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Everything posted by CoyoteBlue

  1. For pregnant women, "over 35" is the magic number for being automatically considered high risk, regardless of your test results. I would literally stamp 'normal' lab results with (essentially) "Normal values, but OLD, so we can't promise anything". So the fact that Mom used that phrase was expected regardless of Maddie's actual age.
  2. She's the one who social-media-stalked him (against protocol) and found out his origin story. They were still trying to track down his most recent jobs.
  3. Because the Chastainites are all pure of heart and noble warriors for the little guy. Of course they support becoming a public hospital.
  4. What?!? Something the Blessed April can't fix? I hate all these people. Just... everyone at this point. I think I hate NewGabby even more than OldGabby now.
  5. With the notion that their parents never really wanted to have kids, I can't imagine them choosing to adopt.
  6. When the Red Team were talking, I seriously wondered if Jordan was wearing an invisibility cloak or something because she was fucking TERRIBLE. And her name never even came up? I could see them opting to give Fabi a pass because she was "sick", but Jordan? If they had walked in with Lauren and Jordan, I think he would have at least accepted it, especially if someone pointed out that LAuren spent the whole time asking what to do next.
  7. Yeah, he'd tell he one thing and then do something else. He'd agree with her and then do whatever he wanted, laughing at her. I wouldn't care if he'd said "Nope, I'm doing my own thing." "Nope, I tried the caramel twice; your turn." Instead, he agreed when she tried to pass it back to him, so she thought it was being taken care of and didn't have the chance to drop something else to fix it herself.
  8. Too bad D'von lived to bake another day, because he was a bit of a shit today. Sorry, I mean "a raging little shit". Smirking about all but sabotaging his partner and giggling over his plans to ignore her and refuse to work with her.
  9. I find it's still an abomination. It would have been better if they never referenced Pratchett, because it feels like the storytelling is relying too much on us knowing the world and the characters, while at the same time throwing out or completely reversing everything we know about the characters. So... the stories feel disjointed to me and I have no idea who these people are other than... emo Mad Max? dystopia lite schlubs? British scifi characters? I'm not really getting itno it on its own merits and I sure as hell can't enjoy it as Discworld, so...meh.
  10. Myrka's all "No one else is paying for anything for my baby!" Um, YOU sure as hell aren't paying for anything, child, so get off your high horse. Ethan's parents are 100% supporting you two.
  11. We saw him in session with his therapist a couple of times over the season.
  12. JFC, Boden, the desk goes up AND down! Sit some, stand some; it really will help the back. Standing all the time is as bad as sitting all the time, so... don't.
  13. Christ, I am 1000% DONE listening to NewGabby April self-righteoiusly bitching about how Choi is daring to interfere with her sacred calling. St. April of the COVID ward, saving humanity.
  14. Yeah, her sister is 1000% DONE with getting stuck with the consequences of Tyra's mistakes. I wouldn't be surprised if she gets an implant or IUD as soon as she can. Honestly, why in the hell didn't these multi-generational teen mom moms get their kids on something long term from the minute they hit puberty? Hailey 1 is a pretty, sweet idiot. "Oh, poor Matthew is hurting so much!" What, because his side piece kicked him out after he managed to forget how condoms work with her too? This guy who bailed on you to immediately bang your best friend? Poor Matthew! Every time one of these teen moms has a girl, the angels weep for the future.
  15. Andrew and Stephanie: Every moment we're out of contact with our fiancees, our love withers. Oh, yeah, that's a sign of a healthy marriage.
  16. This is only barely related to the Watch Discworld series. Barely. No Colon or Nobby and all the rest of the Watch are the literal polar opposites of their book characters. Cheery is almost as tall as Carrot and clean-shaven. Sybil is young, slender-ish, kinda hot, and well-armed, running a revolution against the Guilds. SHe also joins the Watch. Angua is the tiniest cast member and incapable of controlling her little furry problem. Detritus is sensitive, smart and gets killed by a couple arrows. Vimes apparently uses Angua's makeup artist, who graduated from the "No Such Thing as Too Much Smoky Eye" School of eye makeup. Angua seems to have made VantaBlack into an eyeliner. There are times I don't mind Vimes's casting and times the actor mugs like a mo-fo. The Archchancellor of UU is now also Bloody Stupid Johnson. Vetinari is female. built like a linebacker and somehow boring as hell. DEATH is... ugh. Just..flippant? and slangy? Carrot's still pretty much... Carrot. It's like they heard someone talk about the series while half asleep and got bits and pieces they glued together into whateverTF this is.
  17. heheheh, s3e8: Eternal Question aka "the one with vampires" Stone: I hate vampires (flexes left hand) [His character in Angel gets his left hand cut off by Angel.]
  18. Or they are told it won't kill them, therefore, their insurance considers it cosmetic and they'll have to foot the entire bill. Or they have no insurance and would have to foot the entire bill just for the specialists to investigate. Or they've spent all they can afford to and ended up at "it won't kill you and it's not cancer, so...." and just give up as good money after bad.
  19. I don't see that Alex staying home with the baby would be worse than any of the other kids who do the SAHParent thing. If he's actually doing most of the work, that is. If he's leaving it all to Grandma, he's a loser. Alex's mom is just... a self-absorbed blank? Like, Alex is right there pointing out that she did fuck-all to raise him and her face is expressionless. And Grandma is actually crying about "having to choose between" Alex and the baby and Mom and her mystery internet squeeze and Mom has no response. ALthough why Grandma cares at all about Mom's issues when Mom clearly never cared about her kid and doesn't care about bringing in another mouth to feed to Grandma's house, I don't know. So much for Dad sticking to his guns. Maybe if she ever had consequences for anything she did, she might not be a Poor Little Pregnant Girl, Dad, and you wouldn't have to be all sad about it. Jenna doesn't know the meaning of the word "humble", juding by the constant smirk on her face. That was a basic car, not the "luxury" car she wanted - if she holds out a little while longer, Dad will cave and upgrade for her. I mean, if her attitude and grades improve... Like they were supposed to before getting THIS car. And didn't happen.
  20. Did they explain why Brandon and Julia are staying with Super-Controlling Parents? Julia's probably not going to put up with his crap for long.
  21. https://tvline.com/2020/12/03/seal-team-season-4-episode-3-pepper-cast-canine-cerberus-retires/ Aw, looks like it wasn't just about Cerberus's storyline - Dita was not handling the fake combat well either so Justin tapped her out. But Dita/Cerberus will still be around. 🙂
  22. I'm starting to wonder if Matt set their apartment on fire because he couldn't cope being that far away from Kelly. Kim said something early on about him not handling the distance well back then. Kim might be accepting their free garage apartment, but only because she know she won't be able to pry Matt away a second time so she might as well give in. Would the boys also consider Kim "ungrateful" if she had turned down the free apartment Kelly so generously offered?
  23. I was surprised that I think all of the guys thought Kim should have been "grateful" that she was "getting a house" and a trip to New York "from Kelly". Dudes, the fact that you think this way is why you're ON this show. She's not complaining about the trip; she complaining about Mom coming along on what is supposed to be a romantic getaway. And "getting a house" should not include getting Mom in the bedroom next door when she has a perfectly good one 20 feet away WITH HER HUSBAND. Gifts with strings attached are no gifts at all. "Who's going to drink sleepy-time tea with meeeee?!" I don't know, maybe your husband, you Jocasta bitch? I am waiting for one of these girlfriends to ask "Did your mother-in-law live with you / dictate your wedding / etc? Did you consult your mother-in-law about everything before proceeding with your married life? Did you make all your decisions based on whether your mother-in-law would be happy?" Because I'm betting not. People move for jobs all the time, and yes, you don't always get to live right next door to your parents for the rest of your life. Suck it up. Get a life of your own, ladies.
  24. Honestly, Jason seems to mostly have his head screwed on straight and supports his wife, providing a united front against Annette. He's trying to do his best as the focus of Annette's freak show. His father and sister have given up on reining her in, too, acknowledging it's All About Mama's Drama. Jason tries to let the little things go to keep Mom quiet; he doesn't really give a shit about his tux or the dance, so he lets her have it, but so far, he's supporting Justina by agreeing on the venue and to wear the tux at the reception only, which is important to her. Of all the "mama's boys", he's the least worrisome. If Justina was a little less meek, they wouldn't even be an ILAMB-worthy couple.
  25. Well, we could see Cerberus being the parallel to Jason's losing it coming from a mile away. Poor Cerberus - I hope Brock gets another dog, but I will miss Dita. I can't imagine them giving Cerberus a miracle turn-around like Jason will get; especially as I doubt her trainer Justin will want to misrepresent the lives of actual military dogs after that whole talk he gave as Brock about their PTSD and eventual need to retire.
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