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Everything posted by LittleIggy

  1. Yeah, I don't get the thing about Bronilly and Calaban saying they are "immortal." As noted, Proteus was killed and I'm sure a shotgun blast to the head or a grenade would take care of them.
  2. Wasn't adultery. No one married. Just fornication. And the BIL was the one supposedly in a relationship. Did Cheryl go out of her way to humiliate him?Kate should have said, "Alan, you are still invited to the wedding" instead of mouthing "Sorry."
  3. How can Bronilly bleed? She was dead so her blood had to have coagulated. I wish Victor had shot her in the face.
  4. Oh, hell yeah, I would have told them that, too. No contribution to the group, no food or water. Why did no one have the stones to tell them that.Jim was all bullshit about the caiman. I didn't want them to kill it because they were a couple of days from leaving and wouldn't have starved without it. They could still have caught the land crabs. I'm sure Jim caught crabs a long time ago, but that's another story. Hope he didn't try to chat with Dakota...
  5. Wow, for a minute there I thought Mayass was going to sincerely apologize for the way she treated Ivy. But nooo. It was "don't live in the past." Hypocrite. Wasn't she whining about the way her parents treated her? She has no empathy for anyone else except her co-dependent butt kisser Rick. And, yeah, why hasn't anyone called Thorne about his daughter's obvious breakdown?
  6. JMW does have a straight torso. Big implants and no curves. As much as I hate the siblings passing around SOs thing, I like Wyatt with Ivy.
  7. Just decapitate Bronilly. If she and Dorian limp hair, I hate neckwear Gray are next years villains, I may not watch. Why was Ethan extradited? The dummy had me laughing. Not menacing at all. I did enjoy Caliban killing those awful people. Had to replay that. Mr. Lyle is still my fave. He needs his own show.
  8. Amen to this! The P75 Sir Hugh was such a hilarious old lecher chasing Demelza. One of my fave episodes was when Demelza had to fend off Sir Hugh and Capt. MacNeil at a house party. Judd and Prudie in P15 aren't funny at all. The old Judd was so funny although I scarcely could decipher his speech
  9. I can't really enjoy Poldark 2.0 because I keep comparing it to Poldark 1.0. The old series didn't have the production values of the new series but I think it has the new series beat re: casting and acting.
  10. Someone as fair and red headed as Demelza should be as red as Judd after mowing a field without a hat on! That girl should be sunburned to a crisp.
  11. Seeing Giada's teeth reminded me that it is Shark Week.
  12. I was thinking "does anyone in this 'verse ever Google anybody?" when Pazzi googled Hannibal. Why had no one ever seen an image of Dr. Fell online? Just saying...
  13. Team Alan here! Dude has a good attitude and sense of humor. I too can't understand why Joe would give up building a cabin because of clay. WTF? I thought he said he really wanted 4 walls around him. And can't you mix sand in with clay to change the consistency? The way Wayne said "Hey, bear" made it sound as if he was asking it a question. I thought you were supposed to try to sound scary. He had pepper spray, didn't he?
  14. Aly has a legit reason for not liking Maya. Maya went along with Rick bullying and humiliating her. I hate that they have taken this legitimacy away by making Aly bat-shit crazy. I would have liked to have seen her confront Maya about this bullying. Couldn't they have at least shown Aly going off her meds instead of out of the blue having her dress all in black and acting like the morality police?
  15. KM as the new leading lady? Ugh. I felt the same way about the other KM being the leading lady. Maya needs bigger implants if she wants to be a swimsuit model. And longer legs and neck if she wants to be a model period. Carter should be in those swimsuit spreads. Yowza! Get Aly a bonnet is she is going to dress Amish from now on.
  16. I have no doubt Jack helped Bella along. One minute she is wheezing, the next, after the injection, she isn't... I'm surprised Jack still eats meat at all!
  17. I can't think of one reason that asshole would be there for the brave new world except that He is someone important's brother-in-law.Amy was really ready to do her biology homework. ;-) And ditto on what a lame ass bomb! I want the 4028 to be bullshit, too. I'd like to see a bunch of "Abbies" on break, smoking cigarettes and drinking coffee.
  18. I'm sick because I was yelling "Get up, Hannibal! Get up and fight!" Yeah, except for the snails, that episode was awesome. I was hoping Chiyoh would toss sad sack Will off the train and she did! Brava! Mads was awesome, in true Hannibal form.
  19. Word. They need to just go ahead and build a shrine to St. Maya the Transgendered. It could be at the front entrance so everyone can genuflect before it as they enter the building. Aly looked like Gollum right there at the end. I half expected her to jump up on the table and hiss "The Preciousss is ours! Give us the Preciousss..."
  20. The "not a real Forrester" stuff isn't fair since it is not Ridge and his children's fault that Steph lied about his parentage. Besides, as descendants of Stephanie, they have as much right to FC as blood Forresters.
  21. I love the little boy playing Ethan. He is so adorable. I'll miss Goran V. Sad they trashed his character in the process. Wish they had included the scene of Molly going after Julie with a shovel.
  22. Floating Head Darla is baaaaack! Let the cray-cray begin! Maybe Aly (what have they done to her beautiful curly red hair?) will design a pair of killer stilettos for Steffy.
  23. Judging by the previews, our Gary seems to have done well in life!
  24. I do love Hecate's hair when she is at Witch Central.
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