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Everything posted by anna0852

  1. Speaking of Vance, I know they won't do it but I'd like to see him the crowd at least if Michelle's funeral is shown. He has a deep understanding of what Sam and his children will be going through. Nate should be there too.
  2. They are pretty good as misdirection. I remember there was an episode in the 1st season that made it look like Kensi had been legit killed trying to stop a bank robbery.
  3. What I'm interested to see the shift in team dynamics next season. The blame game aside, Sam is not going to be the same person he was. He just won't be. Not only losing his wife but having to basically watch her die and directly because of his job isn't something he's going to be able to handle and move on from. No sane person could. All these years they've been so careful. We've heard Sam talk time and again about the precautions he takes to keep his family out of the line of fire and ultimately it didn't work. Michelle is dead. And she was the one most likely to be able to defend herself. If Michelle could be taken and killed, what could happen to Aiden and Kam? So what happens next? How does Sam keep doing this job? *Does* he keep doing this job? How will he interact with his coworkers and how will that affect the team dynamic? A huge part of this show is the chemistry. Yes, people have been lost before. Dom died in the first season, they killed of Hunter in the 3rd and we've lost Granger this year. But while Sam might mourn and miss them, that is *nowhere* near losing his wife. No SEAL training is going to somehow prepare him for that.
  4. In 1962 Sister MC *might* be given Valium or another sort of tranquilizer. Anti-depressants and anti-anxiety drugs are in the very far future.
  5. Just read The Handmaidens Tale if you want a horrifying confirmation.
  6. I was thinking the same thing! That they are faking her death, to that Tahir thinks he won and gets sloppy, allowing him to be killed in the recapture attempt. But the promo also shows a scene with Michelle on the table in a morgue so I'm not sure what to think. It wouldn't be the first time something like that was done. Season 5 started with Michelle "shooting and killing" both Sam and Deeks to convince Sidarov she was truly on his side. I just keep coming back to what you said about how this changes Sam. If his job cost him his wife, there is no way he wouldn't quit. I just can't see him staying.
  7. This is definitely a reset button. The only way this could have been reset more is one one of the Main Four had been killed. The bedrock of Sam's character will change, in ways we probably can't fathom yet. Callen has a major challenge in front of him, holding the team together overall and keeping Sam out of prison.
  8. Unfortunately blaming Kensi and Deeks might be a logical conclusion in Sam's mind, even if in his right mind he'd never go there. Sam's family has always been his one weak spot and losing Michelle is going to put him over the edge. Like, get fired and go to prison over the edge. I'm not sure there is anybody that will be able to talk him down. If Bishop got off scot-free on Mothership when Vance works in the same building, then I don't think Nell will be facing much repercussion here. Although I'd bet money Chegwidden will at least become recurring (if not a regular) to help fill the Granger shoes next year. I think Kensi and Deeks are both going to need therapy. Knowing that they'd been in the building that morning and didn't realize Michelle was there is a tremendous burden to carry, whether or not it's deserved. And I'm on the "how could you possibly have know, this isn't your fault" train! This is going to have serious consequences for the entire team dynamic, I'm just not sure what those will be.
  9. No, he's the same Russian bad guy. Siderovs second in command. That's how he could be used to draw Michelle out.
  10. That's what I was thinking. Remember, Vol 2 is taking place only a couple of months after Vol 1, even though the movies are 3 years apart. Infinity Wars will put Baby Groot and presumably Teenage Groot several years in the past.
  11. Raj thinks that building is a dump. He said so several episodes ago. But it would make for easier storylines to put him in 3A. I fear now we'll have more Burt and while he's entertaining, he's like Kripke. We only need him for a couple episodes a season. I'm guessing the Princeton storyline was coverage in case contract negotiations didn't work out Mayim. So glad they did though. Can't imagine how they would have written out Bernie if Melissa didn't re-sign. I just adored Sheldon tonight. He was trying *so* hard and without prompting to be supportive, even though this will totally rock his world. Can you imagine the reaction from Sheldon circa season 4-5?
  12. This was a good episode. Sheldon was so good about Amy going to Princeton. And I loved Bernie and Howard admitting they both have quirks about ending projects. $10 says Amy comes back visibly pregnant from that send off.
  13. She did threaten seriously to fire Callen in the season 7 premire, when he went rogue.
  14. I think it was more the 'Granger singing and having goofy nickname' that threw Callen, not Granger being competent and a bad ass.
  15. Having read Jennifer Worth's books, I have to say Sister MJ is being portrayed as written.
  16. I'd like to see Leonard get the Nobel, which prompts some massively prominent psychiatrist (the kind that would provoke Beverley into the same reaction Sheldon gives Stephen Hawking) to contact Leonard for assistance in completely discrediting Beverly's work.
  17. I nearly wept for joy seeing CJ back at the podium in the press briefing room.
  18. Interesting episode. Sam and Callen now see what their future holds. That last scene of the old crew toasting Granger was lovely, but I want to see our guys doing something as well. Lange's Five weren't the only ones who worked with him, respected him and will miss him greatly. Loved the confirmation that Deeks told Kensi about confessing to Whiting. And that Kensi is rolling with it and supporting him all the way. I have no doubt that she'll be kept aware of his assistance to Whiting moving forward. "No more secrets" has turned out to be exactly that and it's one of the reason I continue to adore this pairing. Yes of course there are silly moments and moments when one or the other is not their 'best self' but overall, this is a functional adult relationship which is refreshing to see in this franchise (side-eyes the one that will not be named on Mothership).
  19. I felt really bad for Zach. Leonard is so dismissive and clearly looks down on him, while Zach genuinely likes him and wishes him well. Zach is clearly impressed by how smart Leonard is and respects his intelligence. And he clearly respects that Penny and Leonard are together. He was really just being friendly by inviting them to dinner and offering Penny the job because he thought she'd like it. Leonard was pretty rude, even if it wasn't to Zachs face.
  20. Heather and Greg are currently stay at home parents. No idea about Matt though.
  21. Valerie doesn't look nearly old enough to have been a nurse in the war, which ended in 1945. It's now 1962.
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