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Everything posted by EarlGreyTea

  1. Maybe Simon will turn out to be alive and serve as a huge reset button for all that's gone off the rails this season. Or Robert, even better. I wish they'd waited a few episodes to bump him off so that we could get a better idea of the family dynamic. He seems like the William and the twins both served as Harry. I'd like to see who they'd cast as him.
  2. A whole lot of people have left the cast this season. I found this article that lists which ones and why. Thank god for this article, I was going nuts trying to figure out which character went where.
  3. The actress playing Gemma left the show, I think. She's got another gig and/or wants to move on. Too bad. I agree that she was the more interesting of the two Liam love interests. I think she actually represents real-life royal spouses the most out of anyone on the show. Princes do cheat, they do often marry for convenience rather than love, and their SO is expected to look the other way. Having her move on the second Liam wasn't a prince was pretty realistic too, IMO.
  4. Beck seems like he wandered in from real life and doesn't know what the make of the histrionics of the show. I liked him a lot, but he's entirely too levelheaded for this show. Wish they would have expanded his arc for another episode or so. It seemed rushed. What are they trying to do with Ophelia? Is the actress unavailable for most of the season and that's why she's only in a handful of episodes? I really like her and Liam (American girl dating a prince trope is one of my favorites) but her weirdly standoffish nature is kind of killing the pairing for me. Is she not popular with viewers?
  5. Yeah, the retconning is reaching Pretty Little Liars level. At some point with that show, I stopped trying to make sense of the storyline and kept watching for the relationships. I think I'll do that here too. Jasper and Eleanor would horrify me in real life, but since it's fiction I'm willing to let a whole lot slide, disturbing as some of it was. Damn, but Jasper can wear a suit.
  6. Interesting. Sierra and her husband fascinate me. He's Latino and you hardly ever see POC in this particular group, so I've always been interested in how he ended up in fundie circles. Also he looks exactly like my cousin (we're also Latino) and it freaks me out. How he and now-defunct Marjorie would have handled the onslaught of ignorant comments about their culture would have been must-see TV for me.
  7. Far be it from me to defend Jessa, but she reminds me of Miranda Hobbes (from Sex and the City, such horrors) in that she doesn't like any kids but her own. Which I understand, especially with the gaggle of babies Jessa has seen in her lifetime. You have to wonder if after a certain point all the Duggar babies seemed interchangeable. Also there's the passive aggressive rivalry/resentment with Jill that's probably gone on their entire lives and it's subconsciously been passed on to Jill's kid.
  8. Happy to have found this forum. The one episode I can watch anytime is Pvt. Butthead. Wayne and his friend Wart sign up for the army. Wart is this naive, goofy kid and for me he seems to represent the idealistic young men who ended up shipped to Vietnam. His transformation from kid to veteran a few episodes later was haunting and was so well done. One of the few episode where Jason Hervey was given more to do. For my money, the ending lines to Pvt. Butthead is one of the best TV episode endings of all time. It gives me chills every time I hear it: Kevin: A few days later, Wart left for basic training. He spent two months at Fort Polk, Louisiana. And then, David Wartshafter was shipped to Vietnam. A big goofy kid. Who didn't know what his future would be.
  9. Th actor who plays Marcus got a gig on Blindsided, which was just renewed, so he's pretty much gone kaput off the Royals canvas. I believe the princesses' names are Beatrice and Eugenie ;)
  10. Admittedly I was only half-watching, but I was really confused at some parts. What did they say happened to Gemma? She got engaged to someone else? Also, the one daughter of Cyrus's handing a drink to a gloved hand and later showed her with a facial mask....is the actress being replaced? I'm one of maybe five people in the viewing audience who likes Ophelia, so I missed her. I like her chemistry with Liam and I admit I enjoy the American-girl-dates-a-prince trope a lot. It's cliche but I eat it right up. Agreed they've written themselves into a corner with the paternity debacle. How could the public ever trust that the twins are Simon's, since clearly they will eventually revealed to be? Don't care about the anti-monarchist organization. My theory was that Joan Collins masterminded the whole thing but they shot that one to hell.
  11. Bentley at least can go by Ben, which he does IIRC. This kid's only hope is Elliot, and even then I remember what John Cusack said about that name in The Sure Thing: "Elliot? You're gonna name the kid Elliot? No, you can't name the kid Elliot. Elliot is a fat kid with glasses who eats paste. You're not gonna name the kid Elliot. You gotta give him a real name. Give him a name. Like Nick." (No offense to any Elliots on here, that quote has always killed me). Seewald is a pretty cool last name and deserved better.
  12. Amy continues to famewhore. Why would it have been your right to be the first to post the name? Christ. I worship that series, thanks for reminding me where the name came from. I knew I had heard it somewhere. What does it say about the name that Montgomery was able to make fun of it over one hundred years ago, when odder names were abound? For chrissakes, even Spurgeon himself had it as a last name.
  13. Yeah, as much as I don't like these two, the name was worth waiting for in terms of snark value. People are going to be talking about this like it's the second coming of Apple Martin (which is sounding like a better name by the second). They don't seem to know much about childbirth, getting an education, or humility, but they understand the black arts of famewhoring. I can't help but admire the move strictly in terms of PR. Benessa are mostly dim and self-righteous, but every so often they show a glimmer of shrewdness that, in different hands, might have manifest itself into an interesting career. ...but I'm probably giving them too much credit.
  14. Charles or Haddon would have been cute. in fact, the latter would have been unique enough but still fairly normal. Whatever, though, not my kid. Like they know what that even means. First thing I thought was that Spurgeon rhymes with virgin. Unfortunate, but it's not like the kid will ever be surrounded by people not related to him. Unless I'm mispronouncing it. Rhymes with surgeon, no?
  15. I hope you're right. I'd be kind of livid that my new baby was being passed around to various people at that dirty house in a towel while I was at the hospital. Whatever, though. Not my kid. I wonder if any future Duggar girls will pull an Alyssa Bates Webster and outright forbid whole family visits for the first few months, staggering the arrivals so she and her husband could bond with the baby. That would take some brass for that family.
  16. That is one weird relationship. They'll get in bed with PEOPLE but PEOPLE has absolutely no trouble throwing them under the bus when needed (see: all the negative press coverage about Smugs). Or kissing their asses when needed (the birth details). The Duggars must be Jolie-Pitt levels of cash cow.
  17. It looks odd to me because Jessa seemed to have a much fuller face during pregnancy. Her chin is jutting out in this picture like it did in her wedding photos when she lost all that weight. She looks pretty good, all in all, but my god, what a pack of morons.
  18. Maybe it's Jessa's slick way of getting the news out before PEOPLE can publish the details. Since she's probably got a gag order and Jessica Seewald doesn't. Pretty clever.
  19. I haven't watched since Amaro jumped ship (forever bitter that both he and Cassidy are off the show), but this was pretty good. I love Christopher Sieber (played Pa Baker) and I'm happy he got such a high-profile TV gig. Wish he'd been given a bit more to do. The actress who played Michelle Duggar - er, Mrs. Baker - had the voice down pat, even though it was more subtle than Michelle's real voice is. Which goes to show even TV finds her voice too unbearable. I also noticed one of the Baker girls had the curly ramen noodle hair that the Duggar girls once had, which was a nice touch. I like when the ripped from the headlines episodes have the characters turn out to be decent (relatively speaking) people in the end, much more so than their real life counterparts. It really highlights how shitty the Duggar parents are, and what slaves they are to the almighty dollar. Can you imagine them voluntarily taking themselves off TV for the sake of their family? Me neither. New guy is unbearably obnoxious. I miss Amaro, if only for the eye candy.
  20. That was utterly fascinating. Can anyone flesh out the backstory on the cliques and the reasons for the coldness on set at that time? My GH history is fuzzy in those years. Isn't that when Finola and Tristan jumped ship the first time, and there was some Anna replacement for a few days?
  21. Rachel's prim "Well." after describing that fake e-mail scandal made me HOWL. My mom and I rewound it at least five times. Hilarious.
  22. Wearing her hair up seriously transforms her face. All that scraggly hair in her face is not a good look. I still kind of wish she'd worn her hair up for her wedding, especially with that gorgeous dress.
  23. Yeah he's one of the most unlikeable people to ever appear on this show, and that's really saying something.
  24. Couldn't watch Rachel's segment on Lincoln Chafee. He seems like an adorable grandpa type and for some reason I hate seeing him getting ambushed by that Christmas tree "scandal" and Wolf Blitzer straight up asking him when he was going to leave the race. And he looked so HAPPY every time someone let him talk at the debate, lol.
  25. Why do they insist on having one couple arrive so late and miss the first session? Such a pet peeve of mine.
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