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Everything posted by KateHearts

  1. Me either, until he pointed out, "I'm NOT 6 feet tall," which was code to me for "I'm insecure about my height." But I agree- I don't put a lot of value on a guy's height. My husband is only a couple of inches taller than me and I never gave it a thought. And we fit together nicely! I am reminded of that douchebag basektball player with the tiny, needy teacher and how I would look at them and think, "that would kill my neck." I like Brett and was pleasantly surprised that Ryan's wooden-ness seemed to let up this week. I have some hope for them, although she seemed to curl her lip at the "ranch" comments and the dancing. I really love Bao and Johnny and am rooting for them. First off, I think she is the cutest of the women and the most sincere and open. She said she had a crush on him, which is cute. And they both seem genuinely happy.
  2. I just read that she lost 50 during the show. Did she lose more after that?
  3. These women don't understand that they will not be happy just because they find some "hot" (subjective) guy to put a ring on their fingers and say "we're twin flames" to. I honestly can't even understand what kind of connection they have with men who communicate at best in broken English, have no jobs, don't seem to have much motivation, and overall kind of suck. Darcey, especially, seems to think that "happiness" is exclusive of ordinary life, drama-free days and just letting things happen. Her constant analysis of everything, always talking about "this relashhhip" and acting like life is a Lifetime movie is absolutely exhausting. I would not be comfortable AT ALL with her constant referrals to "starting our life together," "getting to know the real Georgi," and the needy, longing stares. Her bawling to Stacy ("I did EVERYTHING RIGHT"...? which was- what? Gave him lots of sex? Provided a roof over his head? Stacy is horrible- under the guise of being the "caring sister" you can read on her face that she is secretly gleeful that Darcey is having problems with Georgi while she gloats to herself that she is "winning"- she is legally married to her so-called Prince Charming and is talking babies. Watch the scene where she says something like "I want to like Georgi, but I have a feeling he's using you as a Sugar Mama..." I want to know what kind of money these women really have- sure, they get TLC money but the plastic surgery alone surely has added to tens of thousands at this point with no end in sight. I think it's cruel but funny when TLC zooms in on the really bad-looking hair extensions (are they knotted in? Situated on plastic combs?) and the giant cleavage. I think any adult woman who still needs Daddy to make sure their prospective husband has "good intentions" and needs to take them out for a private man-to-man talk is in need of some very serious therapy. It's obvious that their father has stepped in to be a co-parent of Darcey's daughters and continues to be the twins' voice of reason (although it doesn't seem to work that well). He has provided them with housing, funded their business ventures and watched out for his grandkids over many years. Perhaps he is driven by guilt-? At any rate, their development has become stunted somewhere around the age of 13. Georgi and Florian should have their faces displayed under the definition of "apathy" in Webster's Dictionary.
  4. My impressions: Sure, Michael- you don't masturbate as it's "against your religion" but you had some sort of FaceTime sex session with Angie and you didn't get yourself off? Did you rub on the screen? And Angela, be sure to scold Michael that he will have to do the FORBIDDEN THING in order to bottle some sperm (and "LOOK AT PORNOS")- how sanctimonious of you! But you can talk about your future plans to rejuvinate your wet t-shirt champ status with your hot new bod (that you suffered to get since you are "improving your health"). Oh, the irony. I am pretty much certain that the Potthast drama is all scripted and fake... but dear God, I can't stand that all the theatrics, food throwing and endless cursing goes on in front of the children. As low as it goes to subject your kids to that for 5 minutes of fame and a few bucks. Not to mention showing the ugliest of behaviors (the sisters are just awful). And another thing. How do you (Libbie, looking at you) listen to your husband yell and curse at everyone and then address him, "babyyyyy....." Natalie is awful. Mike is awful. They each potentiate the other's awfulness. His face is a big "I don't give a shit" sign. Why keep talking about wanting Natalie to work on things. You don't. You're done. She's done. Let her move in with her friend and they can live happily ever after. Brandon and Julia- boring, not sure how they are going to stay on this show. Jovi- stop nagging. Treat her as the special mother she is and she'll warm up to the idea of romance again. For heaven's sake, I know exactly how she feels and it's NOT wrong! All the "all you talk about is Mylah" and "you're no fun anymore" are a sure guarantee that she will not want to have sex with you. Get a clue.
  5. Despite her little breakdown about the jerseys, I found Bao likable and I could definitely identify with her as an "anxious" person. I could never submit to marrying someone sight unseen. Way too out of my comfort zone, but I give her credit for sticking her neck out and going for it. She and Johnny are genuinely cute together and looked truly happy walking down the aisle. Jamie O is tipping into "I've overdone my cosmetic procedure" territory really fast. She loves to post about loving herself as is, embracing baby weight, etc- but look at pictures of her from her season (season 1). She has lost her original face. Add onto it her massive ego and lust for being on camera at any cost (crotch peeks included) and she's in dangerous territory.
  6. Tiffany's whinging on and on is the kind of "communication" that give women a bad name. I mean, Ronald is no prize (to start, he keeps saying "you don't appreciate all I've done for you," but I don't see him, um- working for example). But she goes round and round and never says anything. "I shouldn't have to ask. I do this all myself and you need to step up." All the dumb, pointless babble. First of all, Tiff- you chose to risk getting pregnant when you barely knew the guy and raise yet another kid alone. And yes, you are a single mom but if you cannot even afford on your own to pay for Ronald to apply for citizenship (what does makeup artistry in Pennsylvania or wherever she lives really pay?) then you don't have much say about how heroic you are. To his credit, Ronald constructed a cell for Daniel without windows that's painted a blue sure to keep him up all night. He had an idea to buy a truck to start a business. He really is all over the place- but Tiffany needs to get a clue and perhaps sit down and make a few lists. (1. feed the baby while I trowel on my makeup 2. clean the floor while I play with the baby -etc). The two of them drive me nuts. Angela, keep telling yourself (and Michael) that your surgery was life-saving. "Ah could hardly breathe!" I think we need to consider the Marlboros over the mammaries in that case. The way she constantly interrupts him and acts like a victim is just awful. And that "I want the guy I fell in love with" junk is just crap. No one acts the same when they are first dating (if you want to call it that) compared to a couple of years later when they see their partner throw up, hear them fart, and start to notice their deeply ingrained flaws. Mike has given up on Natalie, not that I blame him, but it's just written all over his face and with every move he makes. He looks defeated, self-loathing, miserable, depressed and exhausted. Witness his massive weight gain, slack expressions and heavy sighing. He's only here for the paycheck. So he can spare us the "we have a lot of things to work on" and just go cook more potatoes. I like Yara despite the fact that she has become a rigid mom who can't fathom letting her baby stay up past 6pm (!) and doesn't seem to want sex with Jovi after his months away. Of course, he's just dreaming of strip clubs and staying up till 4am, so maybe they can compromise and she will let him go out and sow his wild oats. If he is whining that "it's too quiet" in a suburban apartment complex when he has a wife and child, just maybe he wasn't ready to tie the knot and have unprotected sex (which he didn't learn from after the first pregnancy). The Potthast family has had their five minutes of "fame" and needs to go away. They all are such poor actors it's not even worth watching their segments. Soooo scripted. Everyone smirks during these "confrontations" when they aren't saying their lines. And I just don't get Libby- she watches everyone she supposedly cares about abuse the hell out of each other and just passively stares. It's like she's drugged. And don't get me going on all the screaming and incessant swearing while there are several children around to witness it all. I don't think Andrei is all that bad but they all obviously bring out the absolute worst in each other which is not a good look. At all.
  7. I was fascinated by him obviously digging into her pants while she was trying to drive.
  8. I don't get this. If this family is hanging around her smoking and eating junk food, they certainly could benefit from eating better. It isn't a punishment to eat in a more healthy way... but that smoothie wasn't a good example of it.
  9. She did better; she asked him to do something illegal ON camera. Honestly, every time I think maybe Angela is just good ol' Angie the country bumpkin, she releases the venomous hatred she spewed last night. She is a classic, classic abuser: she reminds the object of her abuse of the control she has over him; she blames him for her abuse ("YOU MAKE ME ACT THIS WAY!"), she insults him physically (something about the size of his package), she paints herself as used and abused all while screaming at him at the top of her lungs. Nothing he says is adequate (he asked about her health and she shrieked with laughter, interrupted him, hung up on him). If he tries at all she shoots him down with "too little, too late." Now I don't have any idea what he may or may not have done because we only hear her side, but he's a very young man who is thousands of miles away and every time she talks to him she beats him up. Can I blame him if he cheats (which to her, could mean that he looks at another woman)? Natalie and Mike are caught in a loop they will never escape. She perseverates on things she views as slights (I didn't see the scene with his mom); his entire demeanor and posture is pure passive-aggression. He slumps, he rolls his eyes, he walks away. She winds up more and they repeat the conversation. I can't stand either one of them so I'm not sure what they are trying to fix at this point. I watch a lot of the mothers in law on this show as a lesson in what NOT to do. Gwen was kind to take Yara in. If I had been alone with a newborn (actually I was, three times, but my husband traveled Monday through Friday) I would have loved for my MIL to be there and take the baby so I could rest and get a break. However, I also get wanting to be in your own house, alone. Gwen made her point and needed to back off. She just couldn't let it go and it led up to "I think you're making a mistake." C'mon, Gwen. Stop being so pushy. And Yara, how many times are you going to insist that Jovi "needs to be with you"? He's working for your family. I am having memories of Pao and what's-his-name where he quits a very good job because she's "lonely" and then- oops!- no income! I think the whole Libby family drama is fake, fake, fake. Her sisters are pure awfulness and never let up for a second. Libby just stands there slack-faced while they insult Andre, and then while he in turn swears at and berates them. What a fun family. I can't imagine why they would even attempt a family trip. Oh,right- they're on TV. I laughed at Chuck's seatbelt configuration. He's too portly to wear it the right way. And did you notice Becky's husband? He apparently doesn't get paid so he has no lines in the show- he just sits there while everyone else is yelling and screaming. The poor children. Tiffany needs a wardrobe makeover. Somewhere there are non-cold shoulder tops she could possibly wear. Ronald was a little on the scary-controlling side with his "I will MAKE them stay!" One final thing- I find it bothersome that Tiffany has sold her sweet Daniel on the idea that Ronald is his "dad." He is not, there is too much in flux right now to consider theirs as a permanent father-son relationship, and I fear that Daniel, who seems sensitive, could get hurt. Based on the previews, Tiff is already fed up with Ron by day 2. I'm not sure how Kalani relates to the man-child that is Asuelu in an adult, married couple manor. I give them credit for trying, but she will always view him as someone she needs to educate rather than an equal. He gets credit for trying, but I just don't see this being a long-term mature relationship.
  10. Chris is the kid who cried when Mom yelled at him, started fights on the playground when he wasn't the leader, and stomped off when someone called him out. And he's still that kid. I am so sick of Paige's trite phrases: "I had faith in this process;" "I wanted to make this work;" "God put us together for a reason" (no, God didn't- you put your faith in a bunch of "experts" who couldn't see Chris's sociopathic behavior closeup even though it's apparent from miles away). She is either playing a role or just that stupid. She really saw "potential" in him and the relationship? He is ambitious (I guess that means he wants an Atlanta Queen and wants to own millions in businesses and buy his ex a "benz"). He's faithful? (only when it gets a girl in the sack). He is a very pathological human being, acts despicably to everyone around him and is so sick in the head that he doesn't see how abnormal his behavior is. From his shrunken pants and patent leather shoes to his horrible vocal fry and dead eyes, to his abusive and manipulative behavior, I see nothing at all redeeming about this guy. I keep saying to myself, "Paige HAS to be playing a role." And for the love of God, everyone needs to just say "bye" when he inevitably flounces. (I think this was at least #4 on-air.) Why on earth do they all chase after him: "Chris, Chris! Come back!" He is playing into everyone's hands. Master, master manipulator. I guess I'm old and jaded because I saw that from the first episode. I would be like, "you are full of shit and there's the door." Ryan has a nice face and a beautiful smile, but I cannot get past the bowler hats, handlebar mustache and "sure, sure, sure." He and Clara seem to be doing okay, but I am sure she has made a lot of concessions in the relationship. I can't decide if she is pretty or not. She needs a professional color (tone down that straw white, girl!) and a more neutral lipstick but her teeth and eyes are great. In profile she isn't as attractive. But she seems fun and flexible enough to make it work. Virginia? Uptalk girl? Do you really think you're doing ok? You're getting to know each other? Your cat has its own room? (giggle, giggle). I think they are saying all the Nicolas Sparks words they think describe a relationship but it seems fake and empty. Erik bugs me because I feel like he's acting half the time with his exaggerated laugh and all the textbook phrases like "I'm so happy with her all the time," blah blah blah. As for his nose, it looks almost as if he got his nose job revised and now there is a little knob on the end. He needs a new plastic surgeon. For some reason I find Vince and Brianna boring so I don't have anything to say to them. I think Hayley thought long and hard about how to explain the fact that she had sex with Jake and then gave him the freeze. "I had tried everything, so I figured that was the last thing I could do to see if we could connect." That was... horrible. He went out fairly gracefully. And he was honest: "you couldn't stand me from day 2."
  11. Just finished and here are my takeaways: Brianna, you can't tell Vincent you find him "unorganized" (I get annoyed by that because I was taught the word is "disorganized")- in your pompous, holier-than-thou way ("I figured I could help you with that," she says)- but then cry to mommy when he mentions your "bossiness" and say "that is insulting my character!" Stick with one rule. Either criticism is allowed, or it isn't. I think producers just made Jake and Haley act like they got along and make the "maybeeee" statements just because they are pretty much done and boring. And Jake, that t-shirt was heinous. Looked like one of your dogs wrestled with it. This week Erik has ramped up the neediness and I really, truly think he is just seeing exactly what he wants to see. People who just have an "instant connection" don't spend the first, very early weeks of their new relationship fighting. Yes, they are married so that makes things a bit different, but I'm not seeing what he's describing. The more he drools over her, desperately trying to keep her around, the more she looks bored. But then again, we could be seeing producer manipulation as well. And as a petty aside, I find him overly exaggerated and especially annoying when he overreacts to things he finds funny with his fake laugh, tongue out and shoulders hunched. He is very unappealing to me. Ryan is terrified. Clara is desperate. Another couple who say that they are so well-matched, everything is great, blah blah... but I don't believe it. And Ryan has really turned on the analytical stuff. He should pull out an excel spreadsheet and rate her and make his decision that way.
  12. I was fascinated by Meri's makeup choices in the picnic scenes. I know heavily drawn-on brows are the rage these days, but she paints hers so far towards the middle they practically touch. And the harsh eyeliner... so unattractive. She looked better in her talking heads. I can't get over the swearing and "I don't give a shit" attitudes the wives have all developed. Look back at season 1 (and pictures pre-TV) where they wear modest clothing (even at the gym they wore long sleeves under their workout tanks). They all look old, tired, and over it.
  13. Regarding Janelle's pronouncement that she was going to help Madison with her kids: I couldn't believe that Kody truly had no reaction at all. If, heaven forbid, my granddaughter needed serious reconstructive surgery and my daughter-in-law and son were far away (they are) you could bet I'd be out there in a heartbeat and my husband would be backing me 100%. It's his GRANDDAUGHTER and she has a serious condition! He was like- womp womp, guess we won't see each other for a while. Janelle seemed like it really bothered her, which is weird; I view her as rather asexual and just likes him because they chum around talking about camping and their lovely mud puddle on Coyote Pass. I have never seen more than a brother-sister type hug between the two of them but she is waxing on about how hard it is without him around. Maybe she makes him do chores while he's there? I really am sick of hearing Kody bloviating every week about what a burden it is to be Kody Brown. His love apparently hasn't multiplied over the years. I did laugh when he walked up Christine's driveway with his curls flapping in the breeze. That was the only time this episode I didn't look at him and feel utter disgust. What a mess he has made.
  14. there is no reason insurance wouldn't cover it: severe scoliosis can cause long-term health issues: chronic pain, deformity, and damage to internal organs. I think they just weren't insured for a very long time. I don't see much income (except from the show) and Kody hasn't had any sort of "job" that we can see in a long time. They did some bogus treatment with exercises years back. It didn't do much (surprise). (I used to work in spine surgery).
  15. I haven't read any comments yet, but let me just say this: Kody's gleeful excitement at Christine being shot down about moving to Utah because "I'm not the bad guy!" and his denial that they had discussed it made me see RED. Add to that his total disregard for Ysabel's pain and need for surgery (but why New Jersey? There are certainly many surgeons who could do the procedure closer) just made me realize what a scumbag he is. And then the other wives just sit there on their lot, stony-faced as she cries and bares her pain. I really feel for her. She needs to just go. Sadly, she has no way to support herself or do this move on her own. THEN... he blames Christine for "not even trying"?? Ugh. He disgusts me.
  16. Because she has a lot to lose. Of all of them, she seems the least educated (well, Robyn)- but also the least resourceful. She identified early on as the Earth-mother/head parent of all of the children when they were young. Janelle has some education and work background so she could conceivably support herself; Meri has already been cast out and is forging a life alone.
  17. If, as Clara says, they are doing "everything but" intercourse, I don't get her frustration. And why do they always,always show her at meals half-listening and shoveling food in her mouth? I hate the way production likes to spin these people. Everything she says, Ryan responds with "Sure, sure." I don't consider that conversation. Chris: "I'm not getting what I need from this relationship." Right after he told the cameras "we're in a good headspace." He is full of catch-phrases of the day and he means none of it. 0%. Paige has has numerous opportunities to call him out on his nonsense. I'm done feeling badly for her. She tries to act like this is similar to an ordinary marriage- you know, the kind where the couple knows one another, respects one another, has some history, enjoys each other. He needs to take his fake, vocal-fry mumbling self and get some help. I don't get the whole "eww creepy Jake" thing here; maybe it's his rather cro-magnon looks and workout guy personality but I think again that production has portrayed this negatively. He likes to work out, he's a little weird-good lord, I know so many people who are odd in other ways (larpers, gamers, anime enthusiasts, etc)- what's wrong with liking the 80s? Not my thing but hey, there's going to be someone out there for him. It's very painful to try and have a "relationship" with someone who obviously is repelled by you- not to mention that it's being played out on camera for the world to see. Hayley is bad at playing along. Her crocodile tears and "I've done all I can in this relationship" are total BS but I can't imagine what it's like to try to fake it out in the end if you know it's hopeless. Too bad they can't both just say "hey, you aren't my type but let's have a few more dinners out and ride this thing a few more weeks. All the best to you." I don't know why this show thinks it's a good idea to replay the weddings. I can watch it in reruns if I want to (I don't). The Vince/Brianna date with wedding video was useless and painful and I fast-forwarded through all of it. Virginia is what I call a "fast-talker" (when she is sober). I think these two have fun but I don't think she is ready to be married and he thinks he is too old to change. I predict they stay together at decision day and implode a few months thereafter.
  18. Mike's assertion that "you'll just sell the ring" is exactly what I would do. Screw him, asking for "one more hug," and "hey, can I have that ring?" He broke it off. Technically it's hers and whatever she does with it is her damn business.
  19. I like this. But I think anyone can go in either direction based on their parents and the examples they see as children. There are children of alcoholics who end up sadly drinking their lives away like Mom and Dad; and there are those who become CEOs because they are determined to overcome and be better than what they know. We see a lot of people on My 600 lb Life who blame their addictions to food on terrible childhoods. As for Virginia's example- yeah, her parents split (and didn't they remarry at some point or something weird?) but what bothers me is Erik is using that as a way to be the "supportive savior" who says "I'm so proud of you for realizing your childhood was dysfunctional," but rather than helping her to move on, he seems to be accepting that her shortcomings are not her fault because, well- her parents screwed up. I could see that coming up again and again. Paige, Paige, Paige: I wish I could have written your lines for you. How many times did she and Chris get together and have these round-and-round, non-conversations? "I just wanted to know what you are filling..." "I put my heart and soul into this..." Here's what she should have said probably on the honeymoon, after he ditched her, told her he wasn't attracted to her, announced the impending bundle of joy: "Chris, you have lied, used me, contradicted yourself and acted like a selfish fool since the wedding. This is ridiculous and no one should treat another human being that way. GOODBYE." What's with all this back and forth- he thinks he might fall in love? And the DRAAAMAAAH- "I'm scared, yo! Ynow what I'm sayin'?" And does he REALLY worry about not raising his own kid? Obviously he doesn't think about the actual responsibility of potentially impregnating every woman he bangs and he is NOT thinking about the welfare of any woman, child, or any living thing. His reaction to the pastor talking to Paige was absolutely infantile. "He made me mad! I'm not talking to him anymore!!" He's horrible. But she is stupid. I didn't really get the point of Clara, the cookie dough, the doughnuts and the life philosophy talk Ryan was giving. I am going to chalk it up to choppy editing to make her look like a rude, piggish, selfish woman who cares more about junk food than having a serious discussion. I think someone who is always overthinking would push me in the direction she went. Lighten up!
  20. But she isn't touting polygamy now- at ALL. She seems to have done a very severe 180- I think she is feeling proud and badass for, after all these years, "telling it like it is"- but she's coming across as defeated and bitter that she tried and tried to buy into for years, only to have it leave her empty and depleted. You can see it on her face- deep lines between her eyes that don't smile anymore. In certain shots her skin looks gray and she really looks like she has aged 15 years since she decided not to hide how little she cares anymore. And yeah, admitting that you let everyone roll over you while you maintained a household and raised umpteen kids (many of whom were not your own- wait, aren't the kids all "theirs"?) makes you look pathetic and totally taken advantage of. I don't like to pick at looks, but oof- Mariah and Audrey have packed on some Covid weight. Seems their couch scenes were filmed more recently vs the wedding venue selection scenes. In fact, I can say that pretty much every Brown is in need of a better diet and some more exercise (last year the tabloids were saying the wives had all lost weight?) Too much food-pantry starchy food and navel-gazing. Honestly, the conversations they have just go around and around. I'm with Christine- they talk too much and go nowhere. I left the yogurt parfait scene scratching my head thinking "what was the conclusion there?" I guess that Robin feels she convinced another sister wife for another day that she isn't the witch we all know she really is. As for the Mariah wedding, I am over Brown weddings. Kody all puffed up as "dad of the bride," saying what a bargain the venue is. He isn't paying for a cent of it. The whole "we have to get married on the 29th" thing was a non-thing. And we know you are camera hogs, but after being a couple for 3 years, you don't need to convince us every second you are being filmed of how much you LURVE each other- the hand-clasping, the nuzzling... okay, you're two women in love. Old news; we have seen enough.
  21. I don't think a single one of these people is neat. Even though they are being filmed, they have piles of laundry everywhere, their moves consist of tossing random junk into trailers, and their kitchen counters are covered in stuff. Meri included.
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