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Almost 3000

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Everything posted by Almost 3000

  1. They were Maury's glasses but he could have eaten Diane's too. I like Wacha because he reminds me of my basset hound. He was a Wacha with basset legs and feet. Interesting choice for Andy because I would have figured him for a labra doddle or another of those trendy designer mixes that used to be called mutts or maybe a boxer.
  2. I don't see the Shannon drama either. But as someone up line said they love this season because they talk to friends who love Heather and Terry (I don't) and they liked Shannon and David. I personally think Shannon is the best newbie addition across all the franchises since NY Sonja in her first season.
  3. That woman is beautiful as is Jaclyn Smith who often wears her hair just that way and is in her sixties. Heather might be able to pull it off too.
  4. OK, this really bothers me. Where in the heck do the guests get a huge envelope of cash! I've been on cruises and you just go to the purser's desk which acts as a bank and get cash and envelopes. Easy, peasy. But I'm sure Captain Lee doesn't operate a bank and I can't imagine guests carrying that cash on-board or running around looking for a bank. That cash tip hand out seems phony but of course dramatic.
  5. I've told this story on that other board but I think it may give some insight into what I think happened with Shannon's story. I friend of mine was working with a well known radio show physiatrist here in LA. They were putting together a TV show based on "conflict" issues to shop around but they didn't have much of a budget for it so non union me was asked along with my boyfriend to act out a "conflict." We decided how we were going to approach it and in front of the cameras boyfriend tossed in something very real and it hit me in the gut. Shit got real in a supposedly fake role play. So Shannon may or may not have planned to use her marriage as a story line but I do think "shit got real" in a way she didn't intend.
  6. Shannon scored twice. First with the "we're moving because the house is to big for us and we want a better view" and second in calling Heather, well a Heather. Shannon may or may not have meant to shoot those verbal arrows but boy they hit the mark!
  7. That's a thought and could be but I thought it was more like, "stop, don't say anything because we all know you'll put your foot in your mouth and be politically incorrect." Sort of like my 95 year old mom with dementia, when we are out and about and see someone over weight, her caregiver and I brace for what's coming (as we giggle).
  8. Janet's date was a rip off of RHNJ Danielle's younger man date. I remember giggling Teresa and Jacqueline sneaking into the restaurant in the exact same way but Danielle definitely took her guy on an around the world tour.
  9. I think the Duggars believe that all men can stray with a look, be a predator or worse. That's why they "nike", have computer accountability, quick engagements and overall limit family friendships to people in their circle. They pretty much believe men are pretty faulty creatures which makes for quite the disconnect when they then put males in complete authority over women and children. This being the case it makes prefect sense in their world to be challenged by anything that doesn't fall within their narrow view. So really its just not LGBT people they have a problem with its any sex outside of marriage and any situation that might lead to that.
  10. ^^ I'm sure they are on the cover because People through extensive research knows which people sell the most units. Sadly the Duggars are now entering into the Kardashian territory. ^^^ That's an interesting thought about the mag cover in the works before Jessa's announcement. It was circling my brain that the Jessa's, like her courtship announcement, was pushed forward by relatives social media ramblings.
  11. I don't remember the Duggars or Josh in particular talking about this but I may just have missed it. There was an internet rumor that never had any substance though.
  12. Thank you for sharing your insight. I'll read your posts more thoughtfully in the future.
  13. Here is the closest I've found to the Dina/Caroline feud: http://allthingsrh.com/exclusive-the-real-reason-behind-the-caroline-dina-manzo-feud/
  14. He always seems stoned to me or a bit dumb. Take your pick or all of the above.
  15. All that and health problems too along with his breast reduction surgery. Tamra in her talking head has said he has to have his blood replaced every week whatever that means. Plus she's better looking so could do better. Makes no sense. I agree its probably a bid for some kind of a show. That said I wonder how many other peripherally reality show connected guys she stocked until she landed on the jackpot that is Ryan.
  16. I'd agree with you but his girlfriend seems to have a history that may be as sketchy as Tammy Sue's. I don't think she puts on the hysterics though so that might be an improvement.
  17. Didn't Carole admit to editing wiki pages late at night? Ha, could be true... But I really think Bravo just got tired of moderating the blogs as they were pretty toxic. Cost effective to lock them down too because we know Bravo runs on the cheap.
  18. I always figure it as take the other person out and its "Her air of..." I want each of the franchises to have a tutorial at the beginning of each season with this handy tip. Also when to use their, there or they're and your or you're etc. @Higgins got there first!
  19. I think Vicki should come back next season with Jeanna helping her look for a fabulous by the sea bachelorette pad. Bring back several different wives for an episode or two to have coffee chats, mani/pedis, lunch dates etc to sort of check-in with the past. Keep Tamra, Heather and Shannon as the rest of the full time housewives and finish out their stories. At the end of the season show Vicki in her fabulous new home and then show the closing of the Coto de Caza gates for the last time. Eleven seasons is a great run, Woo, Hoo!
  20. Simon doesn't work for Bravo but he did create a website and has posted here. I think that is one of or maybe his only job. Alex has her "The Real Deal" webisodes that also appear on youtube. So I guess you could say Bravo still provides them with some kind a way to make a living.
  21. Aviva is friends with Jill. I wouldn't be surprised if they both come back.
  22. Brandi did well on The Apprentice? I find that rather surprising.
  23. Oh I'm sure that there's already bin a tent pitched behind the TTH and that's the reason for the engagement. Bin's dad pretty much said that was the reason for marrying young and staying pure. Bin's about ready to burst...
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