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Everything posted by MarkySnark

  1. Or JimBoob puts up a sign, "Go away. Check the cycle chart. Trying for #20 in here!"
  2. To me, that scene between Christine and the little girl was disturbing. Christine seemed to be taking waaaay too much pleasure in telling that girl that anyone outside of polygamy is scary. That's always been her message. People that leave polygamy are dangerous and life off the compound is scary. It's cult mentality and subjecting children to it is even more cruel than Christine thinks the outside world is, toasters notwithstanding, of course.
  3. Also thought it was real classy of the Brown Klowns to take the first family tradition the Richards shared with them - the taking the first bite at the same time - and mock it in the couch session. And they wonder why they have no friends.
  4. Janelle was so checked out at dinner when the Richards were talking about how they decided to become plural that at one point I thought she had actually fallen asleep.
  5. My biggest question is how in the hell did they get Lambert's all to themselves? That place always has lines out the door!
  6. Also thought it was funny when Truely said she wanted to go to a petting zoo, but not for her birthday. She was probably thinking the youngster's version of "Everyone else gets to go to Disneyland for their birthday. Petting zoo? So you old assholes can go visit some other polygamist family and film it? Go fuck yourself!! Do that on your own damn birthday!" At least I hope that's what she was thinking.
  7. Another thing that bugs me about this clan… They make a big deal of getting into wherever they are going so late at night. But they talk about not leaving in the morning until 9 a.m. And then it takes too long to get ready so they are leaving at 9:30 or 10. Whenever we went on vacation when I was a kid, or when I do it with my family now, we are getting up and moving as soon as possible so we can get to our destination sooner. We liked to be there before dark, if possible. But these folks with no jobs prefer to sleep later, then bitch about how late it is when the snow is falling and the shit is flowing. Don't bitch about the late hour of arrival if you can't get up early and get moving. I would imagine the kids are used to being up for school, so this falls on the lazy adults.
  8. KoDouche and his skipping in the gym, not checking the valves before opening the waste pipe, whining about his shit shoes, blaming Hunter for the sewage incident, having a kid tell him, "I don't care." when he explained the "I am the general, you are my sergeant" concept... All reasons to turn in his man card. Oh, and that stupid-ass pony tail.
  9. How many times did we see in previews that KoDouche said he wanted no whining or crying? And then, who whined and cried the most? Why, the King, of course. Because he got some doody on his shoe. Yet we are supposed to believe he is this great man because Robyn took one picture of him changing one diaper and put it on Twitter. I seriously hope Hunter left the valves open on purpose and laughed his fool head off the rest of the trip. He has to keep himself entertained somehow, and watching Douchey McBaggerson dodging shit water was damn entertaining!!
  10. I am surprised that Robyn isn't pitching more of a fit that the kids are going to college and bailing on her "dream." I mean, there are built-in workers right there and if they weren't going away, she could have a baby. It is, after all, all about Robyn.
  11. I think Mariah being out of town is only part of the reason she wasn't shown. She seems to come back often enough that they could have featured her if they wanted to. But this was the "Look at our great kids! We must be great parents! Polygamy is wonderful!" Episode and Mariah's spoiled brat attitude doesn't fit with that narrative. So, they took advantage of the fact that she stayed at Westminster College (can I get a discount, please? I mentioned the name) for a weekend to film something without her.
  12. Thanks for clearing that up, Ladystardust. It just seemed odd since they rarely mention religion at all. I mean, unless they are being run out of Utah or having to quit their job or any other time things don't go their way and they can cry persecution. Then, religion. If they want to have a King Kody party or if some fool-hardy morons give them an obscene amount of money for their phoney-baloney joory bizness, no religion.
  13. Odd that they have referred to others as Christian as if it is different. As in, Aspyn dates Christians and they are going to visit a Christian polygamist family. Aren't they Christians themselves? Or is it their way of saying, "See? We discuss religion on our show. F.U. Interwebs."
  14. Point is that The King wanted aprons, not T-shirts, to sell on the site. And what is there? Yet he can spew "emotional vomit" on everyone about never making a decision. It's like he doesn't realize these shows are on tape and don't disappear after being aired once. He probably thinks he's Ethan Hunt and the tape will self-destruct five seconds after viewing.
  15. The funny thing is that KoDouche pooh-poohed Christine's (or was it Janelle's?) idea of selling T-shirts on the site because they are "frumpy." Yet aprons are fashion forward? Of course, KoDoucheNozzle thinks the surfer duuuuuude look is cool, so there ya go.
  16. You would think that with her and KoDouche's new-found "romantic" attachment that she would be working off more calories getting busy with the King. Of course, that only happens every fourth night. The other three are probably spent with Ben & Jerry.
  17. Comparing these people with reality is like watching the movie Airplane! and thinking it's a documentary on Flight 93. Airplane! on its own is hilarious in its absurdity. Much like Sister Wives! is.
  18. Really? A celebrate KoDouche party? Isn't that every fucking day on the cuddle-sac? TLC must have a surplus of tape that is going to go bad if they don't use it. I personally would rather watch a black screen than a party for that whiny little bitch and his one wife and three concubines.
  19. I thought I read one of the People stories that said they were expecting 1,000 guests and there would be 3,000 root beer floats. I love me some root beer float on occasion, but if I am going to have three of them, they damn well better be made with root beer schnapps. Of course, if I was going to a Duggar wedding, I must already be drunk anyway.
  20. Why did Michelle's wedding dress need to be on display? Have you not paid any attention to this show? EVERYTHING must somehow come back to Michelle. She delivered every one of those kiddos. And she could have died while doing it. I am surprised they don't put the bikini top that ended the marriage next door on display as well. Anything to put attention on her and NO ONE else.
  21. The only way they will be turned down because they are polygamists is if there is a new definition of polygamist that means, "shitty business person." But, I do agree that they will THINK it's because they are polygamists. For a group of people that wants to be involved in polygamy, yet left alone, they certainly seem to enjoy crying about being discriminated against because of their polygamy. They must know that their time is nearly up, and are rightfully fearful for their future. I think the fixing up of the Lehi house may be because they know that's where they are headed very soon.
  22. Food for thought... They asked for $2.5 million, which would pay off their homes and leave a little left to maybe put into the joory business. And Janelle said they won't be able to repay until 2017. When was the last bankruptcy in the family and how long does one have to wait in order to file again? Something tells me those numbers will add up to 2017. Maybe if you give me three weeks to prepare, I can come up with those numbers. Or just cry.
  23. It seems like the TLC production staff is enjoying the hell out of making KoDouche look like an ass. That's fine with me, because I enjoy the hell out of it, too!!
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