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Everything posted by TheGreenKnight

  1. I guess everybody read that news about Whoopi and couldn't bear to watch today's show? Lionel Ritchie was a great guest. I'm not sure I can find the enthusiasm to write much else. Just can't believe we'll have to endure another Year of Whoopi. Barbara needs to come back and make her life unbearable again.
  2. Sara will have a faux BFF relationship with everyone on the show by the Fall. Sunny already has one with Paula. This, so much. I wish she'd smoke a joint, get laid, something as part of her pre-show prep so she'd stop being such a bitch all the time. I was rolling my eyes 5 seconds into the show when they showed the clip they'd show us again later of Raven as a little girl being all cwute! with Muhammad Ali. Am I suppose to like her now? It's just as bad as when they show clips of Whoopi in one of her many acclaimed films like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Rat Race whenever someone dies, then cut to her smug face afterwards.
  3. Raven is too incoherent to speak for herself, much less an entire generation. And how could she represent a generation when none of her experiences in any way relate to an average person at all? This show...!
  4. I think so, too. I didn't like her before the show (and she had already made it known how stupid she is via an Oprah interview), but who knew she was a vile diva-wannabe until she was on The View daily? I don't mind Sara, but I think Vinyasa's right about the show turning into The Talk. The day we had next season's lineup with Sara and Sunny there, it felt just like Mommy Central aka The Talk. Which I don't find enticing at all. Even the seat arrangement is the same. Compare the women in each spot with who's in the same spot on The Talk, and it looks intentional: Whoopi, the know-it-all clown who everyone is contractually obligated to laugh at and who always has the last word (Sheryl); Sara, the bland one who is super nice to everyone (Sara); Joy, the sassy, outspoken red-head and oldest on the panel (Sharon); Sunny, the level-headed one (Aisha); and Paula, the journalist with broadcasting experience (Julie). Yes, some differences, but the huge similarities are obvious.
  5. He was a singer? I didn't know who he was. I figured he was some random guy whose story went viral somehow.
  6. I haven't read these since I was a child, but I always wished Disney would make a live-action series of these since they had the rights. This and the announcement of an adaptation of The Lost Years of Merlin have me itching to re-read both book series now.
  7. Bernice is actually my favorite character after Suzanne. Julia would be third. Most of her rants were awesome, but there are several that fall flat for me. Mary Jo would come after that. When I first watched the show, she was my favorite. I still love Annie Potts, but the character has dropped down some spots with me over the years. Anthony was pretty funny, and especially great when interacting with Suzanne. Delta Burke was the star of this show for me. As far as characters who came later, I really enjoyed BJ and Julia Duffy's character (who I read was unpopular at the time, which surprises me). Charlene was the worst of the original cast, and only beat as the worst overall by her replacement, Carlene. I do like the actors and their deliveries, just not the characters. Carlene was such a flat, lazy replacement; they couldn't even give her a new name, just took the 'H' out of Charlene.
  8. I agree. I remember tuning back in at the end of last season to enjoy Rosie Perez's final weeks on the show, and the show was just uncomfortable having her sit next to Michelle and Raven. At least Sara and Sunny are kind to Raven on her way out the door; Raven was a complete bitch to Rosie Perez. Karma, and all that.
  9. Merlin is the hottest guy to have been in this show. I'd put Arthur, August, Graham, Hyde, and Hercules above Hook. But as soon as I saw the article's title, I couldn't imagine how they thought of 38. I could only think of 10, tops (and that was being generous). More if you include OUATiW--Cyrus, Will, and Naveen Andrews were hotter than anyone on the main show. Most of the people on this list aren't attractive to me... I mean, The Author, Rumpel, Archie, Gaston, Anton, The Dragon? Really? They were right about Prince Eric being one of the biggest disappointments. I enjoyed the finale, personally, so I'm glad it won.
  10. The plan for today’s show must’ve been to make Sara Haines look like a great addition by sitting her next to nightmare fuel like Jed and Lalawhoever. I wouldn't think she'd regret the money either. Sitting next to Whoopi everyday, maybe. For the record, I've never seen her be doddering or confused before. She's easily the only bright spot on this show. I think the showrunners are aware of this, which is why she's there everyday, unlike Whoopi, Raven, Candace, Paula, etc. who all get rotated out because they're unbearable even in small doses.
  11. I think it's a sign of deference. I can't see her going nearly as far as Nicolle, who was comical at the end. But I definitely see her fake cackling at Whoopi's dumb jokes and never pressing the point if Whoopi disagrees. Maybe Sara is calming Paula down re: Trump, since Sara doesn't seem to be a Trump fan and everyone says those two are friends? I definitely see what everyone's saying about Joy this week. I wonder if she regrets signing for three years knowing she's going to have to put up with Whoopi for who knows how long. Maybe she soldiered through this year expecting Whoopi would be gone before too long. Whoopi will probably ruin Friday again since they were off Monday. I almost wish Joy hadn't signed, so I could quit this show. Whoopi did not deserve another second chance on this show. This year was her second chance after she single-handedly dismantled the show last year, and she just kept dragging everything down. But the hashtag thing the other day didn't seem to me that Joy didn't know what it meant, just that she doesn't understand why everyone has to say hashtag when they're speaking about Twitter. You know you have to add it when you're on Twitter, but we're speaking here, not typing. And I get sick of hearing, hashtag this, hashtag that, etc.
  12. I'm not sure if this was ever posted, but according to Glenn Slater there will be a 2-CD album released containing all the music from the series soon:
  13. I didn't know Bell, but I liked him. Of course, I thought he was pretty cute, so maybe that was part of it, but he was charismatic and intelligent. The ladies seemed in awe of him. Whoopi even gave one of her fake laughs when Paula started talking about his show. I'm glad to see them talking about Trump U already. I felt like it was one of those things that hadn't really picked up, and it deserves to. I'm not sure what to make of that segment where Whoopi called Joy the Master Snitch. I think Joy played it off well, but Whoopi just seemed like she wanted to be an asshole. And there was that bitter face when Tyler Perry said he was glad to see Joy back yesterday. What happened to Whoopi "I would give you my kidney" Goldberg from month or so ago? Was she sucking up to Joy hoping to keep her job for some reason? I doubt Joy has that much power. If only. Did anyone notice how yesterday's show ended before Whoopi could even get out "Take a little time..." because her mouth was full? Who am I to judge how ABC chooses to waste their millions....
  14. Especially sad to see Trump go after McCain of all people when Trump's the definition of a coward. Loved Joy calling him out. I wonder if this is why Whoopi has been so annoyed these past two days. We remember what happened the last time the rest of the panel was smarter than her.... I guess it goes against her persona if there's nobody stupid who looks at her for wisdom and knowledge of all things. I'm guessing it's only because he called out an ABC journalist in particular. So she had to defend her network, that's all. She'll be back to normal tomorrow. Whoopi must’ve screwed one of the executives if they’re this afraid of firing her. The week after her contract is renewed and she’s back to ruining the show. The screaming at the beginning seemed worse than usual, like she’s thumbing her nose up at her naysayers or Joy even, especially combined with all the other digs she throws Joy’s way. Hard to believe I ever liked her. She's completely rancid. At least she lost half that paycheck she doesn't deserve. LOL Her name value really is the only thing she's bringing to the table. You know, this season has mostly been free of Michelle and Candace. Too bad we couldn't have been spared Raven. If she's the only option on the table, I’m fine with no young one. Such a moron.
  15. Knowing she’ll be on the show for another year must’ve energized Whoopi. She was in a mood to lecture everyone this morning. The story about the gorilla being shot is why this panel needed more diversity (ie, Michelle). Of course they’re all mothers so none of them blamed the parent(s) for not keeping track of their children in a zoo and getting an innocent animal shot in the process. I know every parent has accidents, but s/he still holds responsibility and they should be fined or at least pay the cost of replacing the animal. Sara is a non-entity to me. My only problem with her is: what did she do to earn her spot on this show? Everything I’ve seen of her, she’s pretty bland, so I doubt anyone was clamoring for her. Still, she’s better than Jed, but having at least one single lady without kids would’ve been nice. Loved the SNL clip they played of Larry David. Too bad they couldn't have played the rest, with the dance that follows. Hilarious.
  16. I agree that there was a lot about Hades that was unfortunately left unexplained. All I could really take away from the storyline was that Hades was just obsessed with power so he could do whatever he wanted to anyone he wanted. (A shade different from Cora, who wanted power to pull herself up from nothing.) And that's really going by his dialogue to Zelena about wanting to "rule" Storybrooke once they got there. He just likes to make people's lives torture for kicks. I guess gods could often be like that in myth. I only found it odd because most of the arc seemed to relate his relationship with Zeus to Zelena's original plan to take everything away from Regina so I assumed that once he left the Underworld, he would try to fight Zeus somehow or Zeus would come find him in Storybrooke (or Zeus threatens Emma and co. to take care of it since it was their fault he got out or there would be consequences). I almost wonder if many fans speculating were right and they were going to have Hades turn out to only be misleading Zelena to use her baby for the spell, but then Zades was popular and they went in a different direction. Of course, the direction they went ended that relationship anyway, so who knows. I think it might've been better if everything had happened the same except that once they got to Storybrooke, Hades tried to talk Zelena into using the baby to get both of them the lives they wanted with the spell, saying they could have a baby that was his and hers instead of Robin's in this alternate universe/timeline they would create, and the show used that as the turning point where she kills him. Or leave everything the same except additional info in the pages Hook finds about Hades planning to use Zelena's daughter for the spell to create a life where he and Zelena are together while Regina and Zeus are erased, which Emma reveals to Zelena and this is the argument they have when she teleports in after Robin's death.
  17. This I hope they don't do. The whole "change things up," "original," "ARTISTRYyyy" thing helped run Idol into the ground. I hope this show doesn't make the same mistake(s). While I agree that non-celebrities wouldn't necessarily stop a TV show from being a hit, The Voice has pretty much set the celebrity lineup in stone for itself since they've had the format for 10 seasons. And, actually... I did watch this show because of Christina. I was still halfway into Idol at the time and was only interested in seeing The X Factor coming a few months later because of Simon Cowell (and because of talent found in the British version), so I doubt I would've watched the show without her. I think they came up with an original group that gave a lot of different demographics reason to give the show a passing glance. Combined with airing in the summer at the time when there was nothing else to watch, I'd say they played it very smart.
  18. People usually harp on one person if they're annoying. Personally, I've had many opinions most people here don't/didn't share. I couldn't stand Nicolle, and everyone seemed to love her. I like(d) Barbara, Paula and Michelle while many people hate them (although Paula crossed over into my shit list last week). I think likeminded people are generally attracted to the same conversation is all. Calling it "groupthink" is really saying people here are unintelligent and bow down to something as childish as peer pressure, which isn't true at all in my experience here.
  19. Paula throws out her own bitchy jabs at the other women regularly these days. Like making a drinking game out of Sunny's law experience (as if she doesn't regularly bring up the fact she's a journalist to bolster her point) or when she acts like Joy's marriage must be worse than her own. "Poor Steve! Poor Steve!" I don't feel sorry for her. Joy wasn't even mean to her. The only mean thing she's said to her this season was asking her how dumb she was when she equated Obama's trip to Cuba as supporting communism. Which--I'd love more moments like that.
  20. I'll be honest, I kind of liked the show today. I've just been so exhausted by Paula and Jed lately, that it was nice to have a day without politics. Whoopi wasn't too bitchy and the way they were talking/laughing made the group feel like real people for once... Or maybe I was just in a good mood? I'm going to miss Michelle, personally. Raven and Candace, not so much. The way Joy held up Raven's and Michelle's hands at the end seemed to mean they were acknowledging the two are out, or was that just me?
  21. That's definitely one of my favorite Julia episodes. I also enjoy the one where she opens the house to tourists and goes ballistic while dressed like she's in Gone With the Wind. "And babies that sneeze fudge-sickle juice!" Her relationship with Suzanne was one of my favorite aspects of the show.
  22. I loved Javier, but yeah, he was the frontrunner from the beginning. And Cassadee had a huge advantage coming into the show.
  23. The risk of moving the show is that 1. They could possibly kill OUAT faster, and 2. They could spin their wheels for years trying to get a hit to fill Sunday nights in its place and bombing in the meantime. I could see moving Scandal to Sundays possibly working, but HtGAwM is already falling pretty fast and it likely benefits heavily from the TGIT marketing. Scandal has also been faltering, but the drops aren't nearly as steep.
  24. Joy was on The Chew. I only knew that because I left the TV on 45 while doing other things. lol Nothing much of note. She talked about officiating the wedding ceremony, and a trip to Cuba (with a picture). One of the hosts said his mother or grandmother had watched the show for years and stopped when she left the first time, and was glad she had returned.
  25. I think Still Star-Crossed looks like a dud, just like The Catch. But I could see them pairing it with OUAT.
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