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Everything posted by anna0852

  1. And Sheldon's need for 'parenting' predates Amy by quite a bit. He's gotten this sort care from everyone, not just her. And Amy pushes back quite a bit, which is a bit of a suberversion of the 'parent the husband' trope.
  2. Boy did you call it being a mistake to leave Tahir alive!
  3. Oh this is a grammar thing? Makes way more sense.
  4. I think they were using "it's" in terms of the institution, not the residents. I'm not trying to be snarky and I'm genuinely confused: how is "it's" offensive in that context? I know not to call a person that but an institution?
  5. I think that was a good proposal. Felt very real for them. And about the only light spot in the whole episode. Loved Kensi oh-so-casually detonating that flash bang, just to get her hands on the ring!
  6. Yes, she said so in the episode in which she was introduced.
  7. I think a villain has finally out-done Janvier in the 'complete monster' category. I'm so glad that Sam killed Tahir in that explosion. And god, poor Sam! How does he come back from this? I was hoping till the last second that Michelle's death had somehow been faked but that scene in the morgue just about had me in tears. I did appreciate Callen acknowledging his own lone-wolf tendencies as he was trying to prevent Sam from doing the same. And that Sabatino (whom the team seems to have accepted was not a mole) was well aware of the fact Sam was using him but didn't care. He cared for Michelle too and wants to help. Loved Deeks dealing with Tahir over the phone. So coldly furious but determined to keep him talking to trace the call. You could almost *see* him repressing flashbacks of that faked photo of Kensi's death from Season Five (Spoils of War) or earlier this season when she was still it the coma. Sam is now living Deek's worst nightmare and Deeks knows it.
  8. I did not think they could top the Holy Crap level from last week but I was wrong. Well done show, well done.
  9. I'd like to see Raj working on himself next season, starting with the realization that he *needs* to do the work in order to get anywhere. He had a good start this season with both financial independence and actually asking his former girlfriends where he went wrong but he needs to keep up the momentum. Starting with no more moaning about not having a girlfriend. I've always had the impression that Raj doesn't want to date women for who they are but rather so that he can say he has someone.
  10. I'd like to see Howard's dad too, if only to see Howard confront him about walking out. We've seen in the past how much pain Howard has from his dad leaving and how deeply that affected him. Now that he is a dad himself, I could see that anger really boiling over if the absent dad (since we don't have a name I'm going to call him Deadbeat) ever came back. Howard is a loving and devoted husband and father. I'm sure he couldn't conceive of walking out on Bernie and Halley. Confronting Deadbeat for not only walking out on himself and Debbie, but also going to have another family would be epic to see. I could also see Bernadette ripping into Deadbeat as well. She's very protective of Howard. I know it's a Chuck Lorre show but every so often he gets it just right in addressing the heavier stuff.
  11. I think Amy felt it was worth it though, because she and Sheldon did get to know each other and spend time together as friends first. They were able to find in each other their intellectual equal and allowed things to build from there. I don't think Sheldon could have evolved like for anyone *but* Amy. He clearly feels she is worth it. And Amy has spend so many years lonely that I think slow burn was fine, in that she wasn't expecting *anything* so just getting *something* stood out.
  12. Not sure if this is the right topic but apparently Zoe Lister-Jones (Jen) has written, directed and stars in a movie about a couple that turns their fights into songs and uses those to start a band. Colin Hanks (Greg) and Angelique Cabral (Colleen) are also in it. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt5816374/?ref_=nv_sr_1
  13. I cannot wait to see the wedding. You know Bev and Mary will be there, along with Meemaw. And Amy's as-yet-unseen family. I would love to see former Blossom cast members in those roles. They did it with KC and JG's former shows!
  14. I'm going to handwave him stopping by the apartment for the ring. It's easy enoughto assume he did and we don't need to see it. Probably one of my favorite episodes.
  15. While I'm sure being pregnant and in a wheelchair doesn't automatically mean the mom-to-be is now a delicate glass flower for the next nine months, does it make her higher risk? Are their potential complications that wouldn't have been a factor otherwise?
  16. I don't think Phil will have a problem saying that. He doesn't hover as badly as Claire.
  17. Call the Midwife needs newborns all the time. They have notices up in OB/GYN offices for mom's that deliver (full term and healthy, they don't work with preemies) during the shoot dates and are interesting in letting their babies appear. Mom is on set the whole time, with very limited camera time for the baby and a fully trained nurse-midwife just out of camera range.
  18. I just love Phil and Claire. It's so nice to see that they still love each other and put effort into their relationship. And it was really nice to see Mitch and Jay bonding.
  19. No. Unless they used a doll, there is no way to realistically show a premature baby. They are just too tiny to be on set. I'm fine with handwaving the baby's size.
  20. Phil and Claire longing for the empty nest gurantees that she gets pregnant. Rule of tv.
  21. I can't believe this is justnow occurring to me but I'm betting Gamora and Nebula have decently meaty roles in Infinity Wars, simply because of the insight they can provide about Thanos.
  22. I can't remember the details but there was a way to tell people apart. I know it was too late for Michelle but they could have gotten Tahir before he left prison. Would have made tailing him easier.
  23. Yeah but it was specifically shown at the time to penetrate clothing and you only needed a little to be effective. That was what made it so great. Suspects could be monitored without being aware. They had a whole thing about it.
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