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Everything posted by Heathrowe

  1. That party was a joke. Sad little pieces of white felt under the fake white trees? Stains on the wall? And Bravo couldn't spring to pay for 50 or so extras so it looked like there were actual people there? If I were Patricia I'd be embarrassed to have that passed off as a party I threw. Also-was her lime caftan appropriate for winter white tie? I feel like the answer is no. I agree that Kathryn is most likely on Xanax or some other kind of mood leveler. True confession-when my child was 3 I was drinking too much and I went to the dr and they prescribed xanax. It was wonderful. Smoothed out the sharp edges of life that were overwhelming me and I found I didn't need a few glasses of wine every night anymore. I was able to start exercising again and just get back on track and then move on without it in a few months. So I hope Kathryn is taking something similar and has a good experience with it and it helps her. I would have liked to have seen more Kathryn and Shep together, and if they are really pushing this Kathryn-Shep thing, I wish he had been part of the confrontation on the street. I don't think they would really end up together in real life, but I do feel Kathryn's getting it together could be a nice impetus for Shep to step up and grow a bit. Naomie is mean. Craig is a total weirdo, I don't blame her for being angry/frustrated with him but the way she spoke to him, and to the girl from CA earlier in the season-she knows better and she does it anyway. On film. I hope she is gone next season. The Craig-Cameran scene was weird. Who goes over to someone's house to be rude to them? Ummm, thanks for coming over, Cameran. I do see that Craig is super-frustrating as a friend. Austen went to stir the pot with TRav but maybe he didn't realize that shrill Jennifer Snowden was another master drama queen? And loud. She and Ashley can form a cabal. Ashley is just a total weirdo. I could ALMOST feel bad for her, as it could not be nice to realize that the whole room thought she was an escort. But then she opened her mouth. TRav is so old and drunk and gross. I hope that Bravo replaces him next season with someone who is actually eligible and less problematic.
  2. I work in book publishing. Most people who work in editorial, marketing, publicity and even sales are usually competent writers, and usually after working in publishing for a while try their hands at writing. So that's not farfetched. Farfetched was the reaction to "not making payroll" - which was really weird. No one blinked? People would be freaking out. More likely they'd be late on paying authors royalties, but a big publisher can't get away with that either, for very long. A realistic storyline would be Charles talking to a a bigger publisher about merging. But I guess without Crown of KIngs, they're not bringing a lot to the table. I don't mind Charles being bitter and childish about Liza's big lie. If it goes on all season, it will get old, but I think it would be weird if he was fine with it? Also, Charles is hot, hot, hot and some of us find emotionally constipated men appealing. I love Josh-one of the things I most like about this series is Liza & Josh together, and her being able to do things like lie on the couch on a Saturday and just cuddle with Josh with his stoner friends in the room. You get older and all of sudden your weekends are spent doing errands and being responsible. I loved the escapism of her relationship with Josh. I also do think Josh is more emotionally aware than Charles. But as a book person-Josh said he does not read books-and even if he's a talented artist-if you love books enough to work in publishing it would be very, very hard to commit to someone who doesn't read books/understand any of your references. i am hoping that they show some emotional growth for Charles, let us see him parent a bit, let us see him turn Empirical around. I agree he's a bit passive but I also think right now he is at his lowest point (getting divorced, company failing, falling out with Liza) so a good story arc will be him fighting back from that. Diana Trout continues to be the BEST. "As you'll realize when you are old enough to rent a car....." I love her. I love her new boyfriend. I just want her to be happy. Also, she looked really gorgeous in this episode. Christian Borle-I didn't find his character that appealing. I didn't find stiffing the waitress to be particularly zany either. I hope he goes away soon. Unpopular opinion, I guess.
  3. Thomas is not the only rich d*ck in Charleston! I have every confidence they can find someone new, more handsome, and moneyed to behave badly on tv and liven things up if he is no longer on the show.
  4. I wrote a comment, deleted it, and came back and saw that someone is still arguing that thigh gaps only come from eating disorders. I also have a thigh gap-have always had it. I'm an "apple" shape wise-I gain weight in my tummy- and my legs are just skinny no matter what-have never done anything to make them that way. Or to get rid of my belly pooch! It is what it is. I am 49, 5'3", weigh 130 lbs, and my only workout is yoga and I have no eating disorders. Thighs aside-I am new to the show. I went back and watched the first season-Thomas has never been a catch but the difference between S1 and now is striking. S1 was not a total lost cause-this season-he just seems like he is wacked out on pills & liquor? There's a drawl and then there's slurring your words incomprehensibly. And rage issues. I am curious to see how the show will handle his exit.
  5. Aw, I love Shanice/Shanasty! I feel like she really transforms on the camera, from someone with a hard look in real life to pretty much anything they ask her to be. Plus I usually agree with her. Jeana-seemed like she cracked under stress. She really was throwing out crazy eyes at Khrys and while it's great to psych yourself up to stay in the competition-she let it take her to a very negative place. I liked Rio so much until all the crazy girls left. She was an intelligent voice of sanity early in the show and now she's getting the meanie diva edit. Maybe she'll redeem herself. I like her eyebrow.
  6. I loved that Alexis acted like Mutt was somehow hideous without the beard, when in reality his cheekbones and jaw were like....oh my! But I too found the beard very hot. I hope there is more Mutt in the future.
  7. I have taken to cocking my head to the side and holding my hands like bunny paws when I ask my husband a question. It cracks him up.
  8. Nice exit for Joe Sasto. I actually liked him-crystals and all-but did not really like his food. I will join the "bread anchor needed butter" crowd and say that dry bread with a beet piece on top just sounds dry and...earthy. I guess there was yogurt and vinaigrette in there also but.....no good for me. That said-I thought all 3 dishes seemed pretty underwhelming. Corn pudding wrapped in chard sounds wiggly and moist. Zucchini stuffed with...more zucchini sounds like a lotta zucchini. I do think Adrienne is a good chef-I wish, once they got to final four-that they would just really let them cook without the stupid curveballs, because I really love seeing good food and when you limit people to cooking in cowboy cauldrons-and your Adrienne and your specialty is refined cuisine.....we are not seeing her best. Or anyone else's, and I'd like to see their best before the final episode.
  9. My husband and I are all about ahn-chiladas, we keep saying it to each other. I love her. I love that she sleeps in vests and brooches.
  10. I watched this and the Olympics episode back to back today. I am not a Claudette fan, at all, but I think she was trying very hard to be "nice" and to her, nice equals not speaking up. She has issues communicating, sees most comments as attacks, doesn't realize that her own comments are out of line....I didn't like her-but I did feel back for her, because she just seemed screwed no matter what. She was in that place where she cannot get out of her own way. If she goes back into LCK and comes back AGAIN, that would really suck. Also, at the end of the day-her food looks AWFUL to me. And I love Mexican food of all kinds-from food truck to fancy-her food is not translating to TV. From what Fatima said-I do think Chris has a lot of integrity. I bet it is tough to be a grown up on this show-he mentioned early on that he saw a lot of his younger self in some of the chefs-ego and whatnot. I think he tries to step back and let people do their thing, and so did Claudette. He thought she would love being in charge as EC but after last week, she really didn't want to be in charge. But she doesn't like to be told what to do......she was the right person to go home, for sure.
  11. Carrie reminds me of Kimmy Schmidt. I do like her!
  12. I wonder if you can get that at World Market? I am going to look. I think it's special cheese, too-right? Not just cheddar? I didn't realize the "pickle" was actually a melange of things. My mom used to make it with just...regular chopped pickle! But I had it in Scotland and it was more savory so I am guessing that was the Branston Pickle. Thanks for the tip!
  13. I'm WASP-y and I can think of more than a few delicious dishes that are generally thought of as "white bread" but still awesome. (Beef Wellington, Salmon anything, cheese and pickle, chicken livers, shrimp cocktail) plus just some of the crazy foods my family eats at the holiday that don't seem to have any ethnicity at all-food that's just important to me. I think Tyler just got bogged down/lost inspiration. I also don't know if his whole issue with having no ethnicity was really that big of a problem or if it was edited into a thing. He clearly had ideas, he just didn't streamline and he didn't execute, unfortunately. I felt like he did the same on the food truck challenge-he didn't really have a good idea, so he just went with something he knew. In the food truck episode, his soup was good enough to pass-even if it was an awkward fit for the challenge. In this episode, it was awkward and the least good of what was presented. He strikes me as an accomplished chef who is maybe not very flexible or imaginative. (And that's okay! It's not a dis to not be a reality tv kind of guy.)
  14. It's a shame that Bran is simultaneously the most magical being in Westoros and the most boring..... It would be a very positive ending for Cersei if she's able to escape with this baby, and just live out the rest of her life in a swamp or in hiding. I suspect she will continue to destroy everything around her-she seems to have more in common with the Mad King than Dany. I think the point of the whole show is that none of these characters-especially the Starks-are who they were when we met them. And the best thing GRRM has done is to show how much they've grown and changed.
  15. Was it all that sheer? I didn't see any naughty bits. I thought it was more "opaque" and a bit whitish? I would guess for comfort and also to create a smooth line-it was more of a bodystocking than bodysuit.
  16. I thought the idea with the pairings of the designers & kids was that the kids were little "mini me's" to the designers. Like little dolls. I would need to go back and rewatch, but I thought all of the designers and kids resembled each other. I don't really understand the whole Claire-measuring tape thing. She was so nonchalant about it, I almost expected her to say she didn't realize it was cheating. But instead it just seems like she didn't think the rules were a big deal? Such a dumb way to lose 25K and get booted. That said, the show is more watchable/enjoyable without them. Michael and Margarita....had just cause to complain about Claire and cheating, but then chose to complain about something else (copying) and made themselves look like idiots. Or more likely....the editing makes them look like idiots. I will try hard not to judge either, but still...they both came off like petulant sore losers. I wish Amy had been able to break out and do something impressive. Her garment was not good. I did like the way she got to the bottom of measuring tape-gate. She asked good questions calmly and non-judgmentally till the truth came out. Thank you for that, Amy!
  17. It's hard to know what the thought process was. I never buy actual sleeves of dixie cups-the only paper cups I use are when I buy coffee and then I don't care what the cup looks like, as long as it has COFFEE in it! I don't exactly think Kentaro was robbed, but his outfit was my favorite. I did think Claire executed the challenge the best. But as someone upthread said-was it a pattern challenge or a real person challenge?
  18. Heidi was beyond repulsive with her wide-eyed questioning on the runway. That would offend me if I were a contestant-so obvious that they know what is going on and are just jerking the designers strings. The editors did the impossible and made me actually like Claire this episode and feel that she is being unfairly targeted. I guess if more comes out, and she's cheating, so be it. But Margarita was just awful and semi-crazed this episode, and did come off as sour grapes jealous. Plus, I have a daughter in middle school so I see this dynamic where a queen bee stews and frets and then her minions break and do her dirty work of the actual accusations. The whole thing reeked of mean girsl ganging up, but again-it's all in the editing and come tonight maybe I'll think Claire is a terrible cheating villain. Go ahead, manipulate me some more.... I think Batani should go home, even though I really like her personality and sense of color-she doesn't seem to have a lot of skills. Amy has skills, but her style is such a snooze. The challenges have not been very fun or creative this season and the designs have been boring. I can't fault Claire for designing ready to wear, because it was a appropriate for a Dixie Cup challenge. Kentaro designed the only beautiful thing on the runway, but I did think that his print was too subtle for Dixie Cup.
  19. Ross's style is "sexy moron" - I love this show, but man, he is frustrating!
  20. How about....Jon Snow is Azor Ahai and this time has to sacrifice himself to save the world. Daenerys and the baby live, she takes the throne. Bittersweet. He's gone in some kind of blaze of light so no need for the 7 Kingdoms to really wrap their brains around the incest overmuch. Sansa gets Winterfell. Arya goes off adventuring with Brienne. Bran stays weird at Winterfell. Cersei and Jaime die. Tyrion lives and is the Hand. Most everyone else dies. ETA-I actually hate the whole Dany has a baby in six episodes idea/storyline but I do agree the anvils are impossible to ignore, so I've caved to it. But I don't like it.
  21. I like that Zac says such mean things with an incredibly kind smile that really reaches his eyes. He's just telling you for your own good, honey! I would be happy if both twins went home. I would be happy if Shawn goes home, because I don't think she has any skillz. It would be interesting to see if Claire is suddenly capable of conceptualizing and executing once her sister stops sucking the lifeblood out of her. I would be happy if Claire went home and we did get to watch Shawn create her designs with a glue gun since she can't sew. I thought the Kenya/Amy dynamic was weird. Kenya has a very distinct style-kind of like Brandon. She definitely has a 70's-80's vibe. I don't think Amy has really evidenced any style, other than competent/basic. I wonder if they would have gotten dinged if they sent those light blue pants down the runway with a simple white t-shirt? If I was Kenya, I'd have been upset over being chided for working on the green pleated thing-that might have turned into a more successful garment than what they sent down the runway. I didn't mind Kenya saying that she deserved to stay/wanted to stay-because I kind of got the vibe that Amy is giving up. She doesn't understand what the judges want and she basically volunteered to go home. It's one thing to say we're a team, you decide-it's another to say you're the one that should go. (Unless you are Shawn and you know you can't sew and you're screwed once your sister leaves.) Am curious about the cheater drama. I wonder if it's actually something that will go down between Michael and Margarita. I don't know why he would run off the stage for anything involving the twins, and Margarita's been getting such the edit the past few weeks....I feel like something is brewing there.
  22. And also, the Starks were so ground down two seasons ago-now they are finally getting their revenge/settling the score with those that killed their family.
  23. I would say....the advantage for Dany is that Gendry could become the Kings Landing local "hometown hero" who is not weirdly closely related to her....even if her claim is good, she is going to be seen as an outsider/conqueror by Westeros. Maybe the smallfolk would like that he comes from a common background. Maybe he'll become a folk hero.(Lots of maybe's, I know!) I would assume that before anything like Dany-Gendry happened, more characters would be cleared and there'd be some plot maneuvering to give Gendry a following, a title, etc. He has a classic hero arc of coming from nothing, avoiding death, learning his true identity....now what happens with him?
  24. Isn't Gendry a Targ? If Roberts grandmother was a Targaryen, that's his great-grandmother. Legitimate or no, the blood is in veins....
  25. I think Dany is going to fall short of the throne, and that will be the "bittersweet" - and while at this point, all signs point to Jon Snow on the Iron Throne, it just seems so obvious, I can't sign on. And I can't agree that the Jon-Dany romance is endgame or what the whole series has been leading to with the squicky incest. To me-the whole point of the series is the Starks, but not so much that any of them need the Iron Throne-to me it was more about their return to the North, at Winterfell. And larger story with Jon and the White Walkers and the whole end of the world if he doesn't do something about it.
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