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Everything posted by LittleIggy

  1. Does anyone know why Charlie Barnett is leaving? I googled but couldn't find any info. :-( Luke's reaction to being benched was cute.
  2. I always look forward to the moment when the patient who is doing fine after the treatment/surgery suddenly seizes, goes into cardiac arrest, etc. Better yet if it happens right after the patient has been chatting happily with the staff or a loved one. ;-)
  3. Hooray for the unemployed, paunchy ex-con! :-) Maya said "you can't become a model overnight"? ROFLMAO! Well, you did, girlfriend!
  4. Does Harry have a Dorian Grey portrait? He hasn't aged since the show began.
  5. eI'm glad I haven't seen that episode. I probably would have broken my TV!
  6. Why is Deacon, the paunchy, unemployed ex-con, such a catch? Just asking...
  7. When I saw the promo of that brat kicking at the cat, I knew the kids (and their stupid parents) would be the problem. I noticed at the kindergarten, when Jackson told Capri (stupid name) not to pet Sophie like that, she started to pitch a fit and was pulled back. My heart broke for Albert. Selectively breeding for an abnormality like that is abominable.
  8. When I saw the purple pee, I diagnosed Porphyria (thank you "The Madness of King George.") Yeah, Ragosa's ex was a major bitch. Pony up some of your money, harpy. I wanted to see more of Ragosa and Topher dancing at the end!
  9. I thought maybe the thing about the dead conquering Paris means that plague (cholera?) they showed in the last episode.
  10. I didn't get His Royal Hotness mugging that guy either. I thought at first that he recognized him as a tool of the Royals, but it turned out not to be the case.
  11. I wish monkey face Jumbotron would just go away for good. Can't stand that actor.
  12. I don't like the Frankish princess either. Maybe Shirtless Rollo and his big axe can put a smile on her face one day. Ecbert, you handsome devil, glad you're back! They need to do a spinoff about Ecbert and his family! Aw, I don't want Ragnar to die!
  13. Geeze, Nicole dresses as if she crawled out of one of those clothes donation drop-off containers you see in parking lots of shopping centers.
  14. I'm glad Raylon didn't get stuck with Whine-ona. I'll sure miss Justified and all its awesome characters and dialogue. PS, I prefer Raylon with the Stetson.
  15. Wyatt should put his mother on the trail of Maya's secret. Quinn can eavesdrop like nobody's business.
  16. She looked too old. Peggy Shippen was 17 years old at that time. Charles Lee historically dressed in a slovenly way and always had his dogs with him.
  17. I watch on a PBS station in VA, and they showed those "cut" scenes. Well, housing discrimination against the Irish in the 1960s isn't a "well-established" fact for this American.
  18. Like the character Iain Glenn played (forgot his name!). She needs him back.
  19. The real Violette Selfridge lived to be 99 years old! The actresses playing the Selfridge girls are doing atrociously with the American accents. So nasal and flat! I hope Agnes and Henri come back!
  20. It kills me when people misuse that term. I think "hoity-toity" (acting stuckup) gets conflated with it and causes the confusion.
  21. Snowman was such a gorgeous kitty. He made me think of Seven of Nine with her Borg implants!
  22. It was fun seeing Robin get his ass kicked at sword practice. Guess his misses his milk breaks! ;-)
  23. They were still discriminating against the Irish in 1960? Wow. I like Nurse Crane. She's a tough broad! That "treatment" was horrifying. I don't get their sick logic. Wouldn't they want to increase his testosterone to make him more "manly?"
  24. Did Dany really think her children would be happy to see her after she locked them up in the dark?
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