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Everything posted by annzeepark914

  1. This discussion reminds me of a recipe I recently found online at the 12Tomatoes website: French Onion Chicken. It calls for a cup of Swiss cheese but I have shredded Gruyere in my freezer that needs to be used so I'm going out to buy some boneless skinless chicken breasts. I adore French onion soup so this should be right up my alley!
  2. @BooksRule: How about Ina Garten's Mac and Cheese (with the tomatoes on top)? or Potatoes au gratin? Pimiento cheese sandwiches!!
  3. We got a call from Harris Teeter about Wish-Bone House Italian dressing (bar code: 41321 00648). They said to call them or Pinnacle Foods, but since I'd bought two bottles and one bottle was already being used, I haven't called yet. I can't remember what the reason was as I picked up the phone and the msg had already started and it was too fast to write it down. I may call HT one of these days, though, just to see what the heck it was all about (I think it had something to do with people who have dairy issues who shouldn't use the dressing). Harris Teeter's number is: 1-800-432-6111 option 2.
  4. @HartofDixie: Thanks for the reminder (TSL)! Re: the Parsons getting nudged out--why are sibling pairs encouraged in the first place? I'd think that coaches/instructors would try to find a non relative as a partner for these skaters who are interested in ice dance or pairs skating. I've always loved the Shibutanis skating style but also wondered how each would've done w/o a sibling as partner.
  5. What is it with the "seedless" watermelons? I wish they'd go back to the watermelons with the big black seeds that you can easily find and get rid of. Today's "seedless" melons have tiny white seeds that really bug me. Too many to try to pull out and I don't like eating them.
  6. There's an article on line re: what are the stars of Designing Women doing today. It's one of those annoying articles where you get a paragraph and then you have to scroll down and click on "Next" (hate them but I was curious about the stars of my favorite show on TV). And it wasn't just the 4 women...they even had Bernice, J.D., Charlene's husband, etc. I just re-read these posts featuring the hilarious quotes. I miss that show something fierce!!
  7. I wish it would return with a similar storyline to Season 1 or 2 (preferably season 1 which was amazing: funny one minute...horrifying the next...then back to hilarious).
  8. Deconstructed Eggplant Parmigiana w/ a side of thin spaghetti + tossed salad.
  9. Is anyone home? Gosh, I miss competitive skating. So, I went to Dick Button's blog or twitter account or whatever it is, and found two lovely quotes made while he was watching the Olympics a few months ago. "Truly dislike gushy crying finishes...what is this?" and "Hey, Nathan Chen--Beyonce fell off the stage at a concert and got right back up; so can you". Wish I could've watched the O's with Dick. He also made comments about flailing arms (drives me crazy too). I find that Dick and I think alike while watching figure skating.
  10. Tonight's supper will be Ina's herb marinated pork tenderloin on the grill + whipped potatoes + a Greek salad (sort-a). Enjoying this wonderful weather while it's here (I think the miserable stuff returns tomorrow).
  11. It was another of their awful "couples vacations" like the ski trip and the trip to the mountains (dancin' with Daddy and his boys). Just another opportunity to throw the gals into a crazy situation. Gee, I miss that show and re-runs are never shown on any of our channels.
  12. Do they ever install a front door that doesn't have a window in it? I know I'd feel very insecure knowing someone I don't want to open the door to can so easily gain entry just by smashing the glass. The only doors I've seen that don't look so vulnerable are when they keep the original doors.
  13. Delivery from a Thai restaurant (calamari, spring rolls, pineapple fried rice, and some kind of curry for my husband; he said it wasn't "hot" enough). Still too hot to cook.
  14. Daisuke returning, really? Has he had all his injuries fixed/treated/cured? Well, if Carolina can keep going, maybe Daisuke can too. I'd be happy with him doing no quads or just one quad, just to see pure figure skating in competition once again: sport and artistry beautifully combined.
  15. Summer Spaghetti - didn't want to heat up the kitchen when it's in the 90's outside.
  16. Actually, I really loved Stellato/Bartholomew's Hallelujah SP this past year. The music just blended with their choreography and style of skating. But I don't want to keep hearing that music over and over ad nauseum. I can't remember the names of certain musical pieces over the years but some made me hit the mute button as soon as I heard the irritating opening chords (would Requiem be one of them? and something from Matrix?). When I watch these great athletes skating their programs to some of the worst (IMO of course) music in the world, I wonder how they can tolerate hearing it day after day. It's only the end of June...but I'm ready for some figure skating competitions!
  17. Thank God! There's so little I watch on TV these days (partly because I'm picky and partly because we don't do amazon, hulu, HBO, etc). Maybe Documentary Now can hold me until Maine Cabinmasters returns. Sure hope Bill Hader's filming along with Fred. Those two, in that Grey Gardens spoof and then the episode mocking those murder documentaries, were pure gold (as in, "gold Jerry, pure gold!") Whenever I see those tall goofy balloon things outside some business, I think of that murder documentary with Fred being interviewed by the detectives.
  18. We had Shrimp Curry and it was delicious! Love that stuff and the house had such a wonderful "frangrance" (kept making me want to have more). Mr. P914 has been doing the cooking all week as I had back surgery on June 6th. Thank God he's always been a decent cook and a good caregiver. It's funny though. When he's been looking at the recipes in the kitchen bible I created (all our favorite recipes), he says, "What do you mean by a little Mural of Flavor, a bit of garlic powder, some fresh ginger sauted, etc?" At first I'd have to do the sprinkles of stuff and fistfuls of herbs. Now he's picked up on how it's done (how much chopped bell pepper? start adding it into the skillet and when it looks like enough...stop). A lot of my recipes I've copied from online or out of cookbooks and don't bother with measurements of the extras that I add. I kinda like this: no cooking and no cleaning the kitchen either!
  19. They hardly show re-runs around here any more. It's all Big Bang Theory, Family Man...shows I never really thought much of. It's funny, though, whenever something about Seinfeld is in the news (e.g., Julia will receive the Mark Twain award this year), if you go to the comments section, a lot of people are posting those famous Seinfeldian lines.
  20. Ina's Italian Wedding Soup. I like to make the meatballs using chicken cilantro sausage along with ground chicken. Re: getting mooned? I wish people would stop wearing clothes that allow these moon "shots". Wear a long t-shirt or long tank top and tuck it in those jeans, slacks, etc. Geez.
  21. Dan Aykroyd and Phil Hartman were the "glue" as they say, that kept the entire show together. They could do any character so easily (or, it looked easy...probably tough to accomplish). I'm going to refer to my new blender (the one for smoothies) as a Bass-o-Matic from now on.
  22. @Zola: Your vacation sounds wonderful! You folks are brave, driving an RV, but at least it will be while you're out in the "wide open spaces". While you're in the metro DC area, I hope you get to see some autumn foliage. Re: Baltimore? Know exactly where you're going while there.
  23. One of the reasons the MTM show instantly became my favorite was because I was young, single and worked in an office (congressional) in which the office administrator was a jerk, very much like Ted Baxter. We couldn't stand the guy so when the MTM show came on, it was like venting our misery one night a week. Ted Knight did a great job as the idiot's delight but I always adored Jack Cassidy's portrayal of dastardly dudes. I bet he would've done very well as "Ted". Maybe they would've given him a more credible actress to portray his girlfriend (as opposed to that daffy actress who played Baxter's girlfriend--I couldn't stand her).
  24. In reality, yeah. But this was Designing Women's enhanced reality and it was funny. In retrospect, that episode reminded me a bit of the movie, Four Seasons when the older couples went on a sailboat cruise and the recent widower brought along his new, young, very kind and decent & pretty/sexy girlfriend. The other women reacted much like the Designing Women gals. Geez, I haven't seen that movie in years.
  25. Dave Lieberman's meatloaf, whipped potatoes, and green peas. And Ghiradelli brownies w/ caramel for dessert (they are delicious! esp w/ a little vanilla extract in them). In Paris, my favorite restaurant was a small Italian place. Had The Best seafood marinara in my life at that little place. I think it was called La Romantica. On a cruise, I ordered prime ribs. The waiter asked if I wanted some horseradish sauce and thinking it was like the stuff I make at home (a little horseradish in sour cream), I said "sure". Plopped a good size dollop on my prime rib and holy cow! Everyone said my face turned beet red. Adventures in dining.
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