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Everything posted by EarlGreyTea

  1. Perhaps no one did and he got his $250 refund, lol.
  2. It's not about looks so much as it is about the thrill of being with someone who is not your spouse and doesn't know your flaws. And trying things your spouse won't. ....I used to find Josh cute around the 14 Kids and Counting era. I hang my head in shame.
  3. Thanks y'all. I had a snarky reply planned, but after hearing what Smugs is getting up to on Ashley Madison, Brandon is automatically the perfect husband by default. I caught a bit of their engagement episode and it's clear Michael saw Brandon as her ideal guy she crushed on from afar. So she must be pretty thrilled now to be married to him, but I also wonder if the reality is as good as the ideal. It would be hard for anyone to live up to that.
  4. I still say she'd make a pretty penny setting up some fundie hairstyling business for weddings. But it would require initiative, drive, and encouragement and she has none of those things.
  5. That's true. Or maybe they would just log in to the actual website to get their messages. Reddit works similarly since it doesn't require an email address either. All of this creates enough plausible deniability though, so I bet Anna and the Duggars will dismiss the claims. If the credit card info turns out to be wrong.
  6. A huge amount of people on that site used their WORK EMAIL ADDRESSES, so this doesn't surprise me. Josh and intelligence don't mix. This is the top news story trending on Facebook. Good job, Josh. The molestation scandal was dying down and this puts the family right on top of the headlines again. I've never seen anyone shoot themselves in both feet quite like this. Edit: I know people could put in any e-mail address they chose, but I'd bet my next paycheck at least some of those email addresses were legit. There were quite a few .gov address too.
  7. I actually really love the bridesmaids and flower girl dresses, mostly from the waist up. From far away the ruffles are too much, but the neckline is finally a great example of how to do modest without having it look like you put a T-shirt underneath (looking at you, Michelle's vow renewal dress). Nice example of the vintage chic Jill was going for. I thought Michael and Brandon were a great couple, but read some chatter on here about how he has a temper? The example cited was when she went up to visit him unexpectedly and he got mad about that. Anyone got the deets? Jury's still out on the wedding dress. The top looks too much like Anna's T-shirt wedding dress. I need to see clearer pictures.
  8. Just a thought, but maybe she just uses her vacation time to spend the week at her home with Susan rather than going on some extended vacation. I get the impression Rachel stays in NYC by herself a lot while taping, and then goes home weekends. ...I've given this too much thought and have creeped myself out.
  9. I wasn't really equating Elizabeth and Mr. Collins to Ben and Jessa in terms of an arranged match. I was thinking more of how Mr. Collins was a bumbling, ignorant buffoon who was dependent on Lady Catherine. Which Duggar spouse does that remind you of? ;) I had been expecting for Jessa a marriage like Alyssa Webster's fundie political royalty marriage. Maybe the Duggar fame turned off a lot of people in their circle. Mods, is the P&P talk off-topic? Sorry if it is.
  10. This guy who's filling in tonight - cannot for the life of me remember his name - is pretty enthusiastic. I like him. I was going to say they should put him on The Cycle which seems like the next step after filling in for various hosts, but alas. It's gone. MHP also teaches and I think lives in Louisiana, so maybe it got to be too much work to fill in on weeknights. Now that a bunch of MSNBC shows got the axe, I wonder if we'll have some of those people bouncing around filling in for Rachel and other anchors who still have their shows. Still bitter about Bashir. He took snark to new levels.
  11. Steve Kornacki is filling in today on Hardball too. I'm imagining him frantically running from studio to studio changing his tie and wolfing down a sandwich. Come back soon to give the guy a rest, Rachel! Apropos of nothing, they should have had Ronan Farrow doing the filling in for various MSNBC hosts, paying his dues and building up a following before tossing him to the wolves with his own show. It's how they had trained Maddow, Kornacki, Hayes, and others, and it worked well for all them. I wonder at them not doing it for Ronan. Rachel really built up her fanbase, IMO, when she filled in for Olbermann.
  12. Yep. Man, what gives? I know Rachel needs time off, Steve Kornacki is really cute, and we're in the "silly season," but I was really looking forward to her post-debate discussion. She did a segment last year or so where she talked about how the midterm election process was being strung out so long that news anchors were extra tired lately, since they were in the thick of the election cycle and could not take any time off. Maybe she's getting her rest now before the primaries really heat up. Guess I'll have to settle for hoping she randomly pops up on this House of Cards episode I'm watching.
  13. She did marry below her status IMO. I see her as their Jane Bennet (without the wit, charm, or kindness but that's beside the point). She could have gotten a Mr. Bingley, but she settled for a Mr. Collins.
  14. Is THAT why the show didn't record Friday? I was so pissed at my DVR because I had been looking forward to her post-debate commentary. Good to know my annoyance was misplaced. I was also disappointed not to see her on the Hardball panel pre- and post-debate too. Those panels are my favorite part of an election cycle. Her immediate reaction to Clint Eastwood's crazy RNC speech is one of my all-time favorite television moments. I doesn't give a crap about Jon Stewart (no offense to him or his fans, just never been interested). Give me my Rachel!
  15. They still insist on putting Jennifer in pink at her own damn birthday party. Don't these people watch their own show? She hates pink and purple is her favorite color. Even a peripheral watcher like me could tell you that.
  16. Candis Cayne wore an absolutely killer blue dress in that first dinner scene, with the cutout in the back. And her hair had perfect waves. Love love love. I kind of hope she takes Cait shopping.
  17. Love love loooove Candis Cayne (Ms. Hudson on Elementary!). Her blue dress in that dinner scene was to die for. So gorgeous. If it's true she is dating Cait, Cait really lucked out. This was a really good episode. A bit hard to watch at times but so important for people to understand how privileged Cait is, not least of all herself. I'm glad in the dinner scene that she mostly stayed silent and let the other women speak about the very real struggles faced by trans people, particularly minorities. I did sense resentment from some of the other women because of Cait's relatively easy transition (comparably speaking) and I'm glad that wasn't glossed over. They have a right to be a little bitter and I'm glad minority women were given a voice this episode. Cait IS the main spokesperson now for trans people, like it or not, so I hope she's taking copious notes and trying to understand as much as she can. Agreed on Jennifer Boylan. What a great, down to earth, sensible woman. I'd kill to take one of her classes. Cait's assistant borders on the annoying.
  18. For me the nicest part of the show, besides Esther's general awesome mother love, was Kylie. She really annoys me - I've never wanted to smack a teen so badly, and I felt bad about that. But she was pretty cute and sweet in this episode. Maybe the loopiness was part of it. It was staged, to be sure, but still a sweet moment when they Facetimed. I bet a smaller goal of this show is to stop the general dislike of Kylie. I have a cousin who transitioned a few years ago. I don't see her very often, and we weren't close growing up - yet I still find myself slipping on pronouns sometimes, especially when thinking about things that happened pre-transition. I can only imagine how difficult it can be for Cait's family to remember that. Interesting process, to be sure. It's nice that they were upfront about it, and that Cait is okay with her kids still calling her Dad.
  19. For real. I did a fist pump when she actually asked him if he thought people could be born gay. How he could stare a gay woman in the face and give that stupid answer about knowing some people who were cured, I have no idea. You could see the wheels turning in his head and I'm impressed she got him to admit that comparing gayness to beastiality was wrong. Baby steps, I guess. She's too nice. I'd pay to see him go on Chris Matthews' show. Martin Bashir would also be fun (I really miss his show - the snark was off the charts).
  20. Rachel's "the more you know" segment really hammered home how much of her show is visual. I usually listen to the podcast on the way to work, but the other day I caught the show on TV and absolutely howled at the stage hand carrying that rainbow sign past Rachel, and her using the xylophone (?) to make the sound. It wasn't at all apparent on the podcast how hilariously visual it really was. I now wonder what else I've been missing by only listening. Looks like Rachel and the rest of MSNBC have caught the Trump bug. It seems like the new Bridgegate. It was funny the first few shows but I've got serious Trump fatigue.
  21. She seriously is the second coming of Jessa. A bit more withdrawn, non-conformist, hates pink, and is the prettiest of the younger girls. Hopefully by the time she's ready she will have a much better selection than mushmouth ignoramus Bin.
  22. I remember that episode. I actually thought all four brides were pretty bitchy, but the shot girl was the most palatable for me. The other girls were acting pretty holier than thou about not wanting to dance, not wanting to drink, not wanting to do this or that, etc. At a wedding you're supposed to be able to drink and be merry without judgment. Although I also get that you don't want to act a fool on national TV, I still found the shot bride to be the one I'd like to party at a reception with. The others acted like it was some major faux pas to do a shot at a wedding.
  23. Wow, did they pay a professional for these photos? I'd ask for a refund. Derick and Jill are out of focus and blurry. Both their smiles look pained. I'd love to see the outtakes. And because this post was overly negative I'll say I think both Derick and Jill look nice. It's interesting that Derick stopped spiking his hair up the way Jill liked.
  24. I actually thought Jill's dress WAS her wedding dress at first glance. The pic is pretty cute though. I wonder if they saved the top tier of the wedding cake.
  25. Is this real? Wow. Maybe when they want to get wild they watch an episode of I Love Lucy. You'd think that would a show they'd watch, but then I remembered it included a - gasp - interracial marriage, a bandleader/actor husband, and a wife constantly trying to work outside the home. Can't have people getting ideas.
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