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Everything posted by alexa

  1. This is all very weird to me--I guess I am not understanding the fuss of the smaller ceremony now and a larger one later. Not everyone wants to formalize their marriage at a courthouse, and they kept this pretty simple from what I can tell. And of course they want to celebrate with others later, so going all out then sounds reasonable as well. I am sure all that happened is that she got farther in her pregnancy, and they decided mutually they weren't up to the big wedding right now. I appreciate how they did all of this so quietly and normally!
  2. Well, you all will love then that people that comment on her instagram photos rave to her about how she has the cutest kids ever. No matter what the photo looks like.... lol.
  3. I saw all of that too! Ugh...shows their stupidity considering all of the headlines before the pregnancy were that they can't pay their Amex bills! They drive me nuts.
  4. Here it says that she doesn't have placenta previa this time.... according to her at link below. But I don't know enough about that condition to know if all is clear this early or if it comes up later. Either way, being older, past difficult pregnancies, and having had 4 c sections all lead to potential risks. There is no way she can know she is completely okay or free of issues this early on.... http://celebritybabies.people.com/2016/10/06/tori-spelling-pregnant-fifth-child-dangerous/
  5. I am surprised Geoff doesn't notice how rude and mean his girlfriend is. He seems like a nice guy, and I have a hard time believing that he would be mean spirited towards Erica, and in fact I am sure he isn't over his feelings for her.
  6. I agree with all of this, and it is also pretty well documented by her own accounts which children she loves the most...honestly. She likes Stella and Finn.... she has stated that Liam is a daddy's boy, and that she has never been very close to Hattie because she had Finn so close after that all of her attention went to pregnancy and then to him. It is clear from her birthday letters to her children which ones get her focus, which is sad. This makes me feel like another baby is certainly not going to help the other children feel like they are getting her attention. I guess it also bothers me that all of us here with far less money coming in (but also lower expenses) take the time to consider our health and finances first. That is what bothers me about all of the online comments shaming people for being honest with Tori. She has made it clear she doesn't care if she is broke before she takes on another child, whereas most people have the number of children that is reasonable for them. And most people know when to have concerns for their health before risking another pregnancy. So when she suddenly expects people to simply be happy for her after all of her drama, it is very annoying.
  7. I always hate the "meant to be" comments when it comes to getting pregnant. Sure after you have sex a number of times without protection and nature takes its course--I guess you can call that meant to be. But I call it trying to get pregnant. lol This news really makes me mad. I am so tired of her back and forth in the news about her money--she has some, she doesn't, she is in debt, she is not, and now when it is confirmed she is in debt, she announces another child to come into the world. She is such a prize.
  8. I find it funny how Amber suddenly has changed what she wears as if she is trying to live a sophisticated lifestyle. She throws jackets and such over her clothes and has totally different things on that she used to--such as wearing those shades everywhere. Does she really think her situation has changed that much? It is so weird. I also noticed their nice kitchen has huge bags on the counter (dog food, maybe?). Well, it looks very trailer trashy... :-)
  9. I thought the same thing! It was like one of those shows where you see the interaction before the crime took place. She was probably thinking...omg, the awful teen mom couple lives in our neighborhood! We have to move now...! I am sure she is horrified it was Matt of all people. Plus as was stated above, I hated how the dog isn't on a leash and he just lets it chase everyone down like it is funny. I am admittedly not a dog person and I hate when people have their dogs free to run up to me and then then come up and say, Oh she is very friendly! Well, great, but how do I know that when some random dog chases me down? There are some that aren't friendly....
  10. I agree. I would prefer something in between that represents more of the norm. Going to the obese end of things is not necessarily representative of average. There are so many people slightly overweight that would do the trick if you wanted to have the option to address some weight issues on TV. Speaking of Gilmore Girls, I think they did one thing very right with weight--Sookie was always about being Sookie, not about her weight. She was no lightweight, but she was a fun and quirky character, and she also got a great guy and had kids in the end. Her weight was rarely an issue, and I liked that....she was a person, and you got to know her for who she was.
  11. I also think it is interesting Ryan doesn't participate more because Bentley is awesome at all of those sports for his age! Baseball, basketball, and the motocross stuff. From what I have seen he is pretty good for his age so would be really fun to play with.
  12. That is a good point about all of the characters. Sometimes when they go to a scene with a whole other group I forget who those people are.
  13. I agree. And I don't really like starting the show off with this ominous grandpa that they know nothing about just living in their home--I feel like I am always just waiting for the bomb to drop which isn't really enjoyable for me. By parting comment does that mean you are out for good/done with the show? I am going to try one more, I think. And if it is all about the weight storyline, and I don't get the sense that the grandpa story goes any place positive, I might have to bow out.
  14. Sugar cereals are still popular today, so I am not sure that the decade represented matters. And I will confess, we have some of the sugar cereals in my home on a regular basis. I know they aren't healthy in regard to the sugar, but I guess because the portion that is eaten is small it doesn't really bother me too much.
  15. I have mixed feelings. There are parts of the show I like, but I don't really care about all of the characters enough. I don't really like the sister having a weight related storyline--frankly I find it boring. I know it is realistic, but for a tv show I don't find it interesting enough to go on and on. I think it also furthers the issue with weight in general in society....you have a large person as a character and they can't just have regular storylines--it has to be about their weight. I realize they would have these issues, don't get me wrong, but again, there are other things that can happen in their lives. I do like Randall's family, but wish the dad wasn't around all of the time or living there. I would prefer a lesser relationship to start the show and ease into more as it goes on.
  16. Are they doing these results shows all season, or just for a few weeks like in previous seasons? They recap too much, and run out of things to talk about in hour 2 that they recap what they just recapped. So I doubt I will be watching them anymore if they don't have more fresh material. I missed the Derek / Marilu thing...interesting.
  17. I do think Ryan is different than other dads in the sense he still lives with his parents, works off and on, and still can't find a way to make time. Thus, I agree, Maci might as well accept it as it is. If you have Ryan's parents that are more involved than he is, that says something, and obviously they can't get him to participate appropriately either. And in this case Maci doesn't technically need Ryan's help...she has the time and other people resources to help her.
  18. Well Catelynn goes hiking in flip flops, so there is that! :-) Hopefully a scorpion didn't come out and bite her toes....
  19. That is exactly what they looked like. You only go buy like that if you are trying to prove you are wealthier than you are. Otherwise you would make some careful choices. They are so gross, and are acting like idiots.
  20. I noticed in the closing clips that Maci and Taylor were wearing the clothes they wore for the maternity photos discussed in her thread. Watching Amber and Matt shop was vomit inducing. Wow they think highly of themselves.
  21. I finally got to see this episode, and I completely understand the OMG at Matt saying they are upper class..using the "we". I can't even think of anything to say to that. He sucks. Honestly, I don't think Amber is even upper class by herself given she isn't much of a saver, and though she makes a nice income she doesn't appear to do the right things with the money. And as others have said, she doesn't want to pay child support, and if you are upper class you should be able to handle that. But you add Matt in, and he brings no income to them, and you can't count the 2 tiny houses they flipped--that did not make him upper class. Ugh. Farrah and Simon are odd. In some ways I think they do actually want to be together, because he actually sticks around despite the drama. I don't think he really likes the cameras, so I don't think he comes around for that. But they just don't bring any happiness to each other. I agree with all that was said it was refreshing to have someone tell Farrah what she needed to hear.
  22. Maybe I should not comment until I have a chance to see the pilot, but I watched last night's episode, and I was just bored. I don't think it was that I felt I was missing some major storyline, I just didn't really care about the interaction between most of the characters. I will watch the pilot when it repeats this weekend and see if that changes anything.
  23. I would say it must depend on the area then, because there are just as many males as females where I am. I have had only male ob/gyns for many years now (including those I was referred to by another physician).
  24. I felt like even the kids could have been a little better... Bentley didn't have matching color tones at all, and the baby's clothes were odd to be wearing for photos...not very cute with all of the clothes you could choose from. Taylor looked like he literally just got home from the store as you said...
  25. Okay, but the maternity ones aren't nearly as good. Most of it has to do with lack of cohesion in their outfits/colors. I am not a matchy, matchy sort, but you should try to make sure everyone is in reasonable color coordination, and to also rise to the occasion a little bit if you are going through the trouble of doing photos. http://brittanyphotographs.com/featured/maci-taylor-maternity/
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