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  1. Dumb ass question, Tim Kaine doesn't need to know shit until he needs to know. Knock, knock, Tim, I have a sinus infection. Knock, knock, Tim I have stomach cramps. Knock, Knock, Tim I have a headache. Knock, knock Tim I'm having a hot flash. (I know she's past hot flashes.) Nobody gives a shit unless you're falling down on the job and that entire day she wasn't until she was in that moment so...Nobody on the job really gives a shit unless you're contagious and according to her doctor she wasn't. Are you alive, and noncontagious? Then get to work, LOL. Nobody wants to know, everybody is got their own damn problems and if your good, then good, let's keep rolling and keep the bitch whining to a minimum. I suspect that's how she rolls. She wasn't dying, I know that's the better story to those vultures, but it's not the story. I realize they can't tell the difference in the age of Trump reality tv. but...fucking losers, the press.
  2. Yeah I was thinking the same thing, because I know she's still got congestion deep down in there.
  3. The journalist who put out the Newsweek article, he said on Chris Hayes I think, that he felt like he was alone, the only one out there doing any investigation. He said that reporters are acting like the information is going to come to them, when they know Trump isn't going to give them anything. They have to get out there and research, find the information. This guy and the other one who focused on investigating his pretty much nonexistent charitable givings, boy are they earning their paychecks. Lazy, I was like, yes, put your fellow journalists on blast, if you can even call them that.
  4. I love her too, she's a psychologist and that's why I died laughing at her expression at the end of her interview with Chris Matthew's last night. She was on with one of the Michigan senators I think, but at the end, her face certainly told me that she thought Matthews needed therapy, something. She looked so puzzled, actually, it was a frustrated look, like what the hell? I mean she's a psychologist so there is no way she's not into listening and allowing people to speak and be heard, which are things you sure as hell won't get on Hardball.
  5. LOL, that reporter is full of shit, just trying to catch her and see if it's true that she really liked "The Good Wife." Probably wanted her to say yes, just so he/she could say that it was off the air. Then we could get back to Hillary the liar, she can't even tell the truth about what shows she watches.
  6. Was it the chubby, round face looking guy? Cause if so, that's Roland Martin, who has his own morning news show on TV One, and he goes on the Joyner's radio show sometimes as well. I find him to be excellent when he starts ranting and giving folks like Trump and Bill O'Reilly American history lessons. It's a thing of absolute beauty IMO. I wonder if Trump sat down with the pastor at any point to find out what he could do to help their efforts? LOL Mayor Karen Weaver said on Rachel's show that he could pick up the phone and call his "friend" Paul Ryan, and ask him to pass the bill for funding that's headed to House. Roland Martin added Senator Mike Lee from Utah to that call months ago. Months ago Martin posted Lee's number at the capitol on his show, so that folks could call and harass him to pass the bill. He's the one holding up the money. He's the one who I've seen footage of him standing up saying we can't set a precedence, what if this happens in another state? Basically, we can't afford it, is what I concluded. Meanwhile, Mike Lee is bitching to Mike Pence about not stepping up and using the word deplorable to describe David Duke. I personally think that the folks of Flint would find Mike Lee more deplorable than Pence or Trump if they knew that he, not Pence, not Trump, is holding up the funding and keeping them from getting clean drinking water.
  7. Unless BW is going to ask Christie about Bridgegate, no thank you to the 11th Hour. That blob of a criminal is going to get up and talk about the corrupt Clintons, yeah, that's must see tv..
  8. I have no idea why Dr. Oz inserted himself into this campaign in this manner. I thought he was more respected than this, which is why of course Trump would try to use him. That he took the bait or allowed ABC to force him to take the bait for ratings...yeah, he's lost my respect. I don't watch his show, but I still thought he had some credibility, maybe I just remember him from his days with Oprah and her pushing him on the scene. But this did't help him with me that's for sure, he should have stayed out of it.
  9. No, that's working class kind of work and she couldn't wear her stiletto heels. Well she could, but she'd look ridiculous especially teaching kids on the elementary level. The days are long and you're going to get dirty. She can run around town looking like that with her own three, but when your in charge of 20-30 plus little ones that don't belong to you, you can't be focusing on your "look." We also don't know if she took and passed the state testing, but she'd probably still be able to teach with a bachelors degree until she passed those exams.
  10. Oh she's good for claiming that she's being badgered when reporters are doing their job. She did it to Don Lemon, and he answered back with no, I want you to answer the question. Note to journalist: You'll know you're doing your job when KAC starts bitching that you're badgering her.
  11. You know what I say about those speaking fees, "Thanks Hillary, for giving the government half of those earnings if not more. Since we all have been able to see that you pay your taxes." Even though the republican led congress won't use your money to help rebuild our infrastructure and fix our roads, highways, tunnels, and bridges. Thanks for contributing some of your big bucks to the collective pot. She shared the wealth, enough said. I'm still waiting to see what Donald has contributed.
  12. LOL, Jake Tapper said, "OK let's pull out the thesaurus..," to Katrina Pearson, so that they could find a synonym for deplorable, since they don't want to use Hillary's word to describe David Duke and the KKK.
  13. Speaking of Kellyanne, I don't know why the Clinton camp doesn't go after her stances on the LGBTQ community, she's one nasty, deplorable human being. She needs to be on that Deplorables poster as well, but the Klan also hates women so...
  14. I was thinking that he's about the same age as the kids that were in my classroom on 9/11 would be. They were fifth graders and he said he was 11 years old on 9/11. So as soon as I heard that, I was like wow, I hope those kids grew up to be as on the ball as he turned out to be.
  15. Yes, I posted something to this effect on I think Rachel Maddow thread a while back when she was talking about polling. I believe I said, that Trump is competitive because bigotry is not just on the right. The only way he could be where he is, if you give any validity to polls is because there is some of that bigotry on the left. The ones on the left are not going to go to Klan rallies, they might not even want to be seen at a Trump rally because they still have some sense of caring what other people think, they aren't going to hold up impeach Kenyan born Obama either, but... This is the hidden Trump voter which some claim doesn't exist. One thing that bugs me is when they talk about Obama not being a Muslim it comes off as if there is something wrong with being Muslim. I think they should always follow up with posing that question or just flat out making the statement, and, so what if he was Muslim? What if he was an American born Muslim? He would have the same right just like any other American born citizen to run for president. They don't make this point enough in their discussions when it comes to this particular polling result.
  16. Sing it LOD, sing it. Hillary could show up tomorrow walking with a walker, lung failure, or on the kidney transplant list, wearing a surgical mask or hooked up to an oxygen tank etc.., and I would still pull the lever for her. I'd be like oh shit, what happened? I hope she makes it at least through her first term. But if not, I'm more than at ease with Tim Kaine waiting in the wings to take over.
  17. No, I don't think he has anything on them, he's been good for their ratings and/or they are "Deplorables."
  18. Well "The Deplorables" have to stick together. Hey Wolf, why are you asking a man who signed a bill to treat LGBTQ people as second class citizens to call David Duke deplorable? What Mike Pence did with that bill in Indiana fits under the definition of deplorable. Stupid media. Are they forgetting this? Unbelievable. Oh Donald Trump isn't deplorable, he only called Elizabeth Warren Pocahontas again.
  19. All I know is, NOT one of those decent supporters stepped in to block that neo-nazi from physically pushing that black girl around during one of the rallies. They all just stood there watching one young woman get pushed around by a man and not one of those hard working, upstanding men or law enforcement supporters Trump is referring to, went out of their way to at least step in front of a man physical pushing a woman around. Well maybe there weren't any law enforcement supporters at that particular rally, yeah right.
  20. No she didn't, that's Rob's fault. Right now he's shooting girls, it's up to him to shoot out a boy if he wants one. Her job is to do all she can to get that baby to the finish line whole and healthy. At any rate, if he's capable of rationally thinking this out, he may get his boy one day, but his daughter will be a hell of a lot more loyal in the end. She'll take care of him when he's wearing a diaper, while his son will probably be at the mercy of whatever woman catches him in her trap. He should think about that and hope his little girl never sees tape of him telling Disick that he wanted a boy, idiot. The correct answer is always I want a healthy baby and someday I'd like one of each. This way shit doesn't come back to hurt any child's feelings.
  21. This. I remember seasons ago learning about what happened to Kathy and Rosie's mother. But I also remember hearing that something went down between their father and Gorga Senior, it had something to do with owing money, a business deal I think. Actually, I think it was said that Gorga Senior owed their dad money and so... At any rate, I always got the impression that because the two siblings were estranged so were their kids. No way did I buy that they were sharing holidays after what went down between Gorga Senior and his brother in-law. So why in the hell is it up to Tre to embrace them now? She was a kid, she didn't grow up being close to them. She got this gig first and I don't blame her one bit for not trying to make it easy for Kathy and Rosie to get screen time. She doesn't have to, she's not close to them, and I don't buy that she nor her brother grew up being close to them because their parents weren't close. Joe Gorga attached himself to the Wakiles to stick it to his father IMO, because he was pissed at the closeness between his father, mother, Tre and Juicy. Now it looks like he and Melissa are ready to drop the Wakiles now that they have been brought closer into Tre's fold.
  22. I thought she said she fainted again, something to that effect like that may have been cause for concern that the brain tumor may be back. She didn't say anything about her getting testing, but I assumed that is what must be going on. But I don't think I heard her say definitively that the tumor had come back.
  23. This is exactly how I see it, but this campaign will never learn, DO NOT MAKE THE PRESS HAVE TO CHASE YOU. They could have worked this to the advantage of her tough, tenacious persona had they played it right. I mean after all, our enemies don't give a shit, they don't stop just because our president is under the weather, said president has to keep on keeping on and that's what she was doing. But no, Mook and Co. who are suppose to be running the show, leave a vacuum for the press to make insinuations. I mean, who's running this show? If Clinton hired you folks to run the campaign and she's not listening to advice then quit, otherwise I'm blaming you for every bad decision. "The press is your friend." "The press is your friend." The press is your friend." They need to be hypnotized to this because they aren't going away. I've watched enough presidential campaigns in my lifetime to know that the press practically lives up in the candidate's colon, that's the way it is. There's no cutting them off.
  24. This whole thing is going to blow up in Delores and Jacqueline's face. I believe those two and Tre have a long history of friendship, it seems like they were a real close trio at one time. Although both Jacq. and Tre seem to have remained close to Delores throughout their rocky relationship. Now, they couldn't stop Rosie nor Kathy from going to the book signing, but the fact that they were over Kathy's house sticking their noses in the "Gorga" family issues, then staying mum about it and not giving their long time friend Tre a heads up, I think that's the stuff that rubs Tre the wrong way. Just mind your own business on that front, let it work itself out. Bottom line, you are not family, you are suppose to be Tre's close friends, but you're not family. Also, Tre didn't ask for your help, if she did, then I'd say she asked for those two to meddle. Their loyalty should be to her, not going around, above, nor behind her back to talk stuff out with her somewhat estranged family members. They probably don't even know all the history, just what we've all heard on this show, which is what pissed Tre off in the second place, behind the fact that Kathy and Co. are on this show in the first place. Milania is going to make an excellent nurse, she's a sweet child. The children are the most interesting people to watch on this show. Watching Melissa's daughter's reaction to her parents' discussion on her mother working, with the extended family and there reactions was interesting. Gabriella's face was also interesting as she watched Nicholas, I'd loved to know what kind of observations she was making. And yes Tre, your kids are smart and know exactly what "camp" is and it ain't where kids go on summer vacation. Also, whether you're a bad person or not..."camp" is a place for people who DO bad things Tre, own it. Does it mean you can't redeem yourself and be a person that goes forward to do good things, no, you can. We'll see if you do.
  25. One of these Trump surrogates was on and said that her deplorable comment signals to conservatives that should she become president, they won't be welcomed at her table because she doesn't value them as Americans. Mike Pence with his bullshit about how she must be referring to all the law enforcement supporters of the Trump/Pence ticket. My personal response to that is that if you put on that badge and practice racial profiling, then go home at night to your Klan meeting, then yeah, she should mean you too. They're always trying to hide behind badges of honor with their bullshit, when it's the person who makes the badge. The badge in only as honorable as the person who wears it and those who don't wear it with with honor, dishonor the badge.
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