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Everything posted by represent

  1. I could have sworn she threw her support toward Hillary during the primaries. Yeah, because I remember her getting called out by the opposition for implying that she was supporting Hillary just because she was a woman, I definitely remember that.
  2. There goes the 8-11 time slots actually doing their job and putting it right out that we're a heartbeat away from having a white supremacist and all his friends take hold of the oval office. Thanks for connecting the dots out loud while your spineless, colleagues try to report on said campaign as if it's business as usual.
  3. Oh Joy... Now I'm really depressed. Thanks Joy, you could have kept Trump's campaign connection to the Seinfeld show to yourself. I didn't need to know this. My lord, is there nothing sacred, LOL. Does everything precious and joyful have to be stained by the Trump campaign. Why?
  4. Kudos to Ron Reagan, that's right, hold your own. "You better watch that kind of language Boris..." LOL. That's all I want, hold your own and do not allow them to take over. Do not allow them nor the host of the show to bully you. Because I'm done with these spineless hosts.
  5. Yet animal rights activists have shown up to harass Hillary at least twice at her events, go figure. You know everything including all natural disasters are Hillary's fault. I died laughing when she rightly fought back and shouted out that they must be talking about Trump's kids.
  6. Damn, folks on the board alone never cease in proving how incompetent the media is...My goodness they are lazy. No offense to Chris Hayes, Rachel Maddow, Joy Reid, and Lawrence O'Donnell. They at least show me they are trying. This would have been perfect for "journalist" Chris Matthews to introduce into this segment last night. But no...unbelievable. Then Dr. Harold Jr. needs to release the lab results of his "patient's" 2015 physical. Sure, attach your little doctor's note of analysis but let us see the numbers in black and white thank you. That is, if the the likes of Matthews in the media are going to badger Hillary to release hers.
  7. Yeah that is funny, especially to anyone who has ever taken a physical and gotten a report. I know I have, and that's the kind of medical information I'm thinking of, when I think of medical records, complete with a history of your vaccinations. Results straight from the lab, that's what I'm looking for. Then you bring on the medical professionals to explain the numbers to the people. I'm pretty sure that's what those fuckers want, they want a front row seat into her colon, so they can then make degrading, sexist remarks of course while they analyze it. So in summation, he hasn't released his medical records. He's released a damn doctor's note without the reports from the lab. Where are they? If they want Hillary's then they better "cough" up his.
  8. Welcome aboard if you're just coming to this conclusion. It's quite validating to see others view this man as I do. Not to mention, he's just like all the rest they want a story, not the real story, but a story. They are whores to the sound bites. I don't know if he hates Hillary, but I do know he has a boy crush on Trump and is living vicariously through him. He knows that Trump has filed bankruptcies and probably isn't worth all he says he is. He knows he's stiffed the small business owners, but he doesn't care. He still wishes he had a plane with his name on it and a "Melania." He's pathetic. He appears to have had a pretty legitimate career in politics, in political media, he seems to have made a nice family, yet this chump is admiring the likes of Trump. I see it all the time, he can't hide it and I find it pathetic that a man like him, with his hard earned success, would have googly eyes for the likes of Trump. That's what I was trying to figure out, has Trump released his medical records? WTF? Then they don't want the likes of me throwing around the word sexism. How can I not? He's got himself and folks on the panel out right demanding she release her medical records as if Trump has done the same. What? All I see is a bunch of male, sexist surrogates and one males sexist reporter in Matthews thinking they have the fucking right to know more about one candidate's medical history over the other, because they have a right as men to demand it. That's all I get keeping in mind that I'm already sensitive, but what else should I conclude? Because they show clips of her "tripping", coughing, shaking her head, they are now qualified to demand her medical records? I mean if they were demanding Trump's medical records to see what kind of decease has caused him to turn fucking ORANGE...then that would fair. But they're not so...
  9. Brooke Baldwin do no allow that thug who calls himself a pastor, Darrell Scott, to take over the interview. He continues to interrupt Symone Sanders, yet when he speaks she shuts her mouth to let him finish. Meanwhile you allow him to cut her off and yell over her. I'm am so sick of these reporters allowing these surrogates to be rude. That's why Lemon got points with me last night handling Conway. Darrell Scott is absolutely gross. When I look at him I see him sleeping with every damn short skirt in his flock. He truly does make my skin crawl. He's a bully, and that's a characteristic of the entire campaign that they can't wash off as far as I can see mainly because they lack humility. He reminds me of nothing but a sleazy pastor.
  10. But see, Christie does have a brain, he's not a moron in a sense of, he can fucking read. I have no doubt that he actually earned his degrees, he has brain cells, he's just a nasty prick and on the wrong side as far as I'm concerned. So Trump needs him there because Trump's brain is fried, and I have serious doubts that he earned any of his degrees. I believe they were bought by his daddy quite frankly. He needs a brain there with the ability to explain the damn information to him at that briefing. He needs someone with enough intelligence to school him on what follow up questions need to be asked. They are allowed to ask questions, and that fool isn't going to know where to start, but I'm pretty confident that Christie would at least know where to start.
  11. Yes Ari, it's a dumb idea. Um, I think it's dumb to attack her stamina because I have eyes, I use them, I know what I see. In other words, my hearing doesn't have any control over what I see. I can hear you say she doesn't have any stamina, but if I see differently, I'm gonna go with my eyes. Others, maybe not. I can see her stamina like I can see that the damn sky is blue. I've had twenty plus years of her stamina and nothings changed. I'm still looking at her schedule and thinking damn, I'd be dead a long time ago if I had to cover those miles. I'm also quite ashamed given her age vs. mine.
  12. Get that bitch Kellyanne Conway, Don Lemon. Please, you're bullying me, is she's fucking nuts? Lemon is the first person I've seen try to push that disgrace to answer the question directly. Get her ass of this network and every other network if she's not going to answer the questions. She does this shit more than any of the others I've seen even that doofus Boris. His surrogates think they can talk over everyone and run the damn interview. Good for you Lemon. They come on these shows and try to take over, they're the bullies.
  13. If you want me to pay attention that late at night then you need energy. Brian Williams has no energy. As much as I can't stand Matthews, even he has that in spades, so much so he's out of control. But at least he doesn't put me to sleep, he just pisses me off. And of course, Hayes is always a bubbly breath of fresh air. Williams is an airhead and he's boring. Why do they keep pushing that man? I guess they feel he needs to earn his keep. If so, have him clean up the damn studio, serve as someone's assistant... just stop pushing him on us.
  14. I see nothing wrong with this little girl's face, so I hope her looks never make her angry. She's got enough to deal with and to truly be unhappy about like her mother and now father in jail. She looks like a cute little girl to me. You would think she had horns growing out of her head or something. I don't get the remarks on how Tre's girls look, but I'm also from the school of not saying negative things about kids. If I can't give them a compliment especially about their looks, I rather not say anything at all.
  15. YES, finally, the "Manafort Files," let the digging begin on this Good Fellas looking thug. Connect the dots, connect the dots...
  16. This is my point exactly. It certainly makes it darn impossible for the guest to be gracious that's for damn sure. I can't wait to hear Tre bitch about how Jacq. started in on her and something to the effect of her damn ankle monitor isn't even off yet, LOL. I heard something like that in the preview and it cracked me up. I think she picked her leg and pointed to the monitor for effect, bwaah, so funny. Like damn, can't you just let me breathe a little, let the damn monitor come off before you start up shit again?
  17. I'm sorry, Teresa and Joe are entertaining. Joe calling Jacq. a bitch and trying to finish his wine before leaving....he's a funny guy. They are straight up criminals as far as I'm concerned, she's done her time, he's now doing his, and I only feel sorry for those girls. But damn if those two aren't entertaining. Joe is hilarious. I'm totally on Tre's side when it comes to Jacqueline. That bitch thinks she's better than Teresa and you can make that argument in terms of breaking the law. But that's the damn point, you don't keep throwing shit like that in Tre's face if you really want to be friends. What's the point? She just kept pushing, and pushing, sorry, Teresa didn't start any of that shit. To top it all off she calls her brother, to put her on blast, that was it for me. Why is Jacqueline on this show again? What is she even doing here? She's still boring as fuck. I did feel sorry for Joe and Chris, LOL, poor guys. They just want to be friends. Well they can thank fuckface, Jacq. for screwing the evening up entirely. Tre kept hinting, I just want to move on, move forward, leave the past behind, but no. Jacqueline's mean girl always comes out, she can't control it, she's an idiot. Siggy talks a mile a minute and it's hilarious as it is exhausting.
  18. Bwaah, thanks for the laugh James Carville, for "He got punched in the mouth and now he's flailing his little hands all around."
  19. They seem to be trying to compete with Don Lemon over at CNN maybe? I think he's on at 11 PM. So I guess they decided to have a live show with Matthews on at that same time. Well I can't take one dose of Matthews much less two, but I'll try to watch tonight because they came to their senses and gave tonight's double duty to Chris Hayes.
  20. That's what I meant in my post above, that book, story about his mother, all his methodology of grooming his victims. That's why I side eyed his "sad" story about his mother. The man was having a wet dream about the girl at the start of the show for crying out loud. I don't trust anything he says and don't really care to figure out what's true. He just needs to be gone. But thank you, because I couldn't get up the energy to explain this, "willing participant" of a teenager stuff. This is still not understood by the masses, which is why even our criminal justice systems still gives these perverted freaks parole. Gives them an ankle monitor and tells them to stay inside, not open the door on Halloween. Tells them to stay within a certain number of miles away from a school, WTF? Children are everywhere! They're at fucking Walmart right about now buying up school supplies, you think the molestors/pedophiles don't know this? Does the system tell them to stay out of Walmart too? Bottom line, they need to be locked up indefinitely, they cannot be rehabilitated. This sentiment that a teenager is a willing participant when it comes to this crime is equal a cancer to the actual act itself. It sorta condones and shames victims. I said in my post above, that if she sat in his damn lap, she still wouldn't be to blame, because she is the minor and he is the adult. He is to take her ass right back downstairs to sit and wait with the guard, period. This is the type of responsibility that comes with being an adult.
  21. Yes, she is from what I heard, but I too am hoping I'm wrong. I focus on the little details, like her screaming to him that she knew they should have left as soon as Grace returned. That's what she said in confronting Noah and I was like, girl, that's NOT the point. No matter where in the world you went, Grace would still be there, somewhere in his heart, in the back of his mind if not at the damn forefront and that wouldn't sit well with me. The point is, she's still in his heart. I'm no narcissist, I don't wish to be noticed nor acknowledged by all just close loved ones and oh by the way, my husband. I'm selfish when it comes to that and I "AIN'T" sharing. These men get away with a ton of shit. Too many women put up with the sharing, hell no, because men sure don't return the favor. They don't forgive, their egos won't allow it and women need to stop reacting on emotion and neediness and adopt an ego. Like I said, get a damn teddy bear and some hobbies, self-respect and living in truth IMO is more important. No way is being second best the truth Isabel wants to live otherwise she would not have confronted him and even more so we would have been seeing her hemming and hawing wondering if something was up in the first place. Let's see how desperate she is, I hope not because she looks like she's the full package and can do a hell of a lot better than being second best. And Grace could have done a lot better than using her twat to make Noah have second thoughts, instead of her words. She's a pastor for crying out loud, she has a way with the word, she should have used it, it would have been more honest and respectful first and foremost of herself. You could tell when she held his hand and then left the room that she taken aback that he didn't sound like he was having second thoughts about the wedding after the sex. Why would he? You just had sex, you never had a talk about why you two fools keep having these awkward, silent pauses when you're speaking to one another, or staring longingly at one another and pretending that it's just about what you've uncovered on Mac and Faith. Anyway, now that I'm done ranting this show is a hot mess and so entertaining. Talking about bringing houses down.
  22. Of course he would have lied, "to protect her" of course, coward, and she would have known he was lying. That was my point at the beginning of my post in regard to Isabel, is that she knows deep down what's up, women usually do. We know, it's usually men who lack that gut feeling, intuition, they don't know what the hell is going on which is why they always get caught. Meanwhile, women with no shame nor integrity get away with something like passing off kids, that don't really belong to their significant other. Because once again, we are in the know. Women know damn well somethings off if they don't just know all the details, we just choose to live in denial so we can rush down that aisle in a pretty white dress.
  23. It was "The Last Word" with Lawrence O'Donnell. Yeah, because I'm not sure there are any therapies/medications that could help his personality disorders. Meanwhile there are several methods for treating a number of mental illnesses which allow for a very productive life. So I'm thinking his personality disorders are far worse than any mentally ill diagnosis. He's afflicted with the conditions they cover on Law and Order SVU, LOL, sorry, it really isn't funny. I really laughing because this is all beyond belief. But it's happening. Yeah, when the psychologist on staff tells Olivia Benson and her crew that nothing can be done to fix said criminal, because it's a personality defect.
  24. It's on all three parties involved. Women have intuition and like to lie to themselves, the fiance' knows something is wrong. She's asking Mae if Noah seems happy? What? Days/weeks away from her wedding, please. And why is she not asking her fiance' if he's happy? Shes's not marrying Mae. Gigi and Noah are both equally to blame, I personally do not subscribe to the it's this party's fault because they are the one in the committed relationship/marriage. That's just folks way of trying to avoid accountability, nope, doesn't work with me. Adultery takes two, cheating takes two, they both have been looking longingly at one another since Gigi strolled up through that driveway on foot in the first episode. Those two knew what was up. Then Gigi says she should go, but Noah's lust/love, love for Gigi that is, and lack of respect somehow paralyzed his feet, that he couldn't walk to the door the minute she said she should go, open it, and close it right behind her. Same for Gigi, don't say you should go, just go. Oh wait, how about not show up at all because you know damn well you have a history, that the feelings are still there but he's engaged. Go find a stuff animal to lean on not some other woman's fiance'. Go home and hug your kid, cause no way can she talk to her bitchy mother unfortunately. Or how about go to the bar and lean on your auntie "Oprah" LOL, I keep forgetting her character's name, probably because I don't see her often enough. Bye to all three of these parties, I just don't have patience for this game it's so old, and tired. Grown ass folks making commitments and can't put sentences together to have tough but much needed truthful discussions before all shit hits the fan. Gigi and Noah should have put that shit on the table in words, a conversation stop beating around the bush. Noah and his fiance' should have long had a discussion and broken off the engagement, then let shit play out and feelings get sorted out to see where it takes them. But this nonsense, please. They all knew something was off, all three of them.
  25. They didn't want you to know, it would have screwed with the false narrative they framed of an aloof President Obama not willing to reach across the aisle and work fellow republicans. Never mind Obama having a come together theme in quite a few speeches and commentary with regard to both sides the aisle that I've heard over the years. It was one of the things that stood out in his last SOTUA, he said something to the effect that our democracy/government will be in jeopardy if representatives from both sides of the aisle are afraid to even be seen together. If you're afraid that your constituents don't want to find out that you are just meeting with someone from the other side of the aisle to compromise then we're in trouble.
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