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Everything posted by srpturtle80

  1. I am not surprised but I am disappointed. Also still mad about the cancellation of Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist, so far that’s two shows I watch that are done. 😩
  2. Just had a chance to watch. I don’t hate-watch this show as so many others in this forum do. Yes it’s a cheesy show and certainly not the best thing on tv but it entertains me and that’s pretty much all I can ask. Anyway, I found the finale fairly riveting and I’m going to be super upset if it gets canceled and I don’t get to find out what happens next. Here’s to hoping for another season!
  3. Yes! This cracked me right up as well. I really wanted more information lol. I know most people don’t like DMD but I find him amusing. I really, really hope we get another season. I love all the musical numbers on this show, and while this season didn’t have the charm of the first, I still enjoyed it!
  4. I spent the entire episode wanting to give Ava a hair brush, her hair looked really stringy to me... I loved the little alien at the end so of course Mick had to step on him. 🤦🏼‍♀️
  5. Just watched this episode and have to say I LOL twice (very loudly) at: 1) Mo saying he thought Simon in the purple jacket was supposed to be dressed as Grimace, 😂 and 2)Leif and Tobin jumping up and down in the office before remembering that the “walls are see-thru” and abruptly stopping. 😂😂 Also I could listen to Skylar Astin sing “New York State of Mind” all day long. That is all.
  6. I actually haven’t had a chance to watch this yet but was dying to know who won so I hopped on. I am bummed it wasn’t Jet, but happy that Brooke didn’t repeat. Good for Maneet, she is obviously very talented. Also, reading this board makes me realize I’m probably the only one not bothered by Guy as host. The loudness and the nicknames, etc. - that’s just who he is. Of course, I watch a ton of GGG and I wouldn’t do that if he bothered me. He does a tremendous amount of good for his community and it’s apparent that he has great relationships with many extremely talented and well respected chefs. I have zero issues with him! Sure hope we get a third season! I love this show!!
  7. It was South Haven (Michigan) where Darlene wanted to go, which is just a few hours away. And makes it even worse that Ben wasn’t willing to go on a get-away with her. I grew up on 90210 so it was nice to see BAG even thought I recently saw him in the 901210 reboot. He’s aged VERY well lol. I definitely feel like the end is near for Darlene and Ben. I’ve liked them as a couple so not sure how I feel about that. Maybe they will surprise me. How many episode are left? Forgot to mention that I got a big laugh out of Jackie wondering where the value in the house would come from ... “is there a Picasso in the living room?” 😂
  8. I’m enjoying it! I came for Topher and will stay for Topher.
  9. I graduated in 1998 and I totally agree. They sure weren’t dressed like anyone I went to school with lol. So yeah, the fact that I graduated high school in 1998 caused this episode to make me feel very, very old. The speed force stuff just confuses me. Why does it look like Barry’s mother?
  10. Props to the makeup department for making DG look like absolute crap during this addiction storyline, someone who I normally find very handsome.
  11. I feel like they showed another contestant watching backstage previously. I’m pretty sure it was Brooke watching someone but can’t recall who. I love love love Jet Tila so of course I was thrilled, even though I have no problems with Aaron May (I see both of them all the time on GGG). Wasn’t familiar with Tiffani before this competition but I’m really not a fan. I may have said a bad word when her name appeared as the winner. The only other competitor I love as much as Jet is Darnell, so he better bring it next week. During TOC last season I wasn’t a big fan of Michael, but I’ve seen his personality come out on GGG and Beat Bobby Flay, and he seems like a good guy. I’ll be rooting for him to beat Brooke as I really don’t want to see her repeat.
  12. I also thought that the lamp in N&Js house looked like a tooth. 🦷 I seriously thought that Allison was joking about her art and had something else in the works. I couldn’t believe that was how she used her color. Good grief. As someone who turned the entire second bedroom in my house into my closet, D&Ts closet made me laugh out loud. That was horrible. I’ve been rooting for B&M but her outburst at judging was a bit much and not a good look for her. I didn’t watch the first season of this show but I wish I had because I just adore Jasmine Roth. I thought she was involved in this season for some reason but maybe she’ll show up as a judge? 🤞🏻
  13. I didn’t realize this was coming back until Jet Tila posted about it on his FB page. I am so thrilled! I really enjoyed the first season. And so glad that ICAG is not competing this time. I’ll be rooting for Jet. And also Darnell, who I just adore.
  14. The show is taking a mid-season break.... Boooooooo https://tvline.com/2021/01/15/young-rock-kenan-premiere-date-nbc/
  15. I spent a large portion of the episode wondering why Gary had taken a ping pong table to Katherine’s law office. At least I think that’s what carter said on the phone to Katherine, that Gary needed to come pick it up. Why was it there in the first place? lol It was heart wrenching when Eddie was left alone and his wheel chair was across the room. I really felt for him there and DG did a good job with that scene. I didn’t like Maggie’s roommate last week but he’s growing on me... Hoping they move along the storyline with the guy who hit Eddie next week!
  16. I know the timeline is always confusing on this show, but this episode really had me going WTF? Didn’t they say it was one month since the accident? How the heck did Maggie’s hair grow that fast in ONE month? I am completely flabbergasted 😂
  17. Nooooooooo, Adam (my Ninja boyfriend) was soooooo close. Noooooooo. 😩😩😩 Gil isn’t my favorite, I was rooting hardcore for Austin at the end but no dice. Oh well. The finals were more exciting than I anticipated. I’m thankful we got what we got but I sure hope things can go back to normal next year.
  18. Wow, shocked at some of the comments about Flip and his dog, obviously not a lot of animal lovers here. His dog died at a fairly young age and unexpectedly, it’s very traumatic (speaking from experience) to lose an animal in that manner. I cried along with him. Anyway, moving on.... I want to be Jesse Labreck when I grow up. She is incredible. I adore her and Chris and he’s so sweet cheering her on from the sideline. I was also thrilled for Najee! He had some incredible saves on that run but thankful that he got his enjoyment of the process back. This season certainly isn’t the same but I’m thankful we got something rather than nothing at all! On to the finals next week!
  19. I AM NOT HAPPY. I really enjoyed this show 😭
  20. Guess there is no benefit of the doubt being given here! (Not that I’m saying there should be, but wow).
  21. Came here to post the news about Drew but I see it’s been covered. I’m in shock.
  22. I agree, Jessie has been incredibly successful on ANW and clearly is built for that type of work. The Titan games and mt Olympus are completely different. I was bummed to see her lose but she retained her positivity that she’s always displayed on ANW. Mostly this just made me sad that I haven’t been able to watch her compete on ANW this year (which is my absolute favorite show). The brothers were so impressive. I can’t imagine how exhausted they must have been following the Herculean pull. That was bonkers. I thought the arms of the one who won were burned, they were so red.
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