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Everything posted by LittleIggy

  1. Geeze, Fred's daughter looked like a pitbull with shark's teeth (apologies to both animals). Yeah, she got off too easily. I knew Delia was in for it when she cheerily rode off on the bike. I would rather have seen Patsy and Delia trying to lead a double life. Thalidomide. Oy! What a gut punch.
  2. Kittens don't take a long time to litter train. Their mom shows them how, plus it is instinctual. Anyway, I had to move in a short time last fall to take a job in my new career field, so I had to leave my two cats with my mother (I'll be seeing them later this summer!). Luckily, I can get my cat fix now at a visitor friendly cat adoption place (Cat's Cradle of VA) a block or so from where I live. If I didn't have that, I would go to a cat cafe but not for a $9 cover charge.
  3. Maybe Maya's criminal ex-boyfriend paid for the surgery with his ill-gotten gains.
  4. They killed Kenny! :-) And it's not so good to be King, is it, perv? I loved that episode! It was kickass, just like Truble. I will adore it if Juliette is well and truly dead.
  5. I don't like special snowflake Erin. She could OD for all I care.
  6. It sounded as if Peggy told her father she was having a sleepover at a girlfriend's house whereas she was sneaking off to Andre's. Another anachronism.
  7. Yeah, I knew she was a he, too, but yay that we finally got some male full Monty after all the hooha we get shoved in our faces. However, why can't we get a m/m love scene too? Too bad Lyle is mixed up with the witches. He and Ethan are too funny together.
  8. Peggy Shippen discusses her romantic life with a slave, asking her to call her "Peggy"? Yeah, that rings true!
  9. I suspected there would be a baby mix-up as soon as I saw Sister E with one baby tucked under each arm. Then I knew it when one baby turned out to be very sick. I'm glad they didn't have one of that sweet old couple die. I would have lost it!
  10. I wish Ms. Mardle, when Grove mentioned Doris breaking her wedding vows, had said "Well, you did, too!" He's such a sanctimonious douche.
  11. How do people have a cat for seven years- since it was 6 weeks old- and not have it be socialized? As for the feral cats, I don't believe Mama Cat gave birth to all of those cats. They knew where to go for the chow!
  12. The fake cadaver thing was so cool looking! I'd like to touch it to see what it feels like. I too hope it can reduce using real animals. Kevin's doll head looked more like Patrick Stewart.
  13. I want to see to see Juliette and Kenny blood eagled.
  14. I want that effing bitch to die a horrific death. Thanks for the shirtless Renard...
  15. When I heard "Karakurt," I thought of "Kattegut" and "Vikings," a much better show. Blacklist has really lost me this season. I watch only for Spader.
  16. Boy, they really are intent on making Washington look bad.
  17. Thank you! When I saw that I was WTF?! too! What possible reason could you have for chaining up a very powerful guy by only one wrist? Those writers are idiots for that alone. As noted by others, Crowley and the hammie were the only bright spot.
  18. I didn't say it wouldn't perhaps be right for the baby to go to his biological father, but not way Groves did it.
  19. I wanted to punch Groves! That baby is your son not a piece of junk for you to throw out! Poor little guy. Explain his absence to his siblings, asshole!
  20. It reminded me of a Viking funeral! I didn't get the name tags in everything if he wasn't going to boarding school. What does/did "grammar school" signify in Britain. In the US, grammar school would be interchangeable with elementary school (at least where I grew up).
  21. Thank you! I thought the same thing! That and yeah, cavemen made raisins! As far as the air car went, when I heard the guy say he was from Brattleboro, VT, I sat up because I went to grad school there a couple of years ago. It's a great little town.
  22. Who feeds a cat donuts, for cryin' out loud! I know he is named Elvis, but seriously! Poor big boy, he was falling asleep on the scales.
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