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Everything posted by HunterHunted

  1. Maybe Diddy comes on to Sonja's yacht because he purchased her yacht, named Sonja's Yacht, in her bankruptcy. So technically everyone would be correct--Sonja no longer has a yacht, but Diddy has a yacht named Sonja's Yacht that he uses all the time.
  2. I cannot believe that Bassam never anticipated that the sheikh would ask for elections. Bassam's not quite the asset he thinks he is. I feel badly for Jamal because he's a toddler. He has no skills for dealing with disappointment. Of course he would try to kill the sheikh.
  3. Who knew being a real estate developer, flipper, or even being a regular person who sold a house would make you a lifestyle branding expert. Dumb Martha Stewart has probably only sold a handful of houses while lifestyle branding expert has sold a dozen places. Sonja is clearly the bigger lifestyle brand. I just think about all those valuable lifestyle brand items from the Catholic Church, the US government, and King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia. The woman is a delusional moron who uses her weird unique definitions to try to move the goal post on whether she's a failure or not. And it needs to be repeated always and often, the court ordered bankruptcy trustee and the judge who ruled against you are not your employees Sonja Tremont Morgan of the Looney Tunes Morgans. Ramona is an asshole. She doesn't get to demand that the others move on from her assault on Kristen. Luann is coming off ahead in the reunion. If Heather was truly speaking ugh "ghetto" she would dismiss Aviva with a "bye Felicia!"
  4. How could Heather fit a dick if she's still clinging to the stick?
  5. How crap is Papa McCall? Somehow Melissa is doing doubles and yet still can't keep her lights on? Is papa not paying child support? He's bringing pizzas, but not checks. So clear Jeff Davis didn't think this money plot through. Who raised Garrett and Violet to be feral assassin children? The show can't toss off details like infamous assassin children and ignore the fact that it brings up more questions. The Eichen House nurse reasonably shouldn't know that the Stilinskis haven't paid off their bill, unless he's an Eichen on his mother's side and a psychic sadist on his father's. I'm a nurse Eichen-psychic sadist. Gaaaah. This show. I'll be sad to see Derek go. But for every element he fills, Peter does him one better. Elder wolf. Quasi Grey. Related to current characters. The only thing I think Derek is superior in is that he has better relationships with the adult characters than Peter.
  6. I'm convinced that the celebration for team Sonja wasn't a wine and pigs in a blanket party at Le Cirque; it was front row seats to a real housewives shit show. Boy was that a motley crew of attendees. And I did look up Le Cirque's catering menu and pigs in a blanket is on the menu. Harry and Sonja is/was so fake. Fake. Fake. Fake. Just like Aviva's leg and her excuses.
  7. As much as I think I would much rather hang out with Heather in real life than any other OC howife, that was some serious gas lighting bullshit going on at the party. Her voice dropped into the key of klonopin when she noticed that Shannon was getting agitated and then she stated suggesting the ambulance. Not cool at all.
  8. Caprice is such an awful person inside and out. And a manipulative shallow shit. Her behavior at Caroline's house was abysmal. She was rude and standoffish. She knew she riled up Noelle the skittish drama queen drunk and let her loose. She thought she could swan into the dinner and make everyone sympathize with her, but she couldn't because that would require the ability to read a room. A thing she cannot do because she has the empathy of a rock and is hopelessly self absorbed. Of course Annabelle got one last "McQueeeeeeeeeen!!!!!!!" in.
  9. One of the things that bugs me the most about this show is that there is so much plot happening off screen. Apparently Bosworth and Cameron bonded enough that he would confide in her about the company's money problems and convince her to hack their bank. Why couldn't they have shown us that? Or even Bosworth being troubled by money?
  10. Ding ding ding. I think her unjustified sense of entitlement soured them on Aviva last season, but her bullshit this season just broke any possibility of a civil relationship. From her new fake house to her friendship with attack dog BASIC (Bitch Amanda Sanders Image Consultant) to her gross father's fiance and her sudden asthma, everything she's done this season has been rude, fake, and entitled. Though I think the women didn't want to film with Kelly because it was not good for her mental health. However if the stories about secret drug use are true, they may have stopped because of that.
  11. I know why I've bowed out. Last season was a toxic stew that turned me irrevocably off this franchise plus my aggressive dislike of Dina and the Giudices.
  12. Ramona makes me want to paraphrase this quote from Warren Beatty in Truth or Dare. He's saying it about Madonna and her need to be an attention whore. With Ramona, what's the point of doing something if it isn't around somebody famous. She can't vacation anywhere if there aren't famous people around. What's the point of having a song sung to you if it isn't by someone famous? I question if she has any real friendships. Sonja isn't a real friend. That she could take Luann's pain and make it all about herself shows what a reprehensible narcissist she is. It's making me wonder just how callous her brush-off to old man Morgan was during his health scare. That therapy session was brutal because Josh just refused to acknowledge that Kristen had any valid resentments. I wish she would divorce the douche.
  13. I've always liked Derek hanging with the grown ups, so I look forward to more of this. Here's hoping this season has him paired with Chris hunt psychotic bitch Kate down. I can deal with 15 year old betas. I'm not down with 15 year old hunters and power players. I know the show is trying to set it up so that there will always be a teen wolf in Beacon Hills, but our original gang hasn't had a season where they've all had their shit together. I'd like a solid season where the older kids had their acts together before the new kids are put on the front burner.
  14. I still can't stand Caprice. What a self absorbed cow. Who knew that nearly dying would make me like Annabelle more. Maybe the fall shook the stick from her ass our maybe she hit her head, which caused her to stop mentioning McQueen like the world's most fashionable Tourettes sufferer. Noelle needs to stop drinking.
  15. Aviva is such a crazy asshole. Last time I checked, Carole's resume said journalist not Wikipedia. When Carole starts introducing herself as Carole Radziwell, Wikipedia or Encyclopedia fucking Britannica, I'll get on her for having to do research. But in this day and age journalists are still allowed and encouraged to research things. In fact, Aviva is the only bitch dumb enough to state that she speaks and understands everything. If that is so, her ignorant ass shouldn't have been surprised that the howives were talking shit about Aviva the all knowing. The ratings break my heart because the show is so much better than it was during Jill's final season.
  16. Unfortunately, this is once again where I have far too much inside info. If it is a public mental hospital, it likely has sovereign immunity protections from civil suits. The stun gun is unlikely evade scrutiny; however I'm always shocked by every gross indignity that I hear about from starvation of a patient to restraint of patients for weeks. These have all happened in American public mental hospitals during the past 5 years. The thing is that these hospitals are a long way away from hospitals in the 20s, when they used to chain people to walls for nonsense including PMS. And as long as they can document the behaviors that led to an emergency medication in a way that justifies the PRN med, they can get away with it nearly forever. I will say that hospitals (private and public) are very good at doing this so much though that it looks like ostensible chemical restraint is always ok'd.
  17. Dr. Sonja thinks that the larger the inhaler the more severe the asthma. I predict that next time Aviva shows up with a bellows tucked into her purse. Yes. Josh's job is stressful, but I've worked a boatload of jobs that have a limited amount of accessibility. He's full of it. I've practiced in a law firm, worked in hospitals, worked in the legislative branch and slept at my desk for days during a filibuster, private industry, and a government agency. I've never had a job were I couldn't surreptitiously sneak a text to let folks know that plans were shot. I would love to figure out how different Josh's job is to every job that I can conceive of.
  18. The only thing that I liked is how the story managed to move Bassam to a place where having his family stay was a logical and reasonable choice in order to stay grounded. I would've loved it more if Molly the moron hadn't fought to stay in the top of the episode. If she had a convo with Bassam about using Skype to keep in touch and coupled that with concern about the government shut off the internet, it would have made Bassam's realization that he was going to be cut off from all the sane people in his life so much more palpable.
  19. It's a little bit overblown, but probably not by much. Mental health inpatient benefits tend to get exhausted pretty quickly and even when they aren't, insurance companies tend to fight because the lengths of stay tend to be protracted. Additionally, most public mental hospitals have terrible utilization management because they've subsisted on government funding for a long long time. So they often don't know what documentation to submit to obtain insurance authorization. Furthermore, Stiles' dad voluntarily signed Stiles in which could signal to the insurance company that the stay wasn't necessary especially if the physician's note was garbage. While public mental hospitals, which is what Eichen House looked like*, have terrible tools to deal with insurance companies, they often have fantastic tools to get money for regular non-indigent patients. They sometimes have the legal ability get liens against property and force their way to top of creditors. The last time I looked at California's bed day rate it was between $600-1200 a day. I don't think Stiles stayed more 5 days, but I can see that being an additional hit after whatever their share of the costs from his earlier stay at Beacon Hills Memorial and the MRI.*The reason I think Eichen House was public is that private mental hospitals tend to push discharge within 3 or 4 days after admission.
  20. The thing that gets me with Josh's lame-o excuse about why he couldn't text that he was running late is that he won't get off his phone when he's with family, but with work and clients he'll happily leave his phone somewhere else. It's a power play. He'll nakedly display that he is in demand with a person who has no power over him (Kristen), but is much more hesitant to do so when the power differential is equal or superior to him (work). It's a douche move that's all about ego.
  21. First, it was great to have an episode that I didn't immediately delete from my TiVo. Second, what a great reversal of Teen Wolf tropes. We have a shirtless teen hunk who turns out to be a monster, a mutilated monster who turns out to be a hero, and a teen with amazing skills who turns out to be human. But where is Danny?
  22. Cameron's idea is decades ahead of its time. It will be a while before computers have the power to run OSs like this. I wish she could stop being such a petulant brat when she doesn't get her way. Joe was somehow enigmatic, but finally showing the real Joe. I guess maybe because the episode didn't require him to do something contradictorily mysterious for plot purposes. This show is rootless and unfortunately relies too often on Joe as both protagonist and antagonist. I assume Gordon left the dolls in the car.
  23. These townsfolk are beyond stupid. Their genius plan is go out at night with guns to attack everything supernatural. All this time I've been judging Sookie for being a moron; I realize she's no dumber than her very dumb neighbors. Sookie's plan was actually good had she managed to communicate it. The single most unconscionable thing about Alcide's death is that somehow he merited an onscreen death while Tara got an off screen death and offhand mention by Pam. I like that James and Lafayette are bonding and actually implementing Sam's plan correctly.
  24. I don't know how much more of this I can continue to watch if Molly and Sammy continue to be painfully punishingly stupid. I can see where they are trying to go with Sammy, but the writing needs to be sharper if they want me to believe that a normal American teen would be so blasé about the execution of three teens even if they did kidnap his "family." Family is only in quotes because the American Al-Fayeed barely knows anyone outside of Jamal. I liked this episode better; it wasn't as plodding. I felt like Bassam's decision to stay felt a tiny bit rushed.
  25. I agree with all of this except missing Aviva. Heather was a drunken asshole who decided that she didn't want to play along with Kristen's activities. However, Kristen went for the jugular and wouldn't give up until she managed to convert people her position. Kristen is especially susceptible to going HAM after being teased by the other women; she's new to the cast and really has no career to speak of. She's married to the walking embodiment of a coed naked lax shirt. And she's not drunken delusional Sonja. Luann for the win because she decided to go with the flow.
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