Jedi is talking, her eyebrows could not be any higher. Her face during the Kanye discussion said it all. I’m sure we had this topic for Raven’s sake only. Paula’s definitely out. She’s more subdued than she’s ever been. I hope Whoopi wasn’t able to save Raven, but since she got another contract and got Paula fired, who knows.
  6. My understanding is that she gave the baby up, not to anyone specifically. So didn't the baby technically go into the system until Rumpel found him for Regina? How did Emma have any guarantee that he would be adopted if she never was?
  7. I don't think Jedi gets along with the others more than Paula. Paula and Sunny seemed to have a camaraderie while she and Joy would always joke with one another, and Sara is supposedly her friend. They all look like they hate Jedi as much as I do. Which, yes, makes her presence easier to bear, but I'd rather she just not be there at all.
  8. The thing about Whoopi interrupting Sunny to go on about Biden is that I wanted Sunny to finish her train of thought, but thanks to Whoopi, she never did, because then Jedi had to respond to Whoopi, and Sunny gave up. I also sympathized with Sunny when they were talking about child-teacher relationships, and then it was overtaken by everyone's fascination with Jedi's affair with a professor. Way to promote the wrong thing there. I can't really say anything about Whoopi's plane ideas because I've never flown in a plane and hopefully never will, but I couldn't help thinking how family/child planes would draw more focus from terrorists/crazies looking for attention. While I'm posting, I'll just say there was nothing of Rosie Perez on video from the DNC. I'm glad they got a little of Star at least.
  9. Oh, I know that Emma wasn't abandoned and I don't blame Snow/Charming at all for their choice to send her to the world without magic, and I don't even think Emma did anything selfish/wrong in giving Henry up or that she "abandoned" him when she gave him up for adoption, I was only bringing up Emma's perspective on her own life in the system and how she sent her baby into the same life. How does she then have a right to insert herself into his life later and disregard his legal parent? Henry is a child. He doesn't get a vote. I read the rest of your post and I don't feel any differently about what I've said, since I've already seen the show.
  10. I wonder though, hasn't Emma often said in regards to her childhood that she felt like she was abandoned throughout the series?
  11. While that has nothing to do with what I was talking about, I will say that whatever Regina did to Emma, there's no use arbitrarily deciding that Emma had no control over the choices she made. I would probably give a pass for what she did as a teenager, but at the point she and Baelfire teamed up, I had no sympathy. Her jail time was deserved, just like Regina's was/would be.
  12. I already dislike her more than Elisabeth--and more than Whoopi and Raven, too. I can only imagine how I'll feel after a year of her. The View will always find a way to reach a new low.
  13. The Jedi's criticism of Trump this morning could not have been more hollow if she tried. Maybe if she hadn't spent the past month defending his every word, I wouldn't find everything about her to be absolutely fake. Too bad we'll have to wait a year for her to get kicked out the door. Who knows, maybe we won't have to wait that long, going by how they've treated the firing of this past season's cast.
  14. We'll just have to agree to disagree on that being abuse, because I don't. As for the last part about her isolating Henry, I might consider that true if this had happened to Archie or Snow, who were regular fixtures in Henry's life, but Emma was a stranger at the time and should not have been a source of any kind of support for him.
  15. I think it may have been a case of who I like the least playing out here, which is why I laughed during the menopause discussion, too. Jedi: "I can relate---" Whoopi: "YOU CAN'T RELATE TO ANY PART OF IT! IT HASN'T HAPPENED TO YOU!!!!"
  16. I know I'd said previously that if they hired her, I'd quit, but with Paula, Candace, and Raven all (likely) out, I'll keep watching. Sunny and Sara at least don't bring the show down--usually. Plus it's obvious the rest of them hate Jedi, so I guess there'll be some fun in watching them knock her down repeatedly. Best part of today's show. Joy is on fire this week. I'm glad it doesn't look like she'll be out this week. She talked about recording some of the convention tonight, so I assume she won't be out tomorrow. That was hilarious. And I agree they're basically transitioning into next season now. When does the show go off to break? I thought it was a week or two into August.
  17. Not a great show today. Whoopi and Jedi filled too much of the airtime with hot air; Sara and Sunny barely got any. Love Joy. I’m so glad she finally shut Jedi down about how she wouldn’t vote for Hillary because she’s a liar—all politicians are liars. Grow up. Although let's be honest, she knows what she's been doing, she knows all politicians are liars. Her only goal was to manipulate viewers. She doesn’t mind writing home about Trump—who she claims she won’t support—even though he’s lied repeatedly. Actually, about her fake claims, she doesn’t support Bernie, Hillary, or Trump, and yet the only one she hammers is the woman for some reason? Going by her hatred for feminism that's leaked out since she appeared at the table, I can put two and two together here. As for her defense of the rich corporations, Warren did not vilify them; they out themselves with their own behavior. She was pointing out the fact that they are succeeding at the expense of everyone else. And I didn’t miss the Jedi's smartass comments to Joy and Whoopi when Joy was saying she’s not perfect/wouldn’t run for president. Jedi is repulsive. (<-- I think I’ll repeat this every day until this vile troll is fired.) I hope Joy continues with her Comrade Trump nickname from here on out. More attention needs to be put on Russia’s support for him and whether or not he’s received money from them for his campaign.
  18. I'm not sure if this falls into unpopular opinion territory or not (spoiler for S6),
  19. My favorite part was Jedi’s “You’re agreeing with me!” Get in line, Jedi. Whoopi does not have to make sense, save your tweets, she doesn’t care.
  20. This is probably a minority opinion, but I would take Hasselbeck over the Jedi. At least I could laugh at her inability to string together a sentence.
  21. I think you're right about Jedi, Vinyasa. I thought Paula was off all week for the RNC, but Joy isn't off for the DNC, so maybe they just wanted to put Jedi in Paula's seat. I can't believe they're getting rid of Paula for someone else just like her.... What is even the point??? And Paula is actually an ABC employee and conservative; Jedi works for Fox News and claims not to be Republican. Then there's Sara Haines, who I assumed most likely got her in to this show via Paula, who people here have said is friends with her. So Sara gets the job, and now Paula is out. lol This show makes no sense at all. Regardless, Sara/Joy/Sunny is working very well for me. Yes, there are others who have co-hosted that I'd prefer over Sara and Sunny, but the panel isn't putrid anymore, and that's something to be grateful for. And thankfully Sara and Sunny took over halfway through this year so we didn't have to endure as much of Raven and Candace as expected. Hopefully Whoopi's ego will run off the Jedi just like she apparently did Paula. Jedi kept screaming about where all their taxes are going. That was laid out perfectly for Joy to joke about the millions spent on the 80th Hillary investigation, but nope. I'm glad they did talk about Russia attempting to help Trump in this election though. Disturbing.
  22. Except Emma was not another partner, she was a complete stranger. I think attempting to cut your child's emotional ties to a stranger would not be considered odd and definitely not abusive. Even considering Regina as the Evil Queen, I don't really see anything wrong with what she did here, considering she had no idea Emma was the Savior and reacted this way only because the birth mother was attempting to re-connect to a child she gave away. There was no way Regina or anyone else could've known for certain she wasn't trash out of the gutter ("well, who knows what you've been doing") or that she was trustworthy for Henry to be around. As for authorial intent, there is the fact that Emma is wishing on a cupcake before Henry appears, and then tells Regina later about her wish not to be alone. And that's when Regina's hostility began. Which from Emma's perspective could not have been considered abnormal.
  23. This is the first episode so far I was bored by. I liked a couple of the celebrities, but Baldwin is the only one I found funny throughout the show this time. Hopefully the next episode will have better panelists.
  24. I agree about the shirts, although I know Paula meant it partly to be funny. Joy had asked her to bring the hat she saw in Paula's video yesterday, that would've been nice. Although there were worse things at the RNC that Paula could've brought back, believe me....
  25. ^ The best part about the shirts was saying Joy would keep hers because she can always use it as a dustrag. (I would do the same thing, if not just give it to GoodWill). @RickKitchen: I only saw the first two. The one she gave Joy said "Trump 2016" and the next was "Hillary For Prison." I feel sorry for Raven. I mean, it’s a horrible fate to be both dumb and classless. At least Candace seems nice enough to make up for her lack of brains. I wonder—if Raven is getting the boot (please, all that is holy)—if Joy has something to do with it, because Raven is flat out nasty to her. I would cheer if Joy did rid us of her; Raven is not made for a talkshow and she jerks the wheel of every discussion off into the inane. T.I. was a decent guest co-host, better than several others they've had. Joy gave a decent answer to Sara, too, saying that there were also several mothers involved... I doubt Trump did anything except throw money at them (and that includes keeping them employed for life).
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