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Everything posted by GeorgiaRai

  1. I see it so differently! Robyn sold whatever dark bit of soul she may have had to live in that "mansion" - at the expense of the very women she claims to want to spend her later years rocking on the porch with. I have no doubt she sees it as a good trade off! lol And Janelle's apartment and Christmas tree seem perfectly fine to me; no worse than what many families have, and better than what I could scrape together when I divorced at around Janelle's age. She holds an interest in 6+ acres of land as well, with no need to barter or trade away her interest in it unless/until it benefits her. I don't know that Janelle was ever a finance brain (did she claim to be?) but she did produce income for many years. I don't fault her for investing her efforts into her family instead of herself all those years; it's what a lot of married women do.
  2. The actual warranty deeds are available online. They did indeed (no pun intended!) take title to 4 separate lots this way; the only transfer I see after the initial purchases in 2018 is the deed removing Christine from her lot. By stretching one's imagination, you might could explain Kody's 25% comment as meaning they bought 4 lots, one intended to be primarily in each wife's name - and 1 of 4 is 25%. That doesn't take into account, of course, each lot's size and value. The thing is... 2 acres is none too shabby for a residential lot, IMO. Most people could absolutely build a perfectly fine home on a tract that size, and the smaller size means less expensive, less property tax, etc. going forward. I think where Janelle and Meri may have gotten screwed the most would be in how much each of them paid toward the purchases and/or loans on lots belonging to others thinking it was meant to benefit the entire family. But if they knowingly bought smaller/cheaper lots and only put their money towards those, I'm not sure the current distribution is blatantly unfair. And believe me, saying that is like a knife in the kidney. Here's the tax map of the lots as purchased. I *think* they wanted to redraw the lot lines to make the 2 small lots into one, leave the middle lot the same, and split the largest tract into 3 smaller lots, one with the pond. But I didn't go back though threads and episode to confirm. When I downloaded the map, I named it "embarrassing" because I already can't believe I put time & effort into looking this up! lol
  3. Did it have something to do with qualifying for the mortgages on the various lots?
  4. I thought the redivision of the lots was just a plan in Kody's head so he could have the puddle plot as his man space. The deeds & tax records still seem to show: Kody & Janelle 2.4 acres (assessed value $157k) Kody & Robyn 2.4 acres ($157k) Kody, Janelle & Meri 4.4 acres ($260k) Kody & Robyn (formerly Christine) 5.1 acres ($270k)
  5. After looking at records online, I'm pretty sure the lot designated as "Christine's" was originally titled in the names of Christine, Kody & Robyn. So any transfer of the property would have had to be made by all 3 title holders; Christine couldn't have unilaterally conveyed it to an LLC or other family member(s). I believe Christine's intent (or at least her desire) was that the lot belong to the family as a whole. I think she would've preferred Janelle - and even to some extent Meri - and their children benefit from it over Kody & Robyn. Legally, though, I don't think she had any choice without a prolonged negotiation and/or court battle.
  6. Same! It seemed to imply that he was automatically easier to beat than even, say, Jennifer, just because he was a "home baker". I disliked everything she did, said & made after that (because I'm petty that way).
  7. I can't argue with the decision, but I was sad to see Alex go. I liked her, and it seemed like she could've used the confidence boost of a good run. I hope there are good things ahead for her. I feel like some of the judges' comments/jokes are crossing over into snark territory, and it makes me uncomfortable. They need to be honest but kind...and leave the snarking to the professionals (i.e. PT posters)!
  8. I started watching Kristin's Christmas Past a few years ago based on comments in this thread; it has become one of my favorites. Now, I try to watch it at least once every year, and thanks to Lifetime, today's the day!
  9. Neither of Hallmark's premieres this weekend (Christmas Island & A Heidelberg Christmas) appealed to me so I watched GAC's A Christmas Blessing instead, and found it quite enjoyable. I still like Lori Loughlin and think she & James Tupper are a good pairing; they co-starred in Fall Into Winter, as well, earlier this year. I attempted to watch A Christmas Keepsake (a/k/a A Christmas Time Capsule?) but found it excrutiatingly dull. It just kept plodding along and felt very monotone. Before the halfway point, I switched channels & watched true crime instead.
  10. Can you shed any light on why she said this/feels this way? (And thanks, as always, for your wonderful feeds commentary!)
  11. I was surpised how much I enjoyed Haul Out the Holly last year; I've come to like it even more while rewatching this year. I find it way more funny & engaging than Three Wise Men & a Baby (which Hallmark seemed to feel was their standout move last season.) I hope the Lit Up sequel is as good as the original.
  12. I knew she left Hallmark - these was quite a bit of press about her negotiations with GAC at the time - so it's not surprising GAC is featuring her a lot. I don't find her relatable or endearing, but it's just personal preference; not a knock on her looks or talent.
  13. I watch Christmas movies on this channel, @coffeebean but usually catch them after they've played a few times, so I'm not up on new releases. It might just be my (bad) luck, but a lot of times when I tune in, they're playing something with Jill Wagner, so I just nope right on out of there. That aside, there are several GAC Christmas movies I like a lot and watch repeatedly.
  14. Mystic Christmas was a win for me. Jessy is a fave of mine, and the setting in Mystic was fun. My sister lives in CT and we go to Mystic every time I visit her. And we ALWAYS go to Sift because it's fabulous (and we've liked owner Adam Young ever since he was on - and won - Food Network's America's Best Baker a few years ago.) I liked the trio of main characters, the seals, the humor, the interns, and the not-so-typical-Hallmark ending. Will definitely watch again!
  15. SAME!!! When the season started, I really thought we'd be spared hot tubs and make-out sessions being this was "golden" and all. No such luck!
  16. I've been wondering if Fe throwing Cirie UTB to Jag would somehow end up changing the target from Blue to America this week. I like America so I hope it doesn't happen, but this latest word-vomit (shared so epically by 30 Helens) makes it sound likely. Rats. ( <-Take that as either an expression of disappointment or a description of these HGs. Both interpretations are correct.)
  17. I didn't get the feeling that Christine was pitying Janelle in that convo, so I wonder if in the later TH, Janelle was responding to something else (producer driven) and not that specific discussion. I thought Christine did the best she could with what I felt were mixed signals/confusion coming from Janelle. She didn't care & was over it, but was also staying put & willing to stay married if Kody changed, but he wasn't going to and that's fine, she feels nothing but she had fun on their date and then he didn't call... all in the same conversation - and with someone who went through something similar, and is now healthy & happy on the other side. Not judging Janelle at all; leaving a marriage can bring a huge mix of emotions - I'm just not sure what Christine could've done differently. I feel like she listened, offered support, and showed great restraint. Because I think she probably just wanted to say "Leave the asshat. Like, NOW!"
  18. The reference to watching a marathan of the hundreds of New Year's movies released every year (that began showing in June) made me lol both times I watched Where Are You, Christmas? over the weekend.
  19. Susan got a rose. I'll take "Things I Did Not See Coming" for $400, Alex.
  20. I was Team Edith. And Team Joan. And before that, Team Marina (we barely saw her, but she impressed me.) Fifteen years later, and I'm no better at picking winners than I was during Rock of Love.
  21. It's gag-inducing, but imagine the moment Kod removed his claddagh ring and replaced it with the horse's ass. IMO, that's a very symbolic gesture & indicates a intentional shift in attitude - and I'm sure he and Robyn found "solace" in that personal and private (probably even romantic but, again, I gag) action. So no, I don't for a minute believe her dehydrated tears and quivering chin when she proclaims any of this had been difficult for her. She's all in - and has always been all in - on causing the other women as much hurt, self-doubt, jealousy and humiliation as possible.
  22. I read recently that hair rollers in public (like Blue's been wearing) are a kind of social statement in South Korea. It's not something I would've thought to look into, but ... now I know! https://www.nytimes.com/2021/11/21/style/korea-hair-curlers-gen-z.html
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