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Everything posted by annzeepark914

  1. @harrie: ~shudder~I try to rationalize all this by thinking that lobsters are not very nice & I sure wouldn't want one to grab onto my toe in the ocean. Hmmmm. I do love lobster, though.
  2. But at least they participated in the Team Event and were there supporting fellow Canadian team members (unlike Hubbell & Donohue who didn't appear at any of the team events to support their fellow Americans). Someone upthread asked why all the hatred for H/D--this is one of the reasons. Another reason is the attitude they both showed when the Shibs' SD score came up at Nationals, besting their score. H/D's faces turned extremely ugly. Oh--and in an interview the other day they referred to V/M and C/P as their "teammates", a Freudian slip if ever there was one!
  3. Had to come back and read the latest posts. Hey Gabriella: if you don't want to have issues with your costume, quit wearing flimsy outfits that break easily. Ice dance is much more athletic nowadays than it was back in the 60's and 70's when they did ballroom dancing on ice (back when there were no grabs around the neck or flipping a female over and around the male's shoulders).
  4. Lordy! Johnny's in a dress and Cuban heels tonight. Well, that's it for me. See ya tomorrow.
  5. Now THAT would be interesting to know...when they get to the top teams, what he thinks.
  6. The "glitter twins"...heh heh. @COESpiral: Thanks for the chuckle tonight (needed that chuckle since I'm really tense re: the outcome of the SD) Yeah--whether it's Tara reminiscing about her big day at the O's or trying to figure out which animal has landed on Johnny's head, I have a hard time listening to anything they say. OK: fingers crossed--GO SHIB SIBS!!
  7. I just sent an email to support@nbcsports.com to let them know how impressed I am with Tanith Belbin's work on Olympic Ice and as an ice dance commentator. She really is so professional and has been doing a great job at the O's. It's a good thing I'm not a parent of a skater. I'd be one of those who pace the hallways during a competition. I'm nervous already for the SD.
  8. A little off topic right now...but overhead shots of anything in figure skating should be banned. This is a competition, not a Buzby Berkeley production.
  9. I'm worried already that my favorites will be scored very unfavorably tonight (preparing myself for the worst) ;>(
  10. Now, do you have the vendor steam the lobsters or do you take home live lobsters and cook them?
  11. A tribute to Gershwin program, featuring a 17 piece band + a singer.
  12. ~sigh~ We were going to a performance at Wolf Trap tonight but then decided to stay home as the weather got worse (sleet, snow, freezing rain, etc) and the roads got bad. What a wacko winter we're having. So, we rummaged around and ate leftover this and leftover that.
  13. This is unbelievable! No wonder they never joined Team USA during the team competition - guess they didn't consider themselves a part of it. I began to dislike H/D when I saw their faces after the SD at Nationals (when the Shibs beat them). What the heck happened to these people - they used to be so likeable.
  14. I've got one more tune to add to the list: Rach II. I'm sick of hearing it (altho' I loved it when Michelle K and M/D skated to it--those were two unforgettable LPs IMO). Ok...one more: Daisuke's Rach II LP was gorgeous too. But now when I hear it, it just seems to pound on and on for-evahhh.
  15. Re: Johnny's new hairdo? I keep thinking he's got those big plastic rollers in his hair (probably only those of us of a certain age will know what I'm talking about). I wish Johnny would quit the OTT hairdo's. He really knows skating but his appearance distracts some times. Tonight I've had to hit the mute several times when Tara was babbling away. Please NBC...replace her with Tanith in the future.
  16. Yup...that would be a dicey place to be sitting. And this year? I wouldn't want to be sitting on the couch next to Hubble/Donohue if another team dares to bump them from gold, silver or bronze (they really don't like bronze, ya know). Speaking of Barbara F-P, I was just thinking of the O's in Torino that one night when all the ice dancers were having difficulties. It could have been an episode on one of these reality shows and Babs would be the Queen of Fury. That truly was a night to remember!
  17. If you look at old videos of ice dancing (I recently saw some from 1988), the women wore costumes that (some) looked like tutus almost and the skating looked so stiff compared with today's ice dancing. I like the new style - it's more athletic and more interesting to watch (even if you don't know the ins & outs of ice dancing, you can still enjoy it and some times catch the errors...esp in twizzles).
  18. Oh Lawd have mercy...last night, did Tara once again babble on about her experience on Olympic ice? I wish she'd be replaced by Tanith who is doing an excellent job as a commentator (during ice dance competition & during Olympic Ice). Actually, I think Tanith and Ben would be a great commentating couple, paired with Terry. We wouldn't have to endure any of the silliness and we'd get really good descriptions of what skaters are doing/not doing on the ice. Fingers crossed for the Germans tonight. I loved their SP (looked a little like ice dance in places which made a pairs SP come alive IMO).
  19. @JTMACC99: Send an email to the Cooking Channel and make that suggestion. I think it's a great idea.
  20. I was just thinking about the Kneirems a little while ago. They skate beautifully (unless he falls on a sbs jump) but...there's no there there in their skating (at least IMO). They're nice people, they skate to nice music...but I guess for me it's lacking some oomph (for lack of a better word). Oh man...Shaun White? I was sick of him two O's ago. I've got a problem with multimillionaires returning again and again to the O's when true amateurs (for whom the Olympics were created) are struggling to get some training time in and still be able to eat, take care of their lives, etc. Now someone is accusing him of sexual abuse (a former drummer in his band).
  21. Well, was it just me who thought Astahkova was wearing a thong? I was just dumbfounded the first time her skirt blew away from her rear end. At first I thought she had a wedgie (a la Natalia Mishkutienok in the SP of the '92 O's; Natalia was smooth, though, cause she "unwedged" herself during her death spiral). Or is this going to be the new look for female skaters?
  22. Dave Lieberman's Bubbie's meatloaf (love it); roasted potatoes w/ aioli on the side, baked tomatoes parmesan, and reheated green beans. I so miss the good cooks and chefs that used to be on FN ;>(
  23. In 2000 when she was 15 and competing in her first nationals as a senior, she had a gorgeous short program and actually beat the seasoned veteran Michelle Kwan with it. Sasha had a beautiful long that year and it was full of excitement and originality. She hit every jump except the last one (an easy triple toe.) She blew an easy triple toe and had to settle for second. I do believe this was the beginning of the Bitch Face saga. Young Sasha skated a gorgeous SP and everyone was raving about her. Then came the LP and the look on her face when Kwan beat her and won Nationals was memorable (and in my memory, was the first of the bitch face scenes in figure skating but I could be missing any earlier ones if they occurred). The next Bitch Face, I think, was Gracie Gold (along with her sister). I think it was a similar situation, not positive, in which she won the SP, people raved, and then Ashley beat her in the LP and won Nationals. Ashley went over to give her the traditional hug and Gracie, looking furious, wouldn't even stand up. The third was most recently--Hubble/Donohue (mostly Donohue's face - wow!) after the Shibs beat them in the SD at Nationals. People have long snickered at all the bland things that skaters say about their own performances and also how they comport themselves but these bitch faces can really live on.
  24. Grilled brats on toasted buns (and baked beans w/ a little Famous Dave's bbq sauce mixed in + a few onions, the way they make it there).
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