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Everything posted by marsha

  1. I tried listening to Rob's podcast a few times last season but just gave up at one point. As others have said, Rob doesn't really seem to get what goes on in the BB house and, since he doesn't watch the feeds (that seems to be his 'co-host', Brian Lynch's job) he does tend to misinterpret what is going in. I mean last year with all the blatant racism and Aaryn and the others he hardly got any of it right and would go off on weird and pointless rants. He even felt sorry for Aaryn for the way she was treated by TPTB and Julie on her eviction (I think she got off real easy). I know you have to keep the show moving but again he would go into these big, long 'monologues' in Gina Marie's voice that were truly like a million nails on a blackboard and to try and sit through those until he finally stopped because he would have to catch his breath as he would dissolve into uncontrollable giggling at his own 'humor'. Barf. Also, Brian seems like a nice enough guy but, oh my god, when he would talk about the feeds and what was going on it was sooooooo slooowwwly that the podcast would just grind to a halt. Their 'energies' are polar opposites and just don't work together. I haven't bothered to even take a chance and listen again this season.
  2. Season Six Janelle was the only time I really wanted someone to win and was 'devastated' (well, you know, in a reality tv watching storybook kind of way) when she lost. I could not STAND Maggie (and Cappy) but she played a good game but also had all the luck in the world to have a bunch of doorknobs as her followers. I had a soft spot in my heart for Ivette, though, and wished she had been part of the other side of the house but due to her 'insane' love and worship of Cappy that was never going to happen. I've a memory of when at the end of the game and I think it was just Maggie and Ivette in the house and they were talking about what they were going to do at the party when the game was over and Maggie said that she'd be sitting with her family and Cappy and his family and that Ivette would be with her family and friends. I think that was the moment that Ivette realized that all this togetherness and 'fiendship' (remember we called them 'The Fiendship' on TWOP?) was going to be over when the game was over. That she and Maggie and Cappy were not going to hold hands and march into the future together as best friends. Also, didn't Ivette's mother slap her in the face at the finale for the choices she made as being part of The Fiendship? As I said, Season Six Janelle was my favorite BB player but in subsequent seasons? Not so much. I also was mad about Kaysar and Nakomis and wish that one or the other had been victorious in their seasons or All Stars. I still can't believe that Boogie creature won. Oh well. I haven't been commenting on this season as I'm finding it both tiresome and just kind of lackluster. I know a big part of it (apart from the abysmal casting) are the moronic 'twists'. The double HOH completely wrecks the game and any kind of Team America or America's Player bs is just that: bullshit. Oh well, Leave It To Grodner!
  3. Yeah, it's really funny about how this season has gone down in regards to Jackie and just how far down she has sunk (and could, easily, sink even further). The only thing that hasn't happened (yet) is her being directly responsible for a patient dying. That said, I think if TPTB are going into the next season knowing it's the final one (this I don't know) they could even end this season with Jackie getting arrested and starting next season 'x' years from now after Jackie has done rehab and time. I don't know, I'm just 'guessing out loud' which, as Seven of Nine used to say: futile. I'm just hoping (against hope, of course) that they don't toss a big twisty-twist ending at us and Jackie, once again, slides through. It's interesting that I don't think I've ever wanted to see the lead character of the show get firmly and without any doubt get taken down like I really want to see Jackie Peyton get taken down. If that was TPTB 'intention' with this season then, with me anyway, they've succeeded!
  4. This past year I've been watching this show a lot. As I mentioned, it's in heavy syndication here on three channels (FashionTV, MTV Canada and OUT Tv) so I can watch it multiple times every day (and sometimes do I'm embarrassed to admit). The funny thing is that multiple watching hasn't really made me change my mind about any of the guys (well, mostly) but just reaffirm my feelings. It's almost as if you can really focus on the smaller details of the show like facial expressions (bitch face, eye rolls, constipated superior dead face (Dean)) and hypocrisies. There is an event at Toronto's World Pride at the end of this month that is going to feature Lauren with Yerxa, Philip, Jonathan Schuster, Andrew and, from the new cast, Rafay and Gabriel. I know they've begun filming new episodes featuring a combo on old and new cast so I'm guessing that the guys at this event are the new panel for Season 6. I'm glad that from the new cast that Rafay and Gabriel are there as they are the only ones (along with a different JP) that I really like. Here's a link if you're in Toronto: 1G5G World Pride Event. I sometimes wonder what these guys are going to think of these shows in years to come. Seriously, if I had been filmed for several years sprouting my oh-so-profound opinions about life when I was in my twenties (that would have been in the '80s) I would be mortified to have them on television now (and probably at the time, too).
  5. Well, with two episodes left I can only imagine (actually, I can't or maybe just won't bother) how TPTB will be wrapping up this season's story line. I've faithfully watched this series since the first episode of Season One and all through her ups and downs this is truly the first time I have completely and utterly turned off Jackie. When she was walking away from checking Antoinette into Rehab with that self-satisfying shit eating grin on her face? Well, let's just say I completely agreed with what Antoinette said to her and what I mean is: toxic. Jackie is toxic. I really hope she gets caught by the DEA but if she does wouldn't she lose her nursing license and do time? Maybe it would be court ‘forced’ rehab and then jail time so if next year is the last year of the season it might be rehab and then jail time? Ah, who knows. I mean I’m not going to lie and as much as I’m turned off the character of Jackie (whilst at the same time loving Edie Falco’s layered performance) I’ll stick with the show until the end. I’m in 100% agreement about Gloria. She was a complete professional and total hard ass when the series began and there is no way in hell she would be buying any of Jackie’s pretty transparent bullshit (not to mention actually giving her drugs!). If this is because it may be a symptom of an illness, well ok, but please let us (the viewers) know that. It just makes Gloria look like a big boob which she is far from being. I think the paring of Jackie and Frank had a lot of potential and, in their early scenes especially, they had great chemistry the way in which she and Kevin never did. I have to say this about Kevin though: even though he is not the greatest of actors I find Dominic Fumusa absolutely delicious to gaze upon. I can’t quite put my finger on it … well, yes suppose I could but that’s another post (and perhaps website). Also, I remember being surprised when it was stated that Jackie and Kevin were high school sweethearts as until then I always felt she was maybe ten years older than him. I think that may have been more about her having an ‘older’ imagine as Carmela Soprano that was still rather fresh in my mind. Did anyone else feel this way about Jackie and Kevin (I mean about her seeming more than a few years older than him)?
  6. Oh, I totally forgot about Juan! Yeah, I like him and Ish too. That's what's kind of strange about my dislike for Yerxa as, like you, I feel we would have lots of things in common. What I couldn't stand, though and eventually it's what turned me off him, was what some used to call 'The Coven' which was Yerxa, Dean, Alex and J.P. (although I always like J.P. a lot). I know they were all really good friends but they had a tendency (especially Dean and Yerxa) to 'gang up' on people who dared to question or disagree with them. Someone would give their opinion and Dean or Yerxa would roll their eyes into the backs of their heads and say in a loud and condescending voice "No! Wrong answer!". Oh, I can't tell you how that would irritate me and it really turned me off them. Also, when a question would be "ask 'x' a question", Yerxa's would always be a form of 'what do you think about me or what are feelings about me or our friendship' as, of course, the world (and 1G5Gs) revolves around Yerxa. Yes, Andrew is supposed to be quite different away from the show. I think he said, something like, 'I'm a good person who plays a bad person on tv'. Bitch, please. If he really made a choice to 'cast himself' as the 'person you love to hate' who says rude and hateful things to get attention then I guess he succeeded. The thing is, you can't then turn around and bitch and moan and cry about how people are talking about you online (which he has) when it was your choice to do this. You wanted attention? You got it.
  7. As I watch random episodes from every season, including the ones with the new cast to try and give it a chance, I guess I'd have to say: original. The funny thing is that over time and I've changed my feelings and opinions about who I really liked and who, well I won't say 'hate' (even though I want to with some of them), but not not like at all. I liked Santos early on and my like/love for him just grew. He always made me smile and I really loved he particular point of view and "I'm addicted to glamor" is my fave 1G5G quote of all time. It was shocking to hear of his death earlier this year and I hope they address this in the new season that will have a combination of original and 'not so crispy' cast members. So, of the originals I really like: Santos, J.P., Thomas Trafford, Ian, Phillip (although at times he can 'bug'), Jake, Simon and I think that's it, really. Who I can't stand are: Andrew, Yerxa, Dean, Alex, Jerry, David Robert and Jonathan Nathaniel (I never got past his wanting to slap Santos in the face). The other Jonathan and Matt Barker I'm sort of neither here nor there about. The 'not so crispys'?: I like Gabriel, Rafay and J.P. and ... that's about it. I don't really out and out 'hate' any of the others ... oh wait: James; really don't care for him at all. The main thing about the new cast is that for the most part: eh, who cares? Is this show available in US at all anymore (I'm Canadian and live in Toronto)? I know it was on LOGO but I'm surprised MTV (USA) doesn't carry it.
  8. A Boston Gal, being a total Kate & Allie freak, I immediately recognized her as 'Catherine' who ended up being 'Louis's' girlfriend. If you watched the show, Louis was a special needs young man who became friends initially with Chip and then was sort of adopted by the whole family. I never missed this show when it was on and had VHS tapes for years before getting the series on DVD. Hope this helps!
  9. Well, I'll say this: considering the character of Jackie that we've gotten to know all these years it's absolutely no surprise that the second she could she'd do drugs. It can really seem mind boggling to those who have not dealt (or tried to) with drug addiction but the hold it can have on you is massive and everyday (minute, second) you decide anew to be sober. One of the times I went to detox there was a little bus stop-like shack area where you could smoke (cigarettes) and, it was also known, that at certain times a van would pull up by said shack and you could get drugs. Luckily I was not so inclined but I (and everyone else) knew about it and ... you made choices even in a detox unit. I'm just sharing this to say that I really get how much of a hold addiction can have on a person and it defies all logic. Obviously, on paper, Jackie knows the clock is ticking, ticking, ticking unlike ever before but she still thinks she can fool (most) everyone around her with her charm and all 'round 'Jackiness' and that she can go back to being a functioning addict. I guess the question is, as it is a television show, is the way TPTB are handling the storyline dramatically appealing to the viewers (both old and new). I have to say it is for me and I find I can't wait until the actual air date to watch but do so before hand.
  10. Bingo! It gets to a point (especially with prescription opiates/narcotics) where you need to do "x" number daily to just stave off withdrawl and to feel 'normal'. Yes, you might get an initial 'buzz' depending on the drug/dose (and, in some ways, it's the feeling 'normal' and knowing you're not going to go into withdrawl becomes the high, if that makes sense). That said though, in the last scene when she told Frank she had taken seven (I can't remember what drug it was) she was high and really didn't care right at that moment. I never see the previews of upcoming episodes so I've no idea where they might be going with Jackie now. I'm guessing that maybe back to rehab?
  11. Yes, but if Jackie gets caught and is unmasked as 'Nancy Wood' wouldn't that mean that not only would she be fired but possibly do jail/prison time and lose her nursing license (I'm guessing here on the last point, I really don' know)? I've always loved Julie White and thought she was maybe the best part of 'Grace Under Fire'. Well, she and Brett Butler had wonderful chemistry as best friends. I really don't want her character to be just dumped from the show as I think she's been a fantastic addition. It does look like they are heading down a dark alley with the Grace character and I agree it was quite heavy handed the way they ended up having her take one of Jackie's dolls (Jacqueline Susann freak here, so I've always called them 'dolls'). I was checking the Wiki episode page and it looks like we have 12 episodes this season which is great!
  12. Yeah, I think Frank is going to get all 'cop-ish' on Jackie and follow her or have her followed. That, or he thinks that if they are living together he'll be able to monitor her behavior better (yeah, good luck with that). I also wonder where they are gong with the Julie White character (who's name I can't recall right now). I found it ... telling, in some way that she was quick to ditch the meeting with Jackie. Either her character is also 'secretly' using and, if this is the case, I hope they aren't going towards her suddenly overdosing and dying to 'shock' Jackie back to sobriety. Then again, the Bobby Cannavale's character's son (why am I 'blocking' on characters names?) ODing didn't seem to make much of an impact. Then again, actually staying sober -- really staying sober -- is, percentage-wise, not that high (so to speak). Stopping (in this case) drug use is one thing but Jackie hasn't seemed to (that we've ever seen, right) deal with the problems/issues that lead her to drug abuse. I know the show has been renewed for another season and, if they know it's going to be the final season, i wonder if they've a plan on how they want to end it and this season is just going to be used to set that season up. I don't know but ... I need a doll ... gimme a doll ... just one!
  13. Jeepers, I don't know why, exactly, but that really surprises me. i figured Adore would be a fairly strong second place but I never thought she'd be in the lead in any poll. What is most surprising is that Bianca has clearly (IMO) been given the 'winners edit' and it would seem positively head scratching (at the least) for her not to win at this point. Again, online dish:
  14. Boy howdy, will I be glad to see the back end of this season! It's almost as if the season kind of peaked a couple of episodes (or more) ago. I mean even with the 'Ball' create-three-looks challenge there was something just going through the motions about it. Maybe it's also that they are repeating so many of the challenges (with sometimes a little twist) and would do well to shake thinks up a bit (or a lot) for Season 7. I found this episode kind of on the dullsville side. Even though I've never been a Darienne fan her elimination at this point was sort of "yeah, whatever, bye girt". Now, if Roxxxy or PhiPhi had been eliminated in the top 4 I would have been positively squealing with joy. I guess this just proves my point in feeling that I'm done with this, ultimately, lackluster season. It's not even so much this particular bunch of queens (although that's part of it) but there was just something 'off' about this season. Kind of going through the motions and running a bit on fumes. That said, I do hope at least Bianca wins but those who are prediction that it will be Adore ... well, I can't really argue with that as I think if Ru had her druthers she would for sure crown her (a la Tyra Sanchez). I think the fact that the public has a say (of sorts) via social media influences Ru's choice and I may be wrong about this but I'm fairly sure that Bianca is the clear fave via online 'votes'. As far as the online rumors
  15. This is the thing when it comes to whomever TPTB deign to cast as the season' villain. First, I agree that even though she is this years villain that Darienne is not on the same level of PhiPhi or Roxxxy. One of the big differences being that PhiPhi and Roxxxy had specific targets (Sharon and Jinkx) and since they thought they were more talented and 'polished' than them it drove them nuts that they (Sharon and Jinkx) were doing so well. I don't think Darienne feels (or felt, I suppose) the same level of *hate* towards Ben and, via the most recent episode and Untucked, showed some insight to her own behavior which I don't think PhiPhi and Roxxxy ever did (that we got to see at any rate). I do believe TPTB have always had a pretty heavy hand in their editing but this year has been just ridiculous. I also think that after the extreme amount of internet hate that Roxxxy experienced last year they knew enough that they'd have to have some kind of redemption moment for this year's villain. That said, I still don't like Darienne as a performer and feel her runway is always lacking (again, this is just my opinion) and her particular brand of 'bitchy' I find tiresome and just not funny. Maybe she's a doll in real life but for now she's just a 'character' on a glorified game show. I certainly don't know what it is like to be a contestant on a show like this and why someone would decide (at this point, it being season six after all) to be so shady during their talking heads. They must know on some level how it could be used to cast them as a 'villain' or do they think folks will just find them funny and somehow charming? I don't know.
  16. Yes, at this point it would seem it's between Bianca and Adore but I just can't see Adore being crowned the winner. As much as she has grown I completely agree about her being spoon fed the entire season. I didn't care for her at all when the season began (and it didn't help that she was pals with Laganja) but she slowly but surely grew on me. It helped that Bianca (my queen!) took her under her wing and that Adore was smart enough to accept any and all help she was offered. I think I turned to liking her on the Snatch Game episode. It turns out she's quite a good mimic (as many people who can sing are) and her Anna Nicole and, just this past episode, Ben DeLaCreme were spot on. She has a lot of charm and youthful energy and, in time, she'll be quite the queen. Maybe if she had waited a couple of years or perhaps a future episode of RPDR All Stars. As much as I love Bianca and hope she does indeed win it is very anti-climactic at this point. At least this time last year Alaska was coming on very strong at the end and, until the actual crowning, it seemed that it could go either way (between Alaska and Jinkx). This year ... I really can't see anyone but Bianca winning. Maybe I'm wrong and Ru really wants Adore (as it seems she does) and will pull all kinds of shenanigans out of her drag bag to make it happen. Oh, how I long for the days of the real reunion shows where all the bittercakes and bobby pins fly! These scripted-to-death, let's film three winner reaction deals are ... just not the same. I suppose it would be virtually impossible to film a finale without the results being leaked but ... oh well. Oh, I almost forgot (and I hope this is the last time I have to say this!): and Darienne Lake can fuck right off.
  17. I have quite a few favourites that include "The After Hours", "The Midnight Sun", "Mirror Image", "Number Twelve Looks Just Like You" and "Eye of the Beholder". It wasn't until I thought about this awhile back that I realized that my all time favourite episodes all had female lead characters. There are other episodes I love too, of course, but these are probably my favourites.
  18. I'm not sure if this is the right RPDR thread for this but, here goes: When TPTB over at NowNowNext and Logo announced that they were stopping "You've got she-mail" and not showing the "Shade: The Rusical" episode that has the "She Male or Female" challenge in it I immediately checked over on iTunes Canada and saw that it was still available to download. Later that night when the Talk Show episode aired it still had "you've got she-mail" and then, yesterday Canada's LGBT channel OutTV had a mini marathon of RPDR that began with "Shade:The Rusical" complete with the she male/female challenge. Now, I'm guessing this means that the ban of this episode as well as the 'you've got she-mail" must be just in the USA. I know there are always issues via copyrights etc. as there are things that the folks in the US get to see via Logo that we don't see here in Canada like the first ten minute previews of the upcoming episodes but I was kind of surprised that the recent changes as I thought it would have been across the boards.
  19. I was a titch surprised at first that Joslyn wasn't in the bottom two but after watching the show a second time I could see why. I think it was mainly due to the fact that Paula Abdul was a guest judge and they wanted Adore to perform in front of her (well and the fact that Adore's talk show/runway were bottom two worthy. Georgia: "I grew up in the depression, honey." Adore: "Party!"). So, unless she pulls a miracle out of her favorite body part next week I can't imagine Josylyn not sashayin'. I love her and thinks she's pretty much a lock for Miss Congeniality but her drags? As the divine Willam would say "Nurse! Oh, Nurse!". I know we didn't see all of the talk shows but I was a little surprised that Bianca came across so dry and wasn't showing much personality. I mean I can see why she would dial down her 'stand up' like persona but, still. Her runway was flawless though. Courtney was much better on the show proper this week but I still can't warm up to her. It was good to get a bit more insight to her character but ... ::shrugs:: I do love Ben though and thought his runway was brilliant. I would have given him the win but I can see why Courtney got it. So, now Bianca, Ben, Courtney and Adore each have two wins, Darrienne has one and Josylyn has ... multiple bathing suits and enough jewelry for her own flea market table. Saw the first ten minute preview of the next episode and Oh, and Darrienne Lake? Can fuck right off.
  20. Oh Burlene, you'd be fab! Now remember, during the first season or two of The Beverley Hillbillies Max Baer Jr. also played his twin sister Jethrine and she was divine!
  21. So, so many fantabulous quotes but I'll just start with this one from Miss Joslyn Fox, soon to be Miss Congeniality of Season 6 (oh, I betcha!) during the Comedy episode: "I Know that stand up comedy is not my cup of soup ... cup of tea ... cup a bowl of what? ... cup of tea. This is not my cup of tea."
  22. My god, if Bianca doesn't make the final three and then win, well, I don't know. Especially, with the edit she is getting. She's like a hard scrabble chorus gal or burlesque queen from a '40s Warner Brother's musical with the proverbial heart of gold. Seriously, how bad would she have to fuck up at this point to get the boot? I really have a soft spot in my heart for Trinity and loved both her commercial/runway with Bianca (and felt they should have won) and her comedy act was gold! Even though I felt Bianca was the best and deserved the win I wouldn't have been mad if Trinity had won. Also, LOVING her friendship with Bianca and hearing Bianca's hearty laugh during Trinity's stand-up. Purr, Purr Josylyn! I'va a feeling she is next to go but will go on to win Miss Congeniality. Even though I still enjoy Untucked Courtney I'm still not feeling her on the show proper. Adore is getting better and better each week and now I wouldn't be surprised at all if she makes Top Three. Yeah, Laganja definitely has 'issues' and it was probably better for her mental health and pot dealer that she was sent home, occccuuurrr mama werk, lady, gurl ::five million snaps, death drop splits!:: Oh, and Darienne Lake can fuck right off.
  23. I thought it was complete bullshit for TPTB to have that stupid ass letter from Gia read to the girls. I mean, this was being done just before two of them were going to go out there to lip synch for their lives and even if you want to shake it off as lame shade (it being Gia and all) it can still rattle you in the moment. Also, they would have known that Gia's venom was going to be particularly aimed at Milk. Just unfair fuckery. I was sad to see Milk go and she seemed genuinely upset. Awww. I thought Adore was great (can't quite believe I've completely changed my mind about her) and it was a much deserved win and especially nice in that Laganja thought this was her challenge to win. I was living for Bianca’s Valley of the Dolls (my fave book/movie) runway and thought she was a scream in the video. Darienne Lake can fuck right off. Done.
  24. I was not feeling Adore at all until this episode. Her Anna Nicole was scary good and, most importantly as it was Snatch Game, funny! I loved the moments with her and Bianca (when she called Bianca her step-mother) and how she was not having any of Laganja's bullshit on Untucked. She's not in my Top Three but I wouldn't be mad if she did make it to the finals, though. It's too bad that Bianca's runway wasn't that great as I think if it had been she would have won. Ben was very good though as 'Maggie Smith' and little touches like writing her answers in cursive as well as staying amusingly in character and then a good runway all added up to a much deserved win. I loved Milk's 'Werkroom Ru' look but I think if he had tweaked the look a little and acted more like Ru when he is in the workroom and a lot less like the 6 Flags Old Dancing Man (and count me in on the side that was always creeped out by him and had to mute or change the channel when that commercial came on) it would have been a truly amazing moment in a really good way. I really love Milk but unless he bows down to the feather, beads and glitter glamourpuss drag that TPTB want to see ... well, so long it's been good to know ya!
  25. Long time TWOP'er here (all the way back to when it was MightyBigTv)! My Top 3 are: Bianca, Ben and Josyln. Milk was originally my 3rd choice but Josylyn has just won my heart and, at this point, I honestly can't see Milk making the top 3. Things can change though as, until this weeks Snatch Game episode I had no use for Adore but now ... I wouldn't be mad if she made the top 3 or 4. Also, as the weeks go on I'm disliking Darienne Lake more and more. She can sashay anytime (the sooner the better). Oh, and Laganja? What can I say but: 'bye Felecia!
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