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Everything posted by Zanne

  1. I think what they meant with twisted jaw is that the top and bottom teeth don't line up. They are misaligned either side to side or front to back (meaning either one set of teeth is shifted to the right or left or they result in a severe underbite). I've seen it recently in the Little Women series, if you happen to watch that. Monie has the side shift and Cayleigh has the underbite. If you look up images of twisted jaw, you usually can't really see it to where you think someone looks deformed, but you can see it when they talk.
  2. The most ridiculous thing about Riverdale is the size of the school bathroom stalls. Did you see how huge that thing was with Betty fully sprawled out? A family of 5 plus their pony could live in there with room to spare.
  3. This is exactly what I thought. This should have been another people-are-monsters-too episode, and then they ended up going with actual monsters. Humans are a messed up species - I could see people bidding on what part to cut off next or what kind of torture to use. My knowledge of live view porn sites pretty much extends from fanfic reading, but isn't that kind of how it works? The person will do so and so only if the donations of the viewers reach a certain point? It would have made the story more horrifying to know that no monsters were behind it, even in theory.
  4. The most repugnant part of Hawaiian pizza is the Canadian bacon. Sorry, Canada. I love your Mounties, but I hate your bacon.
  5. I'm somewhat relieved to hear that Christine's wedding dress was an unfortunate accident and not purposefully chosen in a room that had a working light and a mirror. It looked like a garment bag.
  6. My biggest takeaway from this episode was that Dean was wearing a very pretty lilac lip gloss in the alternate universe.
  7. I remember when they went on the hike and got engaged, Mykelti had a huge bruise/scrape on her face. She explained it away as being clumsy and I was extremely alarmed since FT had already shown his controlling qualities. This marriage is doomed if Mykelti manages to scrape together at least a teaspoon of common sense. After she read my angry, horrified tweet about Tony planning to smash cake in Mykleti's face even after Mykelti told him no, one of my friends said that if her groom did that, she would walk right out of the reception and find a divorce lawyer. She has strong opinions on the cake smashing "tradition". I agree - it's not charming or cute, it's disrespectful and gross.
  8. If they go there, I will be very angry. First of all, schools do not put kids on the certificate track on a whim. Psycho-educational test results, adaptive measurements, and a whole assortment of criteria are looked at and the parent has to agree and sign the IEP. That decision is discussed at every annual meeting, especially once a student is in high school. Plus, I cannot see Maya not reviewing any and all paperwork after every IEP meeting, and if she saw that, she would have said something the moment it happened. If they do something that stupid, then they are just being lazy because it just doesn't happen like that. It's insulting to those of us who work hard to make sure students with special needs get what they need in order to be successful in school.
  9. I thought Mykelti looked pregnant in that blue dress, but if they got married a year ago, I guess that wasn't the excuse.
  10. Andrea doesn't even take care of her first baby; the grandparents have reared that child from birth. It was so sad when the grandparents told Andrea that her son asks why he's not with mommy and daddy when he sees pictures of them with Aubrey and Andrea completely ignored it. She has zero interest in raising her son because it's easier to have her parents do it. If she had Andre with her, Chris would already be gone, just like he will when this next kid is crowning.
  11. Plushies = stuffed animal looking types, like a toy (often literally), whereas Furries = more anthropomorphic, like animals with human attributes. Plushie = Barney, Furry = Disney's Robin Hood fox At least, that's what I gathered. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
  12. Is the Plushie thing an important plot point or is it just another indicator we're in the world where there's an imaginary, bilingual flying blue unicorn?
  13. Wow. I really do need to get the prescription for my glasses checked! I totally thought it was Barbara Streisand.
  14. As an Education Specialist, I've worked with speech therapists for years. I've noticed that several have hints of a speech disorder themselves. They likely had speech therapy while in school and enjoyed the experience, so that's what they wanted to do when they grew up.
  15. Maybe it's a subtle reference to Dean being the "angel" on Sam's shoulder. I can't remember that scene or what they were talking about, but if it happened to be Ketch(?) then it could be symbolic of Dean being the voice of reason and Sam not listening (again). Dean was also over Sam's right shoulder which implies he's "right". I dunno. It was a weird choice.
  16. Aww, Puppy. I thought she was just referencing your average zombie when she said frozen puppy since they call zombies puppies and kittens. If it really was Puppy, I'm devastated! While the plane was infected, so was the lady in the bathroom when Carly went to wipe off her face. Whatever started the z-apocalypse had already spread before the plane crash zombies began attacking. This does make it seem like it all suddenly started at once, rather than a patient zero slow spread. It does make me wonder what killed the women in the bathroom. An unfortunately timed heart attack? Taco food poisoning?
  17. What I don't understand is that with these potentially dangerous outcomes, why is the entire town watching every transformation? With both Black Bolt and the Man in the Iron Mask, they could have stepped out of the box and killed their entire audience without realizing it. Yet there appeared to be no safety precautions in place, from what we saw in the show. It's a bit like throwing your kid into toxic waste just to see if he or she would get superpowers.
  18. Or cut his vocal cords, rendering him mute, rather than messing with his brain.
  19. They seem to find a worse group for every Little Women incarnation. The Dallas batch is pretty much 100% truly loathsome, and that's saying something since I thought Atlanta was the lowest they could go. I started out watching this franchise because it was supposed to show us what life was like for a little person, but it's become nothing more than any other trashy reality show. The only people who appear on this show now seem to be just plain awful examples of human beings.
  20. Pardon my shouty cursing, but this show is BULLSHIT. Why is the completely sane vet being treated like crap when those two overly helpful (and stupid) humans would be slaves buried alive in a mine by the Royals if they were unlucky enough to live on the moon? This show is so bad. It's a human rights violation sponsored by Marvel. I 100% do not understand how anyone who wrote this travesty thought the Royals were in any way the good guys. They are assholes. Sister princess proved she was related to Medusa by her sheer horridness to any human helping her who she doesn't want to sleep with. Plus, she was actively trying to kill her beloved dog by making him transport her and her booty call all over Hawaii while he's injured. I'm still on Team Maximus. Sure, he murdered a guy, but he's still far less heinous than the rest of the Royal family and he's at least talking about the unfairness of the system rather than blatantly exploiting it. God, I hate this show. I keep hoping the Royal family gets vaporized in space by the final episode.
  21. The logical continuation to the man's "Do you know how much a slave cost?!" argument is "If it wasn't for how expensive slaves were, my family totally would've had at least a dozen working on the farm!" Which, yeah, makes his point that the Civil War was not about slavery at all. *eyeroll*
  22. I have so many opinions regarding this show, and none of them are good. I don't know many of the names, so.... Wanna-Be Bodybuilder is a vile human being. You don't get to determine how someone feels about their own miscarriage or the guy that helped plant it. I don't understand why they are fighting over the guy anyhow considering he is an unfortunate looking person with zero personality, from what I've seen. Plus, he talks about the girl he lived with and knocked up like she's a whore, dismisses her feelings, and treats her like crap. What a keeper! Get in line, ladies. I'm sure my mother would love for me to bring this one home for dinner! While Cayleigh (?) has issues with a capital Newsweek, I don't like how the other women use her as their verbal punching bag to make themselves feel better about their own terrible life choices. Asta continues to be a spineless nonentity, just there to fill a chair. She must be glad the others have decided to pick on Caleigh because she would fill the lowest spot on the totem pole otherwise. Emily needs to stop fixating on having another baby. She is so messed up that I'm surprised her counselor let her out of the building without supervision. I'm hoping the guy she keeps begging to impregnate her again keeps telling her no, but we all know that won't last long. The one with the young abusive boyfriend is a terrible friend. She will get knocked up next, which will allow the giant baby that is her boyfriend to control her the rest of her life like he dreams of doing. I don't know why Rachelle is even on this show. It's reached the point that if every single cast member were drowning, the only one I might save would be Bri. At least the millstone that was Wooda is gone, and she has that cutie Malik to look after.
  23. I'm wondering at all the leather available on the moon. I would assume it's required due to the cooler temperatures on the moon, but then there's Miss Sleeveless of the Leather Pants that blows that theory. But, she does have fire powers, which may excuse her from needing a coat.
  24. Maybe the production has a tiny seed of conscience packed in their carry on and feel that if they keep Matt and Brianna here they can keep an eye on things rather then send them home and have Dateline knocking on their door in a month when the police can't find Brianna's body.
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