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Everything posted by EarlGreyTea

  1. I actually thought Jill's dress WAS her wedding dress at first glance. The pic is pretty cute though. I wonder if they saved the top tier of the wedding cake.
  2. Is this real? Wow. Maybe when they want to get wild they watch an episode of I Love Lucy. You'd think that would a show they'd watch, but then I remembered it included a - gasp - interracial marriage, a bandleader/actor husband, and a wife constantly trying to work outside the home. Can't have people getting ideas.
  3. I love this show. I feel as if I have found my people here. My all time favorite episode is "...and a Pizza Delivery." It has become the stuff of Four Weddings legend. Older bride Julie was endlessly entertaining. Being holier than thou about not drinking and dancing, and then happily dancing at one of the other weddings? I read an article later about her that said she and her groom were chaperoned before the wedding, and didn't have sex before the wedding at the recommendation of their pastor. I guess that explained the very long kiss. And desserts only?! That's fine, IMO, if the guests are told beforehand so they could eat first. But that definitely did not seem to be the case here. The pizza delivery was hilarious. And the plastic silverware and tacky decorations, plus Julie's passive aggressive comments toward Gina, one of the other brides? Priceless. I loved their poorly-disguised dislike of one another. The eventual winner, Katie, was also pretty bitchy, but her wedding at least had real food. Gina is my all time favorite bride. Love how she smacked down Julie's "fairy tale" wedding by saying there was no such thing as a fairy tale wedding and therefore there is no such thing as a fairy tale marriage. The only thing that would've made this episode better would be if they charged the pizza to Julie. ;) My other favorite episode was "...and a Giraffe," with the "B-L-A-N" bride. Total bitch who lowballed the other brides for absolutely no good reason. I felt awful for the bride who was called "blan" because she was a total sweetheart and actually gave one of the other brides a 10, which I've never seen before. Okay, one more. "....and Dracula's Castle" had the meanest bride I've ever seen, the one with a strong lisp who paid $100k for her wedding. Her husband had the grace to look embarrassed when she was like "Did you see my wedding? DUH. I'm going to win. If they had anything negative to say, they're stupid." Such an asshole, but her venue was so gorgeous. Finally, I really gotta wonder how awkward it is after the brides have seen the episode and find out the shit talking the other brides did at their wedding. No matter how much you bond with someone, I bet there's some real tension there.
  4. Justin and Jackson look eerily similar, but during the earlier specials I thought Jackson was the cutest baby/toddler the family ever had.
  5. Had Jessa been allowed to go to college, I imagine her as a sorority girl with an iron fist. Ben would be a brief college relationship and she'd go on to marry a slightly older rich man and have only two kids. Her makeup looks really caked on, wow. Makes her look harder. I guess stress and the pregnancy are taking its toll. The braid is nice, finally a change from having her hair down constantly. Also, I will never, ever, believe she doesn't care if the show is canceled. It's her bread and butter, yeah, but she clearly loves the attention and cares what people think.
  6. They do watch, from Will's orphanage at least. I read on the orphanage's blog that they kind of made it an event to watch the show and were so proud of Will's progress. It was really cute. That place really seemed very nurturing and gave Will a good start in life. I'll try to find the link to the post. Edit: Found it!
  7. I say no dice, but only because you know they'd bring back Elise for top drama potential.
  8. Damn, that is bleak. For that kind of work just let the girls wear a pair of damn pants already! Consider it their payment for doing your grunt work! But of course that asshole and Smuggar have good work shoes on while his kids are in danger of having their toes run over.
  9. God dammit. That's the first time I'm wrong in choosing the winner after five seasons in a row (well, okay, okay, I was wrong about Will in S09 too). I'm peeved. I really liked T. Meghan is one of the most unlikeable winners to come along in some time (IMO). All in all a close race. You can usually tell who the goat is, but not this time. I liked how Meghan and T really seemed to bond over the finals. Also, isn't it telling that Christina is the only past winner to consistently appear and dispense advice? She was one of my favorite contestants ever, and it's clear Gordon likes her a lot too. I'm glad it all worked out for her. I like it when they show Gordon's family. I kind of like that Tilly is the heir apparent to the Ramsay chef empire, not his son. I feel like you often see sons follow fathers into the family business, so it's kind of refreshing. And, this is neither here nor there, but all I can think of when I see Tana Ramsay is how gorgeous she is and how Ramsay carried on with a mistress for many years who later went public when he dumped her. I shut it off right when Meghan won, so I kind of hope I missed the part when Gordon offered T some other job in his restaurants a la Sade from a season or two ago.
  10. Yeah, I agree. I've read People for about 15 years now, and they really go in cycles when it comes to cash cows. In the 90s, it was Diana. Later on it was Britney. Then Angelina and Brad. These things really go in cycles when it comes to popularity. It's a matter of just putting feelers out and seeing what readers respond to most. The Duggars are their cash cow now, but they will have absolutely no problem finding a new one. The Duggars aren't the sacred cows they think themselves to be. Even TLC will find a new cash cow in time. Celebrity is really disposable. I bet the Duggars feel steamrolled in how quickly they fell from grace. It was rather interesting to see the whiplash in People's coverage. They know when to back off when a former cash cow is getting unpopular. I'm still bitter that my queen Lauren Bacall was relegated to a sidebar in favor of Jill and Derick.
  11. What! Source? Not doubting you at all, just want to see if there's some kind of official statement.
  12. Yeah, he has! I guess I'm comparing his weight to the trip he took with Anna where he went on the trapeze or whatever, but he does look a lot smaller. I went through a lot of stress a few years ago where I lost 4 pounds in two days, and it's amazing how much extreme stress can affect your weight and appetite.
  13. OMG are you serious?! The man has no shame. I'll never forget when they were just moving to D.C. and he walked in front while she juggled all the kids and luggage. And then when he fell asleep while she was in labor while all the women stayed awake. So much hate. He should be kissing her feet for sticking by his side, getting ready to deliver her fourth baby, and keeping her mouth shut about all of this. I bet she knows where the bodies are buried - she and Jana are close, after all.
  14. Nooooooooo. I admit many of the episodes are background noise for me, but I'll truly miss it if it goes. It's a twice (three times?) yearly show I look forward to so much. I have fond memories of happening upon it when I was studying for the GRE. Somehow watching people getting screamed at helped me focus. I associate it with such a specific era of my life that I'll be sad if it goes. Also I refuse to watch MasterChef since the other judges are such insufferable pricks. Kitchen Nightmares is too gross. Hotel Hell comes on too little.
  15. Oh yeah, I think he did! God I hated him. He had a short fuse and would blow up at anything. "Passion," my ass. Hey are they not going to do that that thing they do in previous seasons where they go up against previous contestants? Or did I miss it? I love it when they do that.
  16. Soo glad when we get to the final four, because I love the family reunions. makes everyone a lot more likeable. Surprised they didn't have them do the reward to spend the rest of the day with the family? I'll always remember Elise losing that challenge and bursting into tears on the spot in S09. I always think they let the contestants stay with them anyway, without the cameras. Otherwise what a waste to fly all of them out there for 10 minutes of show. Meghan was very likeable in her reward, and it was nice to see her bring T and have a nice time. Then of course she became cocky when it was her turn to run the pass. I like that she's competent, but God, tone it down a bit. I cackled when she missed the quality control test. I'm rooting for T but this is the first season I've watched where there is not a clear winner. Except S09, where I still think Will was robbed in favor of screaming, annoying ass Paul. Woohooo I'm all caught up! Bring on the finale. I always forget they go from 4 to 2 contestants. Thought I had another episode to go.
  17. I wonder if it's not just a reaction to doing so many THs over the years. On Sister Wives, there's been plenty of times where they're all doing a TH together and one of them starts crying and the other three just sit there awkwardly. It seems to be common across reality shows for whatever reason.
  18. This is the crux of it for me. I was out so I didn't see today's interview, just that snippet they showed on Wednesday. That was enough for me. I was deeply disturbed at how distressed Jill looked. She's just had a baby, difficult labor, and now all of this. How dare Josh let the other members of the family bear this incredible burden. I guess having to live with himself and the hell he has wrought is punishment enough in his eyes. I know he'd be a PR disaster, but really, how much more do these girls have to shoulder for this family? Their childhoods weren't enough?
  19. Perhaps the most telling moment for me was that long, long silence when Megyn actually asked if they don't feel like hypocrites because of their discrimination against transgender people using certain bathrooms because they could be "molestors," among other things. That was the one I felt either they were put on the spot or their PR person (Jim Bob) didn't prepare an answer for. I could hear the hamster furiously turning in its wheel in JB's head as he tried to think of an answer to that one.
  20. My secret dream is to marry in Vegas and then have my wedding reception at one of Ramsay's restaurants. One of them does an HK sampler menu! On topic, Meghan really annoyed me this episode and overall for being such a sore loser in the challenges. I was much more impressed when Michelle made that great dish out of the inexpensive cut.
  21. Thanks! Hope you make it. I'd kill to try one of those beef wellingtons. But not by any of those bozos they call contestants - by Ramsay preferably. I guess it's not a bad gig - get paid to eat good food, although there's a good chance you may not get fed.
  22. I'm just happy I was right that T would be in the final two! Back when there were 305060602 contestants she was still a standout for me. I usually get the winner I want ever since I began watching, with the exception of Paul winning over Will in season 9. :) Edit - I'm a few episodes behind and I didn't realize the final two have already been chosen in real time! Whoops. I desperately need to catch up.
  23. I am FINALLY catching up on the episodes and just watched this. I went on Twitter to see what she said about the episode, and someone tweeted her: "Your performance on HK was awful" (or something like that) and she went, "you are not wrong." Interesting. First time one of the "celebs" (using that term loosely) has admitted it's an act. Now I'm wondering if the actors are sent from casting and given a fee like the people they hire to cheer on cheftestants in the challenges. Would explain why so many nobodies show up and are called "celebs." The one exception being David Beckham, who was probably only there because he and Ramsay are BFF. I kind of liked Tatum in this episode, though. I get a perverse pleasure when food Ramsay's approved is sent back. And it's nice seeing Tatum on a reality show without her douche of a dad. T for the win.
  24. Sweet episode. The best part for me was Zoey's little bow bobbing up in the air as she ran around the house. And what perfect grandparents those kids have. I loved how they held the kids up in the air with ornaments.
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