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Everything posted by annzeepark914

  1. annzeepark914


    I thought MSNBC was removing him from MTP Daily. But now he's not only still on at 5:00 PM (Tuesday-Friday), he's also horning in on KT's show. I know *he* didn't make the decision to do this, so what's going on at MSNBC? Sure, we're in a pandemic but heck, it keeps homebound people glued to TV news programs. Why haven't TPTB taken advantage of this rare time in TV history to place new hosts at 5 and 7 PM? There's something odd about MSNBC & I can't quite figure it out.
  2. We grilled burgers & brats tonight that we had with roasted potatoes w/ aioli, and a tossed salad.
  3. annzeepark914


    PBS News did a fun segment re: reporters' pets the other night. Viewers write in wanting to know about the pets & a few got worried if the pets stopped showing up. Heilman's two huge Great Danes are stunning. I hope he doesn't live in a condo or apt.
  4. Hah! Sounds like me. My freezer is packed to the gills but after going to the supermarket a few times and seeing no meats or no this or that--I just have this urge to stock up on stuff. And there are frozen things like tilapia and salmon fillets way back in there that need to be used now. I'm just afraid that we'll go through another major shutdown again and the supermarkets will be out of stuff. You'd think I'd gone through The Great Depression and WWII the way I'm thinking πŸ˜·πŸ™„
  5. Hellooooo? Anyone around? Did anyone watch Ina's show today? I turned it on as she was finishing the swordfish (she was frying capers which I've only done once). Didn't care for the bread pudding or the chutney. But the swordfish looked very good. Wish she were doing her shows back in the house (but I certainly understand why she does filming in the "barn"). It's always good to have Ina back on TV, whether the recipes interest me or not.
  6. My birthday was the 7th. Thank God for a few calls & some really great cards... plus at least being able to pick up favorite meals at a nearby seafood restaurant. A so called quarantine birthday *is* weird! And, at least we're able to celebrate a new year (hopefully this "new year" will calm down soon too). 😷🌷😊
  7. Shrimp Curry with basmati rice. And a side of sauted fresh corn + cherry tomatoes. Very good eatin'...
  8. We had Dan Dan Mien for dinner. It was quite good but even though I used only half the amount of sambal oulek called for, my lips are burning! Mr P914 always adds more. Yikes!
  9. We had comfort food for supper tonight: ham steak with my pineapple/mustard/brown sugar sauce, mashed potatoes (Bob's!), and green peas. Nice & easy.
  10. Good ol' Frank Costanza. The Washington Post has an interesting obit on Jerry Stiller, featuring quotes from old interviews. We hardly see any Seinfeld re-runs in our area now. But every year, when Festivus rolls around, we'll remember the man who created the wacky holiday, feats of strength and all. Serenity Now!!
  11. Has anyone contacted the yeast companies to ask where the heck is this product? Fleischman's--are you producing any more of those little packets? I'm not much of a baker (it's too precise & mysterious for my personality, I guess) but I'd sure like to make a few bakery items during these self isolation days.
  12. Plus, as they've acknowledged, they get a lot of stuff donated in exchange for the free TV exposure. The makers of those nice Adirondack chairs said they were inundated with orders.
  13. Mr P914 picked up two dinners at Coastal Flats, one of a local chain of wonderful restaurants in our area. I had my favorite: Crispy Shrimp with Two Noodles (along w/ Prosecco). Then we had a store-bought birthday cake for my self-isolation era birthday. I got 2" roots and I cut some layers in my hair, so I'm glad I wasn't out at a restaurant--I look like a grown up nerd or dork or whatever kids call a goofy lookin' person these days. I am it!!! 😷😏
  14. Well, Scott's a bit short so maybe he didn't feel confident (dare I say physically capable?) of skating with possibly a taller female partner. That's an interesting tidbit out of Gadbois. Do other training facilities do this?
  15. I saw a promo where a child w/ long blonde hair is trying to carry something big, trips and falls onto the item...maybe it was a wagon wheel? & I immediately thought, this is why little kids don't belong in the workshop. The producers keep messing around with this show. I recently watched several shows from seasons 1 & 2 and noticed Ryan wasn't always running his mouth with inane comments & constantly snickering. He spoke only when he had smart, intelligent things to say. One other thing from S1...Ashley really getting ticked off big time, grousing, sulking, then leaving in a huff. You don't see anything like that in Seasons 3 & 4. IMO, this show was perfect right from the start & didn't need any stupid attempts at comedy (or the addition of kids).
  16. They need to get the lead out and publish it ASAP! We need new recipes, new ideas. Is there a sneak peak somewhere of her comfort meals? Wish I could walk up to Ina's back door and get a meal to go 😷😁
  17. I could just reach into this picture and grab that gorgeous burger. Yum!
  18. annzeepark914


    I posted this link on that odd NBC thread (or whatever it's called)...don't think anyone visits that place. Anyway, good riddance to another warped top broadcasting executive. He had to have known about Lauer's criminal offenses against female employees.
  19. https://www.aol.com/article/news/2020/05/04/nbc-news-chairman-andy-lack-stepping-down/24200548/
  20. I try hard to keep my distance but it gets hard when someone stands in the aisle, looking at a product...and stands there forevaaaahhh! Of course, I sorta did that last week and sensed someone several feet up the aisle. She was waiting to pass and I apologized and went on my way (she was very sweet & said not to worry--kind woman!) Guess we no longer have the luxury of studying products, thinking about how we'll use them, while standing in the aisle.
  21. That's what I used to do, back in my checkwriting days. Everything filled in except the amount. But then, one of my friends at our neighborhood coffee group said, "So, *you're* one of *those* people who slow everything down!" It really was funny cause there I was babbling about how fast I was at filling in just the amount, honestly, I wasn't slowin' anything down. But, since that day I've used my credit card--so much easier (and so much quicker😁). I love to remind her of that day.
  22. Yup...it's the old squeaky wheel getting the oil. Congratulations!
  23. Thanks to a break in rainy days (yay! Thunderbirds & Blue Angels flew over our 'hood) we grilled burgers and brats, had potato salad and a tossed salad. Rain returns tomorrow but it's so green here that I feel we're competitive with Ireland right now πŸ˜·πŸ˜‰
  24. I'm very impressed with Kaitlyn Weaver (aside from her fantastic skating).
  25. I watched and she was the same as ever: funny, nice, a good sport (over so many people laughing over that huge cocktail glass). She & Colbert each made a cocktail, clicked glasses via zoom, and enjoyed a sip. Jeffrey made an appearance & shared some of Ina's Cosmopolitan, using straws (those two are so hilarious). Then she sort of lovingly booted him out of the kitchen (only Ina could get away with that!) She talked about things to always have in the pantry (answering Colbert's question): olive oil, cans of tomatoes, pasta. I can't wait for her new show & her new cookbook (wish it would be available *now*...she's going to have lots of comfort food recipes 😁).
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