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Everything posted by srpturtle80

  1. So this confuses me... does this mean the season won’t start until April or so?
  2. I don’t watch Parks and Rec so I didn’t know what you were referring to, but then I saw this article posted on Facebook! https://ew.com/tv/2018/11/10/the-good-place-lil-sebastian-parks-and-recreation/?utm_content=link&utm_campaign=entertainmentweekly_entertainmentweekly&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_term=756490F0-E50C-11E8-A8E6-C2B9C28169F1
  3. Lol yes I saw this on Kristen Bell’s IG last night and I was cracking up. So flipping funny.
  4. It made no sense and was so silly, but Sheldon calling Amy’s mom “green beans” cracked my ass up ?
  5. It was picked up for an additional 5 episodes... https://tvbythenumbers.zap2it.com/more-tv-news/the-kids-are-alright-and-splitting-up-together-get-full-season-pickups-at-abc/
  6. He said he would send Tucker to camp but Rebecca had to pay for it. I assume the mom was laying for therapy as I don’t think that was mentioned.
  7. Until it picked up a bit at the end, this episode bored me to tears. I couldn’t stand the kid and hated the whole storyline. Ugh.
  8. I loved how excited Eleanor and Michael were about the margaritas. Made me LOL.
  9. I don’t usually nitpick shows like this but for some reason this drove me crazy... where were the kids at the end when Raj and Howard were in the hot tub and the girls were in the play house? I’m assuming they were supposed to be in bed but that it bothers me that Howard didn’t bring out a baby monitor or something. If he did I obviously missed it! Otherwise I really enjoyed this episode!
  10. Completely agree. I don’t really like him and he can leave anytime now.
  11. We have a premiere date! And we are getting two more episodes! https://ew.com/tv/2018/10/29/gotham-final-season-premiere-date/?utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_term=E3313FFC-DBC5-11E8-8101-07D1FCA12A29&utm_campaign=entertainmentweekly_entertainmentweekly&utm_content=link
  12. Loved Jim’s attorney song. I am an attorney who does not practice myself and it was pretty much spot on. And hilarious. The singing pretzels were a bit much lol. I also loved Heather and Hector. It was so cute how happy he was when he saw the tux. And her dress was beautiful. Also, his toe was NASTY.
  13. I HATE the storyline with the sister and her new boyfriend. Like if she keeps dating him long enough he’s not going to eventually find out she’s pregnant anyway? It’s not a secret that can be kept permanently. I get that she wants more time with him, but maybe rip the band aid off so if he does break up with you you don’t get anymore attached.
  14. On my phone I just highlight the part that I want to quote and a little box pops up that says “quote this.” I was missing TC but not loving this new version of Wells. I wasn’t too concerned last week that we barely saw Joe move but since it’s seems to be a trend I am getting a bit worried! Hope JM is ok! So I must say that I can’t stand Nora’s voice. Not sure if it’s how the actress really speaks and if so I feel bad but it has an almost “baby talk” quality to it that just drives me up the wall. And also adds to the whole acting much younger than she is supposed to be problem. I’m one of the few who likes Ralph and I am enjoying him helping Caitlyn. I like the two of them as friends.
  15. As someone who didn’t really watch the original much, and is a huge fan of BBT, I was blown away last season when he first appeared at how different his voice is just between the two characters. Like you said, nothing about his portrayal of David reminds me of Leonard. He is incredible. I guess I’m sort of a JG fan girl lol. I really loved this episode, I laughed out loud several times. I loved the scene at the restaurant with the three women. Also loved the end tag with Dan and David.
  16. I thought it was more that he takes an entire sausage and sucks it into his mouth in one shot (definitely sounds dirty but I mean this literally lol). ?
  17. The sheer hilarity he expressed at typing “Micahel” had me rolling. ?
  18. So what the heck is “schway?” (I have no idea how it is spelled). Is it a made up word from the future or is it really a word that my totally un-hip self has never heard before? For some reason it bugs the crap out of me whenever Nora says it.
  19. He was standing outside the door during the scene where Cecile was standing at the baby’s crib, but he really didn’t move at all.
  20. I said the same above. Maybe it’s just because I’ve loved TC since Ed. Is he really not coming back (or same variation of him)?
  21. I miss Wells. Cisco: “don’t drink and vibe” lol
  22. Javier? Jared. I think lol. I’m still learning the names too!
  23. I enjoyed it. As a lawyer who went to a law school that was the opposite of Christy’s, I appreciated the story line. I always said I wouldn’t have made it through law school if the environment was a “thin the herd” type one. Luckily my law school was very supportive of its students and wanted us to succeed. But schools like the one Christy is attending definitely exist. I hope she can make it. I liked the parallel to the new member at the end as well.
  24. Loved orange Stewart. Unlike many, Stewart has always amused me, so I loved that plot.
  25. The actor’s name is Hunter Parrish according to this article posted on FB by Entertainment Weekly: https://www.facebook.com/52150999700/posts/10156920675029701/ I haven’t watched the ep yet but I’m super bummed it’s not Matt Czuchry! Just binge watched GG for the first time and loved him as Logan (yes I know - probably in the minority on that one lol).
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