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Everything posted by annzeepark914

  1. We adopted a 7 yr old black & white cat last October. She weighs 14 lbs (not fat--she's a big-boned cat w/ huge paws) and had been in the shelter for 3 months. I guess no one wanted such a big cat (complete with long fur). I love picking her up (oof!!) and hugging that big ol' girl (who smells like cocoa). She's brought us lots of laughter (which was needed as we had to put down our 20 yr old cat a year ago). Cats are truly a piece of work. OK here's a pet peeve of mine: all the ads on TV channels are synchronized. I guess they figured out, several years ago, what we viewers were doing: switching channels, hunting for a program that wasn't being interrupted by commercials.
  2. I was going to mention something else in my earlier post but couldn't think of the word: pergola! Was it my imagination or did they tear that wooden thing down with the ceiling fan still circulating? Wouldn't that mean there was power connected to the fan?
  3. I wonder how loud it is in that restaurant? There was nothing to absorb all the noise - just all metal and tiles.
  4. Are you all referring to the staring at each other/chatting that V/M did when approaching center ice? They started that ridiculous trend and it has always bugged me when the other skaters copied them. Just skate to center ice, please. I can well imagine there was bad blood between V/M and D/W back in their training together days. Wonder if that's going to happen now between H/D and P/C up in Montreal?
  5. Good grief! There sure are some sad people on this planet.
  6. People are always shocked when I've said not all the food in France is wonderful. But there definitely is some great food there as well. We were just saying yesterday how all the people we encountered in France, including Paris, were nice (or decent) to us (and we were prepared for the famous rudeness to tourists). Someone said (I can't remember who) that a French chamber of commerce-type agency got on the case of Parisians and told them to be nice to tourists (if they wanted the money to keep coming in--their bad rep was beginning to have an impact on tourism). Thanks for the info' on Poilane Bakery. That's something else I was just thinking of (we're contemplating a return to Paris). And this time I'm determined to get to Ina's favorite bistro as well. One meal I'm def having is roast chicken and mashed potatoes. The last night we were there we ate at Cafe Therese (in the 7th, not far from the Eiffel Tower) and that's what my husband ordered. I remember thinking, "Oh how boring" before I took a bite. Wish I'd ordered it too because that was the best chicken and mashed potatoes I've ever tasted in my life. It was like Julia Child's reaction to the fish she ordered after arriving in France in 1948. They were driving through the countryside on their way to Paris and stopped at a small cafe. Such a simple meal and yet so memorable. Back to Cook Like A Pro: I love Ina but this new show isn't pulling me in. Guess I was spoiled by her original shows (I'm one of the fans who loved the storylines, friends popping in, setting the table, flower arranging--the whole enchilada!). I thought the new show was going to give me advanced cooking tips from the pro's (well, there was the odd lesson from Jose re: separating yolks from eggwhites).
  7. While watching Chock/Bates skate their FD today, I was wondering what would've been if Evan had stayed with Emily. It's been a while but I seem to recall their skating together looked so much better. They were closer in height and she was as good a skater as he. Or am I totally crazy for thinking this? @ChicksDigScars: Funny! You're right. Hubbell's smiles do look like sneers. And sweeks is right about the V/M baby bloggers possibly glomming onto H/D (after all--that steamy, hot skating must mean something's going on, right?)
  8. This is my favorite show on TV now. It's peaceful, they're such nice people and very creative, especially when they're given small budgets (some of those "camps" are in pretty bad shape!)
  9. I tried Mod Pizza a week ago and it was quite good. Being from NY, I'm a real PITA when it comes to pizza (and even up there, it's hard to find the great ones nowadays) so I've learned to look for pizzas with a thin crust, good sauce (not sour--needs to be a little sweet) and good cheese (not that faux puffy stuff that Domino's uses). I like my pizza "regular" or w/ a little pepperoni on it. Wegman's has a frozen pizza (I think it's their "Tuscany" style) that is ok. When we were in San Diego a few years ago, we went to Project Pie?? can't remember the name...and their pizzas were good.
  10. Love Weird Al and his polka tunes. Oh skate gods...by season 2020, we're gonna need some humor-on-ice. Bring on those energetic polkas! Forgot to ask: are Hawayek/Baker also coached by Camerlengo? Whenever I see a beautiful program, the skaters always end up in the K&C with him by their side.
  11. I just had a funny thought. Wouldn't it be great to see the top two WC teams having to skate to bouncy folk music in the future? I mean, to go from all their face clutching drama to wearing dirndles & lederhosen, skating to some old European country tunes--that would really challenge these two teams (in addition to amusing me). At least Weaver/Poje are on the podium.
  12. The FD has been really good so far. Loved those shoot the duck twizzles from Stepanov/Bukin...wow! Just wish they'd used a nonvocal version of Liebestraum. Good luck, C/L!!!! Uh...edited to mention the atrocious camera work.
  13. Thank God it's not just me. I feel so guilty about this (and worried that hoping for a slip up--and off the podium! will bring bad karma to one of my favorite skaters). I haven't really so disliked a skater(s) since Tonya H (altho' Scott M. really tested me). Americans are going to be stuck with these two prima donnas for a long time, unfortunately.
  14. ENERO: I can't believe you said that. I almost thought I was imagining it. But that's what I, too, saw from the side of her face as she was chatting with that guy. It def was a smirk or a relaxed smile which most coaches certainly would not have on their faces after a devastating program like Alina's. Once again...I hope Alina or her parents noticed these things and will get her away from this creep.
  15. Forumfish: I know what you're referring to re: that awful metallic aftertaste from the macaroni salad. That's the preservative. The only supermarket that sells macaroni salad w/o that awful taste is Harris Teeter. Don't know if there's a Harris Teeter in your area as it's a NC based supermarket, and now it's here in Northern VA. You're really lucky if you can find a good source for potato salad and macaroni salad, already made in a store (and w/out that burny, metallic taste!)
  16. Maybe TPTB will finally do something about backloading/frontloading. They need to show a balanced program. That's what figure skating is all about--athleticism and artistry (or, preparation for all the shows figure skaters would move on to after competition). I still hope Alina will find another coach. Eteri was shown chatting with someone while Alina was making her final end of program pose. And Bradie? Please, please, please get thee to Lori Nichols.
  17. I'm not watching (will watch the repeat) but that might be Ben Agosto. Re: the dreaded music--for me it's anything with that high pitched whiney accordion, usually when ice dancers have to do the tango. I grab the mute. And now, that wailing "singing" in Moulon Rouge.
  18. @Mindthinkr: Never heard of Parmesan Padona but I like the idea of it not being so salty, & having a nuttier flavor. I'm going to look for it. Oh--and no one needs to correct your grammar. You're fine as is ;>)
  19. @boaty mcboatface: Geez, I love your name! I just emailed my sister & told her she needs to use it for internet stuff ;>) Thanks for the link. Didier needs to leave figure skating now (cripes, he was given a second chance after 2002 SLC...must be a man filled w/ pure evil).
  20. Amen! A year ago I liked this new team but after their obnoxious attitude at Nationals, I began to really dislike them. Then their nonappearance at the team event at the O's--not impressive. And now--how could anyone trash the Shibutanis? Always good sports, always gracious. Here's to C/B and H/B (or any other team) besting the two entitled ones at Worlds this weekend.
  21. Oh boy...I would've loved saying this but didn't dare (since I lived and worked there). @GHScorpiosRule: It was interesting reading your wedding tale of woe. I could feel the misery of you sitting in that horrendous heat, in those heavy silks. I probably would've passed out. I remember the first time I heard about the huge weddings in India (from a co-worker who was heading home for a wedding). He said there would be 5,000 people at the wedding. I was stunned. Here we think a big wedding is 400 people.
  22. I sure heard that a lot in NC (being a native New Yorker). Southerners don't like being called yanks when in Europe. The rest of us don't mind.
  23. Tonight's supper will be corn chowder and then reheated pilaf + reheated brats + salad. It is truly nasty outside so it will be a good night for soup.
  24. I'm presuming a Frankenrecipe is similar to "cooking for an army"? I cook for an army so well - especially when it comes to stuff like macaroni! Supper tonight: grilled portobello mushrooms (w/ sauted onions and some mild banana pepper rings) on rolls with aioli, and a tossed salad (one of our favorite suppers). If we get a lot of snow and frigid temps tomorrow (sheesh) I think I'll make corn chowder. Good thing I like winter.
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