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Everything posted by represent

  1. Wasn't she suppose to be someone's running mate, way back when Selena was vetting for who would be her running mate. I could have sworn that came up a season ago before they got Tom James and she had commented on her opponent possibly picking Montez to get the Hispanic vote. I can't wait to see what on earth they are going to do next season. Not only is she not VEEP anymore, she's not even on the playing field.
  2. Bwaah, Rachel is hilarious sometimes, Trump back from his trip, selling deck chairs on the Titanic...LOL. You have to find a chuckle where ever the hell you can in this world and that was funny.
  3. Of course Larry the cat is still fine, because unlike the rest of us, he has nine lives. Oh he's going to be OK, LOL.
  4. Kornacki is an ass, and so is wet behind the ears Russert Jr..talk about privilege/nepotism, he really isn't that good.
  5. I'm not a die hard fan when it comes to this show, but this episode was fabulous. I've watched this off and on so I'm not straight on all of the politics/thrones, and who rules what. But I've seen enough of Ramsey to have felt the glee and justice in how he met his end. OMG, when he had his baby brother and the mother eaten by his hounds.... Getting eaten alive by his very own hounds was sweet justice, no better way for him to go. I also loved the girl power.I don't know how often it's shown, since I'm a scattered viewer of this show, but there seemed to be a large dose of it in this episode and I loved it. The battle was amazing, well done.
  6. The ad. was priceless, I laughed and laughed. The best part was the little hand repeatedly slipping off the red nuclear button, followed with it caressing Trump's face at the end. And it didn't help me regain my composure when Rachel decided to mock it by signing off with her hand caressing her face. The Sohail Ahmed interview was interesting to me not because he said anything that I hadn't already heard from all the speculation that was already out there. It was just interesting to see someone like the terrorist, who once had that mindset, who brought himself back from the brink of destruction. Seems to me that if he's legit, it had to be something in his personality make up coupled with the fact that he seems intelligent. It seemed like the "cult" that some turn the practice of this and any religion into, wasn't fully able to take him over because there was a part of him that was still able to choose to read other texts and ask himself questions. I know I heard him saying that he started to read the more liberal interpretations of Islam. Because I do see DAESH as a cult and once that cult takes over in a way that you don't ask any questions and only read if you are even allowed to read, what they give you, then...you're more than likely done. You can't come back. I think the less educated you are, less worldly, the more insulated you are in life, the more likely you are to fall prey to a cult. He's lucky, because I just think it was his natural make up, because he was insulated.
  7. Oh, that's what that was, Catherine naming her production company after Marjorie? There was so much, I've already watched it twice and still missed things.
  8. I just loved getting more info. on the lives of the staff, well the ones we didn't know much about. I loved Selena looking back on her interaction with her father vs. her mother. Then at the end with the White House visitors....JLD deserves those Emmy's, such a nuanced performance in that scene, outstanding. Gary's motorcycle club. Ben's wife. I absolutely love Ben, when he said he doesn't even want to look out his window, so forget about traveling/exploring the world, hilarious. Richard's opera group, LOL, he just keeps on giving this character. I could not stop laughing at Jonah being banned from Uber. And good lord, the clit talk in the elementary school classroom, which I'm not sure those babies heard or rather understood what he was saying, until his uncle made a scene and went bat shit crazy. Those kids were clearly the adults in the room, the just sat calmly staring at those four buffoons. Then they nearly hit some kids at the crosswalk and nothing, no concern, except for himself, LOL. Furlong, aw, missing Selena because she's the only one who gets him, then ending it as only Furlong could, with hitting Catherine up for Lesbian porn sites.
  9. MSNBC showed the tape of this middle schooler's imitation of the presidential candidates. He did his valedictorian speech via imitations of Trump, Cruz, Obama, Clinton, and Sanders. He was absolutely fantastic, the most entertaining thing on this network and a welcome laugh in the midst of such horror and sadness that is the news these days. It's on Youtube as well, I got a good long chuckle out of it.
  10. Yeah, I'm not worried Rachel, the DNC is one thing, Hillary Clinton is another. If anyone knows how to hide information, hint, hint, (secret server), it's my girl Hillary. Every time something gets leaked, I swear, I tip my hat to her private server, which they have yet to prove was hacked unlike the rest of the government systems. Like Selena on Veep said, we might as well give the Chinese their own passwords and call it a day And I kinda buy that they made it easy for the Russians to get, because the research has nothing that they haven't already used and we don't know about. If the goal was to make it look like Trump was in bed with the Russians, the mission may be accomplished. Rachel brought up Paul Manafort and I've been wanting to her to get into his background and not just Chris Christie's since they both are working for Trump's campaign. I said it once and I'll say it again, that Manafort looks like he could have been cast in Good Fellas, he's got thug oozing out of his pores. .
  11. Thank you Rachel, I knew you'd get around to the so called "Christians" who are overjoyed at the slaughter of LGBT human beings in Orlando. And I'll tell you something else, it's not just the so called "Christians" on the right either, you can damn sure bet there are some on the left as well. Maybe not as many, but they exist. And this bigotry/hate would explain why Trump is even remotely a challenge in the polls and not this current nor unfortunately, more than likely, the next terrorist attack.
  12. The fact of the matter is, the Orlando terrorist's parents immigrated here under GOP's beloved Ronald Reagan administration. Of course Trump makes it sound as if they came here during the Obama administration. The "liberal" media needs to point that out 24/7 because I only heard it pointed out but once yesterday. It is key that Reagan's name be invoked EVERY time Trump, his camp and the GOP talk out of their ass and try to connect the Obama administration's immigration policies with this latest terrorist attack. So the responsible journalist need to bring it up every time a Trump surrogate is on camera cosigning his lies and all throughout every damn news show on their networks.
  13. Marjorie was also wearing the robe that the Chinese gave Selena. So the viewing Marjorie from the back with that robe on equals Selena.
  14. Yeah, because based on the previews, he doesn't even know which hand to hold up at the swearing in ceremony.
  15. Glad I didn't watch. I posted yesterday the exact same sentiments. Of course the GOP doesn't see the connection. When I saw Marco Rubio and the governor on tv yesterday talking about Americans sticking together, I couldn't help but post how that was bullshit coming from them. Marco and his friends don't get it, advocating that LBGT citizens NOT be allowed to have the same rights as he does, is not Americans sticking together. It is called treating them as if they are second class citizens, it's that simple. I like to use the 3/5ths of person of which my folks were categorized as in the constitution. Same sentiment, different rights for different groups of people means you don't see them as equal human beings. Therefore you are not living up the full potential of this country which is supposed to stand for freedom and equality. You know who else doesn't stand for freedom and equal rights, and sees others as less than full human beings, DAESH, that's who. Get a clue GOP, get a clue. I'm not saying this maniac was thinking about the GOP when he slaughtered 53 human beings, but I'm looking for all my leaders in this country, the land of the free and the brave, to echo sentiments that foster inclusivity, otherwise they sound divisive and hateful and they shouldn't have those traits in common with terrorist. It makes them a bit less credible when they step to the mike and start preaching how all for one we're suppose to be.
  16. And now this terrorist/hate crime in Florida, in the LGBT community, Marco Rubio and his bullshit all for one America. No Marco and GOP, no, you're not all for one. Anytime you fight for a cause which would deny one group in this country the same freaking rights that you have as a heterosexual man because YOUR religion tells you otherwise, you are not living American values of equality. Sorry buddy, sorry GOP and I see ALL this shit being connected. It sends a clear message of hate and that this group and that group is different, like the 3/5th's of person that blacks folks were categorized as in the Constitution. So bye, just bye, they will never fully get how it is ALL connected. I guarantee that the GOP's talking points will ONLY address terrorism/DAESH and not the hate in this country in advocating second class citizenship for people in the LGBT community. Because make no mistake it's that simple to this minority, when one group is denied the same rights that every else has they are second class citizens. Because that's still the GOP's goal should they get elected to the White House, judges on the SC that will roll back any legal rights that the LGBT community has achieved so far. Wishing those those victims and their families well in Florida.
  17. Thanks for posting, I'm not done reading it yet, but I'm fourteen paragraphs in and I rest my case. Of course if one thinks the chart tracking her favorables vs. unfavorables is based on fake, leftist polling, my point is of course invalid.
  18. I watched a clip of Julianna Margulies talking about her character and this ingrained need that Hollywood still has for women to be likable. That women always feel the need to apologize, simply for being. For me it's not a stretch to the media's inability to just let Hillary have her moment, she has to share it, because a man's ego, or make that many of his fellow men and yes, many women can't take a powerful woman standing in the spotlight. That's right, I'm not letting those women off the hook and they can sell that it's only about crooked Hillary, but women are masters of denial. They can sell that bull somewhere else. There are women that are no different that the Donald Trumps of the world if they find a fellow woman stepping out of a traditional role, or NEVER once in their lives taking on any of those traditional roles and they aren't all from the baby boom generation either. They've done studies, Chris Hayes addressed it on his show that both men and certain women equally cringe when women like Hillary try to take power. The more powerful the woman becomes the more those men and women with particular ideals, grow the hate said woman. It's a complete turn off for these people. Cut to the sentiments that Warren is being too confrontational, yet all I see her doing is sticking it to Donald on the facts, on his words. I saw her mainly point out what the GOP is doing to our courts, so the argument is totally lost on me that she should dial it back. I don't see her giving him silly names like Pocahontas, but no, she needs to dial it back and be careful. With the facts? And they weren't just facts on him, the woman was talking about our freaking judicial system. I would argue that the speech wasn't even about Trump, it was about the GOP. I see the connection, the GOP most definitely made room for Donald Trump to take over. I see commentary that there is no connection between Mitch McConnell and the rise of Trump. I know I saw Josh Barro come on and try to say that there really isn't a connection. I was like WTF is he talking about. Is he just playing the role of opposition just to play it? Is he nuts? But no, let's focus on Warren's tone? She's not speaking soft enough. She's showing well deserved frustration and anger, and we can't have a woman showing frustration and anger. I hope the polling shows that it's futile to care about moderate Republicans, that they can't be won and they they will probably end up staying home. So that the Clinton campaign can fully embrace whatever progressive issues that Hillary can truly give in on, work on the minority vote, and hopefully enough of the women's vote. Because that's the question, are there truly republicans out there, enough of them, that it's worth appealing to. I don't think they exist. Because I'm done with the tip toeing around when it comes to how women are perceived. I am absolutely sick of it, and so is Warren, when Rachel asked her. She wasn't trying to hear it when Rachel asked her is the country ready? We don't have time for that shit, this is war. In times of war are the women just suppose to sit back in the corner and wait to rescued in 20fucking16? No, like Warren said, we better start throwing some punches.
  19. It's mine too, but my vote is in the bag, they don't need to worry about my vote. I'll vote for Clinton/(insert male name), but it won't excite me like a Clinton/Warren ticket. Warren's speech last night was on point and it wasn't even because of the well deserved digs at Trump, the point of the speech was to school folks on how our judicial branch of government is under siege and that wasn't news to me overall. But some of the specific details she gave were, in terms of ALL the blocking of appointments to our lower courts and the McConnell impersonation, laying the blame mainly at his feet needs to be said more. She said it all respectful enough, but it needs to be said, because she is right, this is war. We need to do battle again, the time has come. I mean the courts are our last line of defense and they're taking it over and crippling it. That was the main idea of that speech for me. I was fuming at the insulting coverage of Chris Matthews because the speech was aired during his show. Cut back to that asshole and all he could comment on were her attack lines and not the horror of what the speech was mainly about, great reporting as always Matthews. LOL, he was worried about "correcting" her stance that Donald never did shit but get what his daddy worked for and try to keep it afloat by cheating others. LOL, I swear I was fuming and laughing at the same time, because that was the first thing that Matthews took issue with. Well, I guess he's gotta defend his "girl crush." There was nothing muddy in the way she called out the other side. There were no insulting names, it was, Donald thinks the judge should be ashamed, no, you Donald should be ashamed. She made fun of McConnell, not like me when I call him turkey neck moron, no, she plainly said that it is he who laid the foundation for Donald Trump to swoop into the republican party, take it over and make it OK to go after a judge for his own personal gain. I couldn't believe she mentioned him the way she did on the same day that I posted earlier in another thread that it was turkey neck McConnell's lack of response to the birther movement that started all this out in the open racist shit with our government representatives and now he's doing it again. He didn't have shit to say about Mexicans being called rapist and murderers, but he slowly crept out of the woodwork to voice his "disapproval" on what was said about the judge, because after all, they are the party of "law." Don't worry, as soon as Donald gets "back on script," and his poll numbers don't drop, Turkey Neck and his posse won't say another word in protest about it. On a totally different note, I had no idea that Cecile Richards was Ann Richards daughter. I loved Ann Richards, that lady had so much spunk, she was hilarious too.
  20. What the hell is Ed Rendell talking about when he says that Warren wouldn't be ready to take over the presidency if she were VP and something happened to the president? Is he nuts? Or can he handle only one woman at a time? Or are he and Maddow working together to piss off Warren just enough to not even have to think twice about being Clinton's VP should she come calling? Is this some kind of reverse psychology at work here? Because Warren looked a little pissed, I know I was. That McConnell impersonation was the best I've seen, I cracked up.
  21. Warren is a firehouse, and all these commentators can focus on is the minor lines of the speech that made fun of Trump. He's a loser who puts his family's fake, made up name on things and cheats people out of their money. Meanwhile, the whole point of her speech is that our judicial system is under siege by the likes of McConnell and his friends. And yes, Matthews, and the "Pulitzer Prize" winner Robinson, the Orange Haired chimp is just another puppet. This has been the media's problem from the get go, putting this primate on some pedestal as if he belongs, he doesn't. He should be covered by the press in a mocking fashion for the buffoon he portrays himself to be.
  22. You can if you think someone stole the election from him and for some of them, that's the theory they're sticking to. Remember the system is "rigged." They don't think millions of people actually voted for Hillary and they do believe that had all the primaries been open to independents, they would have won. The latter part is definitely what they consider a rigged voting system.
  23. Oh, poor Joe and his party. Not that they give a shit about black voters, but they totally lost me with cosigning that birther movement. They keep acting like they are better than Trump, when it comes to being racists. Turkey neck McConnell sat by and had not a word to say when the orange chimp, who didn't even hold a political office launched his birther movement against the first president of African descent. But why would he? Before Obama even took office he got up in front of the mike to let the country know that he would be working on the "people's business" their number one priority, making Obama a one term president. Now, being part of two minority groups, I admit, I'm very sensitive. But how in the hell else am I to see the birther movement as anything but racism? I tried to see how it could possibly be something else, but they've NEVER asked for any other president's birth certificate. Should I have just chalked it up to a coincidence? The year they decided to ask for proof of birth, there just happened to be the first president of African descent? This is where this shit started. They sat back and let it run right off their backs and they are repeating the same behavior once again. Hell, they didn't have shit to say about all Mexicans being called rapists and murderers; but I guess since they are the party of "law", they had to speak up for the judge. Good lord, they are truly disgraceful. And if Trump doesn't drop in the polls, we won't hear another word about it, that you can be sure of. I grew up in a two party household, my father was a republican for much of his life. The last republican he voted for was Bush Jr. (thanks dad), but that was it. He said they just started to sound way too hateful, raging against everyone. They're insane.
  24. Because when you are president of the United States, you are the leader of the free world. You become the most powerful person in the world unlike the leaders of other countries. Angela Merkel is the most powerful woman in Germany, Hillary Clinton hopefully will be the most powerful person in the world as the leader of the United States. And no way do men like Donald Trump and sadly, many of our fellow women want to see a woman be the most powerful person in the world. That's why we trail those other nations in electing a woman president. It doesn't have shit to do with "corrupt" Hillary, they can sell that as the day is long, there are no buyers here.
  25. Ha, he had Denis O'Hare on, brought to mind one of my all time favorite scenes from HBO's True Blood. Horrific and equally hilarious was when his character, Russell Edgington tore out the heart of the news anchorman on the evening news. Then he went on to keep it real with the American people as to what his vampire kind were really all about and how insignificant human kind was... I actually remember President Obama asking the press at a conference that week if they had seen True Blood last night. Good stuff. I died laughing when he said it was harder to come out as a Hillary supporter than it was to come out as a gay man.
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