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Everything posted by LittleIggy

  1. I figured the mother was a hooker. She looked like one. I loved Peter's righteous indignation.
  2. Had to google the Child Migrant Programme. Here is a link about it related to the CTM episode: http://www.radiotimes.com/news/2015-01-18/call-the-midwife-what-was-the-child-migrants-programme :-( Not to excuse the detestable mother, but she said she had asked a doctor to tie her tubes. Oh, my! How dare she!
  3. Henri in uniform! Thud! Ugh, Lord Douchebag is back. Where is Lady Mae?
  4. I hate Rowena and her over the top accent.
  5. Thanks, Ailianna, for the NY prosecutor's perspective. I never practiced criminal law, but as a lawyer wondered how this trivial case could have gone to trial.
  6. I read that it was something they made up to be weird. And, yeah, it makes me gag, too!
  7. Yeah, why did Juliette lie to his Royal Hotness about telling Nick? And why did she move out of her house? As for the preview, another stuck-up, asshole Royal? Seriously, I am beyond sick of Adalind and the royals.
  8. I didn't know that having sex with a priest gave you a pass on the adultery thing!
  9. How the bleep did Floki find Athelstan's bracelet in that water? Didn't know he had scuba gear!
  10. I teach at a Mennonite university, and they have dances here. You must mean Old Order Mennonite.
  11. Voight must have given Olivia quite a tour of Chicago. ;-)
  12. Who was the poufy looking guy telling them about the Seine?
  13. Why didn't Raylan shoot at the tires on the truck when Ava got in it? Anyway, I hope Raylan shoots a hole through Boone's stupid ass bowl-cut bangs.
  14. Boone looks like Cleetus from The Simpsons.
  15. I don't think the comparison was valid at all. Maya got her gender switched and functions as a woman just fine. A person born without arms can get prosthetics, but is not the same as having flesh and blood arms. And people with disabilities are peppered with questions all the time. BTW, where did Myron get the boat load of money necessary to trade in his ding-dong for a hoo-ha? Inquiring minds want to know!
  16. It's Hamlin, Hamlin & McGill. Wanna bet how that D-bag Howard got his job?
  17. Me, too. I blubbered like a baby. Warren was such a mensch. Paul is the Dr. Carter of NS. BTW, Warren needs to get a lawyer ASAP! I noticed that TC's slattern of a SIL had that death head heroin in her purse at the very end when it was laying on the bar. Hope she uses it fast.
  18. Isn't Eric's brother a U.S. citizen? Then Ivy should be too. In the real world, she would probably have dual citizenship. Sorry, I can't get all misty eyed over poor Maya's plight. I was personally offended by those lines about her plight being like that of a person born without arms, etc. She was such a nasty bitch to people that I don't feel sorry for the character. I hope Aly finds out about the secret and lets the cat out of the bag, preferably with a crack about wondering why her feet were so big.
  19. Maybe Jesse used to be Jessie! There is an actual case of a woman going through the sex change process keeping her lady plumbing long enough to have a child. The headlines were stuff like the "pregnant man!"
  20. I think being a hexenbiest would rock. You have magic powers and stay young looking (see Renard's mom) for a long time. Plus you can woge and scare the crap out of people.
  21. Bjorn means "bear." I recall something about Bjorn being destined to marry a princess from awhile back.
  22. Perhaps Ragnar is planning on Kalf having an "accident" while in Frankia? I'm glad Aslaug gets to experience being castoff by Ragnar. The Seer takes me out of the moment, as usual, by looking like an Orc.Who did he say would marry a princess?
  23. Thank you! I will enjoy Maya's comeuppance. None of the fun would be gone for me because she was a real bitch to people, especially to Aly, who didn't deserve any of it. Maya, of all people considering this secret, should have been sensitive to bullying.
  24. All she needed was to invite all the folks to a "whoop-dee-do" at her place! I have never been fond of surly Loretta but loved her channeling of the late, lamented Mags. I agree with Art that seeing Winn Duffy in a banana hammock was high on my list of things I never wanted to see.
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