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Everything posted by GeorgiaRai

  1. It applies, sure, but so overused in the TIU universe right now it borders on pretentious. It's like they sent out a memo saying "this is how we shall refer to the next-to-last episode." Then again, maybe the problem is that I follow too much TIU content on Twitter. lol
  2. I'm tired of the word "penultimate".
  3. I'm not mad about Jack waking Rebecca. When your baby and their bed are covered in poo, you need to simultaneously clean both - and, in this case, prefeably without waking up the other 2. I didn't come away thinking he couldn't have handled it alone if backup wasn't available. This portrayal of Jack and the Beth/Sophie convo felt very meta to me.
  4. My eyeroll at Kate's degree & career wasn't because she couldn't have done it. It was because it felt like the writers wanted to give us one more "told you so" about the breakup of Kate & Toby. They're telling us that off camera, she began an amazing, confident, fulfilling life as soon as she dumped her first husband (who had been supportive, encouraging and loving until they decided he wasn't). The throwaway comment about her Master's and her Important Job served no purpose in that moment - it felt like a cheap way to further the narrative that Toby was bad for Kate, and PJM was so, so good. No need for us to see any of that - just take their word for it and like it, plebs!! lol
  5. I remember George from E/R, long before he was on ER.
  6. My exact thoughts, as well, and beautifully said.
  7. Yes, this is absolutely true for me! Nothing he does will ever be right because his very existence is so, so wrong! Otherwise, I loved this episode. And I've loved this show - but the resurrection of Laurel and the marrying of Phillip were definite low points for me (with Phillip's storyline being the absolute worst because it's recurring; at least Dead Laurel disappeared after the ghost-swim.)
  8. I need Kate & Toby to remarry in the future, and at their 2nd wedding, Jack sings & dedicates to them an original song he wrote (which won him at least 2 Grammys) titled "You're Both Here". The end.
  9. Didn't Randall wonder if Rebecca might start calling him William? Maybe they'll have a William/Randall scene similar to Jack-as-Kevin-as-Jack. I'm a sucker for afterlife reunion stories, so I'm ok if Rebecca dies and is greeted by an entire host of the previously deceased! Just so they aren't swimming. In a swamp. Naked.
  10. I normally feel this way, too! But this fairy-tale ending felt out of place after the "harsh reality" of Toby & Kate. The show gave us a "love conquers all" story line for 2/3rds of the Big Three, and I'm a Bitter Betty about the other third! lol
  11. The happy coupling of Kevin & Sophie is no more believable to me than the sad uncoupling of Toby & Kate. I wish I'd stopped watching the show just before the wedding flash-forward in Season 5. I should've learned my lesson after Felicity, but noooo; I let another series draw me in just to be disappointed at the end.
  12. Jackson screwed up, but I liked him before... and still like him! I found this interview really interesting. Top Chef Jackson talks dumb restaurant wars loss
  13. I don't think Kevin slept with anyone. I do think this episode set Kevin & Sophie up for a reunion in a couple years, told through a series of flash-forwards. Hopefully Sophie's ex-to-be is spared the same fate as Phillip's. Not the ending I want - I'd prefer any of the other 3 (Mads, Cassidy, wedding singer) - but I think it's where we're headed.
  14. I don't think an afterlife scene would necessarily have to pair Rebecca up with either of her husbands. There could just be a group of people waiting for her - Jack, Kyle, Miguel, Jack's mom, relatives we don't know.* Like a happier version of the ending ofThe Lovely Bones movie. *maybe even the first Mrs. Mean Jerk, crooked nose and all.
  15. Thanks for saying this! I kept thinking Jack was a little out of character, and this is why - he was Kevin-as-Jack. Makes perfect sense now. Other thoughts: I liked the episode overall except for it being set at this particular couple's wedding. Bleh. I was glad they didn't cancel Rebecca's performance. Surely every person there would've been understanding & supportive if she couldn't do it when the time came. As it was, It would've been a shame to take that moment from her - from them all - preemptively. It was my favorite part of the episode.
  16. Off topic observation: Several times people have mentioned an ending similar to Six Feet Under. I only watched one episode of that show and hated it. Hated. I couldn't figure out any logical way what I remembered of it could translate in any way to TIU. UNTIL... I looked up that final scene and realized I'd confused Six Feet Under (which I've never seen) with Pushing Daisies. Doh.
  17. I just hope whatever the show does with Kevin, they handle it better than they did Kate & Toby. Be true to the characters. Don't force feed us baseless emotions. Don't have people we like do & say stupid stuff they/we can't recover from. Don't give a known character a personality reboot and hope we don't notice. Be kind to the people you've introduced us to & allowed us to care about - is that so hard?!? ;) I've loved and hated (tv hate, not real!) every character at one point or another. But this is a crappy time to turn any of them into someone we just don't like any more. I'm not happy that this season has made me dislike Kate. It didn't have to be this way, and I hope the show gets to the end without needlessly destroying any more people or relationships. Sure, real life doesn't always have happy endings. That's why I watch tv shows!!
  18. Maybe she thought she was being compassionate by telling him she'd still be in his life, just in way different than what he'd hoped & worked for. To me, it felt cold & dismissive; the vibe was "someday you'll be as over me as I am already over you!" And sure, she ended up being right, but in that particular moment, I felt it was, at best, insensitive.
  19. Maybe on each of their subsequent dates, Philip tells Kate a new story about how another relative died in a sudden, horrific accident just 5 minutes after doing something he didn't like.
  20. Except doesn't she think Jack is coming? If she's having congnitive issues, I could see her not thinking she needs to be by Miguel. (Then, again, maybe this was a spontaneous picture, and there are other posed/formal shots where everyone is accounted for and in the right place. )
  21. Except for seeing Toby happy in the however-distance future, I was like the Grinch watching this episode: "Hate, hate, hate, double hate, loathe entirely..." It did address some questions (mainly, for me, that Kate is alive at the time of the Death Watch Party for Rebecca), I just didn't like most of the answers. Was it clear when Toby met Parfait Woman? Could it have been after the deathbed scene? I wonder if he struggled for those first few years, but got some kind of closure after whatever happened at the cabin event he wasn't sure he should attend. Sophie is married to someone else, but part of me thinks the whole Toby / Kate / Phillip tale was spun just to facilitate Kevin seeing Sophie again, setting the stage for them to get back together.
  22. I'll yay with you (or alone now, if you've changed your mind)! I like this show - even when I don't like all the people or all of the designs.
  23. Oh - so maybe they're estranged? I hope not, too! But it sounds to me like whoever Randall is talking about WANTS Toby at the gathering, so I'm still wondering.
  24. Randall on phone: You coming down? Toby: I don't know if I should. Randall: She'd want you to be there, Tobe I can't imagine a situation where Randall would be the point of contact between Toby & Hailey. She would've just told her dad directly if she wanted him there - no need to go through Randall. To me, the scene only makes sense if something has happened to Kate.
  25. Correct! The driver said they didn't hit any bump that would've startled him. After the shot, he told the driver to go slow, and directed her to a hospital that was farther away. The video footage of their arrival at the ER is so creepy - he gets out of the car, calmly directs the driver (unneccesarily) where to pull up, opens the car door - no visible panic or hurry. In the ER, he asked the driver to lie for him. At trial, it ws shown that the trajectory of the bullet didn't fit his story that the gun was laying in his lap as he dozed. This is one case where I think the jury got it absolutely right.
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