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  1. Yeah, but next to the fear, I was like how in the hell did she bake all those cakes? Come on now. Even in a manic state were all those cakes, iced to perfection realistic? LOL, that's all I kept thinking while she was waving that knife at Luscious, wishing him dead, that, and I hoped for his quick reflexes. But now that I think about it, that "boy" was paralyzed with fear; he has lived with some serious trauma. But he'll never get help. I'm waiting for his mother to set fire to that mansion, just wait. That's what I was thinking when he left, never mind the maid. We see what happened to her, rather, we're left wondering what exactly happened to her? What the hell is up with Cookie's assistant taunting Carol? She must feel threatened by Carol; after all, Carol is family. Why is she trying to start shit?
  2. Meathead was on? Damn. Oh man, I watch CNN now, and boy what a difference in that they actually report on other shit that's going on in the world besides the election. They still give it coverage, but it seems a lot more even, they spread the wealth of coverage. None of them see to be up any one candidate's ass IMO. Maybe I just caught them on a good day, loved that they actually talked about Prince and the investigation into his death which tied into the opiate addiction problem in this country. But I'm sorry I missed "Meathead." LOL, I just read the transcript, golden, just golden.
  3. Yeah, and Jamal's new fling. I don't trust him one bit, I don't know what it is. Finally, poor Luscious. Until he directs the same kind of loathing at Jamal next week.
  4. That's right Joy Reid, you got it, as always. They just don't like that they can't get Trump under their thumb. But make no mistake, they love what he stands for. But still, they like to think they are better than him because he hasn't been a member of their "club." So they like to look down their nose on the orange, haired chimp from Queens, NY as if they are better than him, but they're not. He is one of them, they just refuse to look in the mirror, so they don't have to admit this fact. And why are you, David Brock, on this show giving up what you've got going on in your head strategy wise? Surprise me please. I don't want to see him on any shows going forward giving the Trump camp a heads up, stupid. Just run the freaking ads. and get the damn surrogates ready. These people talk too damn much.
  5. Ah,I'm not worried about Bernie. IMO, what needs to be remembered is that Hillary and Bill, but Hillary even more so have been called everything under the sun including a murderer for 20 plus years. These reporters are laughable, unless they just started working, they all are looking like the sleazy promoters in Vegas trying to sell out tickets for a fight we've witnessed for over two decades. They all come off like rabid dogs and not journalists. You can see the likes of Steve Kornachi and his annoying ass electronic toy he totes around, just drooling at everything Trump as if it's new and exciting. Trump is simply another chump, in a long line of chumps who've tried to take Hillary down with sex, lies and video tape. Seriously, they keep getting all up in arms as to how is she going to handle his repeated insults every day, are they serious? That's not new. The only thing that she has to hold herself back if he starts in on Chelsea and her son in-law, that's all he's got is her kid and grand kids. So she needs to get ready for that and not lose her shit over it. But shitting on her? LOL, her laugh is definitely the correct response. She's got the Republicans, the FBI, Bernie, she gets it from all sides, and she's supposed be afraid of an orange, illiterate, wild chimp? All you need is a tranquilizer for a wild animal. Which none of these people including the journalist except for Rachel and maybe two others who work on MSNBC have actually tried to use, because the Republicans and much of these journalist are acting like his KIND. You know, you don't wanna put down your own kind. I'm mean there's just nothing new when it comes to accusations he could make against Hillary, she has literally been called a murderer, it's old. What's worse than murder? You're not talking about the rest of these so called "clean" candidates who were in the race and haven't had decade of conspiracy theories already out there on. It's red meat for people who already hate her, but not for people with brain cells that allow them to yes, consider the shit he's peddling, but because they have brains, they will also side eye the messenger. He and his buddies over at the tabloids are gonna have to make up some fake papers as proof for this round because otherwise they're just Kenneth Starr wannabes. It's boring.
  6. I don't know why he just doesn't run a third party, since I think he's trying to bring down the damn party at this point. I mean if you're going to be cut throat then own it. Don't try to act like some little old nice man, juxtaposed to "evil" Hillary. If this isn't what he's doing, then he shouldn't have crossed the line with the word "unqualified" based on WP headline or rumors that her camp was going to take him down. Really? Now if he played his cards right, he might have been able to get that Garland pick chucked should she win the presidency and get her to nominate someone more progressive who promised to rule against campaign finance/Citizens United. I know I'd be more than fine with that as a Hillary supporter. If she wins she doesn't have to keep Obama's nominee, I never bought that she and Obama were aligned on everything. She can change her mind. Bernie could get her and the party to sign on with removing the super delegates because quite frankly, she's still winning this race without them. I don't have a problem with the removal of the super delegates. What else? That's two things this Hillary supporter would be on board for if he didn't come out his ass and call her "unqualified" on live tv, and his guy Jeff Weaver not use the word devil and Hillary in the same sentence. Now I'm just pissed.
  7. I think Gary is about to betray Selina. Katherine is annoying. And yes, how old is Sue? Gary's facial expressions were too funny, while pursuing the answer to this question. He's so hilariously stiff. So was everyone treated like shit on the bottom of a shoe when they were just starting out? Even Ben once had a humiliating nickname, wouldn't have known or believed it when you look at him now. I could have used more Furlong. His reaction to making that woman cry... "God Bless..." LOL. Oh, he's so very horrible. I thought he would have been there for the O'Brien team, but it seemed like he was arguing on behalf of the Meyer team. Isn't he always on the other side. Oh that explains his reaction. Because I too heard CVS, didn't she say CVS? But I could see Dan wanting to desperately hear CBS. It makes sense since he's been running all around trying to get a permanent gig on a network as a political commentator.
  8. This. That Scandal show does not do her justice. I knew of KW's work before Scandal, so I was happy to see her get a steady gig, except when I wasn't because they make her look less talented than she is... I was like WTF happened? I know she can act, that damn ass dramatic walk alone that they have her character doing on Scandal drives me nuts. This is the KW I'm familiar with, I don't know what the hell Shonda and Co. are doing on that show. Anyway, I don't remember all the details of this hearing except hair and coke. Watching this, I didn't remember the testimony with the book The Exorcist. Which begs the questions, which one of them read that book? Because I just can't buy it as a coincidence that lines from that book ended up in this testimony, no way. And seriously? Her students found her pubic hair in between their graded papers that she returned to them? LOL, I'm sorry, shit like this in never truly funny, I'm just laughing at the stupidity. How the hell would they know from which part of her body the hair came from? She has hair on her head. But no, it's not possible that a hair from her head fell out while she was pouring over papers. This, this was the opposition research they had to shut Biden down? I mean did I miss something, because it seemed like that was it. Hair falling out on graded term papers is a lot different from identifying one's hair as a pubic one and chatting about it being in one's coke with colleagues. At any rate, KW and WP said in an interview that they weren't going to try to play the story as leaning in any one way or the other. WP said in an interview, that in his research he found that Thomas came up the ranks at the same time as Eric Holder. He said that in the black community, Eric Holder was seen as the golden boy and that, that was part of the chip that Thomas carried around on his shoulder. He talked about the "colorism" in the black community when it came to the support that Holder had and Thomas did not. This was way before Thomas was nominated for the court. This is the black elite traveling in the same circles kind of thing. So that is where the sympathetic angle came from, that he was trying to convey. So it's interesting seeing a couple of posts from viewers who picked up on WP playing him sympathetic when I think back to this interview.
  9. Bless your spirit Prince, where ever you are... In all the years that I've watched this show, the credit roll has never been where I found the star of the show, or the star who stole the show, until this year. I cannot count how many times I have rewound and fast forwarded just to see The Purple Wonder. I wanted to see Chicago most of all, I love them, I have a ton their albums. I also wanted to hear the controversial Cube/NWA speak. I had a feeling they wouldn't perform, but Cube has come a long way. Out of all of them, he's the one that I first took notice of because of Boyz N The Hood. It's a great movie IMO. Sheryl Crow and Grace Potter who I am not all that familiar with, were good too. Great harmony.
  10. Furlong is back tonight, it just always get better on this show. Furlong making people cry, I can't wait.
  11. Seeing the previews I do feel a bit for Luscious, well, maybe that's going to far. But yes, his mother did mess him up due to her bipolar disease. You know you have to side eye anything when it comes to Luscious. But we had the flashbacks and those aren't made up. So his face when he sees him mother in the previews is one of being honestly horrified, it's not an evil, I fooled you all. He's powerful and yes selfish; but when it comes to his upbringing, he's continued to be that abused/neglected boy. He's ignorant, with that stubborn, male ego and backward ideas of what it means to be a strong man. So, his solution has been to bury his childhood, which he could have only done in his mind by "burying" his mother as well. Clearly he doesn't want to deal with his childhood, which is understandable, but unhealthy, and Andre bringing her back seems like it will be the ultimate push to finally get Luscious to deal. Or will it? His face in the previews looked like he could be headed for where Andre just sprung grandma from. I swear Luscious looks like he's gonna need to be sedated.
  12. And did't he say that he also had medical degree in Veterinary Science? It was his fall back, LOL. I loved it, that little touch of Amy noting in disbelief that with all his credentials he was getting her coffee. Followed up by Jonah's demotion and Richard's "Jonah follow me..." Yeah, I got this too. I thought she saw the agent as not having the same figure, so how on earth could she possibly look like her. They even had Gary to the hour glass shape with his hands. I think the agent didn't look hot enough IMO. Cause Selina makes it no secret that she thinks she's hot. Nothing. I think these people know each other so well, they know what makes the other tick. Selina knew that rubbing the credentials and the "youth" of Candi in Amy's face would do the trick. If nothing else, every one of these people are ultra competitive, and they have these egos that require a certain amount of ass kissing too. Amy might have been waiting for some long apology or some begging which she knew deep down there wasn't a snowballs chance in hell that she was getting. But she was still hanging around waiting until her insecurities and ambition won over. Sue escorting Candi out and telling her the job had been filled was priceless.
  13. OMG, this show brings me so much joy. Oh, these people are so horrible, LOL. And, what is wrong with Mike? Did he seriously think that anyone in this crew would be happy about his baby news? Mike lives in a bubble of his own making right?
  14. Just because Hannah decided not to get back with him doesn't mean, like she said, that he is the only guy she has ever loved. He is her first love, and she realized that for her, that was not enough. There was a lot of shit that went down between them both and him reaching out for her over Sample's incubator, right after breaking up with that Rose girl looked like desperation to me, on his part. She no longer trusted him, but that doesn't mean that oh well, she doesn't love him anymore? Is it not realistic to end or not return to a relationship for your emotional well being, yet NOT be able to turn the love off just because the relationship is over? If yes, why can't this be the case for Hannah? Jessa sleeping with the boyfriends of her friends, I can't speak to with any real knowledge since I missed a season or two. But maybe in her mind, those girls weren't really her friends. Maybe in her mind, for good or bad, Hannah has been the only constant friend she has ever had in he life. She said she feels/knows she is not a likable person, Hannah annoys the shit out of her, yet she might see Hannah as the only constant friend she has ever had in her life. She's never turned her away has she? Well until that fight they had this season. Didn't Hannah even take a bitching Marnie up to some rehab place just to pick up Jessa? I don't know about Marnie's feelings towards Jessa, half the time I think it's the whole "three is a crowd" issue, jealousy.
  15. LOL. Because black and white people are the only people who exist in the world? Or maybe just in Pensacola? Bwaah, oh lordy. I think he "meant" to say that his music brought people together. It happens to be a party line, but it will forever be true. The fact that he couldn't come up with this line at the very least, once again proves how truly dumb/unskilled he is, but he just continues to prove what I already know. Exactly, Chris Matthews didn't mention it on his show not once, which made sense to me, especially since every other show on the network covered it. He doesn't pretend to talk about things he knows nothing about, and he'll tell you flat out he doesn't know about or can't relate to "that stuff." That usually the word he uses "stuff," but at least it's honest. I can respect it. OMG, ill, I'm glad I missed the show, because this would have been painfully, horrific to hear.
  16. Yeah, he tried to claim on Chris Matthews that Bernie can take the heat because he faced an onslaught of negative campaign ads. when he was running in Vermont. Right, well I didn't know Bernie, until this campaign, so they couldn't have been all that tough. When real shit hits the fan in local/state elections, it hits the news in all fifty states or at least the news in major cities, which I've lived in. Yep, never heard of him. If that doesn't happen then it was just your average political slug fest IMO. He sure didn't face 25 plus years of the blood bath that Hillary has had to face. Shit, even Cruz has more street cred. than Bernie, I've hated this bastard since 2010? I think that's when his virus hit the senate. I pretty much knew just about every politician in this race on both sides, from the start of this campaign season, except Bernie. Why? Because he hasn't begun to truly feel "The Bern" of a real campaign. Sure, he can take it.
  17. OK, now she, I get being pissed off, cause I've at least watched GMA enough to know she's put in her time, she's paid some dues on the show. But Ripa, girl bye with your bitching. Yeah, but I get Lara being pissed.
  18. This is my stance, WTF? What are they best friends? He's not her husband, he owes her nothing, but what he is professional supposed to do. This is business, and in their business, this is how it's done. He's trying to get paid, and they told him to shut his mouth. What? He's supposed to blow a deal so her "fragile" feelings don't get hurt? She's nuts, she's making all that damn money, and she's catching a fit. I doubt they are trying to set up her show to fail with his departure, they'll take care of it.They don't want to lose money in her time slot either, it's just that GMA is probably a more important time slot and this is about the bottom line. Disney/ABC, is calling the shots. It's not like she was in the running for a position on the morning show, she never makes appearances like he does. And how long has been showing up on GMA? I watch it every once and a while and hasn't he been making appearances for at least two years now if not more? They simply promoted him and the promotion was high enough that there was no way he could continue to do double duty on two shows. Spoiled brat, that's how she looks to me. She better get her ass back to work, unless the college fund for her three kids is already paid for, as well as her retirement, then bye. Creating unnecessary drama, just like Hayley Santos, hehe.
  19. Oh he did, I missed that, or don't remember. That being said, I don't buy Luscious being an evolved enough man, to ever want a female to take over power of his Empire, he perks up when he hears "It's a boy". He'll take what he can get I suppose, but no way do I believe that he doesn't prefer a grandson over a granddaughter. By the way, funniest part of the episode was at the family meeting, Cookie and all her antics and the best part was pulling her hand away when Luscious tried to reach out for it, hilarious. Their dynamic is truly hilarious amidst all the darkness.
  20. Nope, I don't think it never happened. There probably wasn't even a gun on sight. Can't wait for the flashbacks that show what really went down. I think I can only believe that she was mentally ill, the rest is questionable.
  21. The senator of Utah is the one blocking the bill that would provide federal aide to Flint. Rolland Martin gave out his contact information on his show so that people could flood his lines in protest. The power of governors needs to seriously be reviewed. This is way too much power to be able to overturn the people's vote and appoint his own people into elected local government positions . Shit, I don't even think the presidency is afforded with this level of power, WTF?! I mean, this is how it all started. Money in politics and the power of local state governments. This is problem. It's almost like they need oversight and to review the power afforded to each of their three branches of local government.
  22. Luscious is probably lying about Lola. He's looking for a male heir. He just rattled that line about her paternity quick fast, like don't bring her into this. He really could be lying.When will Andre learn? Hasn't he tried to screw over his brothers multiple times? It's pathetic, reward those who have proven to be the most loyal, and that sure as hell isn't Luscious. Luscious is always ready to discard anyone including his offspring if it suits his purposes. Loyalty is priceless.
  23. Oh my lord, Luscious faked his mother's death, fake headstone and all, LOL, the evil. I'm thinking this is what he'll do if whatshername doesn't fall in line, give up that baby and fade away. Leslie Uggams, I'm speechless, she's a gorgeous 72 year old. It's those amazing cheek bones.
  24. LOL, not only is it obvious, it's actually on tape now. I know I heard the tapes in which she goes to Joe for approval on which questions she should ask their buddy Trump and he snaps at her his approval/disapproval of said questions. Yes, she's not very smart, nor independent.
  25. That's the name of the movie I was trying to remember. As soon as I saw this advertised I said, they got this idea from that movie. It was with Minnie Driver, Brad Pitt, Robert De Niro, I remember he was the neighborhood priest, Kevin Bacon, he was one of the abusers. I remember there were four boys and Minnie Driver's character was the only girl/childhood friend of the bunch. I can't remember the names of the other three actors though. Brad Pitt's character was a lawyer and had also been one of the four boys who had been abused. I think one or two of them killed Bacon's character for repeatedly raping them in juvenile jail for a number years. Brad Pitt's character got them off of the murder charges with the help of De Niro's character. He really cared about those boys and ended up lying for them on the stand to help get them off. That was a good movie. Oh, it's good to see Larenz Tate, I can't count how many times I've watched Love Jones.
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