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Everything posted by EarlGreyTea

  1. Yeah, agreed. I'd like to know exactly what he told them. He may have downplayed it a lot. I can't see starry-eyed, young, naive Anna being okay with it on one hand, but on the other hand she was also in love with her first-ever boyfriend, probably convinced he could do no wrong. In that case, her parents should have put the kibosh on the courtship, as they should have had clearer heads than their teenage daughter. Remember how we all thought Anna made the best marriage of the Keller girls? Guess ol' TFDW takes the top spot now.
  2. Because divorce is so discouraged in this circle (I wonder if they had a covenant marriage?), this whole situation has really made a great argument that all women should have some education and marketable skills, even if they don't intend to use it. If Anna ends up divorcing Smuggar after all is said and done, WHAT exactly can she do to support herself? I doubt the car lot will make much dough if Josh returns to that. She has some education, which is good. But she has no recent job history, probably few marketable skills, with another kid on the way that she wants to homeschool....WHAT would she do? This is truly frightening and makes an excellent argument for women to have some marketable skills in case the worst happens.
  3. When the Honey Boo Boo scandal broke, TLC canceled the show faster than you can say "scandal," and one of the things they did immediately afterward was offer the daughter who was molested some counseling and other resources. I don't see why they wouldn't do the same here for the girls. TLC-recommended therapists sound a whole lot better than whoever JB and Michelle would scrounge up. And while I'm in the Jana thread, can I just say now that I bet a whole lot of us are now thinking "That explains a whole lot." Lots of little things about Jana we've noticed, and things she's said, and general Duggar moments make a whole lot more sense in light of what we know.
  4. Removed the show from my DVR. Was on the verge of doing it anyway but this really seals it. I think it's a good chance the show will be canceled, but others upthread have rightfully pointed out it may make the victims a target of resentment by other members of the family and I don't want that....ugh. I don't envy the TLC brass right now, having to make a decision. I read a lot of poignant, well-thought out posts in this thread but this one was one of my favorites. If there is ANY good that will come out of this, it's that Josh will finally be humbled and finally realize the true meaning of "people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones." He may come out of this with more tolerance and understanding, and will finally realize what real discrimination is. And wow, he really, really reinforces the stereotype that intolerant people who preach discrimination are the ones with the most skeletons in their own closets. And wasn't he one of those who were fighting for that bill to ban transgendered people from using certain public restrooms? Part of the rationale given was that it might give child molestors easier access to children, or something. I hope Josh is taking a long, long look in the mirror.
  5. Was listening to the podcast at work and I snorted SO loudly at that part. I think Rachel's enjoying the downfall too. I simply could not get enough of her Bridgegate coverage, I don't care if she was criticized for squeezing every drop out of that story. And to think I was sure he'd be the 2016 GOP frontrunner. I bet he thought so too!
  6. Thank you Netflix for recommending this to me because of my love of Broadchurch, Luther, and Whitechapel. I love me some gritty dramas. Agree with what's been said above about the big ball of stupid in the last episode, letting Ryan go by himself. For a smart show that was a rare misstep. The other stupid moment was Claire spilling the beans about Richard and Catherine's affair to their son. WTF? It was all clunky. I was thinking the son was going to reveal he was the Ryan's father or something as a twist so I'm kind of glad that wasn't it. Poor, stupid Lewis. The actor did a tremendous job of playing the character's conflicted nuances. Also, he Tommy, and Ashley are all disturbingly attractive. And because I cannot figure out the spoiler function, I'll warn that here is a large SPOILER: Was Lewis's death a suicide or did Tommy kill him? I wasn't clear on that. Finally, Julia Ford as Jenny, Kevin's wife, had a really underrated but great performance. I've seen her before in an episode of Misfits and she just has this realistic quality to her, and I thought she did a great job as a wife who's been let in on a huge secret and is trying to make the best of it.
  7. Feels a bit derivative, but I think I'm in. I watch a lot of horror films, so nothing really scares me except the trope where the protagonist can't leave the haunted house or town, so this is pretty terrifying for me. Juliette Lewis who's been stuck there for 15 years?! Terrifying. I enjoyed the weird 50s vibe, but again it seemed like nothing I hadn't really seen before. Although it is nice that we're seeing the outside, with people looking for Matt Dillon. I thought the cricket speakers in the grass were listening devices, not speakers. Fail on my part.
  8. Her husband is pretty hot, so I guess I get why she's pregnant so often ;) I think it really, really shows that she is uncomfortable in front of the camera because of how hard she overcompensates. Get most people in front of the camera and they tend to try too hard, especially if she's trying to drum up business for her coordinating gig (which, she is horrible advertising). She's really going to come off as overly perky in front of the Duggars, for whom the camera is no longer a big deal. The flamingos were SUCH a horrible idea, though. Is it really true she thought they were storks or something?
  9. I don't think the family ever said anything about it. Frank seems to just post photos of his work online as a portfolio. I believe followers of the show just happened to come upon the photo and run with it. It's telling that the photo was never deleted, which makes me think the family doesn't care because there's truly nothing going on between Jana and Frank.
  10. Also, never thought I'd say this, but JD is kind of attractive when he's being handy. Drilling the holes in the ground and finding solutions to various carpentry issues around the house. Not that those are particularly hard tasks, but still. Stark contrast to cute-but-dim Bin who couldn't even measure a piece of wood or do the simple carpentry tasks JB assigned him. ....Now I feel like I need to go wash out my mouth with soap. Also, how puffy did Josh look this episode?! It must have been the striped shirt. It amazes me how he and Anna kind of went the opposite ways in levels of attractiveness. He was good looking during the engagement and she was kind of mousy and it's now the opposite. Jackson looked so proud of himself for figuring out that the flamingoes needed to be dipped. You'd think he'd hit a home run. Poor guy needs more praise. Also, did anyone catch Groupon misspelled on Josh and Anna's gift as "Goupon?" SOTDRT is the gift that keeps on giving.
  11. I get it. It's part of my generation's unfortunate need to make everything pretty for Instagram and make sure every single life event is documented. Also, it's not like these people can celebrate any other accomplishments like a graduation, or an exhibition of their work, or a job promotion (okay, except Josh that one time), or anything like that. Having kids is the only thing they can really get praise for and celebrate, minus birthdays, which we all have anyway. These two bits of information make Anna more interesting to me than any of the Duggars combined. So she's actually walked the walk and done prison ministry, which is undoubtedly both rewarding and challenging. She's actually associated herself with people the Duggars wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole, but who are people Jesus would accept with open arms. Interesting. I'm sure it helped her learn some empathy and life experience from others. I'd love her if she wasn't so intolerant in other areas.
  12. If I may be shallow...I am finally watching the birth episode and Derick looked really good in that sleeveless shirt with his hair flat and whispering soothing words. His hair looks bad spiky IMO, so of course that's how Jill likes it best. I think he's the type who looks better in motion than in pictures. Anyone notice how Jill adds a k to the end of some of her words? thinking-k, talking-k. It drives me nuts.
  13. I just watched the Jill baby shower episode and wow, Jessa looked AMAZING with her hair in an updo. I would have loved to see that kind of updo on her wedding day. I wonder why all the girls collectively wear their hair down more than they do up. You know there's just gotta be one who prefers it up.
  14. Lol I admit I totally buy a ton of clothing pieces in every color if it's something I like and is flattering. However, I usually lose interest in them after a few years. Michelle has been wearing that lime monstrosity for decades, it seems. I don't understand how Michelle doesn't see how awful her hair looks. She looked great with that makeover a few years ago and in the recent PEOPLE shoot. I guess it's really true that we can never see ourselves clearly, nor can we really understand how others perceive us. Michelle and all of the older girls look great when those shaggy mops are pulled back in a bun or ponytail.
  15. I've always wondered what JB and Michelle thought of that viral photo of a lesbian couple kissing in front of TTH. If Mechelle's hair practically straightened at Jessa and Ben holding hands at dinner, I wonder what she'd do when confronted with any little thing that's different from the bubble they live in.
  16. And I bet he'd be the one person to do it, because he's got SO much dirt on the Duggars he could spill if they object to Jana leaving. Sorry to be speculating so rampantly. The truth is probably that they're just friends and he is so fond of the family he probably wouldn't ever spill any dirt. He and Marjorie could compare notes on the Duggars' insensitivity to their respective cultures as in-laws.
  17. My bad, this one is better. I actually don't think he'd go for her - she's lovely and sweet, but he seems to be a bit more hipster and I don't see any non-Christian secular guy going for one of the Duggar girls and their courtship rules. Of course, stranger things have happened. He seems fond of them.
  18. No tangible proof except we know for sure she was interested in someone and nothing ever came of it. It's all pretty much fanfiction but I like to believe it's true because that family could use some fresh blood. Although can't you just imagine JB saying "hola" to him and pretending he's being clever? I've glanced at his Twitter and he seems much too secular to ever go for Jana, plus he must have so much dirt on the family.
  19. One of the TLC cameramen. He posted a photo of Jana in her geisha makeup on his Tumblr (only her - no other Duggar girl) and it fueled speculation. He's pretty cute.
  20. I heard about it but didn't see it. What was said? Apparently it wasn't even on their actual pages, only the fan pages. Fail.
  21. Either PD or Fire, not SVU, I think. I skipped most of the Fire episode (what a snooze) so maybe it was that one since I don't remember seeing it. The whole suspect defending himself reminds me a lot of Ted Bundy. I got strong Bundy vibes from Lewis. Not so much from John Ritter lite.
  22. Marjorie's family seems normal enough to tell them to all go to hell if they object to Marjorie dumping Josiah. Of course, I know next to nothing about them....I guess it's just my own wish. But I can't imagine families not named Duggar forcing their daughter to marry someone she didn't want to.
  23. I can't figure out for the life of me if that's one dress or a short dress with a longer skirt underneath for modesty? I think it looks great from her hips up.
  24. Probably just more of their trickery like what they did with that 200th or 300th episode or whatever, just found older footage to fit their storyline needs and pretended it was an old episode. They've done it several times now and it used to drive me me berserk trying to figure out what episode it was, but now I don't let it get to me anymore.
  25. Jackson was the cutest little nugget. By far the cutest Duggar baby/toddler to me for the longest time. Also, JB was kind of good looking in the 14 Kids and Counting era. Michelle too - she had a more rounded face and was a lot cuter without that weird spray tan she has now.
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