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Everything posted by annzeepark914

  1. Thank God for this forum cause I'm not catching everything the rest of you are catching. Mr. Wrench sitting next to Nikki in the bus? Wow. Never recognized him. Hope he survived the rollover and kills Varga's hitmen.
  2. Ina's Herb Roasted fish. But I cheated and did them on a sheet pan instead of individually wrapped in parchment. Tastes the same IMO. Plus, tiny red potatoes boiled and then buttered and tossed w/ parsley AND those wonderful green beans you buy in the produce dept that come in a clear type bag. You punch some holes in the bag and microwave for 4 minutes and waaaa-laaaa, a little flavored butter, a squirt of lemon and you've got great green beans :>)
  3. There were two Ho Jo's in Poughkeepsie, NY back in the day and that's where I'd order that key lime cheesecake. Maybe it was a local specialty.
  4. Didn't Bob get fired? Sheesh I can't stomach those two smug, condescending individuals.
  5. @INDUETIME: Thanks! That photo, though, doesn't look at all like the Ho Jo's beautiful key lime cheesecake. I'm going to try this recipe, making my own shortbread crust and just one drop of green food coloring ;>)
  6. I know this is way too late (probably by several decades) but when Howard Johnson's restaurants still existed, they made the most wonderful key lime cheesecakes. The slice arrived on your plate frozen but was easy to eat. Of course, by the time you were getting toward your last bite, it had softened a bit. I wish I knew how to make it. And, it was a very pale, pale green. Love it!
  7. @SunnyBeBe: Thanks! My thoughts all along as well. Middle school obsessions took over this season's writers it seems.
  8. @Spunkygal: Oh yeah...sorry! Right after Cooking Like a Pro, there was a repeat of an older show (but not that old) where Tessa's mom came down from Cape Cod to grill with Ina and do flower arrangements. The "mom" (can't remember her name) went to a florist and picked up some orange tulips, blue flowers and small orange flowers and brought them to Ina's. I guess I got concerned because that florist was not Michael.
  9. I enjoyed today's Cooking Like A Pro and thought Ina did a good job. Roasting a chicken with radishes is interesting (but how does one keep the chicken from spitting all that grease all over one's oven?) I'm going to grill the swordfish using Ina's recipe. Looks so good. Loved the flower arrangement but who was that florist and where is our buddy, Michael?
  10. Is it just me or does anyone else think Maurice just took credit for the old man's death? IMO, gluing the man's mouth and eyes shut sounds more like Varga & his henchmen.
  11. Well, if Ray had accepted the stamp and gone back to the motel, he would have been a goner, along with Nikki so in a way, his stupidity about not accepting the stamp saved her life (altho' he lost his from the broken glass). I have a question about the motel door. Didn't Nikki leave it ajar just a bit when she went to get ice? And if so, and she's being wary (she was looking over her shoulder constantly), why not lock the door behind her? Who leaves a motel/hotel room unlocked when they go get ice? She was being so savvy handling Ray, why wouldn't she have told him to leave the key with her? Oh well. The plot had to progress so I guess that's why but it doesn't go w/ her cautionary style.
  12. I've been waiting patiently for.ev.ahhh! Got a note to remind me too (cause on Sunday mornings I can forget--to me she's more of a Saturday cooking show). It's going to be roast chicken and some more chicken stuff but I don't care what she's cooking. I think I'll have some cinnamon toast and a cup of coffee while I watch BC :>)
  13. I bought the ravioli that has ricotta inside. Boiled them, drained and tossed in some Irish butter, garlic powder, Mural of Flavor, parmigiana-reggianno, and a squeeze of lemon juice. Wow--was that ever delicious!
  14. Well, the scene with Emmitt ,Gloria and Winnie was very good. I can do w/o Varga. Every time he's in a scene I keep expecting him to do something OTT gross (e.g. that scene where we first see him picking his disgusting teeth with some metal pick? I was sure he was going to spit out a lot of blood). Ugh. I'm definitely not loving Season 3 but I'm still watching. Don't wanna miss anything!
  15. Here's a warning: avoid Halo. It's in the ice cream freezer at the grocery store and some folks on WW use it as their alternative to ice cream. I was having a friend (who is on WW right now) over for dinner the other night and thought I'd buy it. I took a little taste test and ended up spitting it out. That is some weird product. I gave it to her to take home (we ended up each having a slice of ice cream roll) and haven't heard yet whether she was brave enough to try it. Blech!
  16. One more bird story but this is unreal. Several years ago while visiting my sister in NC, we went out to her front porch to have a cup of coffee & watch the sun set. The swallow "couple" who had set up housekeeping in a corner of the porch ceiling promptly flew away. My sister said she didn't know how she was going to get rid of them. So we began to enjoy our coffee & the sunset & chitchat. All of a sudden a swarm of swallows, flying in formation, approached the porch. They were headed right toward us. We took off and ran into the house. I couldn't believe it. Those resident swallows went out and recruited a posse to come back and threaten us (or attack if we didn't leave).
  17. @TATTLETEENY: You and your neighbors are good people! This is such a vulnerable time of year for birds (including geese, ducks & swans). Thanks for being a friend of our avian co-residents on Earth :>) They need our support.
  18. Yeah...such a cutie pie :>) But I'd prefer that he cook for me: that wonderful French onion soup, a light salad w/ vinaigrette, a freshly baked baguette, moule mariniere, (whoa...I'm getting full here), steak, frites, and a glass of excellent white wine (he can select which type). Just put the dessert in the fridge and I'll get it tomorrow (strawberry tart, please).
  19. Loved "32 Yolks" and recommended it to my book club (everyone enjoyed the book). I think anyone who thinks (s)he might like a career as a chef needs to first read Eric's memoir for a reality check. It's a tough world to join and survive. I wish he'd continued his book to cover his adventures in America (maybe he's saving that for Part Deux).
  20. Best part of the book for me was the unloading of the big station wagon (I don't know why but I loved the description of that) along with the start of their roadtrip to Paris, driving on a country highway past the ruins of WWII, and then stopping at that little bistro, having the fabulous Dover sole that was an epiphany for her. I need to reread My Life in France. I wonder what she'd think of all the shows on FN and the Cooking Channel today.
  21. @Mindthinkr: Wow! That meal is inspirational :>) I wish you lived across the street from me!
  22. One doesn't have to be a "church lady" to be disgusted with some of this OTT material (drinking urine, used tampon, to be specific). FX gave them free range and, IMO, they've taken way too much advantage of that. So, isn't it way past time for some shoot-outs? War in the stairwell of Stussy Lots? Or is snow required for such a scene?
  23. Based on what I saw last night, Varga peed into the mug.
  24. I'm really getting tired of watching just one scene and then enduring 5+ commercials, over & over again. It seemed to really be more irritating last night because the plot seemed to (finally!) be moving forward. Also, is it me or is this season really focusing on gross behavior? I don't remember Seasons 1 and 2 getting into scatological material and that's what I feel is going on now (not referring to the sex tape). Do they have new writers for this season? Malvo's beginning to look like a gentleman in comparison to the subhuman Varga. It was good to hear It's Hard to be Humble.
  25. Leftover ham steak, potato salad and tossed salad. It's too hot to cook (even with AC on..it's just the idea of cooking over a hot stove, ya know?)
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