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Everything posted by LittleIggy

  1. ::Falling to my knees in slow motion and throwing my head back:: NOOOOOOOOOOOO!
  2. Wonder how a word meaning middle-class was corrupted into a slang term for high class...
  3. Bougie? I had to google that (must have been the TAR word of the day!), and all I can say is how ignorant! Bourgeois doesn't mean fancy or high-class. It means middle-class, middlebrow. I hate Jenny. What a be-yotch.
  4. How does that kind of Wesen stay warm if, as Monroe said, they would freeze next to a fireplace (or something like that)? In that case, a car heater wouldn't work.
  5. Really. Okay, Mayaron, you said that you haven't "lied" to little Ricky. Let's not spoil that record. BTW, I thought it was verbs that were conjugated. ;-)
  6. When I think of Rollo and his big axe, minimalist is the furthest word from my mind. ;-)
  7. Amen! If I'm watching live, I hit the mute button when those two are on. I wish Rick would mistake Maya's female hormone pills for vitamins, start taking them daily, and grow moobs.
  8. Damn it, I'm a true shield maiden! I was rooting for the Vikings!! Shirtless Rollo. That French princess was like, now that is a man! That was an ill-conceived plan. Why attack a heavily fortified city in broad daylight? I was hoping Floki would burn up in his own siege tower. Lagertha is so hot a guy will sleep with her even after she promises that will kill him one day. King Hottie is back next week!
  9. I knew that when Winn eyeballed the jewelry on the dead Katherine last week that he was going to take it. I hope Loretta gets the honor of killing Cleetus, I mean Boone, not only because he is an annoying douche but also because of his sexual harassment of her. Yeah, I going to miss this show...
  10. WTF is that ugly dress Maya has been wearing for the past forever. It looks as if she is wearing a black waitress apron, plus it has a weird cutout. I hope they don't drag out the reveal. I want to see Myra...I mean Maya do her "But, baby, I was going to tell you..." shtick.
  11. That was Choo-Choo? I was trying to place him. Good to see the actor again. I teared up when Paul talked about the guy who died and going on the fishing trip with his dad. Glad they mentioned him and tied up the story. Gee, Paul must really take after his mom!
  12. I've read so many non-fiction books about Harry and his wives, and seen several movies and TV shows about the subject too (the classic 1970s "Six Wives of Henry the VII" being the best. Don't get me started on the excrable "Tudors"), that I hesitated about watching this. I watched half of it, then turned it off. Jonathan Pryce was great as usual, but nothing else grabbed me.
  13. The brief scene of the girl who had a botched abortion was horrific. Those desperate woman were treated like criminals.
  14. Can't you at least put the U.S. air dates in parenthesis in the topic title for clarity's sake?
  15. I know Ecbert, like Ragnor, had a guy crush on Athelstan, but I don't get why he treats baby Alfred like his grandson. Kings were all about continuing their bloodlines and Alfred is not of his blood.
  16. What did Maya accomplish besides stumbling into opportunities?
  17. His Royal Hotness started bleeding so he lost. Excuse me, I need to go nurse him...;-)
  18. I was glad Lagertha shouted down Kalf at that council. Upstart prick.
  19. "I was taking a bath." Wow, must have been some bath! ;-)
  20. Shirtless Rollo! Thank you. King Ecbert just keeps rockin' it.
  21. I always remember/care about the animals!
  22. Do you think Wynn got Katherine's honking big diamond ring off her finger before the cops came? He sure did eye it on her dead hand. Moria would have been better than Mordor, actually, since that was the Dwarven underground city and there were mines down there. Hey, but a LOTR reference is always good!
  23. Brooke always forgets that she was going to marry Bill who did everything he could to hurt Hope. But it's "OMG! Quinn! Look what she did to OUR daughter!" STFU, Squinty.
  24. It's with the dog that Lizzie on "The Blacklist" supposedly still has.
  25. Wow. No wonder Jimmy changed his name. With a brother like Chuck who needs enemies. I loved Mike kicking that loud mouth's ass and throwing away his guns. He is so badass. BTW, was that abandoned place where the meet was the same place Gus's meth lab would be in BB?
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