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Everything posted by annzeepark914

  1. ~sigh~That sounds sooooo good to me. I love crab cakes and I equally love German potato salad. Hmmm...I need long distance delivery from this store! :>)
  2. I just tried TJ's pulled pork today (had it with cole slaw). I poured some Famous Dave's BBQ sauce on it. It was very tasty. They had samples out last week when I was there and I tried it and bought a package. Think I'll get some more to keep on hand.
  3. @DeLurker: I had the ones that look like flat sticks (they've been in the pantry for quite a while too). The thin ones that are in loops? When I try to cook them...they end up a bit too soft. Guess I'm better off using vermicelli or angel hair pasta...those I can cook al dente perfectly :>)
  4. I couldn't watch the last few years with different actors. The writing had changed IMO and it just wasn't funny. Designing Women w/o Julia Sugarbaker? Don't think so.
  5. I made a new recipe tonight - Rice Noodles with Spicy Pork and Herbs. Since I don't like rice noodles (can never figure out how long to cook them, so they're either still hard or they're mushy), I served the delicious ground pork on toasted burger buns. Think I'll put the leftover pork and sauce over angel hair pasta.
  6. Heh heh. Oh yeah...wouldn't that be wonderful! Too bad they killed him off in Season 1 cause Billy Bob really got into that character like nobody's business.
  7. I have always liked his stand-up comedy (and wish he'd stop using the F-bomb every few words...he's hilarious w/o that). I see him playing maybe a relative of Mike Milligan, maybe. Because of the KC connection. I can't remember what year Season 2 took place.
  8. It's a good thing Ted was played by an adorable actor. The character was so immature and self-absorbed (sort of like my ex-brother-in-law) that he could easily have been despised (except he was so darn cute). Re: Mary Jo. She could be condescending as could Julia (esp when they played Trivia Pursuit with the two Big Girls). I miss that show terribly. We don't even get reruns. Where did all the clever writers go? We did a tour of Warner Brothers a few years ago and went onto the set of Big Bang. A script was lying on a table so I looked at a page. It had the actors saying very brief, snarky remarks, each followed "by a stare".
  9. Not Carmen!! No, no, no. There's so much drama to Carmen, provided the right skaters use it (e.g., Cappellini & Lanotte, V/M). Wish the powers that be could stipulate that only strong, artistic skaters could use these warhorses (with the ability to tell a story while skating). Ah, well. Like that'll ever happen.
  10. I hope that Season 4 will revert to the themes of Seasons 1 & 2. Season 3 was really disgusting, IMO, thanks to David Thewlis's character.
  11. Season 1 was a classic. It starts out so innocently with a midwestern husband and wife and then, WHAM! There's a murder. Your head just keeps spinning throughout the entire season and it was so shocking because it took place in sweet, adorable Minnesota with those cute accents & gosh darn friendly folks. No Noo Jersey/Noo Yawk mafia types around. Even Malvo could smile and be so precious. Loved it!
  12. I can't believe they were going to cast Matthew Goode as Prince Charles (ol' jug ears).
  13. Kansas City. Wasn't KC where a mob family was located in Season 2 and they sent Mike Milligan up north to set up some type of branch territory (or something like that)?
  14. @chessiegal: Awww...thanks! You're lucky I avoid the Beltway totally cause I want all those seafood dishes you make :>)
  15. Beef stew is now cooking in the Dutch oven as, once again, thunder is rumbling and rain is falling here in the Mid-Atlantic section of the country. Wish we could transport all this rain and soggy soil to the west coast.
  16. My favorite baked beans are B&M Baked Beans but only the ones that are in that little brown glass jar. I can only find them at Harris Teeter supermarkets here in Northern Virginia. They're still made in Maine (I like that!) I now like to gussy them with a little Famous Dave's BBQ sauce & some sliced onions (so they end up tasting like Famous Dave's baked beans).
  17. Meatloaf, whipped potatoes, baby lima beans and salad. And Razzleberry pie for dessert (w/ vanilla ice cream, of course).
  18. Sweet Chili Chicken--a grilled chicken in a soy sauce/honey/ginger/honey yummy marinade, whipped potatoes, and a salad w/ homemade ranch dressing. Eaten al fresco since the temp dropped to 84 and the humidity dropped as well. I think the rain returns tomorrow??? Is there any place on Earth that's having a mild summer?
  19. Backloading aside, I too enjoyed Alina's skating at the O's. That girl has presentation skills that a lot of skaters can only dream of. It's going to be interesting to see how she does with balanced programs this season. Do wish she could/would switch coaches.
  20. I don't know if this is helpful but when my GI system acts up, I go out and buy a rotisserie chicken (I only eat the white meat--and no skin) and have it with rice (now I get Uncle Ben's Ready Rice...regular or basmati) or a baked potato. The only soup I'll eat during this time would be Ramen--sometimes I'll add some pieces of chicken to it. Or, I'll just have rice (if I'm feeling really rough, the rice will be plain, no butter). I was going to suggest tapioca pudding but you're limiting dairy and the recipe on the box calls for 2 cups of milk (love that tapioca pudding; I can easily eat the whole bowl). It's the pits having digestive issues. Everyone else is eating fabulous foods and you're limited to the boring stuff. I hope your system gets back to as near normal as possible very soon!
  21. This sentence says it all, IMO, about today's figure skating competitions. Most of the skaters do skate within themselves (even in exhibitions where you'd think they'd let it all hang out and go wild...they pick some sad piece of music that "speaks" to them but not to the rest of us). I remember Yagudin's 2002 LP step sequence and how exciting it was. There's another skater who got the crowd worked up.
  22. I'm trying to think of which skater(s) pulled in an audience like Phillipe did with that sword fight. Jason Brown sure did with his Riverdance program (loved that choreography & music). Possibly Michelle Kwan at Worlds 2003? where attendees said that 2/3's of the way through her LP, the audience was applauding and making so much noise that she said later she couldn't hear her music. I want to add Mishkutenok/Dmitriev's '94 Olympic Rachmaninov LP as I recall the audience was applauding it before it ended (but that could've been just me going wild over it at home). Oh wait...a more recent audience puller-inner was the bronze medal winners Black Swan FD at the 2014 O's in Russia (and I don't think it was just home crowd rapture). Figure skating, as it's become more technically difficult, has lost a lot of that creativity/artistry. I'm sure there are more heart-stoppers...just can't think of them right now.
  23. This was competitive skate of Candeloro's that I remembered (actually, what I remembered was the sword fight down the ice...you almost could see that "sword"). Scott said, Phillipe was program-oriented, he skated for the audience and not the judges. I sort of miss this style of skating.
  24. Rotisserie chicken, mashed potatoes, and Tomato & Avocado Salad (my new favorite salad for the summer or any time, I guess!) I read in the Washington Post today that we've just passed the middle of summer--so we're on our way to autumn.
  25. Now this ^^ I wish I had seen! A housedress on her, an undershirt on him. Sort of like Stella and Stanley on ice. He could've been yelling, Stelllllllllllllllllllaaaaaaa across the rink, as the Carmen music blasted away.
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