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Everything posted by marsha

  1. I find HBC's acting not unlike that of Patty Duke's in 'Valley of the Dolls' which, oddly enough, was released in 1967. Also, Olivia Coleman at times reminds me of Carol Burnett. It's kind of a wonky ride, this season of The Crown.
  2. Just watched the first episode. Here in Canada it's on OUTtv, weekly. At any rate ... it's pretty bad. The production (so far) is on the cheap side and there wasn't one queen I could say I truly liked. A couple held promise but not enough to keep watching. I don't know... maybe I'm just RPDR'd out.
  3. It was nice seeing Jennifer Jason Leigh and I thought she was great as Sierra's mother. I actually liked Sierra's story line this episode. The actress that plays Sierra was quite good and I especially liked how she played the scene on the 'Madame Bovary' set. That said, I still fear for her baby's life. I was convinced the poor little guy was a goner after that crash. Oh man, how I cannot stand Priya from her first appearance on the show. She has been nothing but a complete and utter card carrying cunt to Helen. Helen "owes" her nothing. I do understand where the character is coming from as, unless you've been brought up in a completely different culture outside of North American you have no idea how truly deep family ties run (not that they don't/can't here as well). Decisions you make in life not only reflect on you but on your family. I still didn't feel sorry for Priya but I got where she was coming from. She was right about one thing: Helen looked absolutely beautiful in her white 'party' outfit. And Helen? Run from Sasha...now. Once he finishes the film about Noah he will be dropping her. It was even beginning at the party with his obvious interest in Noah's ex literary publicist. I want to see where the Joanie storyline is going, though. I don't watch previews (actually we don't even get them for most shows half the time in Canada) so I'm still very curious where that will end.
  4. I've been reading (and re-and-re-reading) the books since the early 1980s when I was in my early twenties. When what was to be the final TOTC book came out (Sure of You) I went to a reading Armistead was giving (and got my copy autographed) and in a Q&A he said that he would like to see Colleen Dewhurst as Anna (this was years before the series was made and, by then Miss Dewhurst had died). I loved the first series and remember what a big thing it was on PBS at the time. I also thought it was almost perfectly cast (especially Mary Ann, Mouse and Mona). I wish so much I could say the same for this version of what seems like a 'bizzaro' Barbary Lane. AND: there a far, far too many just plain awful changes/differences from the books that it get so irritating to watch ... and to sit next to loudly bitching about it on the couch, it would seem. My favourite episode was, oddly enough, the one that told of Anna's past that took place in '66. The acting (Jen Richards, Luke Kirby and the divine Daniela Vega) was superb as were the writing and directing. I liked Ellen Page as Shawna and I could still talk with Anna Madrigal all night long.
  5. I couldn’t agree with you more , DanielleC . The “screamy queens” are driving me nuts. Silky is beyond delusional with both the way she thinks she looks and that “America is going to love her” I think Yvie is talented and I love her drag but she manufactures much unnecessary drama; you don’t need to share your (for the most part) unsolicited opinions of the other queen’s drag or personalities especially when you know it’s just going to start a shitstorm. I was born, raised and have lived in Toronto all my life and it made me laugh watching Brooke building a couch pillow safe space around herself as I would have done the same thing. Also, I’m not sure if it’s just this particular season I hate or if I’ve just gone “off” RPDR? That said: Miss Alyssa Edwards: Drag Race ROYALTY! 👑
  6. I know Elizabeth was there to promote her book but I wonder if the producers may be considering her as a replacement for Abbey when she goes on maternity leave.
  7. If Megan McCain is such a “big girl” why can she not resist sniping and chastising the studio audience? I cannot believe the producers haven’t spoken to her about this multiple times already and yet she cannot help herself and refer to the audience as hostile and, of course, how brave she is to come in every day and face them being such a “big girl” about it.
  8. This is the first time I can recall absolutely not liking anyone who is left in the game. Not one, and I've been watching since season one. I don't find any of their 'humour' funny and think most of them are down right mean. It seems this cast is hyper aware of the fact they are on tv and are under the delusion that this will make them 'famous' (at least in Big Brother terms). I'm aware that this may have to do more with me than the show as, at least from many of the comments here, most folks are really enjoying the cast and this season. Let me put it this way: I dislike this cast and this season so much I can't even find any fun in 'hate' watching it. Oh well.
  9. yeah, this episode had deep layers of fuckery that was so obvious is was on 'valley of the dolls' level of "oh god, it really doesn't know how bad it is!" aja was this season's 'neely o'hara' character and fuck you that she gets cut out of nowhere. girl. no.
  10. This deserves framing! Something tasteful, cobalt blue.
  11. Oh, I couldn't agree more! I still feel that Meredith was, by far, the best moderator the show ever had. I'd choose Rosie O'Donnell as second but I don't think she'll even be a guest again, much less the moderator. My memory of the Nicole Wallace year was that she was supposed to be there for the conservative point of view but they sat her next to Whoopi who seemed to really like her. It was like she and Whoopi became buds.
  12. Oh, I must say I do like 'Elsa'; it really suits her. I also realized I'm going to miss Sarah. She's like that girlfriend in high school you had a scream with in french class. I'm happy for her, though. Whoopi can s$%^ my d*&(. Did McCain put her in his will or does he have something on her? Honestly, she treats Elsa with the kiddiest of gloves. That said ... it's become sort of fascinating to watch. When do they go on Happy Holidays Time (for me that would be Christmas)?
  13. How about: Meghan McCain: Supercunt, for her thread title? Yeah, the whole Whoopi v. Sunny thing is just getting more and more uncomfortable. I think that 'producer' Whoopi would have loved to have gotten rid of Sunny but maybe was allowed to 'choose' Jed's replacement and, for some reason she's 'in love' with Meghan McCain (Supercunt). What I'm waiting for is the day when a 'guest' (whatever happened to those; yes I'm exaggerating) is the one to tear Meghan several new ones. Then we'll see 'touch chick's' true colours.
  14. I know who the "spoiler queen" is but I think it's just something for fans to chew and and try to decipher when it's just a funny red herring. I still think the spoiler queen is for reasons I stated above. Also, I know absolutely nothing about what I'm talking about!
  15. I'm ok with the cast and there are more queens that I love/admire than not. As it currently stands I'd had to say I'm team Trixie Mattel and Team Chi Chi DeVayne. The only thing that may change that is IF the 'mystery surprise' or whatever the fuck they're calling it, is Valentina! The queens will instantly be Team Aja or Team Valentina! Drama and ... um, drama! I'd be Team Valentina, by the way ...,now, don't hate me because she's so beautiful like linnnnnda evangaliiiiiista!
  16. Oh, I meant to add that I loved Sheila E.'s performance today. I have such fond memories of the time of my life when her big hit The Glamorous Life was so popular and wore my cha-cha heels (black ones!) out dancing to it. I am Canadian (!), though, so I don't have the same feelings (obviously) for the song that Americans will have. p.s. and I wanted to thank the poster who first referred to the fact that Meghan McCain (the initials MM are reserved for Marilyn Monroe for me) is humorless. As my dear mother would have said "truer words were never spoken".
  17. 'I Fucking Hate Joy Behar: My Weeks on The View' by Meghan "Tough Chick" McCain
  18. I joked about Spicey being on Celeb BB when Julie first announced it. I would love it but I was kidding. Then Spicey appers on The Emmy Awards (which was hilarious for the site af completely caught off guard hollywood t.v./movie folk that didn't know how to react with the cameras on them;melissa mccarthy seemed especially confused). So, maybe he will do Celeb BB after all. I wonder how long it took them to get Paul out of the BB House. When they were going to commercial he still wasn't out.
  19. You know, 1,000,000 ' X ' this! <3 This. Very much this. 1,000,000 ' X ' this!
  20. Lucy and Ethel as 'Women from Mars' is one of my favourite 'I Love Lucy' episdoes!
  21. I'm trying to think of the worst case scenario for the Paul and HolidaySeason's endgame. I guess it would be that somehow they and Josh make it to final three and somehow Josh wins and takes Paul to the final two and HolidaySeason can squeak her way out the door in third place. Paul will, of course, come in second again and to add insult to further insult, lose to Josh. I haven't really, really wanted anyone to win BB since season six and Janelle and that was mainly because of how much I despised Maggie and The Fiendsheep and their God 'Cappy'. This could have been such an incredible double eviction night. Right up there with the the 'clown shoe' elimination of 'big' Jeff but it seems when it comes to BB we can't have anything nice anymore. Stupid Grodner and Co. Celeb BB? I hope they don't get other CBS reality 'stars'. Sean Spicer is free, I think and maybe by the time it airs, so will Trump.
  22. You know, ultimately,as always we can thank The Grand Phooba of BB, Allison Grodner for pretty much wrecking this season from the start with bringing back Paul. Honestly, this season didn't have a chance.
  23. I've watched BB since Season One and, like another poster said up thread, maybe I'm just getting either too old or just tired of it. Usually I can find one or two hamsters to root for but there are none, not one, this season. I guess it was just that I disliked Cody the most and still do. I agree that all the fake hugging involved in the show (after nominations, after veto, getting voted out) has always been ridiculous. Did I mention I think that Cody is a douche?
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