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Everything posted by Zanne

  1. I'm a middle school SpEd teacher, and I agree with a lot of what you say. I've got students who are low functioning, but are able to do things on their own, such as carry their backpacks or walk to their next class. However, it's the General Education students that will take their backpacks to carry for them or take their hands to walk them to class, which frustrates me to no end. It's almost like the inclusion portion is making the other students go out of their way to be helpful, but in ways that inhibit the independence of these students. I've also seen the parents whose students were put into inclusive settings in elementary school come up to the middle school expecting things to be exactly the same, but elementary and middle school are two entirely different worlds. The work is exponentially more difficult, there is a lot more of it, and there are twice as many kids in each class. So when their student is placed in the SpEd class they should be in (and was agreed upon at the transition meeting), the parents say it's too low (even if the child is not doing particularly well in this "low" class), and insist that their child was doing what the other kids were doing in elementary school so he should be doing that here. So when pushed up into the more General Education classes, the parents say the work is too hard, and even with a lot of support the student is failing. This leads to a lot of stress for the student and the parent lays all blame on the school even though we're bending over backwards with accommodations to make this child successful in this placement. The parents refuse to realize that maybe the work is beyond what their child can achieve successfully at this point. It's a fine line. You want to push where you can, but it does reach a point where it's actually hurting the student more than helping. But some parents seem to want their child to be in those General Education classes with the "normal" kids more than they want their child to be successful and happy.
  2. With an instruction list that long, Mom had to have talked to them days before to make sure they understood what was required for the trip. It would have been rude to throw that on them the last minute. I was diagnosed with Type I Diabetes when I was very young. You can bet my mother had conversations with every parent when I stayed over at someone's house for a slumber party, and it did not happen last minute. There was a lot of prep involved. Admittedly, as I got a little older, I was just as embarrassed by it as Sean appeared, but it made my mother feel better, even if I was more capable of taking care of my own needs, at that point. I was also surprised that John doesn't appear to have a part-time job to help pay for his rap dreams. He is 30, and there are programs that would help prepare him for a job and help him to find one. Most high schools and community colleges have transition program to help young people with special needs that are moving into adulthood to do the same. We even saw a job counselor helping Sean find a job last season. I am glad Mom has put a time limit on rapping because John needs to find something that will help pay the bills. Just like any other artist, you can do what you love, but you also have to do what you need in order to survive. That's why so many wanna-be actors are waiting tables! I liked Megan's boyfriend's mother more no nonsense approach. It may have appeared "mean", but that's probably in relation to Kris' soft-peddling of Megan's limitations when she's talking to Megan. I have to give both sets of parents props for all of their time and effort that go into Megan and Brendan's(?) relationship. Hearing that they had to initiate phone calls and guide them through conversations, set up dates, and drive them there really shows how much they are willing to invest in keeping their children happy - and for seven years! Though, weird observation, it looked like her boyfriend was less into the kissing than Megan was, but that might have been the cameras.
  3. You would be surprised at how much of their limitations is the result of parents enabling their disability, albeit with good intentions. I work with students with special needs and see it a lot. For example, I have a student who has extremely long hair. She can't wash it, brush, it, or take care of it on her own, but her mother has no problem with that. The girl is fourteen. There is no religious reason for the long hair, but the mere idea of cutting her daughter's hair even a little so she can care for it on her own and make her just a bit more independent sends the parent into fits. The result is that the girl looks far younger than she is, which leads to General Education students coddling her because they make assumptions about her abilities due to her appearance. It is a vicious circle because I'm doing my best to make her independent as she can be, but then she steps outside the classroom door and people hold her hand, carry her backpack, and she doesn't have to do a thing for herself. Mom has taught her nothing but dependence on others, more specifically dependence on Mom, and it drives me crazy. This is only one of many things with this particular parent, and my frustration is epic.
  4. I thought maybe it was a sign of the 500+ abandoned Wayward Piners assimilating into the Abbie culture and interbreeding. Margaret seems tolerant when they're not shooting her or her kin.
  5. I thought the "lose a buck fifty" comment meant that Joe would help Todd lose Christy, like helping him get a divorce or find a new woman.
  6. S = stimulation. They needed to fit in the dry humping, fingering, and hand jobs somewhere in their Candyland sex chart. Then L = lubrication would make sense. They don't want any vaginal tearing from underaroused sexual relations for their breeders. They would quickly lose interest if it hurt all the time because they weren't aroused enough to do it comfortably.
  7. It appears to mean "I'll be there for you" in Italian.
  8. I wondered if they were only there for three days since so little was shown. They got there, next day we saw painted on eyebrows and surfing, then the luau and they left. That vacation didn't seem worth the trouble of taking the thousand or so Browns that went.
  9. I agree. When I was in high school, I was in something similar where my calculus class was considered a college course and it in no way equated to a year of college, even though I took it for a year. All it did was knock off the one semester math requirement for my undergrad courses when I finally went to college.
  10. I am 100% behind this idea. Hortense can be the new Love Boat, where random old school actors show up every week to remind people they're still alive.
  11. This is why I don't think Edmure is long for this world. A Frey will kill him off so Edmure's son can become Lord of RiverRun with no one left to contest the seat.
  12. Or that Godawful aqua blue that looks like the bottom of a pool from the 70s. When I go to flea markets, I see every single piece of "upcycled" crap painted in that color and it drives me insane. At this point I'd take orange just so my eye sockets could have a break from that horridly ugly blue.
  13. 1. Depends on how long the body has been dead and the environmental conditions. The body does go through a stiff period, but then it can relax again. 2. No, because some religions do not approve of embalming. In those cases, the body is often buried ASAP. 3. Depends. I read a non-fiction book about morticians and their stories in which they would stick cotton under the eyelids so they wouldn't open. There seem to be several tricks. In Psycho IV, Norma is also young, so it seems as the story progressed, they retroactively deaged her to something that would make a little more sense story-wise if she were killed with her lover.
  14. I thought that Rogelio actually said Charo was his second-best friend in the last episode she was in. Michael being his first-best friend, of course.
  15. When Littlefinger said the Vale was about to join the fray, my brain immediately interpreted it as Frey and wondered if it was a play on words. He could be officially joining the enemy!
  16. Robyn is too pretty to cook so they probably made that useless kitchen into a guest bedroom.
  17. Bravo, mythoughtis! You said it better than I could, with personal experience to back it up. Gender doesn't matter, but whoever you are and whatever happened to you, you should try to take care of your business before you drag another person, especially kids, into your mess. Matt hadn't appeared to even address the issue until he got caught on reality TV, but his reasons for it seem less personal and more oops, got caught, so he needed to do something to seem like less of a jackass. I wonder if this same issue is what ended his first marriage. His willingness to get therapy does not appear sincere, especially after that manipulative display he put on in this episode after filming the Little Women: LA reunion special.
  18. While I agree Jazmin didn't actually ask to move in with Dawn and that was extremely rude when expecting a favor, I think Dawn could have handled the rejection better. "I understand you need a place, but I don't think moving in here is a good idea because x, y, and z. How about I help you as you look for an inexpensive, safe place to live." I think that Jazmin might have subconsciously phrased it that way because she didn't want to live with Dawn and wanted Dawn to say no. That was a sure way to do it. The problem I have with Dawn is that she has no people skills. She goes right to what she thinks is wrong with people and expects them to listen, but will accept no remarks about her own inadequacies. Her rejection ended up causing a larger argument - yes, Jazmin played a big part in it in assuming Dawn should take her in - but Dawn always says she's trying to look out for Jazmin and protect her. Throwing Jazmin out on the street is not protecting her, but helping her find a place to live independently that she can afford would be, if that's what Dawn is so sure Jazmin needs to do. I wasn't surprised Jazmin went to her other friends and their new apartment, because New York is expensive so I would expect someone with little to no income to have to split the rent. I really hope she's paying her friends for the room!
  19. I had my strong suspicions about Jon's parentage after the first episode and they were solidified long before the end of the season one. There have been many clues. No, I'm not a book reader, but it seems (to me) they have been throwing anvils about it that are getting less subtle with each one.
  20. My first thought was Echidna, but going with the Judeo-Christian mythology, Lilith would make more sense.
  21. I thought she was going to give her life for Jon Snow's, and part of that was removing her youth so she could pass it on to Jon.
  22. Maybe he did realize and that was why he had to get rid of her. She wouldn't put up with his malarkey.
  23. They didn't want anyone out on the water to know there were survivors on the island. That's why the dad kept telling Madison that the light she saw was a mistake. There was likely a family rule about no lights after dark.
  24. I just looked this up and apparently if you need the water pipes that were set in your foundation slab replaced, they sometimes will reroute the water through the attic rather than pretty much destroy the foundation of your house to replace the pipes there. It doesn't seem to be too common, but it does happen. It seems to be more acceptable in warmer climates than ones where pipes might freeze. It goes through the attic so it can reach all the rooms where water is needed, such as the kitchen, bathrooms, and laundry.
  25. I believe he directed a music video for that band he was backing for a while - Bill Bailey or something? He and Genevieve starred in it.
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