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Everything posted by represent

  1. They always sell her short, she posted over a million votes. Lawrence O' Donnell made it a point to state that out of all the candidates she got the most votes, that Bernie came in second to all the candidates, and Trump was in third place. She got over a million votes in NYC, yet his win was big, yeah, OK. Instead, I assumed they spent most of the their airtime talking about how a grown ass billion, dollar businessman, is gradually learning how NOT to act like a spoiled, obnoxious child during his victory speech. They literally tout this shit as an achievement.
  2. Yep, the more hateful her critics sound, the more I'm here for this show.
  3. I don't see how they are seen as some good couple, at least not yet. I don't think any of these people can come together with anyone and make a good couple. They are all too fucked up right now to be able to do so IMO. I mean weren't Adam and Jessa just in a recovery program? I'm not saying one should be alone if they are a recovering addict, they too need support. But to delve into a serious relationship with expectations too soon, I would think could jeopardize that recovery. It should definitely be a lot slower than these two are going. Jessa should not be stressing herself out as to if she's woman/maternal enough to suit Adam, or what she thinks is Adam's expectations. And the fact that Adam was practically stalking her...please, he showed up at one of her recovery meetings that was just for women and couldn't take no for an answer, this to me goes right along with addictive behavior. I'm even going to add Ray to that list since I personally think taking Marnie back is clear sign of low self-esteem. None of these folks should be considered good significant other material right now.
  4. If these idiots ever listened to black radio, which they don't, they would know that they like to have a lot of fun. They talk about political issues especially those affecting the black community, but they spend most of the segments having a good time, joking around. Even if she didn't carry hot sauce and said she did, then gave a shout out to Beyonce' they wouldn't care because at that point, they would have been all joking around. I don't suspect that they at that point in the interview they were talking about the crime bill. Let's see, crime bill, segue into hot sauce, no, they were joking around. And of course she's pandering, just being on the show is pandering for crying out loud, she's trying to earn votes as is every damn candidate. But her pandering comes with facts and what she thinks she can do instead of simply telling listeners ALL they want to hear. Would she have been on the show if she weren't running? No, and I sure as hell am not going to fault her for that, Meeka is utter trash. Rolland Martin has said repeatedly on his news show, on black television, that these candidates on both sides of the aisle need to come to where black people are to reach them, his news show and black radio are a must in order to do this. Rand Paul I think is the only candidate who came on his show and he extended an invitation to them all. Then Hillary and Bernie did his forum back during the primaries held in the south. So again, good for Hillary, you go where the voters are and where it may be best to reach them. Focusing on whether she really carries hot sauce in her bag or not is total bullshit.
  5. Well, you've done your research. You think Hayes is bad, Lawrence O'Donnell isn't much better, he seems to be putting quite a few of his toes onto the Hillary is corrupt bandwagon. I'm sure he'd chalk it up to honest journalism. But once again, the insinuation that she did something wrong/unlawful in giving paid speeches when she was NOT serving in the Senate, isn't good journalism. I love how MSNBC has been running the Clooney interview on loop but seem to mostly replay the part of the interview where he agrees with Bernie, not the part where he explains where the money is going. I like how no one is talking about all the money Bernie gets from the tech industry. They're big business aren't they?They don't have a special interest? They aren't your little one person, one vote, 27 dollar folk. And how come no one has asked just who all these online contributors are? LOL, it's probably Republicans contributing all the money, because they want him to win the nomination for sure. I almost want him to win the nomination so the Republicans can tear his socialist ass to shreds.
  6. Didn't Caroline a few seasons ago, when she first showed up, well that's when I first saw her, slit her wrists? Why do I remember her going into Hannah's bathroom, stripping down naked, or at least she had her panties off, and then Adam/Hannah finding her standing there with blood running from her wrists. Or maybe she was standing there half-naked threatening to slit her wrists. Did this not happen? Because if you missed that display as a viewer I could see not having the history on this character's mental illness. But I think a scene like this happened, which is why I've always understood that she was mentally fragile.
  7. Yep, you hit on the nail. I'm with you on every word and even more happy now that she dumped him. Now that I think about it, he kept saying that he wasted a year with her and when he says that part you can really hear the disgust. As in, I wasted a year on waste. Then he went on about how good of guy he was and what a good boyfriend he was...all his wonderful traits as the perfect guy, yet with all his perfection he chooses to be with her. When I saw him, I was like, this motherfucker is still there?! I cracked up, OMG. That's it, he looked down on her and thought he could write off his relationship with Hannah as charity.
  8. LOL, then there was a sign about the government being good. Colin and that coffee shop scene of flat out discrimination, then there were two uniformed cops sitting right at the counter to witness it, just hilarious. He was standing right next them and they didn't flinch when he yelled at the hippie, bun guy to leave. I busted out laughing. Then the crack about tattoos and if you didn't get them as a soldier in like a world war, then you're not welcomed...So many funny lines, it was the funniest part of the finale for me. Actually, I saw her as being very sane, her raised voice didn't distract me because Fran was also screaming his points. The problem was, his points made no sense and hers did. She offered to call/pay for car service, but it just wasn't working and when she said out loud to him that he didn't even like her, he never denied it. Instead he said so what to that, and the loved her. Come again? Look, it is very true that you may not like family members, but you still love them. But this is not that case, they are not family. I wouldn't even say they've been together long enough. They have not been in a relationship, even married where they started out truly bonded, really liking each other, best friends, a deep bond of love and as the relationship went on changes occurred. They had times like all couples have when you're not really liking one another but the love is still there under the surface. Then yeah, I would get his sticking around and fighting for it. They just are not a good match, and they don't even have long enough of a history IMO for Fran to be carrying on this way. Why in the hell one would want to start out with someone they don't even like is beyond me. All I can say is he too, is on the long list of characters on this show whose flaws continue to get in their way of finding true happiness. Yeah, this scene was surely a green check mark for Hannah, an adult moment, unlike in the last episode with her running through the bathroom in her pajamas, outdoors, to avoid this much needed conversation with Fran.
  9. I think Hannah's mom's story about being happy that the friend who stole her boyfriend was dead, gave Hannah pause. I saw her face and she did not agree with that sentiment especially since she spent the earlier part of the episode telling that schoolmate that she still loves both Jessa and Adam. That was the height off of her Come to Jesus moment which she finally ended with a pretty cool fruit basket, accompanied by a heartfelt note, and a pretty cool story.
  10. This may be the case, if I think back, the only thing I can grab onto in terms of Hannah is her telling her parents that she needed to run as it helped her to deal with them. I think I read a post a while ago with someone saying that maybe she was acting out in response to her parents, maybe that was what her behavior basically amounted to. But everyone else's story didn't seem to be all over the place for me.
  11. I didn't think the clarity was odd, because it was the old saying the grass is always greener...When the girl was sitting there crying because she realized she had nothing left to say, and seemed to have loss sense of herself, I think Hannah had a realization that it could be just the beginning for her. She was looking at the girl as if wow, you're a "real" writer and you've accomplished so much, only to hear the girl express the opposite. From the time she came back from Iowa Hannah's been in a rut, aimless, and feeling that her life thus far hadn't amounted to anything. Speaking with this old schoolmate made her feel like her experiences mattered and that she still had a lot to say. Her turn around made sense to me. I liked Shosh's ending and Hannah's the most. Ray and Marnie, ah. Adam and Jessa, ditto, I don't get what's going on there. Are they falling in love but can't help but feel guilty about Hannah? Hannah's parents need to let that situation go, and be friends. Live their true selves divorced. I think they could be friends, but this situation they've got going doesn't seem all that fulfilling for neither one of them. Elijah, I get his ending and I'm OK with it, if next season it leads him to something better both professionally and personally. I'm actually not angry at Dill, they were in the beginnings of their interaction, no one said the word love did they? So he made a realization and I'm hoping next season Elijah will too. I did think the scene at the end with Elijah and Hannah's mother was cute. Oh, Colin was hilarious, no one with a bun....Shosh is good at what she does.
  12. That's right. I actually thought she had a small smile on her face as she and Hakeem looked at one another after he proposed to,I forgot her name. She didn't look pissed to me. She looked like oh well, I'm still fond of you, but whatever, that's how she looked to me. Earlier on when she saw them kissing in the dressing room, she looked a little annoyed, but not by the end IMO. I like Tiana too. Luscious, mental illness, his upbringing...but bottom line, he's just straight up ignorant. With his God Complex, I have no hope of him becoming less ignorant when it comes to mental illness. Cookie is still everything.
  13. OK, even I, who have not seen every episode of this show, remembers the scene with Ray/Adam and a dog. I can't remember where the dog came from, but Adam was returning it? Trying to find the owner? Ray was with him, I can't remember why, but he was with him. They got into an argument and Ray pretty much said in a matter a words, that he was not attracted to Hannah and I think he even questioned why Adam was... Yeah, he literally said that he did not find her attractive. Then Adam got pissed and I think Ray left. I don't remember which season the episode was in, nor do I remember any of the other scenes from the episode, but I pretty much remember a scene like this. So, did Dunham forget this? What is she talking about? Is she coming undone like Hannah? OK, what's up?
  14. It wasn't that big of a deal, but it's times like these that I think there maybe some people in her camp that she should be giving a side eye to. I bet she doesn't even know what CP time means in the black community. DeBlasio does, but I doubt that Clinton does, and I don't think it was explained to her. DeBlasio wouldn't need to explain it, since right after HE said CP time, she responded with something I can't remember it was the CP standing for something politician related. But again, someone in her camp did not have her back, like they didn't have her back when they sent her out there to say that Bernie wasn't around way back when she took on healthcare. They failed to remind her that they had already had that debate and the note that she wrote Bernie thanking him for his support was already posted all over the place. Her campaign team is pissing me off, this is their job IMO. I mean Karen Finney, doesn't know what CP time stands for? You mean to tell me she couldn't nix this idea seeing as the heat is coming down all over Hillary for her husband's crime bill? They get on Clinton if she breathes too hard, why give her unnecessary headaches Team Hillary? Why? They are supposed to be on her and this campaign like a Helicopter Parent. Then Mook is on tv, running circles around Hillary being called a hypocrite for going down to the picket line to support Verizon workers when she got paid six figures for speech from said company. WTF? You mean to tell me he can't say something to the effect of, "Well, I don't think it's hypocritical for her to support them seeing as Verizon paid her what she thought she was worth. Therefore, she supports Verizon workers in their fight to get paid what they feel they are worth." This is capitalism, she had a service to sell, someone was buying and she made bank. Unless it's illegal or unethical and it is wasn't because she wasn't holding office when she was giving speeches, then... I mean am I nuts? What am I missing? Is this not an appropriate response instead of blatantly avoiding the question? Because she gave the speeches, everyone knows that, you can't keep going around in circles here. As for Bernie, he didn't give any Wall Street speeches because they don't want hear what he has to say, this is a given. Most importantly, he didn't have a resume that had put him on the world stage. And who thinks Wall Street would pay anyone to come talk shit about them right to their faces? Anyway, her surrogates drive me nuts.
  15. A political journalist from NY was on With All Due Respect and he was making fun of it and said that the joke is, Kasich was wasting his time because the Jewish sect he was visiting doesn't even vote Republican. He was talking about how the candidates except for Trump and Clinton, don't really understand what they are doing in NY, they don't get the politics there at all.
  16. Leslie Stahl, please take your grandma talk and go home to your rocking chair. You've just insulted every woman who doesn't have an innate yearning to be maternal. Meaning, they don't want children and therefore don't want grandchildren. The whole segment was disgusting. Had she just come on and gushed about her grandchildren without trying to cheerlead Joe's and every Hillary hater's sentiment that she is evil and possibly now an evil grandmother, I would have received her in a much more positive light. Like I said many months ago, does Hillary need to go out on stage with Charlotte in her arms? I'm beyond sick of these people. Then the men, rather boys on the panel with their oh we have penises so we don't gush over our grandchildren, dumb, backward dipshits. Go Claire McCaskill, I like that lady, tough lady.
  17. Thank you Chris Hayes for covering this underlying theory that still lingers in the back of my mind, that I have never been convinced that Trump was actually trying to win. First and most important is, there is no way in hell he's trying to live in DC, no way. I just crack up imagining him screaming that he can't get out of this "thing" and who the hell else is there left to offend, they won't let me go...WTF?!
  18. IMO Larry David was a poor comparison, I think this show is a dramedy, while Curb and Seinfeld were comedies. Just straight humor, none of the characters were presented as taking themselves seriously. They were idiots, with the occasional wife or parent there to roll their eyes at the behavior. They didn't even consider themselves to be adults. They couldn't show any growth, because it would take away from the humor that fans like me who just loved these two shows enjoyed. At the end of Seinfeld all four main characters went to jail for breaking a Good Samaritan law, and that shit was comedy gold, down the very last second. You knew they were losers, and that they spat on society's conventions, but if you liked and understood that kind of humor you came back for more. This show, I chuckle here and there, but I take these characters seriously, because I see them taking themselves seriously. They seem to be in search of something, meanwhile Larry and Jerry and all their friends were always trying to get out of doing something. They had absolutely no desire to contribute at all, LOL. That's why it's easier to be disappointed when the characters on this show don't show growth. This show is not just about comedy, it is about relationships and being a productive member of society. I never expected, nor looked for any of these characteristics on Seinfeld and Curb, because they were never presented that way, ever.
  19. Right, it depends on who's doing the flashing. If the person is hot, well then...there's still outrage, with a hesitation, in honor of their beauty/hotness, LOL.
  20. Curb and Seinfeld was just straight up funny. Not one serious word was spoken, not one serious act, LOL. Just nonstop laughter, no one was truly in love, or tortured, or even really trying to achieve anything good, I'm cracking up as I type this, thinking about both shows. But back to Girls, I can also guarantee that "looks" are definitely at play here. I guarantee if she was a hot blonde, think of any "hot" blonde, by Hollywood, popular culture standards...had she spread her legs for the boss, there would still be outrage. But folks would not be able to help themselves to give a shout out to her outer beauty while condemning her inner ugliness. There would be cries of she's so beautiful, so why does she behave this way. If only she'd clean up her behavior she'd be perfect cause she's so beautifu (eye roll). Please that's is how it goes.
  21. Yeah this is the problem in life, people's expectations and learning to adjust when they aren't met, or one could just turn the channel. This article doesn't speak for this viewer. Because this viewer can go along for the ride once and while that shows a character that doesn't grow, because guess what? That's real, human beings are creatures of habit, even when those habits are the worst and keep giving us the same outcomes. Once again, I'm left with the question as to whether this character would be so offensive to the critics had she been a he. Once again, female characters do not have to be likable or rather, shouldn't have to be likable. I do have an expectation that this will be wrapped up in some way, but if it ends with Hannah falling completely apart because she didn't learn, nor grow, then fine. I'm hear for it, because it seems real to me. I can't with this quote, really? This quote is just dumb to me, sorry, this is dumb.
  22. Damn, evil lives and reigns forever in that old bat, Phyllis Schlafly. That old ass woman is still alive, in her 90's...90 plus years of evil from one person. Bitch can't even walk without assistance, can't hold the damn microphone, yet can still get out of bed just to emit that kind of EVIL. Come on man, come on.
  23. Exactly, and her dad is a drug addict. Which someone posted he probably went out and relapsed as a result of all this. He was in no way ever strong enough to try and get Caroline help, and like I said, the mentally ill can need convincing to go and check themselves into a hospital. Laird in no way seems to be capable of grasping the situation enough to recognize the signs that his wife is having an episode, much less call over family members and support to try and convince her to get help. He's always seemed to be completely unaware to me. Which is why I wasn't the least bit surprised when he nonchalantly told Adam that Caroline went the store 3 days ago and hadn't returned. Like, that's normal, no big deal, I really wasn't surprised at all. I haven't watched every season of this show, so I missed some things, but I saw enough of him to know he can't handle much anything. He's sweet, but again, he too is not well. By the way, I don't think Adam is going to end up with Jessa, nor will he be written to return to Hannah. I think his great love at the end of this show will be his precious niece. He's going to take care of her, he is not going to have the patience nor time for these Girls' "issues." In the next episode, it looks like he's trying to tend to Sample, feed her, and all "baby" Jessa can do is sit there and whine about Hannah. Enough, go wash a few onesies to help out or just leave.
  24. LOL, I feel the same way. No way with my with my obsession with cleanliness would I be able to have her in my home. Maybe my car? But I like Hannah. And no way in hell is a barefoot, walking on the streets of NYC Marnie, getting in my bed, HELL NO. Walking barefoot on the grass in the country is one thing but...
  25. I think he is trustworthy. But he's also trusted to NOT to fall in line because he's not a true card, carrying Democrat. He sides with them on many an issue, but he doesn't play the game. It's all or nothing with him. I'm pretty sure his rating for compromising is pretty low and that's why he doesn't have the endorsements. If there is one thing in a bill he doesn't like, seems like he'll chuck the entire bill and not vote for it. I know I saw on one of these MSNBC shows, a clip where it said that he and Ted Cruz had the lowest rating for compromising on capital hill. As in he's get an "N" for Needs Improvement at the very least when it came to working well with others on the Hill. While we all know Ted gets and F, he doesn't just chuck bills, he doesn't even consider them and he shuts down the government. For me, this is not what I want in my president. I actually want someone who is going to play the game a little. I actually want someone who is going to make deals which means they ARE going to have to compromise. Compromise, which means not getting everything you want and prioritizing. Bernie didn't want to sign the bill for immigration reform way back when which seemed like they could have gotten it passed. They claimed there were enough Republicans on board. He claimed that he spoke with a Latino group that said, the bill had something in it that didn't protect workers and said that they were treated as slaves. OK, don't know if I buy that entirely, but I do buy that this was even more so about him feeling that those jobs should be going to American citizens. The question is do Americans want those jobs? No, they don't, well, let me speak for myself, I don't. Yeah, the work that requires one to work in the fields all day picking crops. I remember HBO showing a documentary and employers/farmers saying that they couldn't get Americans to apply for these jobs, that they couldn't handle the work. Yep, they showed them on payday, when they would go to the check cashing places and then send what money they could home to their families. The money that evil Drumpf wants to now tax. Fine you want to tax them, provide them a path to citizenship so they can pay taxes just like the rest of us, but don't act like they aren't providing a service that is hard to find from most of the citizens in our country. Because they are, I'm not trying to do that work and it needs to be done. Yeah, she seems to be all over the place and making me turn the channel each and every time.
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