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Everything posted by EarlGreyTea

  1. This is probably one of the more impressive casts of "celebrities" they've gathered for this show, no joke. Better than last year, for sure. Jaclyn and Scott Stapp seem entirely too normal for this show. Their reactions to Big Ang and her husband's histrionics in the first half of the show proved it. Carmen's hair is gorgeous. So envious.
  2. Wooo Rachel! Yay for hosting a forum for the Democratic candidates on November 6! I wish it was a debate - would love to see her as a moderator. Love how she announced it as "my mother's daughter is going to moderate a forum." Took me a second.
  3. I recently re-watched the pilot and both Constance and Randall's accents are much lighter now. I predict in a few seasons if it's still on, their accents will be gone completely.
  4. I really love Kim. She's so soft-spoken in real life, and you can hear the hint of a British accent there sometimes, especially when she's among her relatives, like in the Who Do You Think You Are? episode. The Charlotte/Samantha dynamic was an interesting one. I loved the episode where they hung out with heightened versions of themselves, and realized they were more like one another than they thought. I wish they'd explored their relationship more, but I've noticed no subgroup is allowed to exist on this show that doesn't include Carrie. My favorite Sam moment was her crying at Miranda's mother's funeral. What a sweet moment, and it showed how much she did care about the other girls. I must say, the SJP/Kim dynamic reminds me a lot of the Bea Arthur/Betty White relationship. Disliked each other, but their respective shows made their careers, so they kept it professional. I've always admired that, especially since SJP and Kim shared so many scenes together. Reminds me of Vivian Vance's early assessment of Lucille Ball: "This is the biggest thing to ever happen to my career, so I'll learn to love that bitch [Lucy] even if it kills me!"
  5. Tim Meadows as the sad sack snarky principal cracks me up. I've always liked his work and I'm so happy he's got a semi-regular gig. I was surprised to see Tom Cavanagh in such a small role as Charles Kremp. Has he dropped off most casting directors' radars? Nevertheless I liked seeing him in that small role. Edit: Never mind, I checked IMDB and looks like he's been working steadily for years, my bad. On a similar note, the actor who plays Chad Kremp was dating Hayley Orrantia, but I think they broke up so I wonder if we'll ever see him on the show again.
  6. Finally watching the premiere and MY GOD I cannot focus on anything Adam is saying because of Sean's major ass growth spurt. He and Junior from Black-ish both grew so much between seasons. Good for her. I always thought she looked too old for Adam, and now that he is finally catching up to her, she's (mostly) gone! Lainey is too good for Barry. Christ he's annoying.
  7. Yeah, there was this weird cognitive dissonance whenever Miranda would complain she had no time off because of the baby.....while she was at brunch with the girls. She'd be totally exhausted, but still have time to meet the girls. And I hated how Miranda in particular was always up Carrie's ass, more so than the other two. Usually in groups of friends there are subgroups, but this is the first show I've seen where there are literally no subgroups that did not involve Carrie.
  8. Intriguing. Was it accepted by the fans? What did soap media think? Edit: Sorry I'm off topic!
  9. I still think TPTB missed a major opportunity by not bringing back JJ and keeping Greg Vaughan at the same time. Someone floated the idea years ago that they should have had JJ come back as the real Lucky who had been prisoner for years and GV as some imposter Helena created. It would undo the years of stupid storylines and decisions GV!Lucky had made, keep steadfast GV employed, and make JJ's Lucky the one who was devoted to Elizabeth, undoing the mess they had made of LnL2. It would be huge for all the major players, and the fallout would be years' worth of storylines. And it would have given them mad press and acclaim, had it been done right. So of course TPTB never considered it.
  10. Amen. May she be treated better here than she was on Criminal Minds. I forgot she's done comedy before - she recurred on Friends for a season or two.
  11. It was cute. I think I'm in. What made it special to me was that they didn't have Jimmy shrink away from being a parent and grandparent, like a lot of sitcoms would have. They'd have spent a few episodes having him run away from it, denying paternity, etc. But here, he dove right into it headfirst with little hesitation. I really liked that. First half was a bit slow, but it improved toward the end.
  12. This episode was just okay. I loved the bit with Louis imagining he had a daughter, then looking all gray at her wedding while Jessica still looked perfect. I know they based this off Eddie's memoir, but I kinda think they missed the boat by not making one of the boys a girl like they did with The Goldbergs. I really don't like the Eddie/Nicole storyline. The actress looks way too old for Hudson Yang so I always get creeped out with their scenes. I will say that they have her 90s wardrobe and hair down PAT. She looks totally 1995.
  13. Karmic payback for Jill pulling the rug out from under Jessa by being the first to get married and give birth.
  14. As hilarious as that sounds, Ben probably COULD make a go of acting - but strictly Christian fare. He would probably gain himself a nice core audience, since he already has a following. I've seen some of Kirk's films and it doesn't seem like, um, good acting is necessarily a prerequisite. And hell, he doesn't even have to kiss other women. Bring in his actual wife to double for the actress like Kirk Cameron does. Make good money. Get famewhore Jessa even more of a following. Slowly step out of the Duggar shadow.
  15. I think she wanted Steve, but only because that's the only way I can buy someone dumping Blair Underwood. I really liked Debbie. I thought she was sweet and for my money, more compatible with Steve than Miranda. Anyway, the reason I identify with Miranda so much is because I think she was much more the everywoman than Carrie was, IMO. They dressed her hideously in the early seasons and she was insecure about her looks, she got dumped and/or passed over a lot more so than the other women, she struggled to find her place at the firm, and she spent a lot of time watching TIVO. A whole lot of women could identify with her, but since she didn't have the fantasy life that Carrie did, she's not as popular.
  16. I'm not sure if it was stated or implied, but it always seemed to me Charlotte came from a wealthy family. Maybe she had a trust fund and/or inheritance. On the topic of Charlotte, anyone else think it was shitty of Carrie in Luck Be An Old Lady to blow on that guy's dice when two seconds before his friend had said, "Not her [Charlotte]. Get the hot one!" It was weird because a few scenes later they all rightly rail on the guy who called Miranda fat.
  17. I'll always remember the first episode where she said "I really loved him tons, and he kind of loved me." It pretty much sums up their relationship to this day.
  18. Yeah I know they meant for that scene to speak to the many mothers in the audience, but it came off as tone deaf and weird. That was sweet. That chicken looked AMAZING too. I love any scene that took place in Charlotte's gorgeous apartment. I'd have fought tooth and nail for it too.
  19. Upon re-watch of season 4 forward, it's weird that the writers had Miranda take such little joy in motherhood. It was realistic that she was overwhelmed, irritated, and exhausted, but they hardly showed the happier aspects of motherhood. She was reluctant to even find out the baby's gender, hang photos on the fridge (those were Magda's), buy supplies, and generally decide what kind of parent she wanted to be. The only scene I could think of off the top of my head was in Carrie's book launch party episode where Brady's crying scared the guy she was with off. There's this really beautiful moment where she holds Brady up and he smiles, and Cynthia looks stunning, and the VO goes "She wasn't the same person. She was plus one." I'm not a mother, so maybe it was a realistic portrayal. I had a mom tell me once that motherhood is rewarding in the long run, but difficult in the short run. Maybe that's what was going on with Miranda.
  20. That was a good one. I remember reading after it first aired that Cynthia Nixon said it was the only scene she and Kristin had ever had alone together up until that point. I'm watching the Miranda's baby shower episode and there's some great scenes with Miranda and Charlotte over planning the shower and getting baby advice.
  21. Continuing my re-watch, and I really hate how Carrie was the best friend of the other girls. You got the impression that she was the glue that held the group together. I really wish the other girls had more scenes without her. Even little moments, like walking each other to appointments or coming over to each other's apartments late at night almost always involved Carrie and one of the other women. One of my favorite moments in the series was Samantha giving Miranda her hair appointment. When Miranda had Brady and Charlotte was trying to get pregnant would have been a good time to pair those two up more. They made up for it in that scene in SATC 2, but I try to forget that abomination ever happened. Upthread there was mention of Charlotte leaving her job. IIRC, they had her quit because the gallery wouldn't let them film there anymore.
  22. I think Carrie was justified in sending Aidan. For one, he was strong enough to lift Miranda up off the floor. She didn't know Miranda was naked, I think. For another, she had a meeting with her editor - something a lot of people wouldn't be willing to skip, especially when they had someone to send in their place. I do think the bullshit bagels WERE bullshit - Miranda was right on that one. And you're right about leaving Charlotte stranded. At the risk of not getting off topic, I always get Miranda in these types of quizzes. I love her.
  23. Great episode. As a minority, the episode spoke to me. Had a similar issue a few years ago when a friend thought it was peachy to use a slur on me in jest. The show really remains topical and I appreciated how nuanced it was - both sides were presented and provoked discussion, like the spanking episode. The show really struck gold with the child actors. All of them have great comedic timing. I would like to nominate the following exchange as my favorite: Zoey: I don't see what the big deal is. My friends say it. Pops, Dre, and Ruby: (in unison) WHAT FRIENDS?
  24. Watching last week's episode and I have to say, Christine has a really sweet voice. I looked at her wedding photo and I think she looks much better today. And she seems like a good mom. Seems like she'd have a decent shot at a new relationship if she ever ditched Ponytail.
  25. On the bright side, those who watch won't be subjected to episode upon episode of minutiae like the girls going shoe shopping before Jill's wedding. They're going to have to cut the filler. I will rely on you fine people who watch to give us the deets. If there HAS to be a special, my dream is that JB and Michelle don't receive one red cent and are blurred to boot. They deserve absolutely nothing. And yeah, to be able to read Marjorie and Amy's minds right about now....
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