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Everything posted by KateHearts

  1. If the way they have left other homes when moving out is any indication, they all are total slobs.
  2. Anyone notice Robyn's comment about "having to share Kody with the other wives"? She certainly knows her position as Queen Bee, does she not? Why does Joe Darger's beard sparkle? Of all the wives, Christine is the one who gives the fewest shits right now. She is done, done, done. And her face reflects it. She looks like she's aged 20 years. And the Dargers' kitchen was glorious... I was surprised at how modest the house looks from the outside. The entire first floor must be all kitchen.
  3. Welp, another non-success story full of dramatic lines: "This is my ONLY chance to have the life I want;" "I'll do ANYTHING to get the surgery;" blah blah. And don't they know that Dr. Now is not going to approve surgery at the first visit, ever?? I disagree with those who say the wife was Suzy Sunshine. She came across to me as smothering, enabling and absolutely oppressive. If anything, she reinforced his assertion that he was helpless without her, afraid of everything, and capable of nothing. She never stopped touching and stroking him, looking into his eyes with excess concern as if he was going to drop dead any second, and murmuring "it's ok; are you ok?... you need a minute?" If someone did that to me (with the exception of maybe the few minutes after I broke a major bone or had a stroke) I'd be batting them away saying "STOP!!! BACK OFF!!!" I was watching her carefully at the "burn the food" event and she looked so somber. I'd be like, "finally, honey! You aren't going to eat that gallon bucket of spaghetti... progress!" I wondered about the kids too. He wasn't traveling hours away, it was 45 minutes. And they are at the youngest preteens. So maybe there were some developmental or emotional issues with them.
  4. don't forget Kate Gosselin, who subjected audiences to her dating escapades, along with gloomy teenage commentary from her twins.
  5. I'm reading a few comments about Janelle and Christine being "anti-maskers." Where are you reading this and what, actually, does it mean? There are people (I am one) who question the mask-everywhere mandates and their true effectiveness; however, I still wear one where required.. I think often "anti-mask" has become a synonym for "COVID denier" which is a very different thing. I could see if these people primarily associate with one another, that not wearing a mask while interacting with their "family members" (I use the term loosely) would be okay. Anyway, just curious as to where these comments came from. These people are all miserable. They can't hold it in at all anymore. Robin has gotten sullen, fatter and never smiles; Meri's performances at any gathering are infuriating ("I'll just sit here and if anyone asks my opinion, I'll just half-smile and remain silent"), Christine is pathetic at this point since she lost weight, started dressing nicely and still didn't get the scraps of attention she desperately wants from Kody; and Janelle (actually my favorite, because let's face it- she doesn't care about any true close relationships and just does her own thing) makes an attempt to get people to discuss what the hell they are all doing and goes nowhere. I was disappointed that Janelle fell prey to Robyn's latest waterworks. I'm not sure why we are all being subjected to an hour's worth of watching this family implode in our faces. They are all the product of their own stupid choices and petty grievances. It's interesting to watch the older episodes in comparison. They were upbeat, shiny-faced and actually did stuff together. They also wore much more modest clothing (I'm thinking of the "girls" getting personal training while wearing long-sleeved shirts with tanks over them and long pants at the gym). They also swear a lot more now and reference - gasp- alcohol!!
  6. Virginia: "we were late because we had another commitment." Surrrre
  7. There has been speculation here about whether Isaac's mother really was as sick as he stated: I hadn't thought of that, but looking back, they didn't show her on camera when he would narrate that he "can't leave her like this." Usually there is some gratuitous scene of someone looking sickly in a bed or chair when that comes up. Mom certainly enjoyed her camera time. What did come to mind for me, though, was the apparently good state of Mom's health not only considering that she had cancer (that had spread after surgery- and what was it he said about "they did the surgery but no one has told us if she's ok or not"?) but that she has absolutely NO deficits from what they describe as a devastating stroke in the past. If she truly couldn't walk, was debilitated for months, had to relearn to talk again- there would be some sort of residual speech impediment, limp, weakness, etc. She didn't even use a cane- although Isaac did. I am getting really tired of these episodes that never result in surgery, and even moreso lately, not even a significant weight loss. Hard to believe that the show is running out of potential participants. Maybe the shower scenes, eating scenes, and the humiliation of being filmed from the floor so that we can all see the giant abdomens and splayed legs is just too much for them to agree to.
  8. This is what I was referring to. Regarding whether or not Ryan was right to tell Clara to not get involved. I wasn't quoting you, rather bringing up the difference between these couples and their involvement in others' drama vs people who have had long-standing relationships with the couple in question.
  9. This was clearly evidenced by his telling everyone after the ATV ride that he didn't want their fake sympathy. He sets it up so no one can do the right thing. Heads I win, tails you lose. Chris, if certain topics are "private," then don't bring them up. If you want people to stop talking to you, then don't start a fight on the bus. How about you don't put yourself on a TELEVISION SHOW if you feel like you don't want your tea spilled. Idiot.
  10. We need to remember, though, that these people barely know each other. Their common bond is that they chose to do this stupid TV show and put their lives out there on display. So it's not fair to say "oh, the others were just sitting idly by while Paige was abused and they let terrible things happen." They can't pretend to have much insight into how any of the other couples relate, what they've been told to portray, how much is real or how much is acting. So the onus can't be on the other participants in this show to determine whether or not Paige needs to be "saved." In addition, they are all surrounded by production crew so it's not like anyone is in true danger here. I have no problem, however, with Clara telling Paige she thinks Chris is a jerk and that she's concerned that Paige might need to walk away. I do have a problem with Ryan saying he doesn't want to talk about his impressions of Chris/Paige with his wife in private, though- I would be surprised if my husband said, "yeah, I don't want to tell you what I think." However, we have been married for 37 years. Again, Ryan doesn't know Clara that well. Oh, and there's a camera on them too. So there's that.
  11. Here's my take on it: everything that happens to us is a way to shape us and help us grow as people. Paige herself decided to go on this show and seek a mate this way; there is something called free will that we are all given. This choice she has made did not go well; she is not relying on God that this "match" was His will but rather relying on a moronic group of "experts" who gave her a total dud- a guy who recently broke off an engagement, who thinks that pulling out is a good form of birth control, who tells her he isn't attracted to her but bangs her anyway, and continues to gaslight her into thinking she needs to fix something to make it all work. Paige needs to realize that she is not a puppet of God but a human who has the ability to make good choices for her life that may not include someone that was randomly picked for her. Yowhaahmsayin'? Well, Jake and Hayley sure went sideways, didn't they? I really think she was trying until she wasn't- and that change seemed to coincide with a night of drunken sex. He is not my type, but I think he could be funny and entertaining to talk to and get to know. He does need to put a shirt on and please ditch the sleeveless hoodie he had on for the airport. Just no. What the hell is going on with Erik? I didn't like him from the beginning- way too overeager, laughing exaggeratedly at everyone's jokes and overall just trying too hard. Now he's waxing romantic with the guys while under the influence of something about how idyllic and magical it all is when he clearly realizes that Virginia drinks too much and they have some very fundamental differences in their philosophies and lifestyles that are going to be monumental to overcome. I'm getting a little bit of whiplash with these people saying out of one side of their mouth that they don't know one another well; that they all are just "processing" it all- and then five minutes later we are hearing things like "Don't talk to my wife like that," or "we are friends with Paige and she's not herself!" Remember these relationships are all less than a week old. So they need to settle down about defending and protecting each other. Virginia drives me absolutely nuts. I was watching her on the couch when the girls all sat down for (surprise!) a drink and her reactions were all over the top with wide-open mouth, big giant laughs, and wild gesticulating. I don't know if it's the alcohol or the fact that she wants to emote for the cameras, but it's way too much. And her immaturity really showed during the post-ATV Chris scenes when she absolutely had to try and get the last word... over and over again. The best thing they all could have done on the bus would have been to completely ignore Chris and not respond. Nothing anyone can say- NOTHING- will convince Chris that he may have been out of line. So why bother? Virginia just kept her yap going, though. The others were quite pointedly just staring ahead and trying to get the hell back to the hotel so they could escape the crazy. Back to Chris- he is a classic offense collector. He didn't get as much sympathy about the baby thing as Paige. He felt that "jokes" were made when he made the announcement to the group (I didn't think Virginia was "joking," she asked what everyone was thinking: she's pregnant? Wow, with your baby?). He twists and turns everything he does or anyone says to be about him. But as long as Paige continues to light up with any little scrap of attention from him ("you're my queen; lemme see that ass; I am feeling spiritually attracted to you...") I can't garner much sympathy for her. How many times have we all listened to him say something completely degrading to her, or drop some bombshell on her and we think : "YES!!!! THIS IS IT!! She's going to say she is done!!" and... he reels her back in with some shitty fake compliment. She can retain her dignity if she calmly throws in the towel now. But her time of looking tolerant and not foolish is quickly running out. I liked Clara this episode, but I'm getting glimpses of Ryan's face that are showing doubt. She is pretty face-on but her profile shots are odd- she has a strangely flat face, a very protruding jaw and a double chin. And the nails- my lord, the nails. I don't have much about Vincent and Brianna but he is toting out the old, "this is how I am and I'm not gonna change" line. Never a good look. The bathroom scene was weird and she was definitely being bossy- perhaps encouraged by producers. And why did they have robes on that didn't say "Mandalay Bay" but some other hotel/spa name?
  12. I laughed at Rebecca saying matter-of-factly, "I figured he could move the furniture in while I work." How? Carrying it on his back?
  13. I agree. Natalie has baited him incessantly- on camera: he eats unhealthy food, his closet stinks, he needs to lose weight, he (gasp) drinks , his house is cold, on and on. He's just over it; he can't even act for the sake of TV anymore. I don't get a misogynistic streak at all. He could find a country girl who likes to help out on the farm to hang out in his little house and drink beer with him. The initial infatuation with Natalie is long, long gone. He's just counting the days.
  14. I disagree- although the girlfriend is stupid and happy to accept "purses and nice things," he is using her for cheap labor and positioning himself so that she gets nothing if they split- even though he works her more than full time and pays her about $20k a year. He is shady to me. Rodney is a slimeball. He thinks he is perfect (because he has money- although honestly I remember him saying in the intro episode that he was worth something like $5 million- which is good, but he is living way beyond that) and just gives his simpering smile every time he does something shitty to Desree like cheats, evades talking about his "pernts" meeting her, and the way he talks about having given her the ring so she essentially needs to shut up because "he's not ready to get murried anytime soon." She is just stupid- she acts like a silly teenager saying things like "oh, he just cheated with a Ho and look who has the ring!" I don't know why she has held out for him (well, except for the $$$) because he's slimy and quite frankly I think he's gay. I laugh at the friends who are just incredulous that he would get engaged. Rick (yacht guy) seems nice but he tries waaay too hard to be the "cool old guy" with his hair implants, perfect blinding white teeth and pink jacket. His friends all look like aging hippies and are also trying too hard- ponytail, band shirts, aviator shades. And they're all awful at golf. His stupid cracks at Illinois as if it's a state full of hicks is just ignorant and makes him look like an asshole. The Vegas couple? Ick. He is a self-absorbed dick and she is just stupid. He says he "loves Kattie with all my heart" but he acts detached and very disinterested. Let's give our "beloved" a 2-week timeline to find a job in a new town. He knows that won't happen because I don't think she really had a job before. I think her title, like Illinois girl, was "influencer." Meaning, "I post on social media all day and hope someone will like my pictures."
  15. I've been watching all season and keep hoping this show is going to go beyond a bunch of "ladies" trying to out-rich themselves and devolve into fighting at any social gathering, but 13 episodes in, I have pretty much abandoned those hopes. I admit to not watching any other Housewives show and tuned into this because I have a home in Utah and will be moving there permanently later this year. I will say that it looks as if almost all of this show is filmed in Park City, which is NOT SLC, and is home to many well-heeled people as well as people who want to appear well-heeled and are into impressing others with their material wealth. So I get annoyed when nearly every scene opens with ethereal music and panning to large Mormon Temples that are NOT in Park City. I like the scenery. The women not so much. Heather is wearing her divorce like a mantle of courage and needs to let it go. Honey, lots of people get divorced. I'm sure it's hard and bruised your ego. But years have passed and you need to move on. Besides, that ex of yours really seems to be missing a few essential traits- like a personality. You don't need to announce at your grand re-opening that oh, by the way, you went through a divorce. Celebrate your victories for what they are. Your children are watching. In addition, despite her leaps and bounds in business, Heather is massively insecure in her relationships with these women- especially Jen. She recognizes that the friendship (if you can call it that) is toxic and she should dump Jen, but then in the next scene she's crying about how Jen hurt her and groveling for her affections. Speaking of Jen, I'm not sure why anyone wastes any of their time trying to help her or maintain a relationship with her because she is beyond help without a professional and a pharmacist. She hides behind her excuses of "if you hurt my family," and "growing up in Utah where it's all white" and allows herself to massively misbehave just because she gets offended easily. I can't get beyond watching Meredith slumping around and talking with half of her mouth in the "live" scenes, and in her talking heads she drones on so slowly it's painful. Every one of these women has been told, apparently, that the theme of this show is: "You're in Mormon Country and we're going to show the audience how badass and rebellious you are." They need to stop talking about how cute it is to break the rules. Or maybe they just need to stop being filmed because they are embarrassing themselves. Most of the conversation, if they are not fighting or accusing each other of wrongdoing, consists of "You look wonderful!" All of the "Meredith told me that you said this about Whitney; you need to pick her as a friend and not be disloyal to me" is way too hard to follow (and I don't care) and needed to be left behind in middle school.
  16. I disagree- she is always saying "money is tight," she can't seem to stay in an apartment for very long (she was staying with the daughter before she got the current apartment) and is working lots of hours to pay her bills. She probably went to Morocco because, like a lot of people who are terrible at picking spouses, she felt she couldn't find anyone here worth being with. I am not sure what Zied's gain is in all of this, though. He doesn't seem super hungry to live "the American dream," and I think he was rather openly disappointed when he realized that "real" Rebecca was a bit different from "ring-light and photoshop" Rebecca.
  17. I am a healthcare provider so I do get your point. I do it because I enjoy trying to make a difference in that 80%. Not that all of them are "jerks," but that they have a need for more education regarding doing their part in their health. I don't find them forgettable.
  18. Yeah, no abuse there. The impression I got from both of them was that it was totally consensual. He's a selfish, cruel and manipulative tool but not an abuser. He also doesn't know what the real meaning of "trophy wife" is. The more I think about his manipulation the worse it gets. His grilling her at the wedding "do you have a high sex drive? I haven't masturbated in 3 days.." - not to mention his Big Daddy telling Paige in not-so-subtle terms that it's her duty to satisfy him daily after his long work days- followed by the crocodile tears after disappearing (he apparently will be crying again as the season progresses), which suddenly turns into him villifying Paige for "discussing his personal life with his family"- disgusting. Also what's with his extreme vocal fry? Paired with his limited eye contact and scowly face, he is an utter turnoff. Paige's hopes are seriously coloring what is obvious here. He is just not a nice person. On another note? Virginia? Needs to stop with the uptalk?
  19. God bless you. I think some people don't really know what it is to live with true adversity. Some of their stories are not so much about trauma and damage but excuses to be inert. I heard somewhere that a lot of very successful people (i.e., CEOs of big companies, for example) are children of alcoholics. They chose to overcome the negative influences in their lives. Others never "get over it," so to speak. I see it on Intervention as well- people who never faced their childhood traumas and spiral down, feeling helpless (on top of that is often a genetic predisposition to addiction). Interesting how one's childhood shapes their adult choices- it can go either way. I think that's why this show has become such a downer. We haven't seen many success stories of late- no one who acknowledges that they got dealt some crap in their life and let themselves go because of it- but are now ready to move on and let the past go. I don't know how Dr. Now does it day after day. His job entails so much more than just helping people lose weight. He has to deal with delusional behavior, dysfunctional families, outright lying/BS, and ridiculous outbursts like Kenae laid on him this week.
  20. I am sick of the "well-meaning" friends/relatives (such as Rebecca's pal) feeling the need and obligation to ask the "tough questions"; i.e. grilling the poor new-to-America fiancé when they are tired, disoriented and-- well, when it's not that person's business to begin with. I was cringing at Rebecca saying to her friend, "well, what do you think?" -showing Zied off like he was a cattle at auction. Her sobbing at the "ex" discussion (No. One. Cares.) was so stupid and fake. And I want to know how someone can have their entire body festooned with tattoos but doesn't have a bed frame or a couch to sit on.
  21. she had the necklace on. Their beds were all strewn with petals. Oddly, some of the beds had sunflowers on them. I always think, "what a way to ruin the bedspread and carpet."
  22. *sigh* This is all starting to become tiresome. SCRIPT: Obese Person (OP): My name is --. I am fat and it's so hard to be fat. (insert film of bathing/eating massive quantities/sad family members waiting on OP/sadder living arrangements). I have to get help from Dr. Now; it's the only chance I have or I won't live much longer. SCENE: tortuous car ride to Houston; lots of grunting and groaning, OP stating "I'm so nervous and I'm starving." DR NOW (DN): so, you weigh xx pounds. Tell me about your eating habit. Who buys your food? Why you aren't helping yourself if you know you need to lose da weight? OP: I am willing to do anything it takes to save my life. DN: here is a 1200 calorie diet, no carbs, 3 meals a day 400 calories a meal. You need to lose xzzpounds in 2 munt. In the meantime, you call if you need anything *2 MONTHS LATER* (after another painful journey to Houston) OP: I'm working so hard to do what I need to lose the weight so I can be approved for weight loss surgery. I slip up sometimes, but I am working really hard. I should be down to xx minus zz pounds. DN: you only lost yy pounds. why you aren't doing what I told you to? OP: I am, I really am... it's so hard... (cry cry) DN: I'll give you two more months to lose another zz pounds minus a few because we're setting the bar lower. LAST 7 MINUTES OF THE SHOW (by this time we all know it didn't work and the person is back at home with their sad animals and sad family members, all sitting on the couch eating fast food and staring blankly at the walls) OP: I really did work hard but Dr. Now didn't appreciate all my hard work. But I feel so much better now that I have gotten down to 520 pounds. I guess the program just wasn't right for me. I'll do this on my own.
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