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Everything posted by marsha

  1. Yeah, the What's The Tee? Ru/Michelle podcast can be fun ... most of the time. There are moments where they do go off the rails with Michelle's 'jokes' and non stop yakking and Ru's OTT 'cackling' -- mind you, it feels kind of funny for me to be writing this because why read someone for laughing and obviously having a good time? It's on every two weeks and it's usually a fun listen. I think there have been maybe one or two where I didn't bother listening all the way through. I live for Isis Mirage and Coco Ferocha's THROWINSHADE. I've been listening to their RPDR podcasts for years now. I think this is also where Alaska got his "hiiiiiiiii!" from as well. This next one is kind of hit and miss for me but I also enjoy (at times) After Buzz Tv's RPDR recaps on YouTube and audio on iTunes.
  2. Pretty good episode. Like others have said, maybe the best one of the season so far. Trixie had me on the floor during the runway. I howled when she said "Good evening distinguished panel of judges." She's really sharp and very funny. It's both a pleasure and relief to have her back on the show. Oh, and the reason why she calls herself 'Trixie'? That was equal parts brave and heartbreaking. How I wish Ginger had been sent home tonight but with Jaiden on the bottom again her number was kind of up. What an insufferable snot that Ginger is in her talking heads (well, all the time, really). She has quite the high opinion of herself. I try and read things into the kind of edit the queens get and I can't quite see Ginger winning considering the one she's getting. Of course, that could just be me hoping she gets booted in fourth place at the very latest. Yeah, it seems Fame has horseshoes up her bum (maybe she got them from her farm) as she is way, way past due having to Lip sync for her life. She's an odd duck, that one. Every week Katya just goes up and up and up on my list of faves. I'd love to see a final three of Katya, Trixie and ... well, whoever. Oh, who am I kidding; it'll probably be Ginger or Kennedy.
  3. Oh dear. Well, as much as I love Max I can see why she was in the bottom two (what a shame to have your ‘character’ so wonderfully realized visually but so completely wrong otherwise) even though I don’t think she was out-lip synched at all by Jaiden. Apparently, Max has been tweeting that that ole RPDR queen’s worstest enemy ‘EDITING’ was at play last night. She says, more or less, that she thought she wasn’t being filmed when she sat down during the runway and that Ru asked her to sing when she was sitting there. At any rate, Max is not pleased. Again, love you Max, but … c’mon (not that she shouldn't necessarily be upset but thinking they stopped filming). I don’t know who ‘Big Ang’ is but Pearl completely threw herself into the character and tried to be funny and that’s what you are supposed to do in Snatch Game. I mean, one of the queens I’ve most disliked in RPDR herstory was Roxxy but, I thought she did the same thing on her Snatch Game as Tamar (who at that time I didn’t know either). Oh, speaking of Tamar, please have her back as a judge anytime. She was fab! So, Kennedy AND Ginger co-winning? If nothing else, that alone would make this the worst Snatch Game ever.
  4. I enjoyed this episode fine but, still, to quote Michelle Visage “Meh”. The funniest line all night (being Canadian we see ‘Untucked’ on tv right after the show the way God intended it to be!) was when Katya said :“Who knew my Myrtle Gainsberg was really going to steal the show?”. I really laughed at that line. Katya has really risen high on my very short list of favourites this season. I’d be absolutely fine if she ended up winning. She’s smart, naturally funny and knows who she is as a drag queen. I still love Max like the dickens but I see her passing through drag to a more theatrical career (which I may be completely wrong about, of course) whereas I believe drag is Katya’s career and artistic expression (oh, and I could be completely wrong about that too!). Also, I wonder if this ‘these other queens are vulgar!’ attitude from Max is real or a pose or is he just being all ‘Meryl Streep Method Actress’ about his ‘character’. I mean, c’mon. If you’re not into ‘that kind of talk’ then, fine, don’t participate but do you have to make a whole thing about turning your back on the group or putting up your hands and clutching all 500 of your pearls in a shocked/dismissive way? I don’t know. Again, I still like Max but, … it makes me wonder. I enjoyed Merle Ginsberg as a judge on the first two seasons and it was really nice having her back. I loved Ross too when he said to Michelle “that’s exactly what change is!”. Good on him. I like Michelle fine but sometimes, to quote my darling Bianca, I feel like saying to her: “Calm down, Beyoncé!” I’m looking forward to Snatch Game. I’ve seen the sneak preview and
  5. Cry Baby Pee Pants is my new drag name. Thanks SteveAC10!
  6. Thanks goodbyeglittergirl! Those were precisely the words I was searching for but couldn't quite get: appalling and (dis)respect. It astounds me the complete and utter lack of insight (not to mention prideful ignorance) some of these queens display.
  7. I just don't know anymore with this season. After actually seeing a 'spark' of something with Pearl last episode during 'Dreaming' I'm officially done with this fool after her "Is there something on my face?" backtalk. You entitled, fucking, little bitch. You don't speak to anyone like this much less RuPaul, the person who chose/invited you to be on his show. I find it hard to believe that Ru didn't just 'sashay' her on the spot. "Is there something on my face?" Yeah Pearl, there is: bullshit; because your so full of it, it's oozing out of your pores. You're dead to me, Pearl. ::Miranda Priestly voice and double hand wave:: That's all. Oh, I know I'll probably stick it out for the rest of the season to see what happens but my heart is no where near in it. The only queen I like without reservation is Max but I honestly can't see her winning. It's probably going to be Ginger Ming ::shurgs:: As my darling Bianca Del Rio would say "it bears repeating": Ru, PLEASE have a full season of All Stars next year with the crème de la crème of your queens and NO PAIRS! Merci beaucoup!
  8. vixenbynight, I'd be willing to bet cold, hard cash on that! I'm fine with the show just being over, as is. One can just read into it what one would like to by the way the show ended. The one thing I tend not to like about 'wrap-up' seasons or special one-off movies is that they try to tie up all the dangling story lines and characters lives in a bow ... which, you know, is kind of the opposite of life.
  9. Hi, my name is Marsha and I'm a proud member of the 107 Years Old Club! 'Dreaming' has always been my favourite Blondie song. I can still remember going to the record store and buying their Eat to the Beat album the day it was released in the Autumn of '79, taking it home and pogoing myself into stupor in my bedroom. I was 19, it was the last months of the 1970's and my adolescence was winding down (I'd turn 20 in June of 1980). I found it curious too that so many folks didn't know this song as I remember it being very popular when it came out (as was Blondie and Debbie Harry). I did some checking online though and saw that it was barely Top 30 in the USA but I'm Canadian (born, raised and still living in Toronto) and it was #4 here. I watched the lipsynch again (3rd or maybe 4th time) and I really have to say this again: Pearl was amazing. She really, really captured the feeling, the pure emotions of the song and her FACE! My God! She really does have all the makings of a star but maybe it might have been better for her if she'd been chosen for maybe Season 8 or 9. I don't think she's emotionally ready for the competition. Also, her face was pure Golden Age Hollywood demented diva a la Norma Desmond or Joan Crawford (or maybe more precisely Faye Dunaway as Joan Crawford in Mommie Dearest). Some other poster (either here or maybe Reddit ::shudder!::) compared this lipsynch to Latrice and Kenya's 'Natural Woman' where Kenya was a ball of energy but seemed completely disconnected to the song/lyrics and Latrice was wholly connected and just stood in one spot and brilliantly emoted that song the house down! That said, I still don't feel that Trixie even belonged in the bottom two (I think Miss Fame or Kandy Ho were better candidates) so I was sad to see her go. I loved her talking heads and found her funny and sharp. I thought sure she was Top 3 material! I'm also over Ginger Ming. What a two faced shit stirrer she's become. I'd like to see a Ginger/Kennedy double elimination and later watch their heads explode on finale night when Max or Pearl wins.
  10. Thanks taicraven; 'empty' is the word I've been searching for! It really feels that the show is just going through the motions. Now, maybe I'm just projecting here but it even seems that Ru isn't even really engaged. I know there was the reputed 'lets turn the cameras off'' with Kennedy's group last week and yellin' at the gals on the runway but ... it seems 'forced'. I don't know. YMMV, natch. Maybe next season should be another 'All Stars' (but a full season and NO PAIRS!).
  11. I've seen the 'leaked' episode floating around and I cannot believe the results! I'm not sure what it is about this season so far but it just seems ... I want to say 'boring' or 'uninspiring' but it's not quite that. Maybe the show has just peaked, I don't know. Edited to add:
  12. I guess it kinda depends on what kind of villain you are. Are you a funny, bitchy kinda gal like Willam or are you just a mean spirited, vile bitch like....well everyone else? It seems the funny, bitchy hos become really popular and the not so funny ones just get ripped apart on the message boards. Oh, that's funny! I never, ever thought of the divine Willam as a 'villain'! From the moment she walked into the show I adored her and it's never let up (live for William's Beatdown and only wish she'd do more). Maybe it's because that season we had the truly heinous Phi Phi O'Hara who just oozed villain out of every pore to such an extent that anyone else just seemed nice by comparison! I'm finding myself disappointed by Mrs. Kasha Davis. I knew nothing about her going into the show but loved her name. That said, I find her drags pedestrian at best and not in an ironically humorous way. Also, I agree with what some others were saying that I didn't think she slayed her 'scat' solo at all. It made me wish they'd given that part to Sasha. Now, did anyone notice that Ru didn't say "Can I get an Amen?" at the end of the episode? Is that the first time ever? I've loved Olivia Newton-John since my early teens (I even saw her in concert in the summer of '75!) but they may as well have had a lamp with a wig on it for all she brought to the judging. Also, don't most guest judges have something to do with the challenges? It would have made more sense to have the choreographer as a judge on the panel, if only to watch Ginger 'flood her basement' all over the stage.
  13. Oh, I could live with that or should I say I would live for that! I want to see Violet go down and go down hard! Whatever queen she thinks is furthest beneath her (and I guess that would be all of them in her tinny little head) be the one to knock her out in her Lip Sync For Your Liiiiiiffffe! I don't get these queens who come on the show and seem to knowingly give these talking heads that will surely cast them as the villain. It may give them some extra screen time but ... what about after the show is over? Does it help them with their bookings? It seems the villains of the seasons get much, much less attention after the show (and their use) is over. Jasmine is just ... I don't know. I really run hot and cold on this one. I like the fact that she really, really wants to be on the series and can't help but let her excitement show but her whole "what the hail?!?" rant on what Trixie was wearing for the runway seemed ridiculous considering what she was wearing. Did she really think she looked 'first class' in that mess she had on? I'm guessing she'd say "YASSS!!".
  14. In Canada on OUTtv, we get Untucked right after the show (I guess because exclusive Logo content is blocked outside of the USA). I've just watched this episode's Untucked I can't tell you how much I love the 'new' Untucked! I've put it in 'spoiler tags' because I'm not sure if we can post it before it's aired in the USA.
  15. I watched this episode last week (and this morning ... I really need to get out ...) and I will say this though: not one queen so far is standing out for me as a clear front runner nor is there one yet that I really like.
  16. I really enjoyed watching this episode with Bianca and Alaska's commentary. Funny, sure, but also really interesting behind-the-scenes tidbits from both on how it was to be up there on that stage and what it was like in the workroom. I really hope they keep this up for the whole season even if they end up using different queens for each episode (though I'd be happy keeping it just Bianca and Alaska).
  17. Now, I read that Untucked was not going to be on tv but on the internet the next morning. Well, on OUTtv here in Canada, it was on after the show as usual. I don't know if this was just a one time thing or what but I was so glad to see it. Also, I LOVE the stripped down almost season one level of the 'new' Untucked (wasn't it originally Under The Hood in Season One?). It was just completely focused on the gals right after the 'safe' ones leave the stage and then when the others join them momentarily (or however long that takes). All they're doing is having a drink, sprawling on a couple of couches and talking. No 'pink furry box' or screen with someone from home or big sobbing 'moments'. It was wonderful!! Also, Ru wasn't hosting it and there were no 'clips/scenes' from the season so no 'hints' to count looks to see how long someone stays/goes. Loved, loved, LOVED it!! I was sad to see Tempest go but not surprised, either. I loved Violet's fashion show and runway and especially the sourpuss on Miss "Fame"'s face when she didn't win. I'm really digging Max and could maybe even like Pearl if she wasn't all "don't hate me because I'm beautiful" because, bitch? please.
  18. Also, apparently Untucked is no longer on the network after the show proper but airs the next day online .... why?
  19. Well, sometimes when people self identify as sober it can have different meanings. I know some people that when they say they are sober it means they've stopped drinking alcohol but still smoke pot (sometimes referred to as 'marijuana maintenance') and with others it means they don't drink or do any kind of drug. Maybe Laganja has given up drinking but is still on her 'medication' i.e. marijuana.
  20. That's true about using mostly 'unknowns' for 'Friends'. If Nancy had been cast as Monica many people would still think of her as 'Jo' coming to the series. That's not always an issue, though. I mean Mary Tyler Moore became famous playing 'Laura Petrie' and, just four years after 'The Dick Van Dyke Show' ended, she was 'reborn' as 'Mary Richards'. On the other hand, years later when Ron Silver began popping up in drama series and films, my first thought was always "What's 'Gary' from 'Rhoda' doing in this show?". Also, isn't Charlotte supposed to be writing a memoir? That's a book I'd love to read as not only will there be lots of good backstage FOL stuff but (not gossipy, I'm sure, but just what it was like to be the star of a series) also the years where she, Cloris Leachman and Paul Lynde were all classmates together in college (Northwestern, I believe). I've got to tell you folks that I'm so grateful for this site/forum. There is nobody else, and I mean nobody, I can talk about FOL with. Thanks!
  21. I didn't really mind the one about Jo's cousin (I just saw it again a few days ago) but I can also see why it didn't fly. I know part of the reason I kind of liked it is because I'm Canadian and so are Megan Follows and Donnelly Rhodes who played, well, Jo's cousin and her father. The one I absolutely cannot stand is the one with Mrs. Garrett's son Raymond and his wife Doris. Oh my God, that's a terrible episode. That's the one I always skip.
  22. Well, the story goes that it was down to Courtney Cox and Nancy McKeon for the part of 'Monica Gellar' on 'Friends'. It's hard to imagine anyone but Courtney as 'Monica' (and I always felt she was underrated for her work in 'Friends') but that would have been wonderful to have had Nancy on such a big, hit show (wasn't it on for 10 seasons?).
  23. Thanks for sharing discorules. If you check the last DVD is has the 2014 Cast Reunion At The Paley Center that features Nancy, Mindy, Lisa, Charlotte and, towards the end, Geri. Kim is the no-show this time around. It seems it's impossible to get them all together in the same room at the same time. It's a shame as this is probably the last time is was going to happen as now that the complete series DVD is out, I'm not sure what else they'll do a 'reunion' for. I know there was a big article in EW a while back (I'm not sure if it was in the magazine or only online) and both Mindy and Kim declined to take part in it. They both sent statements that said something like (I'm paraphrasing, of course) that they feel they've said/shared everything they have to say/share about FOL. Oh well. I always wonder why some take part in these things and some don't. I'm assuming that they don't get paid to do this stuff and considering what kind of contracts actors (especially young actors) had in those days I'm not even sure they get residuals or a 'cut' of the DVD sales. The one thing I wish the DVDs had was a commentary track or two for certain episodes. I love well done commentary tracks (but bad ones are, well, really bad) and it would have been nice to have one with all four girls for 'Take My Finals, Please' and a few others.
  24. I thought it was in many ways the best episode in this (underwhelming) season (well, so far). I still find Paddy annoying but I do understand that he is the lead character and I think they are at least trying to make it look like he's trying to figure things out and try to understand and grow and move forward with his experiences. If I were Richie, though, I'd break it off for good with Paddy but it seems it was made clear in this episode that Richie still loves Paddy and is hoping against hope that maybe somewhere down the road they can get back together. That's what I get anyway. I'm curious what is going to happen with Kevin though and what he may or may not do with/to Paddy at work. I still 'hate' Auggie. Honestly, I cannot shake the feeling that since the character had such a bad reaction (for the most part from what I've read) in Season One that TPTB have bent over backwards to try and redeem him this year and it just rings so absolutely hollow and false to me. Also, I feel no chemistry at all between him and Eddie but I also know that's really a YMMV situation if there ever was one. I'm vaguely curious as to where Dom is going in his story line (now that it seems Lynn is out of the picture, dammit) but Doris I could care less about. She was and still is (for me) migraine inducing. Cannot stand her.
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